Q&A | World Tour Cylist Will Answer To Most Asked Question! It's 134 questions!!!!

Q&A | World Tour Cylist Will Answer To Most Asked Question! It's 134 questions!!!!

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(Greeting in Korean) Hello guys This is Jin I’ve cycled the world for nearly 10 years. I’ve made the most asked question list and I will answer them today. Please watch to the end because I put the some important question at the last.

I made several categories. The first one is about Personal Info What’s your name? Jin Where are you from? South Korea Where were you born? Seoul The capital of South Korea Where were you grown? Anyang It’s 40 minutes to Seoul by subway and I usually worked and hanged out in Seoul most of the time. How old are you now? 30’s How old were you when you start the cycling trip? 20’s Let's talk about the life in South Korea before travel What did you study? Computer Science But I dropped after two years that I don’t remember even what I had studied.

What was your job? Office worker I worked at the office which anyone can do. Were you very adventurous? Yes when I was little and No, after the middle school. I grew up in Songtan near a rural area I just ran around the hills and the creek But then my family moved to Anyang, the city I got a yellow folding bicycle My friend always sitting behind me.

We went everywhere. But someone stole it. I entered the middle school and I started actually having calm life. So, I was not adventurous anymore after entering to middle school. And I hardly travel except only like one or two days trip with my friend Did you have a cycling trip before? Yes Just one year before I leave South Korea I went to Jeje Island I had 9 days cycling trip. Actually it was very scary but anyway I've done.

and I think that's the start of the adventurous life again. Next thing is about motivation and start of the trip When did you start the cycling trip? September. 1. 2011 Where did you start cycling from? San Francisco, the US When did you get the idea of a world tour? November. 2010 In 2010, I went to Canada with Working Holiday Visa.

I’ve never been out of my country before. But But I hitchhiked from the west to the east for nearly four months. When I was in Toronto, I met some guy.

And he said he cycled from Europe to Russia for a year. I was very impressed and I thought 'Oh, I want to travel the world one day.' That's like first time I started getting an idea of traveling the world. When did you decide to cycle the world? January. 1. 2011 After hitchhiking, I went to up north Canada, Yellowknife to see Aurora and work there On a frozen lake, I was watching Northern Lights.

and I was hitchhiking to the space. But I got scared that there would be no oxygen and there would be no other humans. So, I decided to travel my earth first. At New Year Parties, I told everyone I’ve met that I am going to cycle the world. That's how I really started. Why bicycle? A car is too fast, walking is too slow A bicycle has good speed.

And it sounds more adventurous and fun. How long did you prepare for the trip? Four months for money and One week for buying everything. I started thinking about this trip seriously in March. because at that time I had only $3,000 On April, I started working hard from Monday to Sunday and from 9 am to 11 pm. In August, I made $10,000.

24th of August, I flew to San Francisco and I bought everything in one week. What was the goal of this trip? I wanted to explore the world and have new experiences. I wanted to learn about different cultures and meet people around the world. And I wanted to grow from my own experience.

And moreover, I wanted to learn about my earth first before going to space, another planet. Did you enjoy your cycling trip from the day first? No I actually cried on my tent at the second day because it was too tough as I didn’t have any cycling experience overseas before. But I’ve already spent $2,500 for preparing and it was too much money. So, I decided to cycle one week more. After one week, I got more relaxed.

And I got used to. Did you plan this long-distance trip from the beginning? No! I didn't expect that I will travel this long. In the beginning, I was just thinking maybe only 3~4 years.

At the end of Latin America, I was really not sure. Go home or Africa? But I just tried to go to Africa. After Africa, I got used to be on the road, and I just kept cycling. This time, let's talk about personal records.

How many continents have you cycled? Six continents How many countries have you traveled? 74 countries Which countries have you been so far? Here is a list. How many kilometers have you cycled so far? 84,000km (52,000mi) How many kilometers do you cycle per day? 70 to 80km (37-50mi) average per day 100 to 120km(62-74mi) when it’s flat and day light is longer. 40-60km(24-37mi) when there is steep uphill. or there is headwind or I just want to stop middle of the day What’s your average speed? 13km(8mi) per hour This number is shown on my bicycle computer at the end of the day. When it's flat, my speed is 15km(9mi).

And on the steep uphill, 4~5km(2.5mi) How many hours do you cycle per day? 8-12 hours; I am outside on the road. And 4-7 hours, that's my pedaling time on my bicycle computer. So, I start cycling once the sun goes up, and I stop cycling before the sun goes down. It's quite long day. Pedaling time is always less than my real time outside.

because I stop for taking the picture, eating and just relaxing, and talking to someone. How much do you cycle per year usually? 10,000km (6,200mi) How much do you have a day off from bicycle? If I have 2 days cycling I would like to have 4 or 5 days day off I want to update my social media, I want to have tour, to meet local people, and have some rest. But it’s actually quite irregular. Sometimes I cycle seven days, and I have only one day off. because I can't find comfortable accommodation. The longest distance you’ve cycled in one day? 216km (134mi) in China (Dunhuang) I just wanted to get that city in one day and it was quite flat.

So I thought I could make it. I started cyling from 9 am to 2:30 am And the next day, I was too tired to do anything. I just lied down all day.

What’s the fastest speed? 80km (50mi) It was in Armenia. The pavement of the downhill was really good and there was a tailwind. So, I didn't feel any danger. It's time to talk about personal preference. ,which people always ask. What is your favorite continent? Latin America What is your favorite country? Mexico for everything.

Peru, Bolivia Turkey Iran for the culture. But in general, I like where I am mostly now. What is the best country for food? THE BEST COUNTRY FOOD IS South Korea End of Story And after it, my favorite country food is Mexico Turkey Ethiopia Spain China Malaysia The best moment of the travel? Having Frozen Mango and Cold Beer When I was cycling in Mexico, after getting permission to pitch my tent at local people’s house, they offered me frozen mango. And I had it on hammock And it was so relaxed.

Because the day was really hot. And that frozen mango was so good. My host was old couple, and they were very generous. So, I felt very safe at that time. The other time was in Brazil.

It was also hot day. I was invited by local people to stay for a night And they're very nice couple and family After I took shower they offered me a beer and I was sitting on some kind of wire chair because it was very hot day that air should be coming through I was still sweating although I took a shower because the heat I got during the day But it was just so relaxed and I feel safer I just feel lucky that I found a place to sleep What was the best place to cycle? I like desert, snow high mountain Which countries are the kindest people to let you camp easily at their property? Colombia, Paraguay Sudan South africa Finland Which country has kindness people welcoming you? France and Myanmar People all around the world are very generous and kind. I always appreciate them But I actually remember these two countries when I have eye contact they always smile The safest country to cycle? Netherlands Because there's a bicycle path everywhere. This is only one country in the world which has the bicycle paths everywhere.

The safest country to travel? Western European countries Before going there, I was worried about everything being expensive But actually, grocery shopping is quite cheap. like less than one dollar bread It was so good bread. Which country do you recommend to cycle for a solo girl Western European countries Which place do you recommend to cycle for a beginner? Western European countries Which place do you recommend to cycle for the adventurous people? Pamir Highway and Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia. Let's talk about finance which everbody is wondering Do you get money from family? No How do you finance? Working online I've saved $10,000 before traveling in Canada. That was not enough.

So I tried to work online many different things like building websites, writing for a magazine, and so on. You can check the other videos I made about this. The most successful was creating contents and getting donations.

How much do you spend per month? $400 at the beginning of trip and usually $5,000 to $6,000 yearly. After four or five years, I started spending more money because I was making a bit more money. So I spent $700 to $800 per month and 10,000 dollars for a year How do you take the money out from the bank? ATM Make the card which you can withdraw overseas. Usually it is written like this on the card. When it's written like this on the card and the machine, Then you can take money out all around the world in any atm except for a few countries like Sudan, Iran, Turkmenistan which have problem with the U.S You can't get the US dollar when you withdraw from atm.

You get only local currency in general. You can exchange the local currency to US Dollar in any exchanges store in all around the world How much do you take money out every time? $200 to $300 How do you carry money? I usually carry just like this small wallet and I keep always on the front bag. How to keep the money? Put in different places. I only keep $20 to $30 on wallet. I put like $50 to $100 on the bottom of this front bag. I put the left money behind the bag.

I hide them. So I like to separate money How do you prepare money for emergency? I always separate these two cards into different bags. In case if one of the bag is stolen, still I have one more card. I also keep at least 100 usd in hidden place for only emergency like if there's no any atm nearby USA dollar is universal that you can exchange money in any places in the world Even those countries where you can't take money out from ATM still you can exchange money. What if you can't take money out and there's no cash left? Ask someone to transfer by bank or PayPal. If you can't find any other solution.

You should call your embassy. Your friend or family sends money to your embassy and the local your embassy will give you cash. It may differ in other countries. But anyway the most important thing is that if your emergency like you got stolen everything, you must call your embassy They are there to help you. Let's talk about security How do you secure your bags and bicycle when you go to a toilet? Surprisingly saying no one ever tried to touch my bicycle in six countries while traveling the world. And I got the habit that I actually don't lock my bicycle when I go to the toilet.

Because at the beginning I was hurrying to the toilet. Always I only take this front bag with me. I just leave everything like this. And when I come back, my bicycle is still there.

I've learned that usually people don't touch my bicycle. I always put in front of entrance doors. So there's a camera How do you secure when you're camping alone? When I'm doing wild camping at the place where no any other people then i just leave it But if I camp where people passing or something like in the city Then I use a cable.

My lock has this kind of cable. So I can connect between tent and bicycle. I use this bungee cord, too, and then I just do like this as well. and in the dark, the thieves can't see this. So when thieves tried to push, and then they were actually having problem. like make noise.

They may be embarrassed. 'Oh, what's going on what's this noise' Then maybe they run away. So I just try this as well. Do you carry Self-defense products? Yes in the past Not now. One American friend gave me pepper spray.

I carried until 2014-15 But then I lost it. And I don't have anything now. But when I camp during the night alone, I put knife over my head, cooking knife Just to feel safe.

But I don't think it's useful. Also, I put the pepper spray over my head when I had that. How to stay safe as a solo female traveler Use common sense and follow a local people's advice If you don't walk such a dodgy place and like late at night, I think you'll be fine. I try not to be too friendly with some strange males to avoid any confusion. What is dangerous thing while traveling? Car accidents I was hit by a car over four times when it's fully loaded.

and also one time by motorbike. Have you met any thieves? No I don't know. It's weird.

Because I've heard many stories about thieves from the other travelers. Even they travel as a couple or with friends. But I am cycling alone. Probably because I look poor. So, no one's trying to steal things but the real problem is that I forget and lose nearly everything. So I'm the thief to steal my things from myself.

Any bad things happened on the travel? Not really Usually, the bad thing is more like car accidents and sexual harassment. What was the most dangerous thing happened to you? Running away in the cold night When I was traveling in Finland, it was a really cold winter. People are very kind and generous that whenever I ask 'Can I set up my tent in your garage?' because the outside is too cold. They always let me sleep inside One night this guy looked weird. He was probably drunk a bit. I stayed a bit there actually.

I had a shower and a dinner. But I could feel really weird. My heart was pounding. So, I decided just to run away. It was really cold night like -10c (14F) But I just went to road I tried to stop the car, and some driver stopped after 10 minutes. I asked, "can you call the police please?" Police came and I was just staying in the police car.

Two police officers went to the his house, and collected all my bags. At the night, I slept in jail because it was free. I really appreciate those two police officers. They didn't scord me like 'Why did you knock strange male's house and try to sleep there?' They never asked any question.

They just helped me. I still very appreciate them. This time let's talk about health. Did you have any insurance? No I had insurance only for a month to apply for Iranian visa.

That's all. Recently I joined insurance again to skip my current australian visa. Did you get vaccine before traveling? No But when I was in Latin America, I must get the Yellow Fever vaccine to go to South Africa.

That's not effective anymore because it has been 10 years nearly. And recently I got Covid 19 vaccine. What is in your First Aid kit? Pills for cold, stomach, and painkiller also some bands cream for itching and sunburn. What are you sick from usually? Stomachache and cold What do you do when you're sick? When I'm sick, I just try to cycle the next town and look for a place to stay When I'm really sick, actually most of the times I vomit. And then after vomit I get really really tired So I just sit or lie down until I get better.

Or if I'm terribly sick, I hitchhike to the next town. Actually I never need to go to hospital. If I take the rest for two days, I always feel getting better. Are your bones and joints okay after long cycling? Yes I think everything is fine.

I heard many people having problems. But I always doubt that bicycle setup is something wrong like the seat is too low or high or their handlebar is too far or they cycle too much like 4,000km(2,800mi) per month I cycle only 1,000km per month When I have a break for a month and then I start cycling again, I start having a bit of pain for a couple of days. After, that I feel good.

Do you keep cycling during menstruation? Unfortunately, yes. I tried to avoid cycle at least a couple of days because it's uncomfortable. But I can't avoid many times. Because I can't get right place a right accommodation at the right time. So I just cycle. This time let's talk about this one, bicycle.

How many bicycles have you used for cycling around the world? Only one bike What’s your bike brand? Surly Long Haul Trucker. Did you make the name for it? Lucky Because I need extra luck as a solo traveler. How much was it? $750 I found this bicycle at Craigslist, website for secondhand. Someone built with the new frame and then some part was old and new If you buy this from the store, it will cost at least more than $1,200. What's your wheel size? 26 inch Do you like your bicycle? Yes It's very strong frame. It survives many accident.

How heavy is your bicycle? 18kg(40lbs) with the lock and everything included like this. How many flat tires did you have? I never counted. But usually once every month. I use Schwalbe Marathon Plus. This is for the touring bicycle that it is very strong. So, I don't get flat tire often.

What do you do when your bicycle is broken? I try to fix If I can't fix it and the bicycle doesn't move anymore, then I just hitchhike. What can you fix by yourself? A flat tire and i can change some cable, and also I can some tuning. Just basic thing. Did you know how to fix a bicycle before? Yes When i was in canada just before starting, I went to a small bicycle shop and asked like "Can I learn something from you and volunteering to help you something?" Usually, small bicycle shops are happy to help you.

When I was in Ecuador, I tried one more time. I learned about truing the spokes. So I know how to do this too. What do you do when the dog chase while cycling? I've learned that if I stop and wait for minutes, the dogs stop and calm down and they stop chasing.

They are triggered by wheels moving. So if I stop then just calm. Or, if it's flat, I just ignore and cycle fast as much as I can.

This time let's talk about luggage. How much weight is your luggage? It really depends. 35 to 45kg (77~99lbs) So, if it's winter, I carry a lot. Also if I do wild camping, I carry food, waters, and many things. But if it's really hot country with cheap afford restaurant.

then I carry way less. Why do you carry many things? Why not? When I started 2011, it was trending that everybody cycles like this. I still like it.

It's not holiday my life on the road. So, I like to carry whatever I want. These days the trending is minimalism that people carry way less. Even there's a bike packing.

That's really amazing. I also want to try one day. But the thing is that picture packing is very fancy thing. If you want the smaller and light things, you must pay lots of money for expensive gears. And look at this.

This is a camping bag. This look huge because it's just a cheap thing. Isn't it too difficult to go uphill with all luggage? Not really I have 27 gears, so I can go slowly. But there's some very steep uphill, especially in some countries like New Zealand, Australia, Thailand, Colombia, Laos Then I don't have a choice. I just push my bicycle.

But most of times, it's okay. I just cycle slowly. Camping and Accommodation. Which tent do you use? Slumber jack trail for $70 from 2011 to 2014 Meru Yukon Pu from 2014 to now. My friend was about to throw away his tent.

And I asked "Give me!" I do this time to time. When people throw away, I ask "Give me!" I am still using this tent. It's quite difficult to set up. But I like it. It's getting really worse like there's no more waterproof. When there is heavy rain, it comes really badly inside on the the floor.

And the zip is broken. But I still like it. I like to buy new things like camera or laptop. But most of the things, I just like to keep the old ones.

But actually, my laptop is quite old, too. It has been five years. Which stove do you use? Can beer stove from 2011 to 2014 My Canadian friend gave me.

But actually, I didn't cook much. Because it's uncomfortable and I couldn't find good alcohol. Gas Cooker from 2014 to 2015. My Spanish friend gave me something like gas stove. It was very small.

and it was really good to carry I started cooking more often because it was good. Msr Whisperlite from 2015 to now I can find fuel easily in any country. You know a gas station is everywhere. How do you find a place to stay? Using booking.com or agoda.com to find cheap accommodation Actually I started using this website from 2014. I like it.

Because it shows cheap accommodation. Checking local hosts at the hosting website like Warmshower or Couchsurfing But Couchsurfing is not good anymore since the airbnb came out. But Warmshowers is still good. By the way, Warmshowers is only for cyclists. Couchsurfing is just for random people.

Some friend introduced me to their other friend for my staying. Asking local people to pitch my tent at their property. I ask a gas station, police station, or fire station. Doing wild camping Or using camping site. When do you find a place to stay? One or two hours before sunset.

It's unpredictable most of times. Sometimes I really find my camping spot just right near the dark. I tried to avoid it but sometimes it really happened. A big city like the capital is different. I usually try to find a place to stay a few days before arriving. How do you find a wild camping spot? Check small road Usually, if you follow the small road on the big road, there's someplace to do wild camping.

You can use google maps like satellite and street views. So, you can check what kind of terrain there or any fence. Is it safe to do wild camping? Yes And No Unlike our scary imagination, usually nothing really happens. But you never know.

So, I can't really guarantee. But anyway I survived. To be honest, time to time I can't sleep deeply. Because I'm a bit more nervous when I'm doing while camping alone. I don't think this is problem. This is instinct to survive.

Imagine like if I sleep too deep to listen to someone coming, it's more dangerous. So to be awake lightly is just surviving instinct. How do you keep the food from the animal? I just put food on the pannier and close it when I sleep. How much water do you carry for camping? 3L If I wash and cook then 3L, If I don't do anything, 1L because I need to drink in the night and morning.

What do you do if it rains during camping? Stay calm and check if water comes inside. How to dry wet clothes and tent on rainy day? Usually if my tent is wet, I just put it on the top of the bag. Because I think if I just squeeze inside, it will smell bad. The rain never comes 24/7 days. There must be some point to stop. And then there's the time I stop and dry.

Sometimes when it's really rainy day, I try to get accommodation Wash and dry under the fan. Let's have a general question about travel How do you prepare for the visa? Research online Every passport has different visa requirement. You must check the information related to your passport. When I was in the United States, I checked all the Latin American countries to see where I can go easily. And when I was in Latin America I checked Africa before even buying flight ticket. I checked all the visa requirements And it looked like Eastern Africa easier.

And West African looks difficult to get the visa. So, I decided to cycle on Eastern Africa. This is like that. Every country is different.

So you must find the information by researching online. Or call your embassy. The most important thing is that you never buy flight ticket if you don't know visa requirement. How do you plan for the route? I decided which country I would go by just looking at map. Once I decide the country, then I decide the direction like north to south or west to east. Once I made these directions, then I just plan day by day.

And every time it's changing. I actually don't care much about route. I just like to be on the road.

What do you use for avigation? Paper map and Asking local people from 2010 to 2013 I've used Maps.me and Google map since I started using smartphone in 2014 Maps.me is offline map that you can download the map when there's internet. And you can use it even when there's no internet.

Every smartphone has GPS. So even without internet, you can use GPS. Do you plan for the weather? I can't Because it's long distance cycling trip. So if I choose good weather for this place, I might have bad weather for other place So I cycle often too hot or too cold. Do you have a filter for water? No I used it one time when I was cycling in Central Asia. But I borrowed from other cyclists whom I was cycling together.

Where do you get water? Buy or ask local people I have weak stomach, so I try to buy water quite often. Where do you find the food? Stores Every 20 to 40km (12~24mi), there is a store. You won't be dying with the starving. This is actually surprising that there's something always on the road.

But if you go very remoted area, you must carry and plan ahead. How much water do you carry? 1~3L But If I travel in the desert, I carry like 10L to 15L. Also when I was in Africa, I carry lots of water.

Because between small stores, they didn't sell water. They only sell coca-cola. Do you buy sim card in every country? Not in the past, but now yes. In the past, I tried to save money. Especially in Europe with many small countries. But now just buy How do you charge the phone? Use power bank I can charge for 2-3 days.

I use this as GPS So it's very important not use too much to keep the battery. I can charge my phone and those things when I stop at cafe or gas station or when I sleep inside. How do you take the picture and video when you're alone? I use tripod, also the timelapse, the function that you keep taking pictures So, I can have some natural picture. And I ask people even for filming like Please can you hold it? and I just cycle and then I come back and I say thank you Also like when I cycle with someone, definitely I ask them. Which camera do you use? Canon 50d from 2011 to 2014 Canon 70d 2014 to 2020 Canon g5x mark ii 2020 And actually I'm using it now.

GoPro4 from 2015 to 2019 Now I'm using GoPro8 Because I lost GoPro4. "I am theif to steal my things from myself." Is there something you wish to prepare before traveling? Driver license I can't get a driver license overseas easily. Even if I get it, it's difficult to turn to international driver license. I think driver license is very important.

When I had working holiday visa, some job required a driver license. If I drive a license, probably I can rent a car with the other travelers and have some tours, which I can't go to by bicycle. Let's talk about language. How to speak with the local people who can't speak english? Body language and Google Translator People usually ask the same thing most of times.

So, you can guess. Such as 'Are you hungry?' 'How old are you?' 'Do you want to sleep?' Where did you learn english? School Just like everyone But I was studying English very hard when I tried to transfer my university. At the time I really improved a lot. I improved my English conversation while cycling around the world. Can you speak another language? Korean and a little bit of Spanish (As I was born and grow in South Korea,) (of course, I can speak Native Korean.)

(I speak a bit of Spanish) (In the past, I could speak way better) (I like Latin People very much) (I love to speak Spanish more,) (But I don't have a friend who can speak together here) This time let's talk about emotion. Your family okay with your long trip? Yes My family is okay. My mom said one time 'I envy your life, because you're doing what you like.'

You know in this world it's not actually usual that your family support when even you don't follow society like having a job car house, getting married and having baby. When I meet people around the world, they always ask "Your family okay?" In their deep mind, they think that I'm something wrong But yeah everything is fine. I'm lucky It's very good feeling that there's no one who says "You shouldn't do it" Do you miss home? Not really Because I'm away home for a long time that I am just used to I'm such an easy going that I can eat any kind of local food.

But when I go to Korean grocery store and Korean restaurant, Suddenly yes I miss home because they always play the song from 2000 like the music I was listening to when I was a teenager or beginning of my 20s. So, it makes me homesick. The Korean grocery store is dangerous place. But I don't go often.

Because there's not many Korean grocery stores in the world except in the big city. What do you miss when you cycle? Last comfy zone When I was on the road, everything is hard. Then I just think about the last comfortable place. last accommodation I don't miss like my country or the other country I just miss yesterday, my comfortable place. Aren't you scared? Yes I'm very scared very often and many times But I just live with the fear.

Because I like what I am doing. So, I've just learned to live it with fear. What really not okay thing is that just give up without trying because of the fear How to cope with the loneliness? Accept it To feel lonely is very human nature whether you travel or not. So I don't think that there is a real solution.

Of course, you can try like to meet people or just read the book You can try something. But I think there's actually no real solution. Just accept it and there's some point you don't feel lonely. When I cycle I really don't feel lonely. But when I stop in a big city, sometimes I feel lonely.

Because I see people with other people but I'm alone without anyone. Since covid 19, I feel a bit more often lonely, because it's quite difficult to socialize. What's the hard thing on the world trip? Discrimination Finding place to sleep before the sunset And Farewell I had been harassed a lot on the street in many countries especially in some low GDP countries out of Asia. You can't imagine how much I was harassed on the road.

Sometimes it's really like 50~100 times only one day like guys always shouting at me catcalling racist calling It's very frustrating because I don't get respect But when I stay with the local people After asking like can I set up my tent and I get the place to stay Local people are always nice This thing always happened just by random people on the street So, I know that this is not a bad purpose. They just get excited to see some strange people in their country. But catcalling is still not okay. Shouting the way like racism is not really okay. Really sad thing is that when I'm with the male, people don't do this to me much. When I'm with the Caucasian male, it nearly stops it.

This is really really sad thing that skin color and gender matter still. However, I love as who I am and I'm grateful about my life. But I just face this challenging when I cycle. The second thing is 9 to find a place to stay.

As I told you, I'm scared a lot and especially before the sunset, I get very nervous. like 'oh where to sleep tonight, where to sleep?' It's always so difficult. If you read my blog, you always see that I find someplace to stay after asking people or doing wild camping.

But it's never been easy really. I always get nervous and even asking is not easy. My personality is like I'm introverted and extroverted.

When I feel comfortable, I become very talkative, but usually, I'm a bit introvert. So to ask it's not easy. Although I've asked more than like seven years eight years still not easy.

I actually spend 20 minutes around the town just going around until I feel comfortable. or the sun is going down that I don't have a choice so I just ask. It's really difficult Still The last thing is to say goodbye. This is really difficult, because I'm traveling alone So when I really like some people or I really love And then to say goodbye is just really heartbreaking because I know I would be alone.

and there's no one any around. This is actually one of the reasons I want to finish my trip and settle down these days. Because I want to be with someone like without worrying that I must leave soon Why cycling alone? I couldn't find a cycling partner who can follow me six continents. But when I meet some other people, I cycle together. When our road is separated, we say goodbye. My cycling speed is very slow, So even I met someone I can't go further much, because actually, I'm bothering them with my slow speed What is the good thing about traveling alone? I can stop whenever I want I can concentrate more with the present I can mix with anyone.

And I can have a deep relationship with the local people when I stay at their place What is the good thing about traveling with others? I feel safer There's someone finally to listen to my joke When I stay at local people's house, I save energy by talking less because my traveling mate will talk as well What do you like most on your trip? To eat, To meet people To take shower after long day cycling To see sun rise after scaring camping night alone What you don't like most on the trip? To say goodbye to people I like and I love Extra last question Finally the last chapter last categories What makes you keep traveling? Curiosity I'm curious about everything I actually ask quite a lot questions whenever I meet people I think this is the biggest motivation make me keep cycling Because I'm always wondering what's next. Did you enjoy traveling even after so many years? Yes Because of the curious city But after six continents I travel now I want to go home. Have you been home since you started a trip? No Why never been home? Because I wanted to go home by land through North Korea. I had this dream since I started to travel In the beginning of first year, I thought if I success to travel six continent, I love to go home through North Korea to show the world we are connected. Do you regret your too long trip? Last year I asked permission to cross North Korea to go back home but I couldn't get any permission.

I was denied Actually, I asked some other people for help. Someone actually who works at tourism in North Korea says to me you could cross if you tried in 2018 because at the time the relationship was really good So I was thinking maybe if I finish my trip in 2018 probably I could go home like by spreading this message But regretting is a waste of time I never actually wanted any time machine. I just like now always more than past.

Did you regret your trip at some point? No Even on the steep uphill, I always knew why I was cycling. Which lesson did you get on your trip? There is more than one story The media always talk about only one side For example, if the media shows about the U.S it's about the gun like killing each other But when I was in US, I felt very safe I still remember the beautiful sunshine. And this thing goes to every country Because the media always puts something in our brain They make our view very narrow But when I travel, I see many different stories I think this is really important lesson.

There's more than one story Where are you now? This video made in september 2021 I'm currently in near Gold Coast, Australia. Please check below bottom of my website There's always written about my current location. If it's not changed it means I'm still there. When are you going back home? I don't know I'll be back home if I'm allowed to go to North Korea by land or finally, I can give up my 10 years dream of spreading peace message I don't know really What's your plan after trip? I don't know Probably for now I just try to update Youtube and make money with it as well. Will you travel by bicycle in the future again after finishing this trip? Yes But not like this I want to travel with other friends and just short trip Not alone long trip anymore One time is enough Where do you want to travel in the future? New country I have never been and the country where my friends live Have you been changed after the long trip? Not really I'm just Jin, just like before The only thing changed that I got beautiful memories That's enough Any advice to people dreaming of traveling the world? Just try I didn't have any experience of cycling overseas and I didn't have enough money and I was so scared at everything but look I've made it I think if you really crazily want something, you'll make it.

Thank you so much for watching to the end. (Thanking in Korean) I was actually happy to answer some questions and I hope this was helpful and interesting Later I will try to make the video about my bicycle setups and camping If you have a more question please leave a comment I will answer or I'll try to make it in another video. It has been a really long trip I never expected this long I really really never ever expected It just happened I have enjoyed so much my traveling I had so many good moments I really appreciate that I am still alive. Thank to everyone. Thank you See you at next video

2021-10-09 22:47

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