Quebec by Bike: A solo adventure along the St. Lawrence River | Cycling Across Canada, Ep.26

Quebec by Bike: A solo adventure along the St. Lawrence River | Cycling Across Canada, Ep.26

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in the previous episode I continued my ride across Northern Ontario I rode through some questionable weather and my trip was unfortunately interrupted when I was hit by a driver on my way to Pembrook after some time off I resumed my journey in this episode I ride across the province of Quebec label provance I have to warn you though expect some terrible French let's go quec hello hello this is where we perfect I'm taking this back road because I need to go find a mechanic okay I had a small minor accident again with the Sutra Sutra uh sut's wheel was wobbly and I came to cycle Paul they triw the wheel the front wheel and they gave me coffee and a little gift I'm heading to the ferry so I just missed the ferry there's the fairy going that way okay let's just relax I am on the Hudson Oka fairy and it is very very windy so I apologize for the wind noise but it is what it is crossing to Oka Quebec there is a Provincial Park that I'm going to be staying at I am trying to escape this weather situation the weather is supposed to be pretty terrible tonight but let's hope that I will be able to set up before that system moves in okay let's go it's going to rain for multiple hours let's listen to the Rain shall we good morning everyone welcome to August 31st I'm at a campsite and I quickly wanted to show you the work of raccoons so last night I put my food bags in the washroom that's very close by however raccoons still found some things that I missed I forgot that yesterday my warm showers host gave me some snacks for the road and I put them here they use the little fingers to unclip this and take out the food that was in the packages and yep they ate it I'm going to clean up the mess around my bike uh I'm going to eat and today I am meeting somebody I met on Instagram and we're going to ride together and I'll be staying at their place so let's get everything organized and uh well I will see you on the road good morning everyone welcome to September the 1st I wanted to say a huge huge thank you to Andre and his wife Joanne for oh so so much kindness and generosity Andre picked me up led me to his home hosted me fed me and then today he rode with me out here so that I am well on my way to my destination where am I heading to I don't quite now I am heading generally in the direction ofier today I will get to where I get to all right I will see you on the road are you familiar with the singer selong well she has a Boulevard named after her this is Boulevard sindon so I'm riding on the North Shore of St Lawrence River on Kings Highway the green route number five the ride has been good passes through a lot of small towns Villages beautiful ride thus far I just met these two cyclists ahead of me and they are also riding across Canada they are supported and they both have Parkinson's they said they are riding to raise awareness about Parkinson's disease awesome to have met them I wanted to bring your attention to signs that I've been seeing all over my ride in Quebec and signs such as this one so respect the distances or respect the distance um between cyclists and vles these signs are all over the place and this again gets me thinking on an Ontario Trans Canada highway highway 17 there's not even a mention of cyclists on the roads and I think that Ontario could do something like this as well I just arrived at this beautiful Motel it's 100 S La okay this is the cutest little place I've probably stayed out in a long time so you enter through this door and and this is the view so the bed and a table and you know beautiful stain stained glass windows and behind this door is oh a little sink good morning everyone welcome to September the 2nd I am in Louisville Quebec and I'm just stepping out of this beautiful bed and breakfast in Louisville there's a little sign just over there that says B new si le and they are super welcoming to cyclist let's go to TW where I will meet up with a friend and have a rest day tomorrow okay let's go I have to check in and tell you that this is such a pleasant ride so Louisville to stunning I'm riding amongst Farms the traffic is mostly you know this type of [Music] traffic good morning everyone welcome to September the 5th I had an amazing rest day yesterday went to St an's Canyon went to beautiful sanctuary and went to Quebec City had an incredible time with my friend who came to visit me did some sort of a zipline like ride across St an's Canyon the best non-resting rest day I've had in a while all right today I will be riding towards Quebec City I won't make it to Quebec City but closer to [Music] it riding through the town Village of champan and it is a sleepy little place but it's so lovely I like the little houses on either side of the road I passed a beautiful beautiful church that just seemed way too big for this little town but maybe I'm wrong oh there's a bar maybe they will have coffee right let's stop okay I've eaten I have cof coffee and now I'm going to resume my ride we've got V or headwind hello hello hello H hello hello sh bye holy moly take a look at this dude I'm in Apple Country yeah apples Apple stall all over the place I knew that at some point today certainly tomorrow I was going to start climbing the flat ride has officially ended still Highway 138 East the rout back number five Kings Highway let's go that's St Lawrence River right next to me Beauty I can climb for this [Music] welcome to Donna I am camping uh at the back of the church today which is fantastic this church interestingly is called St agas Church okay I will most likely see you tomorrow good morning everyone welcome to September 5th yesterday I camped outside the St an Church fun fact my name in Poland is aneska in French it's an and I slept in a Big Agnes tent in a Big Agnes sleeping bag so it was the night of anes in the town of donak cona this headwind is no joke today it is really really strong but that's not why I wanted to check in with you there's a cyclist with a fully loaded bike ahead of me and I think this may be Jonas a cyclist from Switzerland I made met yesterday at a rest stop so let's see if that is indeed him and if we can ride together for a little while no this wasn't Jonas everyone meet Jeremy a cyclist from friends who ended up being the perfect party Pace partner for a few hours together we battled the headwind and rode to Quebec City just got off Highway 138 to follow Shand DEA this route will take us all the way to Montreal here we are rout B five let's go I'm pushing the bike again and I'm having a rough time pushing because this hill is a 16% Hill here in Quebec City and look at this bridge taking the bridge from Quebec City to Levy I was originally going to take the ferry but taking the bridge and stand and we have a separated by PA so it's nice and safe yeah let's go and there he goes he's riding South I'm riding East I need to cross over there need to get to Tim Horton's eat something and then continue riding here is going to take me a while and here's why look at these views my God k so right across on the other Shore is Quebec City I wasn't expecting to see this this is beautiful the other side of the river chatau fanac and the fairies just leaving the other side so I'm going to be passing the ferry terminal on on the levy side soon I just climbed another Hill and the wind has picked up substantially substantially I went to the first Campground it was close or not close it was full so I'm heading to a second Campground if that is going to be full I'm just going to Wild Camp because I can't I'm really tired good morning everyone welcome to September 6th I wild camped last night so I didn't sleep well but that's okay I also ran out of coffee that that is not okay so today first order of business I need to go find a coffee shop or some sort of a coffee place great success I got myself a coffee mhm mhm I have quite the distance to cover today I'm on the road it's already 7:22 which is super early for me that's what happens when you wild Camp one of the things I really enjoy about riding in Quebec is just riding through these small villages right now the r one on which I'm on is running right through the middle of town another beautiful church I just arrived at a municipal rest stop and they have a hose apparently the hose is for washing dogs but dog bike same same right so I'm going to wash that drivetrain because it's seen better days and just like that the drivet Trin is clean and welcome to Mt Mane what we need is breakfast we need breakfast the beauty of bicycle touring is you can stop pause and enjoy the view take a look at the St Lawrence River take a look at how wide it is and look at what's on the other side that's mountains still riding on highway [Music] [Applause] 132 take a look at this View meels and around oh wow [Music] wow this is stunning St Lawrence and Fields to my left crushed gravel underneath the wheels an unexpected gift so I was going to follow Highway 132 I was following it all day long pretty much and then I decided to follow Highway the rud be one to my final [Music] [Applause] destination [Music] [Music] good morning everyone welcome on September 7th I'm just heading out from my warm showers host thank you so much for hosting me I so appreciate it as always thank you first order of the day coffee Tim Hortons is on the way today is going to be a beautiful day no headwood in sight so let's [Music] ride mountains the River Fields And A downhill I found another gym I just stopped at this little Municipal parkette oh my gosh quec so all of these properties along the river have this beautiful Riverside view but for everyone else's enjoyment there's this Municipal Park what I love about this stretch of 132 is how peaceful it is oh Sal it's a whole bunch of them hello hello oh I love this company there's more one more here's an example of another farm vehicle I think this want to set up for some sort of spraying there it is and look at the views they are absolutely spectacular there's that word again spectacular camasa camasa you are beautiful camasa I found another spot I want to check out I really need to stop this because I still have quite a way to go but I can't stop myself let's go check this out and then let's ride I veed off to yet another beautiful spot and then I saw the lighthouse that is kind of behind me there and the route continued so I kept walking and this is the spectacular view that awaited me welcome to this is where I will head south towards New Brunswick but this is my destination for tonight well just outside of the city never ever trust Google this is what Google calls mostly flat this is like a 12% Hill I've already climbed a couple of these 12% Hills Bon good morning everyone welcome to September the 8th I am just leaving the outskirts of rier deu I had an amazing amazing warm showers experience last night what am I doing today today I am hopping on L 8 this is a gravel Trail I am going to be inching my way towards Edmundston towards New Brunswick I don't know if I'll be Crossing into New brunsw today certainly tomorrow but I am excited to be off the main road for just a little while the one amazing thing about this Trail is that there's all these rest stops and they are quite frequent this is the second one I've seen in 8 km I also heard that there are camping spots okay so I am inside the little picnic table area and a couple of stairs down and it's a little Lookout point to the river but just across there is some additional structure so let's go explore them so there's a washroom here another cyclist just pulled up um a washroom oh and these are the camping pads look at that there's quite a few there's four that I see in front of me there you go a brush to keep the area clean so that one is reserved or was reserved this one doesn't have anything so I guess there are no reservation tags on any of the other ones so I guess my question is do they need to be reserved or oh there's another one in the distance I found this information board about how much you pay to rent a site so I was just speaking to the other Rider who speaks French and I think think that the the important piece here is to remember is that non-members of the corporation which I am not a member um pay $10 per site uh for a maximum of $20 per site and I think what this means is that maybe if you can have like two or three tents on the pad then you just pay maximum 20 instead of paying 10 per um 10 per each tent but regardless if you don't have a reservation then you just pull up you pay your $10 into this cell registration box and you're good to go see you on the road I got off Trail to find this store EP and I got what I needed here I'm trying to find the name of the town and it's around the St Louis dahaha seriously s s louu haha it's a great little store she has pretty much everything you'd need to pick up on this bike tour so I started my day somewhere let's just say around here and I've been following this rail trail and right now I'm at the St Louis dahaha so I'm right here I'm going to be passing through cabano later on I don't think I'll be getting to Edmundston today this is a little a little bit too far for me the Quebec new brunswig border is somewhere in between it has been a little while since I've passed into Quebec and I forgot to place my Ontario sticker on the fender of my bicycle I need to cut this sticker down to size you see this crack I mean okay it kind of makes sense because maybe that that crack is the last 90 km that I had to redo let's let's look at it that way right good morning everyone welcome to notam D today is September the 9th and I'm just heading out for the day oh my goodness the geese want to say hi hey geese today I am Crossing into New Brunswick that is going to be amazing I am also going to be moving ahead in time so I'm going to be losing 1 hour yeah so let's go start the day Sutra is ready she still has the shower cap on the saddle um but let's take that off and let's ride shall we see you on the road I'm riding through this passage and I wanted to show you what this looks like oh my gosh that was stunning look there was uh a note that this is a Trestle Bridge oh my goodness so this is in fact a Trestle Bridge let me show you what it looks like I'm crossing another bridge and the view are is so beautiful mist is lifting the fog is lifting from the lake and it was coming across the bridge and it was just stunning oh wow I don't know if you'll be able to see it on Google Map but I'm inching my way towards the New Brunswick border ah I think this is the sign that I've been looking for you are now entering New Brunswick

2023-12-09 18:59

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