REAL Motorhome DISASTER in Malaga Spain

REAL Motorhome DISASTER in Malaga Spain

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I can see you are alright this side a bit of a narrow road okay is nearly there that's fine that's fine that's fine round here I think it's  fine he said about grounding out didn't   he yeah you had to reverse and he ripped  it off I don't know if it's this road he is on about well this wouldn't bring me up here if it  couldn't so I'm quite confident that it can I'm   happy once you pass that little bit you're  fine happy so far yeah look it's open now   and then you just up here and it'll be up here  somewhere I'll take it all in my stride maybe   he came from a different direction yeah I mean  that didn't seem a problem to me no ground out   there it's not up there it's up here is it is  it not up that bit there yeah it must be it's not   up there daring it's straight up around watch  yourself on this bit this is what he is probably that's what he was on about yeah [ __ ]  sorry yeah I've lost something this is   what the guy was on about saying you're grounding  out right let me just go and have a look   what that was somebody did say about going a  different way but our sat nav brought us this way Jesus you're exhaust ah right it's the water pipe is it I thought it was  your exhaust I've lost the pipe that's fine I'll show you what it is it's this  bit here so we've come in through there and have hit it there not good that's  alright we will sort it when we get in there got in our pitch   they're not too bad sizes to be honest they've  been very good and they've said that um they'll   cut that bit of tree down so when Lee's  finish working on the damage we can uh   pull over a little bit so I'll have more space  the other side so that's what's happening so far now I did speak to them uh the gentleman  that's let us in he speaks really good English   and is um absolutely um he's absolutely really  friendly and he's just said that they do put it   on their website they do try the hardest to let  people know not to come in that direction now   we've got a truck set nav uh we thought we'd  be safe but it doesn't take into consideration the   small bump in the road and that's all it was as  you've seen so there is another entrance which   we'll show you later on on here that you come  through where he said you can get three or four   motorhomes through so uh Lee is on the beer yeah I've  got the uh they say you ain't a true uh on-tiki swift   owner or a swift owner until you've knocked  the fresh water tank off so cheers you're pretty   calm about it love nothing you can do is not a lot  I can do really um and I got plenty of ct1   so I think it's going to be a bit of that  I know what you haven't got plenty of what water obviously this pipe which runs from  the Fresh tank to the um Outlet obviously   the outlets are always quite low and it's quite  you know over the apex of the vehicle so as   you take the hill that's always a danger point  but it's just pulled the screws out luckily the   tank and everything's in place they have made  them in a different place in the new models now   haven't they they pushed them I think they have  yeah I'm not sure where it sits in the length   of the vehicle but um yeah it's just something to  bear in mind if you got the I suppose the 22 23 model   around that time cuz I know some 23 models are  the newer type or the older type um but hey as   many with these type of motor rooms that  have done this so always have a little bit   of tools in your tool box um and I think I'm  going to be needing this cuz it's pulled the   screws out I'll just fix that bracket  on with this and it ain't going to go nowhere so is your actual tank damaged or  anything like that no not really got the pipe first so we're side on under the motorhome now  so as you can see I think I've got it on camera   there it's just pulled that pipe off which was  sitting a bit lower um and underneath there it's   just scraped it so the whole tank everything's  on okay it's all fine I've just got to reattach   that and reattach the pipe I've unplugged the um  connector there um there you go so that's all in   one piece um and I have had to have it stuck  on before so them screws are rigid uh so I'm   just going to ct1 that back on I will see if the  screws move um and literally get it placed back   on and then reconnect it um to the pipe as so  so it should be quite a simple fix really and   we're here for a couple of days so the CT1 will dry off properly uh I will put some water   in the tank in a bit and then um we can see  if it holds but the tank thanks fine just got a scrape [Music] There you go it's back on once again ct1 to the   rescue um I'll take you under and just show you  so I think you can see there so I've ct1 that back   on connected that back up and the I will put a bit  more around it so I'm just waiting for that to set   and you can see here the pipe is attached again  so all in all I think that was um well another   experience and I'm just going to tidy that up put  a bit more ct1 around it and then um let it set   for a bit and then fill it with water it's now the  come down from the disaster um I've ct1 it back on   the screw holes anyway were no good it's already  been ct1 back on by uh a swift associate company   um so I've just done the same thing now the pipes  on the lagging is on uh and all that's good so it is    obviously going to have to cure um about 24 hours  we're here for a couple of nights now so that's a   good thing um so when I hit that bump as I started  to go up I sort of knew as the van was tipping that   that it was going to you know grind out so I two  options I'm reversing all the way back down that   little skinny Road there was a little turning  point that I probably could have accessed further   back or go forward um so it was just a case  go forward and deal with whatever after I sort   of had a feeling it would be the freshwater um  Outlet now I ain't filled up the tank yet I tried   the system but I can't see there be any leaks  the ball that shuts off the valve is closed uh   I will try that out um it didn't rip it out of any  wiring or anything like that it was just hanging   off the wire uh and now I sort of packed up so we  got on our pitch now um and I just want to point   out it's not the site's fault you know this is one  an issue with where the uh the waste pipe sits   uh how low down to the ground it is on the van  um and two I suppose uh the way in now they have   put on their website the way in we still got  confused we still used Garmin uh the Avtex 2 sat nav  uh where it's got all my Dimensions but I suppose  it don't really understand the ground there's no   restrictions on that road so yes it was tight  and you see it was tight but at the end of the   day once you're in it you're in it you got to  deal with it uh and when we leave we'll show   you the way out which apparently you can get  three motorhomes side by side so it's just the   way it is but my advice with all this would  be preparation make sure you got things with   you things like ct1 the gun um screwdrivers some  spanners you know even if it's just one adjustable   spanner um certain oils all that sort of stuff  cuz otherwise you're fine your trip could end   up short or you got to find someone that's got all  the gear so you know the way I look at it is just   to have some Essentials and all my essentials are  in these two boxes so it's not like I'm carrying   loads of gear but it's just the basic stuff to get  stuff done tapes and stuff like but so yeah so I   think that problem is averted we will see when we  fill up with water and now we can enjoy this nice   area near the beach um and see what's going to go  from here after all that drama Jodie has come up   trumps with this lovely lovely Feast for tonight  just a bit of pork some potato things and some   veg and gravy she's feeding me greens after that  but we're going to tuck in now um so yeah so this   is us for the evening uh we're going to chill  and then we'll pick you guys up in the morning   good morning so it's a next day after our motorhome  disaster yes next day so we're all happy now how's   it going with that is it I think it's sorted I will  have a little look in a minute but I think it's   all sorted now so yeah Lee's quite happy with  What's happening at the moment with the um fresh   water outlet um but we'll let you know when  we move off if everything's okay um today we're   going to head into Malaga we're going to go meet  some people that have um suggested we meet them   for coffee so we're going to Mana to meet them  this lovely couple and um we'll take you with us   the best we can and show you some things and see  what the Day brings all right yes I'm ready to go   now so I'm going to take the rubbish outside cuz  it's always out on the street and as we're going   that way let's take the rubbish and then we get  the bus yeah oh yeah we've got to find the bus   haven't we yeah so it's about 500 M downhill what  the bus I could walk that. There is a way downhill and hopefully the   bus will be there waiting for us probably won't  but you know so that's where we sort of pitched   up and claimed our space if you like yeah then this is  a site it's a lovely site just um just don't come   the way we did so that's the way into the campsite  just there and this is where the bins are and this   is the road that they've said to come in which  is definitely bigger than the way that we come in   God look at the weather today we've actually got  proper proper sun look at that if we had reversed   we to reverse all the way down here which actually  looking at in there now ain't such a bad thing cuz   you could have come in here and turned around if  need be yeah yeah so if we do get stuck there is   a little bit of space to turn around anyway there  is a big space down here so anyway I just want to   see how peaceful it is around here I know we've  got like um a cockell or some kind of bird making   noise in the background but look how peaceful  this place is this is what I love the Stillness   the Sun the Stillness the just the look at it it's  just beautiful absolutely beautiful I absolutely   love this I think I was meant to be Spanish we are  loving life now the sun's back out we are Sunshine   people out we are Sunshine people are loving  the sun today we are happy to be where we are   right now and feeling very lucky and grateful and  appreciate it all yeah so right and the end of the   day don't worry about the thing cuz everything is  going to be all right and this is a message to you   imagine a place where you have to put your car in  shade lovely we've got off the bus um I think we're   in Malaga according to Google Maps so in the right  port area aren't we yeah and we're meeting at a   lounge bar so we're going to go and find that um  Google Maps tells me we are walking in the right   direction at the moment good but look at this  place it's pretty lovely is it lovely yeah very busy and there's some nice boats in  that port isn't they which will show you when we   get a bit closer it is it's lovely with all  the boats and that but my question is is why   do cars get a minute and a half we only get  half a minute cross the road cuz it's a road   and it's for cars they get priority I wonder  if that boat's going to Morocco look at them   that's my kind of boat that is right let's keep  moving we've got somewhere to be [Music] Well we had a lovely time meeting two lovely  people Nigel and Ann and it was amazing and   thank you for the drinks uh they live  locally and they bought a bar here in   2002 yeah so give up everything at home come  here live here worked here business here and   uh now they're looking at getting a motorhome and  yeah I blame it on Nigel you got me a little   bit tipsy you want me two beers thank you very  much but we we do appreciate it definitely but   we're just checking out the harbor now aren't we  in Malaga yeah there is some nice boats oh there is some nice   boats but Nigel you did say something about the  WhatsApp CEO cuz he was checking them out the boats yeah so one   of the boats here belongs to them we don't know  what one maybe we should Google it and check it   out so we're going to trade in the motorhome  now right this minute and uh we're going for   that there would that be the same sort of price  obviously I'm Joking love you know I don't think I'll get it   in the roads that we want to go down yeah they're  huge aren't they they are nice though absolutely beautiful moonrise private yacht that is  the um Moonrise and I like it I want to go   up there to the top can I go to the  top you wouldn't go to the top no I   wouldn't but I don't mean you won't go to  well I mean the heights yeah but if I got   offered then I know I'm in a place of bit of  money wealth a bit of money there so maybe I would look at that it's amazing I mean like just  living on that on the water like that yeah that's   pretty amazing really well let's go back that  way and let's um should we go through the townway   yeah I think there's some stairs going up  so we'll try that and then um go and find   this castle palace yeah there's a castle on a hill  that we're going to go and see um take you up there lovely array of shops that's where we were  a minute ago just done the eating we have   been recommended to go right up there to the top  unfortunately um we have not got the time today   um the castle on the hill we will come back to Malaga area at  some point but today we just too much really so   we probably won't get up there and it's getting  on a bit now so we're looking at well it's it's   quarter past 5 in the afternoon yeah so we had a  lovely time um like we said we come out to   meet some friends we had a lovely time and um  I think Malaga is for another day we're here   for another next night anyway so we are yes we  can either come back tomorrow or we're going to   show you the local area we'll work that out yeah  well I need to let the CT1 set it's set now you   know it does set pretty quick but yeah we decided  stay for another day Malaga's a massive place and we   wanted to meet a couple of people along the way  so we thought why not stay another day and I'm   just walking as if I know where I'm going I think I do never been here before in my life   that bus ride 40 minutes Lee was thinking we're  going the wrong way yeah well it weren’t that   I was like that was a long old bus ride actually  so it's the longest bus ride we I was following   Google Maps see where we were so I knew we were  heading the right direction yeah anyway that's   the port area of Malaga with all the posh yacht's nice  bars and restaurants definitely worth a visit   and we will be back won't we we will be and  you know what the joys of motorhomeing is   at our Leisure here now I'm looking up in the  sky and I'm seeing a plane coming in there're   the people coming on holiday seeing a plane  going out but you know what don't matter for   us cuz we're just keep mosing on by the coast because our motorhome won’t get up there anywhere true it's like netted around it or  meshed around it's quite loose I think it's part   of the tree well I wouldn't touch it in case you  break it and they charge you you don't know how to so we just come across this statue  here let's find out what that's about all I know is it's from does that say 1983 well that's the one we want is it the  163 63 yes takes us back to Rincon de la Victoria   and this is 160 I don't know if  it's like I think goes far yeah this is our stop we just got to find our way back don't we huh we  got to find our way back now yeah yeah that's us   that's done for today um I was going to head up  back to the van sorry we didn't show you loads of   Malaga but we didn't come here um to review Malaga  as such we came here to be in a destination near   Malaga on route yes um we will come back to Malaga  and and visit that another time um but not this   trip uh so we could only show you really the  port area where we were going to meet people um   we will look into it more next time but what we  are going to do in this Vlog is take you around   the area where we are where we're staying which  is Rincon de la Victoria I believe yeah so we're going to   something like that anyway we're going for a nice  day around the local area tomorrow um and we'll   take you with us so we're going to go back to Van  chill out we catch in a bit that's the bus stop   good morning good morning everyone welcome to this  lovely fine day it's blue skies today and where   are we going to the beach we're going to try and  find it anyway yeah we're going to head down to   the beach that's local here take it with us and um  see if it's warm enough and the beach is suitable   enough to sit on we' brought towels of us and that  little shop behind us and Reception Area yeah um   it's bits and Bobs that you need the essentials  hasn't it it has yeah so we're get some washing   done later that's we need we've just booked in  and reserved um where are we going through here   aren't we um we just booked and reserved for 5:00  so we'll be back up for that won't we yeah get the   washing in and that's that done for the next few  days anyway it is a lovely day today it's about   22° at the moment yeah yeah it's lovely out here  there's a tiny Breeze in the air which is quite   nice really um but it's beautiful weather yeah and we're heading to um a spot we've   been to before tomorrow um where we know there's a  beach it's going to be warm as well and see if we   can top up our tans a bit yeah over the next  few days have a couple of proper Beach days   there won't we yeah definitely it's nice it's  nice to get some beach days in now and again   definitely just chill out looks quite nice  actually obviously it's that volcanic kind   of dark Sand that you get yeah that you can  see then you've got all this promenade bit   and there like a restaurant just behind us there's a  restaurant um and I think there's some more down   here bars and restaurants so we're going to  head this way and see what we can find before   we get on the beach look how clear that water is it's lovely hope that person is not dead on that paddle board some kind of jet skis as well yeah yeah looks like where they put the boats out in here   doesn't it I going to get one in I  check one out a everyone's coming in the tractor moving it as you can see it looks  like they got them down there quite a bit going   have a little wand up there cuz it looks  like there might be a bit more coast line up there it's beautiful what are you thinking  um nothing really I'm just admiring The   View that's cuz there's some women  down there with bikinis on not the sea we found a nice little bar by  the look of it just on that mound there yeah let's go don't  oh look looks like me and you looks like Beano characters that's what I meant   me and you yes I might go see  it's like in that bar at some point more quiet over this side  isn't it yeah he was just saying   some of these properties have got a  lovely view on the sea front there Haven’t they great view looking out into the ocean we've  chosen to come back to closer to where we were   and there's another bar up here so we're going to  probably have a quick drink in the bar and then go   down onto the beach a bit we got some music  on so have to be quick we found this lovely   little Beachside bar but it's really busy it's a  Saturday and most tables are reserved so we've   got about 20 minutes or something like that and  then we that's right all we need yeah look at The View I really don't understand why it gets busy  on a weekend really there's nothing ready to look   at is there God nice place what a lovely day it  is today what a lovely day it's been um yeah we   spent a good hour or so down at the beach um went  to the bar before hand so it was lovely so it has   been a all in all a successful stop yeah liked  it here this place is you have to book it really   it's got about 18 pictures and if you don't book  you you run the risk of not getting in at all um   and make sure you do come in but we we will put  um a picture somewhere yeah I try and put a Google   maps sort of picture in with the way in in uh this  uh just to let you know if not in the description   yeah yeah so just to let you know the right way to  come in here so you don't do what we did smaller   Vans not such a problem if the if you've got lower  skirting in or lower tanks and don't come in this way   at all if you find that you've come in this way  find somewhere to turn around before you get anywhere   near it and go back out and go back in the right  yeah yeah unless unless you've obviously got a   lot of clearance under your motorhome but yeah other than that everything seems to   be working now the uh valve uh Outlet valves  back attached um and let's see when we drive   away tomorrow that it stays attached when we get  to the other end i'm sure it is we haven’t got any leaks or   anything we put water in we've got no leaks yeah  no leaks or nothing like that so it's all good   so I think we're ending this one here and um well  we're going to catch them on the next one aren't   we yeah we're going back to urbanova um which is  one of the three park up's we did last year when   we came out right on a beach um we want to cuz  we've had a few windy days rainy days we want   to get a bit of sun and a bit of beach days don't  we we do yes so we're going to go hopefully get a   spot in there and have a couple of beach days  yes Beach days from tomorrow and then we're   going to from there we're going to head to Benidorm   Benidorm yes before traveling home again so looking   forward to to Benidorm as well yes is your arm aching  my arm is aching I'm trying to end it and yeah waffle on right we'll leave it here then with her  waffle we're going to leave it here I'd   like to say thank you to each and every  one of um you subscribers and everyone   that supports us and we will catch you  on the next one till then adios see you

2024-06-05 20:40

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