Questionable Bridges and Sketchy Roads [WE TRAVEL BY VAN] #vanlife

Questionable Bridges and Sketchy Roads [WE TRAVEL BY VAN] #vanlife

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off on another adventure behind snow and curt and  we're heading to some hot springs they scoped out   talked to some locals about the details so  this should be another good day and over here my little lady sat with me she's not that little i  guess she's like 60 pounds so there's two options   at these hot springs they're called caldera hot  springs there's a developed and an undeveloped and   it's two dollars for the undeveloped and the money  goes to the family that runs it so yeah it's gonna   be a great day we're super excited especially  sombrita because she gets to sit on my lap what do you think about this  uh this is where people said   they could park on this side of the river too i dont know loving the stability of this bridge  if you look right here this weld is   broken are you thinking you fall through i  don't know if i want to trust my house on it what are you thinking we're not going to  be able to go this way that's the last   developed one yeah that's like the road we run  yesterday yeah i guess he does do tours that way i don't know the bridge does  sway a little bit so this   uh might be a little bit sketchy i'm a  little nervous honestly one van at a time wow wow looks like they made it here we go looks like somebody needs a jump  or something's going on here   the police helping out or  the police getting helped nice driving emily looks like we got another sketchy bridge  situation we're gonna have to decide if   the juice is squeezable yeah honestly this one  looks better than the last bridge but it does move   a fair amount Curt's a road builder in his  past life i trusted him on the last one let's see what he say what are you thinking  of this one i actually think this one's in   a little better shape than the other one at the  end there's a couple of these support rods that   are kind of welded in the middle but i checked the  weld they seem solid it's pretty good i think yeah   this one did look a little nicer to me than the  last i'll give her a try this is pretty wild huh that was mental the thing goes up and down well he's not telling us not to do it holy van number two oh my goodness this is something right here that is that is terrifying  i'm a bit glad i'm not driving   hopefully they didn't loosen this and  now walking over it's going to collapse   haha nah we got this but this is some wilder  stuff than we're used to you know this is kind   of our first thing in panama outside of that  highland area so it all feels really new to us   being here in panama even though i got my hat from  costa rica holy oh nice driving emily how was that   thank you so much yeah going second might be a  little scary because we just watched Curt's like   oh my god there's like a wave behind him and i  was like oh he must have gone a little faster i was like i'm gonna go slow and  hopefully i didn't see our clip   so i don't know if i made that  much of a win that was wild wow oh what's going on with him okay don't worry  just go slow yeah stay in the middle tracks   and just give it a stop here what is  happening okay i'm gonna go check this out oh it looks like we're getting  into a little mud situation here   possible turn around at least  that's kind of a crazy turnaround whoa this is something we got a tow strap  we got some maxx tracks i think they do too   i mean it's downhill but we might  have to come back this way later   i mean at least we got two vans here and well  i mean there's kind of some uh it's kind of   rocky i mean i've stepped in some of these  spots and it's not really mushy it's just wet   yeah yeah do you think we'll have to go back this  way i think so oh boy i mean this doesn't look   any worse than that last section back there that  got a bit rocky and wild up there it's okay yeah   i mean at this point i don't think this is as bad  as that last part so we might as well keep going   but yeah a little bit of mud stone cold  oh boy it's going downhill pretty steep   i don't know you want to just stop up here  and i'll take a peek yeah i'll go take a peek well it looks okay yeah yeah yeah  that should be okay going back up i thought there's probably another kilometer we're  really glad that we got that suspension worked on   you know i do need some new tires but the guy  who ordered him in is like never received them   and looked all day for tires it's pretty annoying  that he never he says he ordered them but they   should be fine on the tires here too it's  mostly mud which is like it's not too rough   on time just the rocks that are rough  definitely a good adventure over here   yeah wow i didn't expect this this morning well  i'm glad we had that coffee this morning i think   you made a good choice going not over that tree  in the road yeah this road is looking really good   yeah it's just that if it starts raining while  we're here but then we'll spend the night wow   it just keeps going on and on well it looks like  we made it here to the hot spring and this is the   end of the road so we're gonna have to go back up  that at least we have maxx tracks and a possible tow it looks like there's not even like a  turn around that's just straight mud   where everybody turns around okay  yeah good job emily the best girl wow so we made it to the hot spring   but we're gonna have to figure out  how to get turned around at some point   sombrita is loving it already she got a friend she  hasn't been playing with the dog for a few days and then over here is the hot spring looking chill perfect   they're water apples have you ever tried  one yeah i bought them at the market ones they're no Washington apples for sure it's nice it's a good temp it's a good  temp oh i bet the river right there oh the two dogs are following  you across the bridge i'm see bouncy i like this wow let's do this huh yeah that's nice time to suit up and enjoy all right little buddy i'll be back  here we go check out this hot spring all right we're all suited up time to come  and enjoy these hot springs that we found that was a good time chilling  here in this spring and   i guess we're gonna see what the road ahead brings oh yeah   here we go one tire in front  of the other no left tire right tire yeah i mean it's definitely dried out a bit yeah  plus i always stress a lot when i'm not driving   i'm kind of a backseat driver it did look a  lot sketchy earlier i think that it was a lot   more wet earlier because it has gotten a little  warmer it's dried out a little bit so i think   oh we're spinning wheels for this oh we got it   is there another spot yeah that's the  worst except for those crazy bridges it's definitely a one at a  time bridge suspension bridge   built within the last thousand years  oh my god look at those ripples oh wait that's scary but functional all right our turn here we go back over the bridge bridge  number one god you can just watch it moving   it's so it's pretty scary oh and there right there  is definitely a little weak spot or something river crossing we're almost there made it looks like plenty of dicey bridges today well  at least we got like a road builder over here   gauge the strength oh man it looks pretty  reinforced to me we'll see what the expert says it looks good good question all right well snow and cart  made it over yeah i just gotta stay on these   tracks as i learned in washington during  the winter snow well the river is really pretty   oh a bit squeaky that is scary in the squeaks  oh we don't have to come back on this though   so that's good yeah we're cutting across  the mountains we took the exciting road good morning well i gotta show you  guys what we're waking up to here whoa it's foggy out there hey girl we finally decided to leave the mountains of  panama and head to bocas del toro which should be   a real hot spot we had one nice cool night  last in the mountains here before we head   over to the caribbean side and hopefully we  can catch this ferry today see what happens   ah not what we were expecting but we just  drove up to the port and look at us on the boat and who's behind us we made it on the ferry i  was reading about this and hearing from other   people that you're supposed to sleep  in the line to be able to get a spot   i'm pretty sure we drove up 10 minutes before  it's leaving yeah and one guy the first guy we   see saying go back go back go back but we're  crazy i can't believe we made it on the BLEEP ferry   i saw you trying to vlog so that's why i  cursed because you cursed during our vlog i was reading google's rules and the  light language is acceptable wtf etc BLEEP all that oh some bridges in the way one hour the guy's sand  and we're all just giddy because we knew it would   leave at noon but we weren't really rushing to  get here or anything we thought there's no chance   but i mean this is thursday so maybe that's  perfect yeah because friday i'm sure it gets a   little more traffic all right this is epic yeah  we're gonna have to wait and now we're going to   the island today this is perfect i do not want  to stay here because everybody stares you down   and it's like come with me i'll help you get  to costa rica or bocas or wherever you're going   no we're good we don't need any help  i'm glad that it turned out to be true   so the cost of the ferry  was 60 dollars not too bad   Curt and i are on the search see if  we can get up to the top of this boat   looks like where there's a will there's a  way we found the way you just kept going   you're like i think he said turn around no  he didn't he said go ahead up and up and up oh okay well we got an ac lounge my abuela loved this stuff we  were just up here coming down   we didn't think we'd be able to be  on this boat today quite a nice treat well today we're packed in here tight on this boat every side that's how they make the dollars so i guess Bocas is that out  there on the left somewhere a lot of islands i guess there's six islands in  the archipelago so what are they serving in the   galley of this boat spring rolls with cucumbers  pepper don't pull up on those on the spring rolls   on the actual paper because uh our rice paper  is broken but it'll make it a little bit more   filling so that's good well emily's been working  hard so we're brewing up a coffee here on the boat   and we were counting how many islands that are  not accessible by road that graham has been to   ocracoke island north carolina  or south i think north, ometepe, isla mujeres, bocas del toro so four islands that you can't even drive to  this cat has been to he's a little tropical boy and a lot more islands that you  can drive to what do you think sabrita   coffee at 146. it's okay right  hopefully we'll be able to sleep i bet you Curt's over there mooning us right now oh there's a white butt got Carinero Island there  super close is actually a place that columbus went   pretty insane yes he was there they put the  boats on the sand at high tide and so low tide they   can tip the boat clean the bottom and that is uh  carinero island because that refers to the boat careening oh what yeah yeah oh wow it does look like  a lobster that thing is low to the water   oh dang toss it over here it looks like  we've decided to check out the town   briefly stock up and head across the island  over to the area of the starfish beach which you can't drive to but you can  drive most of the way and then walk   a nice walk along some beautiful beaches and this  is like more of a snorkeling side of the island   i got my new hawaiian sling would really love to  try cooking a whole fried fish we'll probably head   over to the more snorkeling side of the island to  partake in those activities there's supposed to be   tons of star fish we'll hopefully have some great  videos for you guys of that this is bocas town the capital of the province the island and   also the name of the town is bocas so we get  to go across the island check out this sweet   snorkel spot hopefully supposed to be some bugs  but you know what we got some counter measures thanks so much for watching we'll  be back soon to show you guys our   first adventure on bocas del  toro with snow and curt see ya  

2021-08-22 23:05

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