Real Streets of Colombia

Real Streets of Colombia

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today I'm going to try to talk to you about  a topic that people in Medellin and myself   don't like to talk about because it's  disgusting it's about the narco-terrorists   and about the mafia people and about  the Cali cartel the Medellin cartel a lot of people come to the to  the city and they're going to go   they want to visit or try to do a tour to visit  those places where pablo lives where he was killed   etc etc for us as paisas we don't like to talk  about we hate to talk about and today finally   it's gonna happen something nice  i'm gonna tell you about that   like they stay in the poglado and go to the tour  scene and like this is something that we hate   that is because it's something that a foreign  people come they can understand that there's   thinking about a we can we want to learn about a  public square and something oh no no no i don't   i'm not my guy we hate that i'm not that type  of guy so they come to learn about him and just   go to the public and meet beautiful girls and  we are not like that you need to watch how you   talking to certain people because you you start  to talk about that and we are going to block you   yes this is something we hate uh huh so if you  start like oh we want to learn about paul square   we want to know about drugs we're like what are  you talking about the real streets of colombia   i couldn't figure a better place to do it than  film it here in medellin colombia when you type   in real streets of columbia online all you  see is filth enticing foreigners to come   to a country for the wrong reason that's why i'm  creating this video to show you the real authentic   lifestyle that is colombia let's begin on the  streets now hopefully i can change your mind   all right guys so this is one of the  programs they actually have in colombia is   to um promote physical fitness it's called  ciclovia it's mainly for the bike riders right   here however people use it to run and so each city  runs does things differently so for example this   is medellin right so they block the street here  they do the same thing in bogota in major cities   badenki also has a program every sunday people  go outside with their family and work out this is   something that people are proud about they love  they can't wait to do they come out with their   families it's one of the things that people really  miss out about coming to columbia it's a it shows   you a sense of family uh look i even have music  out here guys it's something special guys trust me how much people you think is out here right now i  don't know at least uh probably like 10 10 000 i   don't know like when i first came here to medellin  and you've seen it in my old videos this was like   a surprise to me and i felt like i was left out  every sunday i didn't do this you know it's like   yo did you go out you oh you missed out and i  love to look at the dogs man it's like dog day   every breed is out every breed this is like where  you see all the dogs and everything this is one   of the cool things about coming to the place  like this we're in poblado area but there's also   several areas all over the city that's also doing  this and i can say this for other cities as well   they'll have all these programs but i think like  this one is this their longest stretch of running   area this is their uh local farmers market here  this is where you can get some fresh produce   and they got some coffee here and uh can you  put it more chili powder this is something   that you made here in um spicy let  me ask you a question a question is okay different on businesses different uh  businesses from Medellin and they come here   to sell their products here so for him he's making  chili pepper don't necessarily say chili pepper okay so it's a town two hours away and they   came here to sell some chili  pepper contact chili pepper okay so they've got different types of  chili over here okay that's cool all right okay so this is the best place  gotcha okay all right thank you okay like i said i like to come here because i  like to see the dogs here i've noticed that in   medellin they are really in competition to see who  was going to have the most exotic big dog it needs   to be big and fat okay so we got some arapa here  guys okay we have some um soup hola como estas   okay see this is like coconut soup right here and  it's uh pasta and fruit oh everything's in english   there you go guys really good good great mustache  okay how are you okay so you're shopping for um   some nice plants is that strawberry what else  you know this is tame okay there's time right   here are you a cook well yeah sometimes you came  here to buy some food to cook some food right yes   and always come here this is what you like to do  every sunday every sunday we come here to buy from   the people directly so we can cook amazing dishes  and then you actually helping them out yes my dad   and we're buying all these plants because we  also have a garden and we like to grow plants   wait a minute you're an interesting  woman okay so you like to do old plants   you like to eat organic are you vegetarian since i  was born i knew it and so this is really good this   is yummy to you great this is the best place for  me ever who showed you how to become a vegetarian   you're your father your father oh my mother  they're both vegetarians you guys are uh paisa   yes yeah well i was all my families for medina but  i've lived in bubble town my life so i have left okay that's okay so now you're back here  in medellin and how do you like it so far   i love it i'm coming to live here now because  of the pandemic i'm gonna spend some time here   i was born here all my family both sides lives  here and then i went to live to bogota with   my mom since i was very young i grew up  there went to school went to university   but all my family lived here including  my dad so now i'm coming to live here   with my family that's like the plan one question  all right a lot of people are worried about coming   to colombia they still think crazy things what  could you tell people about medellin right now   coming to medellin i think i mean colombia has a  history a difficult history but i think we've been   managing to change it i think we're going through  a very nice time i think it's a good time to visit   i mean for me medina is one of the best cities in  the world you have some of the most amazing people   colombia you can come and visit them there's  the ocean pacific the atlantic the ocean   the atlantic ocean pacific ocean amazon so it's  like an amazing spot like you shouldn't miss it   obviously it's a bit damn you have to be careful  you have to walk on the street and be careful   but it's the same as it working in new york in  some of the toughest places that's like my opinion   but thank you okay nice to meet you okay all right  have fun this is family time for a lot of people   people love to do this this is something they oh  it's sunday you already know get ready just get   dressed and come out some of them gonna go work  out and some of them are going to go shopping   awesome every sunday they close this street   so people can ride bikes and walk and the  best place in which we can play in the streets   to perform in the street you love it just have  people walking it's good energy you see people   are working out and hearing some good music what  type of music were you playing it was like a it's   a it's a fork of all the world celtic music some  arabic music colombian music latin american music   i actually felt all of that in what what  you were playing is that original music   music sure traditional music oh  what what is the name of your band balance and you guys are from Medellin,  yes you mean security yeah yeah now   managing right now is like safe it depends it  all depends in where you go imagine you know   like there are places like you shouldn't go  but right here for example in Poland and then   it is like safe for strangers and I love  this I feel like I'm missing out on um   just the energy and working out you guys  also you guys have a traditional sound right   is that the Medellin sound no what is  the Medellin sound, music from Medellin no no no no no no no no the thing is like there is no like too much sense  of pertinence with the music here you know so   people imagine it's a mix of many cultures so you  see people like from all parts from Colombia and   from the countryside so people mostly the music  that here's is like mostly natto poros reggaeton   is one of the cities which is like top reggaeton  producers carol g from Medellin right uh maluma so you guys have like some  good artists coming up and so   hopefully these guys will be the next on tv if  you can say one thing to people, uh you should   all come here like there is a lot of places  there is a lot of diverse people is nice and all right thank you guys I really  appreciate it all right thank you okay   I noticed that Medellin has like serious life yeah okay hey man i love your dog man i  saw you walking over there saying yo   he's the biggest out of everybody today uh  he said she is coco okay she's oh she's a   great dane is that a great day oh my gosh did  you get her here no i uh i'm actually from uh   texas texas okay you brought her uh-huh  i flew on the plane and everything oh   man three seats three seats wide look at look  look she's actually she's actually getting   a lot of attention from people what do you  what do you think about the dog culture here   and um it's awesome man everyone's friendly and  hanging out and you know that's why i love i live   live over here so it's just like perfect come here  on sundays and close the street now it's badass   and this is the energy of people just running up  and down it's like you have to do that yeah well   they also just opened up the city and stuff just  recently so now everyone's like so tired of being   inside they want to get out they want to run do  something so it's awesome the weather's so nice   you can't help but go out and run do something you  know nice nice cocoa so you you chose to live in   medellin there's plenty of other cities that are  dope here in colombia why medellin uh i'm learning   spanish okay and the accent's a lot it's very  clear here uh and the weather and the city of   eternal spring perfect man per cost of living  and stuff the only thing i miss is amazon oh yeah   well but there's like all these like oh there's  like international shipping charges on top of that   so some items are like double the price so it's  crazy but uh yeah i know it's awesome man dude   this is a great city you live in it's badass  and she is so beautiful wow man wow the boys   get even taller the boys another couple inches  get it she's 135 pounds the boys gets like 150.   wow that's insane man that's insane but now  it's about she's usually cuter without her   no no no that's a true essence of dog man you  could tell she's happy just being outside right   you could see it in her face she knows sunday  she knows oh so yeah do you feel okay living   here because you know there was all these  stereotypes if you didn't visit here there   was you know a lot of people might have thought  it might have been one of these cities that you   got to be cautious about traveling to that's like  my parents thought that but they don't really know   anything you know they've never been a lot out of  the country's never really seen anything so the   only thing they know is from movies so it's like  oh the only thing in the know is you know maybe   dangerous back in the day but this is a modern  city it's like i'm taking uber's places it's like   it's 2021 you know everything's modern it's nice  beautiful yeah i think i stared that's way gone   there's bad areas everywhere in dallas texas  that's where everybody go i would die there's   places you just don't go you know so you stay out  of those areas don't act like an idiot and respect   people and don't get drunk and be stupid you'll  be just fine and learn some spanish you know like   you're in there you're in a whole nother country  you respect them learn their language you know   all right man thank you man appreciate it man  all right all right man you enjoy all right peace this is a gallery we have okay because it's an  amazing place when is it open it's a private   gallery so it's usually open like uh tomorrow  yeah yeah it's open tomorrow and I can we can   film the private gallery, oh oh guys we're going  to the gallery okay thank you I really appreciate   it I'll call you later on today what's your name  my name is Leon perfect Leo all right all right so basically he's been saying the same  song everybody's saying. some areas   are dangerous but they face the  same problems the whole world faces   in terms of security but relatively  this place is a safe place foreign i'm here in downtown area now and i'm  just checking out the sights and scenery   quickly downtown is the area where you're  gonna find a lot of cheap things here guys   it's one of my favorite downtowns in columbia i'm  so used to walking around this area um a lot of   history if you've been watching my channel and  um it's a cool vibe some people can be afraid of   this area i'm not you know you walk with a purpose  and um all these people are here for a reason man   to get a good deal if it was uh kind of sketchy  or dangerous they wouldn't be here they would   avoid it now granted as we've been talking about  there's so many different areas you can't go here   that will be a little sketchy uh but  this area generally on this side of town   things are a little bit cool as you can see a lot  of people are eating and enjoying their time it's   a it's not a bad situation but you have people out  here serving trying to sell you all type of things   okay so i guess she was trying to sell maybe a  tattoo or maybe piercings you need a great bargain   on some counterfeit clothing this is where you  will go i'm actually in need of a belt so maybe   i'll find a belt and maybe some shoes i want to  get some new shoes some black and white shoes hola have a little momentum let me  see if it fits me right all right okay I'm on it so this one she's charging me 25 1 000 pesos but it's a little tight yes I'm 25 I'll pay for it see the street has its own  symphony to its own music and that's a part of it   right there that's dope got me a belt paid around  eight bucks for it uh might be paying way too much   but you know for me it's you know you know I'm  helping out the economy, either way, I'm saying yo   no no you're single everything yeah you  got the knives over here just in case you   gotta stay a little get ready did you eat already  uh I think last summer breakfast me too last thing   I ate was breakfast I wouldn't mind looking for  something to eat here this uh this is actually the   tallest building in medellin right here it's like  what is that a dollar fifty for 30 days of netflix   this is one of your um busier um streets to walk  right here a lot of people come from this angle   it's really a good street to walk down you  know what I mean it's windy down here I like   it a matter of fact I have my favorite um  jersey lady she actually is in that area now they could come here so I'm actually gonna try some of  the food you can find here downtown   it's a pizza spot right here we got Hawaii you got  uh the vegetarian ones and I'm going for the five   cheeses right here this one looks really good all  right here we go, guys, this is the five castles   right here it looks really good it has some  blue cheese in there and um some American cheese   looks like there was some parmesan cheese up in  there we'll try to name a few totally worth it really really good so good let's see mucho so this is so they have mushrooms in there  blue cheese uh sauce in there as you can see all right so this is like one that's popular  but she recommends trying that one so we'll   see if we can come back all right guys so  we're actually entering Simon Bolivar park   this is a park where you're gonna find a lot  of people just hanging out any time of the day   if people ain't have nothing to do they'll come  here uh families might show up hanging out I've   been here several times before um last time I was  here two years ago they had this place um closed   down I guess they did a little bit of renovation  here another reason why a lot of people like to   hang out here because the city actually provides  wi-fi for everybody so it's a good haven if you're   trying to look for work or trying to do  some research or you know just trying to   connect with people you could come here  relax and enjoy that energy that's here all right guys so we're actually right in front  of the parque botero park right here this is   where you'll find all the statues of parque  botero but it's one of the most congested areas   in downtown central area one reason is because  they're metros rails here a lot of commerce   happens here there are a lot of uh free markets  here all right it can get a little crazy but we'll   check out some of the crowd here so you can  get a cool idea here i never recommend people   watching street performances here because you you  you leave yourself successful for pickpocketers   all right as far as things in my pocket i make  sure everything's in front of my pocket in my   pocket and uh i'm always paying attention  plus i got my boy here you know what i mean   so he's watching my back but if he wasn't here  i still be fully comfortable being in this area   um i just have to move a little bit differently so  you do the same you should be fine mirror mirror   on the wall who is the flyest vlogger of them all  i'm back so guys we're back at um parque fernando   bortero i think it's called parque bortero and as  you can see there's a bunch of people here um just   enjoying your time this is where you're gonna find  a lot of tourists um some who are colombian but   they um live in different parts of the country  and um you're gonna find a lot of locals here   gonna find a lot of hustlers here uh but for the  most part this park there's a lot of government   what's going on for the most part there's a lot  of security here that make you feel safe as you   can see you have all type of street performers  here then you have your street vendors here   i'm trying to uh make a quick bud and you got  some a guy right here like a statue here yeah it's   everybody's trying to hustle here but i i will  say this i have come here before and i i did take   advantage of buying one of those statues so it  might be a cool place to get uh souvenir here it's   getting kind of dark over here do you feel kind  of safe here or i mean it ain't the safest place   what could you recommend somebody doing um to  prevent not getting um assaulted or robbed or   just stay aware you know don't be  don't let people linger towards you   stay away from you know areas that you  know are just bad situations like you   don't want to go walking into a  a group of dudes you know i mean try to stay in uh at least two-man pairs say if you have to travel you by yourself okay   well you probably don't want to come down here  when it get dark that's one why would you be   down here if it's dark i don't know maybe  you're looking for trouble probably yeah   maybe you're adventurous or you're a risk taker  maybe you're like a bear you're looking for honey   you tell me that down here nobody get in trouble  looking for honey all right i've gotten lost   coming out here refusing to look at the map  because there's so many areas you can find   yourself in it can get really confusing walking  down these streets it's uh five o'clock and this   place is getting even more congested the reason  why is because a lot of people are leaving work   and so a lot of people come to this area there's  a lot of different bus stations you can catch in   this area and then a lot of people want  to get the last minute shopping and you   know there's a lot more women in medellin  so who women like to shop needed to see   all right i'm back over here on this strip because  i want to get another one of those five castles   what's going on my brother hey man shout out to  you this is your name right here that's right man   uh i gotta give it up to you you guys are very  talented guys you know what i mean how have you   been playing the drums it's like a jumbo this  is no it's it's a drum set and it's like a   a dream box it's like a dream box okay my same box  i see you play with your hands man how long you   been doing this have you ever seen people playing  with their hands well my english is nobody good   but i try okay so you guys are you know you're  from venezuela yeah venezuela yeah okay um how   do you feel about now that they're letting um over  i think over 1 million what are the 1.4 million   people get legal status here for ten years this  is like uh is it good or bad i don't know well   it depends to get your id at least it'll be  official it's like i did for 10 years can   you catch the bus now and go on plane yeah i  think i think so okay what do you think about   medellin is it a good city is that the best  city and is it the best city after canada oh very good man it's like a Caracas  it's like the same okay but what   about where you're working downtown  Medellin is it Peligroso o seguro nice to be why people come over here in Spanish okay so basically saying it's a tourist location  but it also serves the community big time they   got banks here you can get some good clothing  here it's one of the oldest um places to shop   in medellin so I think that's one of the  reasons all right thank you, brothers,   I really appreciate it man keep on rocking man  all right you guys are very talented all right   I'm here at the ah art gallery remember I met a  woman that was just showing me some vegetables and   she ended up inviting me to her gallery  here this gallery is in between the parque   poblado area and the train station this is  a famous 10th street right here so you can   actually walk to the metro right here like right  in between I used to pass this place all the time   so I'm looking forward to seeing  this gallery so let's go check it out   all right and I think I press this I want to  learn more about the artists from this country   and from the city maybe we can learn more  about what medellin is by looking at the art hello oh it's loud outside it is loud okay welcome  all right okay so this is an art gallery in   the gym we have all sorts of artists here  most of them from colombia but we also have   some amazing artists from latin america  today we're going to show you very fast   some of the artists from medellin that's like  the point of this documentary i would like to   tell you very fast this is an old house  from medellin a very typical house   what they used to do in architecture back then was  these very long houses that they would have like   a long a corridor with the rooms on the right hand  side and then it would end up in a very big garden   so like all these houses together would create  like a small garden in the center of the blocks   and having like a natural lawn for the city do you  know when this house was built or this building   this house was built well we think this house is  a very old mainly because apparently medellin was   born in plaza um del poblado so this house is  very near to plaza del povlado so we have an   idea that this house can be like very very old  we don't know for sure when it was built but uh   because of the architecture that i'm telling you  about it makes sense that it's gonna be that way okay okay this is beautiful by the way  i just love the way everything's set up   you know why because when you're outside i you  don't imagine seeing this and then you come in   here and it's everything's open space it felt  kind of crap outside that but here it's like huge   so go ahead tell me what you got yeah and  also you're gonna notice that there's no   not much sound and the further we go in the less  sound you're gonna hear because katya diaz is one   of the most like yeah outside yeah it's it's a  big difference okay let me start by um showing   you this which is like one of our artists  and he's he's from an indigenous community   in the south and southeast of colombia and his  name is carlos hakanami and what he does with   his paintings is he tries to he tries to show  us um the things that he sees during his rituals   um they have uh these rituals with ajawaska in  his uh in his um what is alaska what is that   ayahuasca is a plant it's like a plant that is  used by many indigenous communities around the   world well mainly in america actually because  i think it's endemic from america and what they   do is they transcend us by drinking this plant  um and they get to see like all these different   universes um it's like a therapy because  through this plant they like um find some   answers for things they've been searching for  and it's the way the all eldest teach the young   so it has a very important like impact this is  awesome yeah so this is something what he sees   yeah these are some of the images he sees when  he's doing these rituals with his community   and he's like very colorful as you can see he's  very famous here he's been i mean he's part of   some of the greatest collections i think he's part  of the smithsonian museum he's been to china he's   part of the tate i think as well i mean i'm not  very like 100 sure of the um of the collections   that he's in but i can tell you that as soon as  we're done with the tour sorry catholic influences   well yeah actually this wall is some of our  older artists like let's say old masters but like   colombian which are very influenced by europeans  obviously and as you know back then it was very   much like religious types of art um when you say  master spaniard are you talking about spaniard   i'm talking i mean these these are artists from  the beginning of the 20th century in colombia and   they usually came from europe like they want  to study abroad and came back with all these   techniques and with all this knowledge so we have  things that are obviously very much influenced but   by what was going on there and as you know back  like a long time ago religion was one of the main   topics in art it was like religion  landscapes and something else and it it   it gradually turned into different topics  different techniques that's what makes   contemporary art like different and so here  we still have some of these very religious   images although this for example is from a very  contemporary artist that we well his name is and he's like this is more contemporary  this is like an appropriation of these   religious works but from a different  perspective like from contemporary   art because you can see it has different  techniques and it's like repeating Jesus   and all these it's so it's very different  than one of these patients obviously which is   much more this actually reminds me of  an album in my scene from drake album this is one of our most important artists in  medellin um it's called la plaza it's a very   famous spot in medellin it's a big plaza with uh  like some tubes that go up and they have lights   and they have like different sizes um he did  that work uh artwork with his son who's a big   architect in medellin as well so he's like one of  our icons um the other very important artist from   melody it's called he's called he works with  these type of stones this is volcanic stone oh   yeah these are volcanic stones called the uh  lutita in spanish what is the reason why he used   to work with stone since the beginning he has some  amazing sculptures in marvel if you go to new york   there's like a big sculpture of his in  marvel and like where's the university   located it's very near it's in las vegas uh  like very near to this to here in the city   in the city yeah there he has an amazing sculpture  it's not marble actually it's like a white stone   where does he get his uh his stones okay so these  stones that are now like the main material that he   uses he came across them one day he was walking  one of these stones broke and he realized that   the top that the like the tainted outside is  different to the to the to the color inside   so you see so this is the color inside this is  the color outside so he realized he could play   with this and since then this became like his  main and his main tool let's say or primary   source and these are only found in very specific  places where there used to be an ocean or a source   of water before and it's very difficult  to find them he says that they they are ah you don't know no like when you grow crops okay  what the what's the name of that moment harvest,   okay so he says he harvests them because they  fall like from the top of the mountain at certain   points and then he has to find a trolley to bring  them truly like a crate crane to bring them out of   there it's like a huge work is that in Colombia or  different in Colombia everything in Colombia and   there are huge pieces of stone that you have  to carve and make into different things but   so he yeah when he finds them it's like a  big job to get them somewhere else all right   you can see some big ones here for example this is him this is him as well and  these these are like the twin towers   okay these are actually mine but you like to put  them there yeah so like uh everything here is for   cell pretty much everything here is for  sale okay um this is him as well okay   let's continue with another artist from medellin  okay his name is alejandro okay he works with   memory so as you can see these all these pieces  of wood come from different places wow you see   wow this is nice check this out so this this all  used to be a part of something um a chair a table   um at closet these are very like famous closets  from here that used to be huge and very like bulky   and so he takes all these pieces of wood and  he turns it into these new objects which are   obviously like very contemporary artworks uh he  has these spheres that are he's very famous for   but he also does this which is amazing so  we have in colombia we have a type of bird   that makes this nest this is the nest of a bird  called gulungo so the way it works is the bird   takes a long time making the nest and then he  just waits for a female well for a for a girl   for a female bird to come to to come and choose  his business creation yeah and then the the the   bird is gonna the female bird is gonna choose the  creation based on how good the architecture of the   nest is so alejandro does this as well with pieces  of wood that you can see are also from other   spots and places just to finish is jason sierra  another one of the artists we represent an   amazing artist from medellin he works the  topic of mining he comes from a very like a   minor community so obviously all his family has  been into mining and he grew up into this world   but he's been very critic of it and he tries  to express some of this criticism through his   artworks so what he does is he paints this  which are like landscapes of gold and silver   is the way they're called and what he tries to  show is like what we're like what were we having   all this gold is under the mountain but the  landscapes are turning so gray because we're just   like devastating everything in order to get that  the gold out he has another series that is more   on a golden palette so he's also like um trying  to to yeah to question this you can see the last   here you see so these are like very grey  landscapes that have these very small uh lakes and rivers of gold that are being lost let me show you the other room the other  exhibition room okay well this is like   you know it's a kitchen and then you have like a  huli we didn't uh show them police our assistant yeah so yeah this is like it's  uh you know I love how this house   has tall ceilings yeah I'm telling you when  you're outside you don't expect to walk into this   yeah yes it's like imagine like you expect  something else but then you get here   and you realize that things are  not the way you think they are all right okay um yeah this well this just to  show you like these are some of the parts of the   house this is crazy full of things that you can  see and this is another exhibition room we have   one of the things that we take like great  pride is that you when you come to visit   this gallery this is an experience like we  like to mix art with experiences and to make   people fall in love with art so for that  reason this garden is very helpful because   people come here and they also get to see like  some of their typical plants from here we have we have a lot of here which have sadly disappeared  but it will come back it comes back every now and   then and what we do here well my father  he's a botanic lover like a garden maker   so all of the things you see here have been  grown here and we try to have like a little   bit of everything and we have amazing birds I met  you at the full market um look at her she's uh   she's like she comes to visit often  so but she's not supposed to do that   because she's damaging there so I'm  going to scream up here sorry for that because she damages the newly born uh leaves  so we're fighting with her but she's like from   home we always leave her some uh so she has her  food here she doesn't need to go there she likes   she doesn't need to go there and she also has a  nest there with some babies oh okay but they love   like they have huge teeth that grow very fast so  they need to be like by doing something so she's   not allowing these trees to grow because she'll  start if you stand up here you can see she'll   start attacking so then that is not gonna grow and  she loves it so we're fighting with her every day she knows you she comes in knows  me because she comes every day   but she's stressed because I didn't let her eat  them so now she's like she's not coming to us now I want to show you this which is a very nice  place that you're gonna meet this is the library   as I was telling you before we try to  make people have a great experience,   where when they come to see art in this  gallery. Part of that experience includes  

having a lot of books so you can show them  not only the piece that they're looking at but   other works from that artist and other  artists that came before this is their welcome wow my father's office um but it has  like an amazing I would have never expected this oh man so this this all this whole area is  just art basically potato whom you know yeah   potato is like wow like fernando potato yeah the  sculptures the sculptures that you've seen in the   plaza otero well just potato is like you have so  many books about him from here to here this is   just potato all of this wow yeah so but you have  everything you have obviously picasso your family   actually grew up you grew up with your family into  art yeah i grew up in twilight and my my father's   my parents friends are all artists since i was  born look she's sitting now she's eating what   she's supposed to eat um so my father's a friends  are all artists and we've been growing up in the   art world in general how can you uh describe i  know you mentioned you were in bogota for a while   but how could you describe the art scene here in  medellin and what are you you like you mentioned   you showed me an indigenous um yes painting and  then there was one where the guy was showing you   the differences of like what what gold mining  can do to the landscape so i think a lot of   people like to use art to address social issues  totally yeah which is a nice thing actually   art i feel art is like a language is like a  tool that you use to communicate something and   in this case i i mean it usually has a lot to  do with society issues with political uh topics   things that the like you want to make  a claim let's say um this happens often   but there's also space for just love or  admiration for nature and stuff like this   um i think the the difference between medellin and  bogota is big i mean bogota is a much bigger city   with more money we could say maybe um but  but because it's more cosmopolitan it's more   like people are much more into collecting  into buying artworks that are expensive   um medellin is different in that sense because we  have a growing community of collectors but it's   not as big as bogota yet and also there's like an  idea that you don't spend that much in art and you   know art is its art is expensive because like we  saw before this guy that makes the hyper realistic   paintings he takes one month painting this so  it takes like a lot of effort and it's expensive   so medellin doesn't have this idea of the expense  of art so clear yet like i think it's growing and   it's becoming stronger but for sure bogota has  like a bigger market in that sense uh medellin has   uh quality though it's got amazing artists like  the the number of great artists in medellin is   like very big so it's like a artist hop in  colombia definitely for sure but obviously in   terms of market well it's got some differences  with bogota i wanted to show you this because   you were mentioning the the artist the indigenous  artist so i said made some of the this is like uh   this he painted this yeah but this is made  by asep which is like a a brand from colombia   and so this was made on his i mean inspired by  this artist oh this was inspired by him by carlos   okay and yeah i could take ages like showing  you thousands of artists no this is a this is a   this is interesting to see i mean it gives you  a good idea of what people are what's important   for people you know what i mean so and um here  you get to have like a look at many different   styles of art types of artists in colombia which  is interesting definitely there is a community   here for artists and um people and art lovers  here right so is there like a special time where   are you guys meet up in here here in medellin  well actually we here at in the gallery we do that   effort often and what we do is gather people like  sometimes we do reunions with artists so we'll   have like a great sancocho and all of them come  together other times we do it for example with the   with people from the art world like some of the  directors of the museums some other galleries so   we'll just gather and talk about certain topics  uh there's other moments where we just do it with   clients so what we try to do here is have like  very private reunions but where we can set the   the tone for like talking about art and reflecting  on this um that like as a gallery but as a as a   city medellin offers a lot of cultural things  like art imagine is moving a lot and they're   trying to make it like move every time more and  we have two moments in the year where art is like   pretty strong the first one and most important one  is around october when we have art ball fair it's   like the most important fair in colombia and it's  like the time where we have all these collectors   coming from abroad in order to see some of our  artists and where we have like a big movement in   earth in the year and then there's another time  which is like a less uh important but it's still   gaining momentum it's at the beginning of the  year around may and we have artboard weekend   so it's like the art warfare from at the end of  the year they make like a small weekend and this   is in order for people to be like paying attention  to our yeah also we it manages to bring collectors   and obviously art is a market it's a global market  by now and we obviously aspire our artists to   enter this global market so the more collectors  we have from abroad the more public we're able to   give to our artists which is great but it also  works against us like i was telling you before   making art very expensive because once you enter  like an international market and you have such a   weak peso um everything becomes really expensive  so it's like a fight between not letting the   prices go up but wanting to get them out into that  market which is bigger and it will mean the artist   is going to gain more money it's like it would  have helped the artist out but then he's going to   lose some clients as well here your local clients  yeah so it can come hard for him as well in terms   of sale sales sale sales sales so anyway what i  was wanted to to to say also is i think it's great   that we have this hard fare i think it's great  that we are doing this effort but i think it's   sad that at the end of the day everything a comes  together in that particular moment of the year   i wish we had more of these events throughout the  year in order to keep art like an important thing   constantly because art is like one of the most  important things we have uh to come out of like   for resilience or for like a therapy for quality  of life so i wish we could leave a statement   yeah to leave a statement for example it's like  a primary source of history you know so i wish we   had more moments throughout the year where art was  really important but i'm glad we have this as well   like at least you know and let's go to the second  i'm gonna bring this we're gonna give some today   to our chip and days okay another  part of the gallery where we have some muy bien it's a look at now she sits in the property okay so this is  another exhibition another part of the exhibition   um this is another soldiers she's one of our most  amazing artists and a woman she's the first to   bring like all these this is palenques ambassador  so have you heard about san brasilia yeah i've   been there you've been there okay amazing i've  never been i wish i had uh i've tried to but i   haven't uh so yeah palenque san basilio is like  the first free palenque in colombia is like where   men is this artist came from there or they did  no actually she had a lot of good friends from   there she was working a lot in cartagena she had  an apartment there and she got in touch with these   women she was fascinated by these women that go  on the beach because they have these huge things   on their head with the fruits and an amazing  sense of like you know so she was very impressed   by them and she started making like friends and  she became very close to them and so she devoted   most of her art to these women and to bring them  into the houses of you know high-class bogota   people so it also created like a bridge between  two cultures that were so separated became like a   bound by beauty in a way so this um each  of these sculptures has a name it's like a   sculpture based on a person on a real person one  of her friends close friends from san basilia   palenque and at the end of her career because she  sadly passed away a few years back but at the end   of her career she devoted a lot to this which was  like the bose of the traditional dress of this   wow yeah i see it you have here you see so she was  very interested by that because it's amazing they   have amazing like this you can see you know it's  like amazing styles that are worth like looking   into you know and then i see this painting  right here from that same gentleman exactly this is very nice because this is actually inspired by one of the most amazing spots  that we have in colombia which is called park   have you heard about this no so chili vicar  is an amazing place that they found not long   ago i mean it's been there forever but it was  a little bit hidden because of armed conflict   and a few years back carlos  castano who used to be the   minister of of well nature i don't remember the  name right now he had to stop there by mistake   and he realized this amazing place that has this  has like huge walls with er with paintings that   keeps keeps beco like there's even new paintings  all the time but they don't know how they make   them because you have to go down from very high  altitudes like holding so if you go you'll see   paintings yes who's who's painting them so the  fact that there's new paintings and they don't   know really where it's coming from it's obviously  made by um communities that haven't been contacted   are you serious yeah and the fact that they  make these paintings is the most amazing thing   because they have to these are huge walls so  in order to paint on them you have to like   do rappel basically and paint and they always  wonder how they make it because it's really so   has anybody look into it it's very important  has anybody ever got in contact with the people   the thing is or you don't want to lately not right  now lately is very famous and people now hear   about it and now know about it and everyone wants  to go even me i would love to go so the government   has been trying to keep it safe first of all from  tourism because they don't want it to become like   a bad tourism for the place second can can you  hear that yeah that's her eating second because   um they're doing this thing where they grow the  agricultural frontier what they do is they burn so   it's like apparently uh fire but once everything  is burnt it's like agricultural a land and soil   and this is going on right now and it's very sad  and it's very scary is the fact that they found   this place and they've been trying to keep it safe  because that's the thing armed conflict which was   horrible for our country has been pretty okay in  keeping nature safe sadly now that this is like   gone because of the peace treaty etc because it  was mainly the farc that were keeping a lot of   these places um protected so now that this is gone  like there's a lot of places that are gonna be um   vulnerable this is one of them and i last as i'm  telling you right now as we speak they're taking   territories and territories of a place that is  like virgin and it's one of the most amazing well   the fart when you say the fart was keeping it  safe they weren't inadvertently it just they   were there so that's why they were safe or the  farc literally kept it safe i mean their stories   for example i was doing a lot of documentaries  on the on their on the forest and different   places jungle et cetera and there's many places  where there was an intention to keep things safe   and obviously it was really bloody  it was like if they caught you   killing an endangered species they would like hung  you or something like really horrible so people   were very scared so it was safety but through you  know through like correction i don't know and this   is carlos salas this is an artist from bogota  well from pitalito will actually and he is one   of our most important abstract artists we were in  miami in the inaudible in the north miami museum   with an amazing exhibition then he went to white  box in new york and we were chosen as one of the   10 best exhibitions during freeze art really and  now we're going to china um well he's going to   be in london actually in a solo show in sachi  very soon and he's going to china as well for   a big exhibition it's going to be amazing this  is nail ospina this is also one of our very   well-known artists he works these topics where he  takes a the things that are like our our history   you know a like the prey this is very imagine  this is the hugo or the pelota is like the   the player of ball and so this is an an old a  sports from mayan a culture where they would have   to put this ball through a very small hole and  chicken pig two queen peaks or something yeah it's   something like this and whoever one was sacrificed  to the gods and like with all these bloody things   that they have going on so what he does is  take these very important things of our history   and our backgrounds our culture and he mixes  it with mickey mouse so it's obviously like a   criticism because what he says is i bet you if  i put a mickey mouse head on that then people   are gonna pay attention to this and it happens  it's the same as this this is from the south   i don't know if you've been to this park it's  called the it's in the south of colombia where   they have these huge sculptures in in this kind  of uh stone i don't remember the name right   now so what he does is the same he takes  exactly the same sculpture but he puts um   mickey mouse on it and then people are going nuts  this with the lights or even there yeah i mean waterfalls how much is your artwork here and  do you guys um deliver can you set up the,   yeah we deliver all around  the world we were actually   we did a few like we did a lot of sales last  year apart from the pandemic and we were sending   artworks to Australia to Canada to Europe many  places uh we have a big range because we work   with very well-known artists like Botero that  can be really expensive I mean a huge sculpture   but they like the ones you see in the plaza hotel  can be worth around I don't know 5 million dollars   I mean it's really expensive obviously the pieces  that we work with are less expensive but are still   very expensive but then we also have some of  the younger artists so those can range between three hundred dollars and ten thousand  dollars let's say so you have like a whole   variety of parties if you're fully confident  someone might purchase some art here and it   the value will go up yeah that's what we  usually do is we work with artists that we   that we believe in that we know are serious  people that are gonna be striving in their work   so usually what you get when you see an artist  that obviously has a talent and that is serious   with his work is that he's gonna keep working so  he's gonna be better every time it's a little bit   like you you're gonna make more money every time  and you're gonna be even better at what you do so   what we try to do is find those artists in which  we believe so yeah hopefully like anything you buy   here is gonna be a more expensive unless something  dramatic happens but that's usually the case   we've seen a lot of artwork here and  you know you are very interested in art   but do you have art do you create yeah well i  do create as well like my father he's an artist   he keeps like things for the artworks  that he's gonna make later in his life   me on the other hand i'm a documentaries and i  work with i do a lot of filming and a lot of get   out of here get she never told me this now you're  telling me this yeah you're serious yeah yeah we i   met you and i mentioned that to you but you never  told me you were as well and i was really happy to   meet you because of that reason that's why i gave  you my card and i was like come because i know if   i was you i would be so happy to be able to show  these weird places where no one gets to go because   it's very like private and so yeah i've worked in  documentaries most of my life actually i did like   many social documentaries mainly uh so that's like  my artistic side but obviously i'm very much into   sales nowadays because like i sell art and that's  the thing it's very important like art is amazing   art is something that we all have access without  paying which is amazing in wikipedia or in google   everything we can access images this is a luxury  that we didn't used to have but we have to keep in   mind that art is also an asset and it's something  that makes part of a market and there's artists   that need to live from this so i guess like that's  one of our approaches that makes a difference   perhaps is that we know we're in the art world  and we try to keep it as academic as we can   but we also know we have to make money for these  artists and that's what we like we really are like   putting an effort into and we managed to do it  pretty well like there's a lot of artists that we   managed to work with and so that's important let  me ask you a question what's that tree right there   oh this is a very interesting tree that's the tree  where the nuts that we give the squirrel are born   this which we call coroso i don't know i  don't know like what might be another name   you can see them yeah these are okay like the  classic chipotle well these are more rounded but   it's like a type of knot so this grows in that  street that tree is called photos or three   so what's amazing is that the squirrels will go  up like the squirrels will climb through all of   these spikes they will climb this i thought this  was like they put us here so you couldn't get in   there it looks difficult to climb i guess the tree  is doing his best it's doing its best in order to   keep squirrels fire but it's not managing because  they will just climb through that maybe you can   look from here to the top and then they'll  just climb to get some of these from the top   so you can see squirrels most of the time in some  of these um so what we do is sometimes we put some   like other plants on top that they will just  still climb and get their own climb yeah all   right yeah but this is a beautiful beautiful tree  actually nice took long to grow like this height   okay and so the name of our gallery is ah  fine art you can find us in the web it's all right guys so what i'll do  is i'll put their information in the description   and that way if you want to come here get a tour  or perhaps are interested in purchasing one of the   pieces that we've seen here or if you want to feed  the squirrel i will put all that information in   the description so most definitely check them out  especially if you're going to be visiting medellin   because you're we're this is poblano right  is this so a lot of people a lot of tourists   stay here and they they're always going to go to  that metro rail there's a metro around the corner   so on your way to the metro you can stop here all  right it won't it won't be inconvenient you go   walking you stop let's go here and then oh metro  okay cool we'll wait for you today all right cool   after learning so much about columbia's  art culture i wanted to see more so i took   a trip out of town to guatepay to visit my  friend binky who runs at bed and breakfast   he agreed that he would take me under  boat so i could see a relic for mold where he had security okay I see a green building  over there that's what you're talking about of   course yeah uh they call it the glasshouse that's  where security was armed and dangerous obviously   you know that maybe um and it's a trip because  they had radios so when you had the federalists   the police come in all FBI from the USA come in uh  helicopters they would literally like notify him   with radios and it's it's about I would say honey  how many meters uh from here to uh to the house yeah three hundred meters solo his that was the  glass half let's see some people security and then   on the end at the end you can't see the  winehouse and they would call and you   know they will call him so he can you  know obviously escape and get away but   a lot of people don't you know push that  you know and he used to have submarines   oh my god so in this in this lagoon  here so it was a lagoon at the time   because I know that before they had it's a city  here yeah was I like at that moment already yeah is that his home yeah that's right there baby  looks blown up actually yeah all of a sudden   what happened to this home they just  closed it everyone thinks it's the police   uh the police blew it up all of the states  and homes but no yeah it was the cartel   there's the cartel the enemy the  Pepe yeah I heard about the Pepe today i'm gonna try to talk to you about  a topic that people in medellin and myself   we don't like to talk about because it's  disgusting it's about the narco terrorists   and about the mafia people and about the cali  cartel the medellin cartel and pablo square a   lot of people come to the to the city and  they're going to go they want to visit   or try to do a tour to visit those places  where pablo lives where he was killed etc etc   for us as paisas we don't like to talk about we  hate to talk about and today finally it's going   to happen something nice i'm going to tell  you about that i went to el poglado today   to the edificio monacon the monaco building that  used to be owned by pablo escobar and his family   in 1988 that particular building was almost  destroyed by a bomb that was planted by the pepes   the hitman from the cali cartel at that  particular time the cali carter no i'm   sorry the medellin cartel harry but pablo  escobar was in a war against the cali cartel   and the colombian government so in january  and 1988 the cali cartel planted a car bomb   in front of the monaco building in el  poblado with 88 kilograms of dynamite   this building was heavy duty very well very  well constructed and very strong and survived   the terrorist attack it was only damaged to the  windows and glasses of the building so now they   measure this the measure of the  city and the city in general   decided to demolish the building  so tomorrow they're going to plant   particular different kind of explosive devices  on the building to bring the building down   so today i went to the building to take  some pictures and to take some films   and tomorrow i'm planning to go there to see  the demolition of the building by the explosives   and we are very happy about that we are glad  about that and when they destroy the building   they measure on the city they are planning  to construct a memorial and a little park   it's good to remember that during the war with  the colombian government and the city the medellin   cartel headed by pablo escobar killed 46 thousand  612 people and 614 police officers were killed in   that war so now you understand why we don't want  to talk about it's part of the past medellin is   in the transformation we are heading in a  different direction and we don't want to   talk about mafia and things like that you are  welcome to use the videos that i gonna send you   sons are with voiceover and  some are with no voice so   you decide whatever you want to take  and post it in your youtube channel   and tomorrow i'm planning to go to the campestry  club in front of the monaco building to see   you know when the building is going to come  down after the explosive device are detonated all right so I wonder if she's married if she's thinking of me   she has a mirror in her hand! Mirror mirror on  the wall who is the fliest vlogger of them all right you

2021-03-14 18:40

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