Quarantine In Paradise | Thailand's Phi Phi Islands During Covid

Quarantine In Paradise | Thailand's Phi Phi Islands During Covid

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i can never be your trusted friend or your sworn [Music] you need [Music] so there's been a change of plans looks like i am quarantining uh here in paradise in the peepee islands on uh long beach at the peepee beach resort because i'm not supposed to be here long story short i thought that i had done my research and i understood you know the rules about me coming from phuket to krabi province where the pepe islands are i had phoned ahead to my hotel uh three days before i made the reservation asking is it okay coming from phuket you know to not only come here but like do i need any kind of paperwork do i need a cova test all that kind of stuff and they said no don't need you know any kind of test there's a speed boat at two o'clock no problem unfortunately uh when i arrived at the port here in tongsai bay kind of the main town site um on the islands here they said that that is not the case so then thankfully uh somebody from the hotel was waiting for me and had a talk with i guess kind of the immigration officer here and they basically made an agreement where i can come in but i have to stay just in my hotel resort area so i actually don't know if i would have chosen to come here if i would have known that this was the case because i really was looking forward to seeing the rest of the island um but you know it is what it is and there's worse places to quarantine but let me give you guys a little tour of this little bungalow villa that i booked here at peepee beach resort this place was super well rated and then uh here i don't know which light yeah uh here in the washroom overall looks fine just a regular shower and yeah i mean what people really come here for is of course a gorgeous beach but i do like that i have this nice little um veranda where you can just chill and have a nice view of the property me um so yeah as you guys can see there's worse places to quarantine i'm not gonna you know complain too much but one quick mention is that here on long beach if you guys can see behind me there are so many empty uh businesses before i came here i was actually reading that uh the pp islands are actually some of the most expensive islands to come and visit in thailand as in accommodation and food and all that kind of stuff tends to cost a lot more here but from what i've read in covid times it really you know has hit these islands maybe even technically worse than phuket because it's kind of an extra step for people to make their way out here there's obviously no airport or anything like that you have to take a boat and there's limited boats so i'm sure the tourism here is definitely down at least like 90 to 95 percent i haven't had lunch yet so good thing this place has a restaurant obviously hopefully the food is good we got some thai soups rice and noodle dishes more rice pasta pizza sandwich and burger we should be all right i'm happy to say though that i have made a new friend here on the island yes i have oh careful baby careful so to start us off i decided to get a fresh watermelon juice this stuff is just heaven so good this is literally the perfect thing if you ever feel like your electrolytes are all out of balance or you need something to nourish you more than just regular water i find that watermelon juice is perfect so this is my fried rice definitely uh plated differently than i've ever seen before i ordered chicken fried rice so it looks like the chicken is underneath but they put an extra egg on top some veggies we got a nice view of long beach [Music] so [Music] go [Music] see this this is what i'm talking about this makes me happy uh their breakfast actually looks really good i ordered the omelette option comes with three different meats i got some whole wheat bread some fresh fruit some fresh pineapple juice an americano and yeah absolutely gorgeous view of today the water really does look turquoise and funny enough uh one of the guys who works here was saying how i should rent some snorkeling equipment and go snorkeling in this area because yesterday he said he saw a little shark most people that'd be a bit terrifying but i assume it's the kind that can't kill you if he's recommending i do this so maybe that is what i'll do today i'll uh take a little snorkeling adventure [Music] [Applause] [Music] so i have a dinner date tonight hello to sebastian over there very cute kitty oh date my date's leaving um but i got a pina colada and just some fruit for supper because i'm not super super hungry i just wanted something refreshing so this is perfect so there has been a change in plans um not what i expected at all for better and for worse let's actually start with the worst where late last night i actually get a message from the speedboat place who's supposed to take me back to phuket um day after tomorrow saying that may 5th tomorrow is the last day that the speedboat will be operating meaning that if i want to go back directly to phuket at all that is literally my last chance to get there there are no other boats that are going so in other words i don't really have a choice i have so many things um booked in phuket right now that are non-refundable so i do have to just lose you know a night that i paid for at this resort and uh just go back early i don't know why um they decided to do that maybe lack of business but i just wish you know they would have given more notice because then i guess i would have just booked for a shorter time but let's get to the good news the um good news is that my hotel actually has a private uh long tail boat uh tour company and they said it's fine if i want to you know take a tour that you know just takes me on a boat ride of the surrounding area and stops at some of the islands that aren't you know really inhabited it's just like an island and some beach or whatever so they said it's fine if i want to do that so in a way i do get to leave the resort and uh see a little bit more of you know the pp islands and stuff so that's what i've decided to do today and i'm excited for it but sadly it is going to be my last day my last full day [Applause] so so so here we are in tila bay which is absolutely beautiful literally nobody else here but strangely enough since this is considered to be a national park and you have to pay like an entry fee there was like a boat that came along uh asking for the toll it was 400 baht which is about uh i guess 16 canadian dollars and uh yeah they kind of just like get it to you from the boat and then you're able to explore this amazing park i think it's just actually on the other side of this lagoon that is the famous maya bay which we will go and float in later today um you can't go out on the beach because they're kind of uh preserving it ecologically but you can just like snorkel in the area and see it from afar um [Music] [Music] [Music] huh [Music] so here we are guys in the famous maya bay this beautiful location was where they shot the movie the beach with leonardo dicaprio you guys can see uh really not a lot of people here but they are planning to actually open up uh maya beach again next year in 2022 it's been actually closed since uh 2018 because they had so many tourists uh just completely making the area a mess uh so it's good that they actually shut it down for uh well basically four years [Music] so here we are guys on monkey beach i'm just in the shade because the sun right now is dangerous very dangerous so i'm trying to take it easy after multiple sunburns as the name suggests there are supposed to be monkeys uh in this area i currently have not seen any but my uh boat driver said to like actually be careful because they can be sneaky and like come grab stuff or whatever from your bag so i'm just like keeping it on me i do have to say though that my god the sand on this beach is some of the softest and finest that i have felt in a very long time so this is really a fabulous place to just relax take in the view and the water here is also just perfectly clear so warm absolutely gorgeous [Music] please don't mind this but i do have to film my outro right now guys uh because the rain is actually coming in but i do have to say that i have never experienced anything quite like this of being on an island literally in the middle of nowhere or in the middle of the andaman sea i should say and been basically the only person on the island this is a part of the national park they actually just checked my ticket when i first got here but there isn't any other boats there's no other tourists here i am literally the only tourist in paradise that's why i feel like this is a good place to end off this spectacular video i've had such a phenomenal time here in the peepee islands even if it's been you know a little complicated and cut short i'm so glad i was able to come out here and experience this with next to no one around so i hope you guys enjoyed the video let me know your thoughts in the comments have you ever been to the peepee islands and as always i hope you guys are having a fantastic day until next time keep being your own kind of beautiful [Music] you

2021-06-02 15:50

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