Racing Into A False Pass & Remote Atoll Adventures - Thula Sailing Episode 56

Racing Into A False Pass & Remote Atoll Adventures - Thula Sailing Episode 56

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[Music] we decided to sail to tuau the neighbouring adult together with the kiwi world pattaya which we had met in pakaraba ilya convinced pattaya's crew to have a race against tula patia a newly built beneteau first 45 with a massive race rig of course accepted downwind for the first five miles to the atl exit tudor kept a nose in front having all sail cloth available pulled up pattaya followed quite relaxed needing only the mainsail to keep up after taking our spinnaker down off they went and arrived in chihuahua about two hours before us every meter water line makes such a big difference to your boat speed and sometimes or to be honest most of the time we wish tula was just a little bit [Music] longer it was a really nice day sale over to toa and the plus point of coming last was that dennis made this awesome drone footage of us entering to wow's false pass [Music] [Music] this pass is one of the few passes in the tomorrow archipelago you can actually anchor in it's a so-called false pass being blocked by an immense coral reef that doesn't let you enter the lagoon [Music] [Applause] we took a mooring boy for a night and didn't really bother putting the dinghy into the water so we swam ashore to pay the 500 pacific francs for it around four euros for a night and snorkeled along the pass [Music] down [Music] time [Music] so [Music] two [Music] [Music] just [Music] foreign so we're just uh exiting uh the false pass in uh wow india did you secure something wrong oh no some dooley of the day as a side note there are stories and songs about tom dooley who is known not to be the smartest of all sailors [Music] so we are approaching the southern parts in apataki and just sailing parallel to a very well visible wreath everything is white there's some birdies over there looks like some some tuna black birds wish they would come over here [Music] [Music] until this part of the pakaka pass we had had about one to two knots currents against us as we entered the lagoon let's say things got a bit hairy so ilia struggled a bit with tudor's long keel in the strong five knot current before entering the lagoon here another surprise waited for us a beautiful one [Music] we were told by gaston that it happens now and then that a mother and a calf are seen inside atoll lagoons as here the tired mother can relax a bit not having to protect the calf from other feisty males or tire sharks [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Applause] can try my code okay um [Music] from oh so it's really amazing to see this yard here as there is nothing around here i mean we are like uh on the coral reef um of the atoll and um there's a little grandma selling um some eggs here in the village um and uh you can buy some pearls from her they have a veggie garden here where you can buy some veggies but apart from that the airport is on the other side of the atoll like 20 kilometers on the other side they pick you up with a boat if you leave your boat here and then you're back here at the yard and have to come from tahiti it's [Music] crazy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and it's not fun because you don't know how the boys are connected to each other [Music] asha has been playing with piwaka piwakawaka this afternoon setting up a um new way to sheet in the uh the main sheet so it's got a it's got a few pulleys on it now to make it a bit easier and he's just popped over to tula to pick up elia for a coffee break here they come in it is you and i could be on a nice day i think that's probably what then i think i've been replaced there's a little bromance going on out there [Music] [Music] do [Music] all right i'm trying to find my way to the other reef or to the reef side and this is what i find here in the middle of this moto an orange lake it's really strange so let me find my way through the bushes with my machete that i borrowed from danny and asha so there was this villager who was so friendly to show me the way to the reef and he said you take these here and then you can squish them and what you see coming out here is like natural eye drops for them and these are the plants that they use when they've got when they had too much solar light and uh yeah they just just squish this into their eyes like eye drops oh as you can see there was still quite a lot of sunlight and i got a little bit sunburned at the reef though i found a lot of nice shelves to make some nice jewelry with and now i need to find the way back to this local family's house the sun is lowering it's just before five o'clock uh i think it's 20 past five that the sun sets here so yeah i better find my way back and it was pretty cool he showed me some kind of uh hole that they dug and he said that's their freshwater bath and i hope i'll find it again and he was really keen on showing me his cocoa crab that he had caught and it seems like we're on a motor again where there's a lot of cocoa crabs and i did actually already see a lot of holes ah and this is the family's fresh water bath now we can go inside i don't know if it's fresh water but i'm not gonna try it now thanks for joining us on another amazing at all adventure series we hope you enjoyed the tranquility color explosions and unusual discoveries as much as we did join us next time on our sail to the big and buzzing island tahiti we only reach with some minor or rather major difficulties support us and our filming equipment so we can continue sharing these amazing places we explore with you see you next time [Music] you

2021-03-12 13:28

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