Recent Development of Infrastructure Facilities in the Tourism Sector of Bangladesh.

Recent Development of Infrastructure Facilities in the Tourism Sector of Bangladesh.

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[Music] yes sir you can start now okay thank [Music] you thank you Center for infrastructure research and services nor sou bishal por webinar recent development of infrastructure facilities in the tourism sector of Bangladesh I Professor Facebook INSP m exair J P Chri Bangladesh tour tourism board and chief executive officer J jav Ahmed nor B business and economic School de Professor Dr M Hanan for B quity of life for for sing okay thank you so much [Music] the [Music] l [Music] he [Music] oh [Music] stop sharing thank you thank you for [Music] [Applause] watching enm EnV hosp chairman Dr shantum shantum pleas [Music] d m MP chairman parliamentary standing committee on Ministry of civil aviation and tourism [Music] executive chairman B and former Secretary of the government drdul Han professor and School of Business and economics nor South University CEO Bangladesh tourism board guest aimed chairman Board of trusty nor for foris for inclusive growth for for for pug Netherland ja 9on us 10.3% for 4.3 trillion us 4.47% GDP

contribution Bangladesh tourism board suain development2 suain development bad bades K dri na tourism Park shadia e park tourism par k EX 4.47% GDP contribution 9 to 10% GDP contrib roor Mon Mon manra Forest fori safety and sec c car Paras selling hot balloon scoa driving bangi Jam Beach concert jet SK p boting for Dimension tourism and Hospitality management related academician on hipop City app C for B for respons % Jo to Bangladesh special z a mastermind of immediate past chairman for [Music] for Prof mil by inbound bad 5% 21% even 76% contribution 99.2% us 7.8% France 7 to

9% 29 for Chinese economic Indian econom someh [Music] ADV small waterfall for people [Music] ener thank you for fored light [Music] [Music] building within one year Sy [Music] presentation compl complete for Department Department to [Music] ini student Engineers Construction for J te certain per of the country is below one they have very sophisticated technology of T of inter thank you so much sh there is just little announcement sir our chairman of the Board of Trustees had to go to a very important meeting on behalf of the university and and that's why he may or may not be able to to join us if that meeting finishes some time he probably will be able to join us towards the end if not we we may have to be happy with him not here he has been called by higher order duties thank you thank you okay next CEO chief exic thank you North sou Unity Professor Dr Islam colleague chairman potenti for G h of the dayon corporation marketing promotion positioning for Branding positioning marke next for proping prop proper marketingad dedicated organization dedicated Institution for marketing for Branding for positioning of the tourism industry in Bangladesh from the Inception of the of their independence you have to have the marketing policy you have to have the planning policy in your head positioning marketing infrast development planning unfortunately consult 2020 12 March or 13 March interal cons and they left the country [Music] R work just for your kind information, people fgd focus group discussion 20,000 people definitely you will be consulted in a proper way on international arrivals is a very very low 0.3 million very very insic below 5 201 h confidence have a very very faes because and you must have to consider the industry as economic driver sir this is the economic driver for many countries we requested the HPM in different ways was very kind enough yes then it started for Ministry of civil until and unless you can't involve the local people in your industry this cannot be flourished for working here number one number twoing sir number for SA dedicated Zone exclusive tourist Zone I do believe you know already policy support last word from my side tax J e service sector thank you so much Professor ABD Han School of Business and eoms very much aware ABD s m mute MP standing committee Ministry of civil aviation tourism sector Islam nor Center for infu research and services World tourism day 21 CEO Prof for for development project intern eom 4.5% professional development [Music] Hospitality Management Department hospitality Management Department 150 festar Hotel including five or seven sevenstar Hotel hosp Hotel Research sect I don't know but he has categorically figured out some of the vital few problems in line with the tourism and Hospitality sectors and how the sectors is not actually evolving or it's not actually functioning or it's not actually contributing in our economy the way we are actually thinking humanism sect enormously because tourism backward linkage hotel motel res night life service providing system d off look at that process of entertaining tourist or these are not going to be reality in terms of many of them are going to be truly failed project if you s simply cannot connect the entire ecosystem if you cannot develop the ecosystem of the tourism entertaining the local people are entertaining the guests from outside awareness this is something very important for a country like Bangladesh in terms of attracting foreign tourist and also increasing the growth in getting the foreign currency REM world whether it is Mos coxbazar waterfall Forest Riv natural beauty Jews historical Place religious places shres and spiritual infrastructure insufficient infrastructure facil conect 24 you are not going to find uh people are going to be attracted to come over in Bangladesh and visit all those remote destination that are truly very important proper planning from the communication uh transportation system and how welcoming people in the neighborhood in the country country whether they are polite gentle and welcoming these are something very tourist guide T agencies they not proactive in terms of giving even [Music] human Department I want to see that well these are going to be high priority academic disciplines that has to come forward in ground reality of North sou University and north south being the esteeming institution we should go forward establishing a very unique and frontierism Management Department there will be no people they are going to serve in those Arena where you are going to take the tourists or visitors in the remote corner of Bangladesh and it is going to be truly an impossible things to make it a ground reality human resource clearly we all agree on one thing tourism and Hospitality sector has enormous potential in the Prospect and growth and development of our country and it can definitely jump into to 10% of the GDP it can hugely impact in terms of the employability it can help our people to earn more money and to engage even local all necessary action should be taken for proper planning to develop infrastructure of the tourist Sports at International level that should be the goal and initiative must be taken for organizing training programs related to tourism and Human Resource Management of the country these are very important and tourist information center uh to be established in different corner of the country so that people are going to be guided it must be very Focus and ultimately we are going to lose our customers and value Travelers and it's an integrated plan and let us all all together work towards the growth of the hospitality and tourism sector of our country so that we all can say that well so with all this once again thank you very much having me also and I'm very impressed by the presenters and the speakers those who have spoken before me thank you Abdul Han CH s ad College for tmpm and Professor Dr Muhammad shaj Islam North Sou D Islam Dr Foreman except prime minister I have every doubt in a democracy this is not a autocratic nation in a democracy you cannot do anything without the consent of the people and to gather the consent of the people to gain the consent of the people you need to work with the representative of the people we lack in this site B chairman acting chairman acting why do not you open the country to foreigners fore radius is a foreigner ready to hear all theseis for rest no planning to a waste management no planning is there private sector he tracks Forest but do you know Mar sir Martin sir Mar for for for exive Islamic tourism organization of you are to do it you are to open your country to foreign tourist not foreign business foreign to 15% GDP foreign expert for terms ofm it was in terms of politics politics he was against militarization of the society he was very much against militarization of the society touris it is due to private sector initiative not safety from animals safety human beings that's not sufficient accessibility accessibility of going over there in a tourist spal exive IND for for Dr for B Singapore is 60% GDP I heard it I don't know because I am not academician I'm not an academician I heard 60% GDP it comes from yeah tourism longest grou Ro B [Music] tiger and let us open it to the world if you do not open it to the world you cannot achieve your goal for I I'm honored [Music] for bangadesh North South University VC professor [Music] yeah for of the session Professor Dr concluding remark thank you s MP round three he's a very popular MP although he's very outspoken uh chair parliamentary standing committee on Aviation and tourism ja Ahmed P CH SOS Kumar de of business and dynamic person Prof ch um of engineering Professor javidi um anyway welcome up was tortured tortured mentally and probably physically but he didn't change his uh uh principles but he didn't go for it and that's why although he Junior to me I have lots of lots of respect for him French diplomat she is a very high up in the French year up diplomatic Circle say Bangladesh Pakistan join me forner tonight can you serve some red wine want to your red wine for h she was born and brought up in austral I have a very good business idea what's that I want to start a business what is it toilet on Wheels toilet on wheels can use the toilet for payment of some money there are such a shortage of public toilets last was probably the first PPS Club member of Singapore Airlines in Bangladesh he is in trouble which is very much within banglades limits he almost believed singap what are you doing here people say have this money to go to a bank otherwise you won't let me to go to the plane what the absolute rabish so if this is your experience Customs we are supposed to have a liberal democracy people of Bangladesh should have a secular Outlook uh TOS life English language yes no which is a positive all the tribal people say colorful costumes exotic dances and songs say these are good sellers in general hospitable towards foreigners Law and Order can the foreigners walk the street [Music] for all this is so humiliating for someone if people can walk this they're not coming to the country if you haven't got public facilities they they are not going to visit this country is the public transport safe for them is it affordable AFF hotels Australia New Zealand AFA Hotel Mot difference between five three star hotel differ physical and cultural infu buh almost 80% Hindu population even if you want to exploit religion as a tool of Oppression this is really bad let us develop it for the local market locality you don't have to make the whole country tourist can really take it there they found it very useful it's got to be a safe country it's got to be a country where there are facilities it's got to be a country where it's clean phical infrastructure is important but cultural infrastructure is even more important legal infrastructure is even more [Music] important particular it's pretty hard d in [Music] we okay okay okay thank you so much thanks a lot for organizing this thank you everyone andalum and good night of thank you thank you very much thank you assalam alikum

2023-12-15 10:20

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