Pro Chef Vs. Mom's Homemade Pho • Homemade

Pro Chef Vs. Mom's Homemade Pho • Homemade

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Hi. Hi welcome to homemade, we're going to be exploring the differences, between homemade dishes and restaurant dishes, and for this episode we're celebrating, asian pacific, american heritage month with state farm for those of you who don't know apm celebrates, the cultures, traditions, and history of asian americans and pacific islanders in the u.s, thanks to state farm for providing an opportunity, to help us share our culture and identity. One way that i've been trying to make the best of my time during this pandemic is learning how to cook plastic chinese dishes at home reconnecting, with my cultural roots, food has been such a big part of my chinese american background, i love being able to make not just chinese dishes, but food from all around the globe, so for this episode, we're focusing on a dish from vietnam, the very homey. Warm, noodle dish. And to help me navigate, vietnamese, culture and cuisine today is my special guest, kathy, nguyen. Hello. What's up. Good job thank you welcome to the show thank you, i'm, excited to be hanging in there, so far is one of those dishes that people often say is better homemade, agreed. Wow that was a fast, agree. I think so well my mom is a great cook, not to be biased but i'm biased, have you ever made bob before. No. I mean she's tried, to teach me, multiple, times really, yes and i'm just like it's just so much better when you make it. Well we're gonna learn today. Yeah or at least attempt to okay, first on the docket we're going to a restaurant, and they make a very unique pho that's shaken style, and then we're going to go see a friend and he's going to show us his mom's, recipe, nice. All right let's go all righty. My name is viet nguyen, and today, we're at soup noodle bar showing you guys how to make northern style fun what is northern, style frog so it. Started out in the north it's actually very simple, you don't see basil, you don't see bean sprouts you don't see any of that stuff just sprays beef, noodles, and there's nothing else really, yes huh, yeah, i'm so used to just eating, bean sprouts, hoisin sauce all that stuff yeah. My, dad was actually from the north, migrated, to the south, at home i would eat southern style foam but every time i visit his family. Then i would eat northern style food to make that simplicity. Come, to life, is a lot of work people, already, are biased toward their parents. Like how are you overcoming, that hurdle, so we look at the community, around him we found out they want pho but they also want something, completely, different from the rest. So when we first started out we did exactly, as, everybody, else would do it. And then when i go back and i look at the recipes, that passed down from my uncle he actually had a shop it was literally his house i love that the way that he makes it is just so. Homey, and so we built this restaurant, based on that when. I had my first bowl of ramen, i saw how, the broth was this. I'm milky so that's tan kasu, style, what if we do that with. Boil, all these bones, all these fats for 48, hours straight, and people just keep coming back, because it's so rich and flavorful, how does it sound to you, it sounds, great i've, never had, northern, style. Before so i'm, definitely, looking forward to trying. I love. So much, i love any, beef. Bony, soup. And. I cannot, wait, to learn how to make fun from you i'm so excited, i just can't wait to eat. This is so legit. Super legit wow. I like it. Okay. We're official, now, okay this is where, all of the flavor, actually come from. Wow, i've always wanted to be a sous chef so. This show is just me becoming a sous chef. This is the knuckle. Huge. Knuckle. Stephen i thought you're going to be doing this oh, sorry. Just rinse it. It is actually quite clean. So one whole box, i mean that's like what 60 pounds. 60 pounds. And that's not the end of it so we're going to fill it up with 30 more pounds of oxtails.

Whoa, 10 pounds, of, tendon, another, two slabs of brisket, it's about five to six pounds, of beef belly, so why don't you just put a cow. Inside. The. Pot. This looks like a bathtub, for your baby. Fun fact when i was very young, we used to use the pot to bathe. So these three parts yet here are. One day apart, exactly, this is fresh, it's 24 hours. This is 48.. I love how the head chef here is really just time. Yeah it's um. Patience. A lot of good virtues you can learn making fun. This is 20 pounds, of aromatic, and we're going to put that all in a pot all right go ahead and stir it up just a little bit no. No i can't. It's a home cooked version you're going to do that the restaurant version. Oh. Wait, what is the. Motion. I think we're going to be okay with half the amount of onions. Slowly. Slowly. Oh no oh no. You did it you can call me a sous chef. Steve. You want to try that no, i can barely. I'm moving and not the pond. Teamwork. The we're the fantastic. Far. In here you got all the spices, that we already ground up and put in the bag oh nice, so technically, it's starting these. Fennels, and cardamom, and all that stuff you put in something like this and drop it in three hours. Now the rule of thumb for this. You don't want to cook them any more than two seconds but you're within two seconds, just two seconds. Drop this in one. Two. And that's it. One. Two. Three. That's it usually i would go another one six ounces so it's about that that's a little bit too much, it's a tose. There you go. That means, that means extra larger. One. Two. That's. It. So you guys are also known for your shaken, style, pho, yes what is shaking style, i never tried it until. Last year, i saw anthony bourdain. His, episode, about, chicken style so i'm like let's see what the fuzz is all about was that a pun. Saturn. I just caught that that's bound to happen. When you boil it all of the bone marrow, fat moves to the top that top fat layer is simmering, with all the spices, all of the ginger, and onion they take that top fat and they still fry it with garlic, onions. Meat, and so it creates this whole. Different, layer of aroma. Very. Intense, a lot of people don't even call it fall, because, it tastes so different. But i mean, what is well anyway if you go to like japan, there's like a million types of ramen, right. But when you talk about fog for some reason, there's a stigma of like if you selling file you have to sell the, traditional. Which i don't understand. Because technically if you go to the south or saigon. That's already different i add a little bit more of the broth in the bottom. And now, this. Is the goodness that we're talking. About. Oh my gosh it smells, so amazing, right now, so all of that rye on top. Here's a, oxtail. All of that goodness. And, as a true northern sofa.

A Little bit of that, bone marrow oil right on top. Just a little bit, okay that's a white onion. I actually don't put any onions. In my food, oh, bad and that's it that's your bowl. I'm gonna bring it out. This is on the side. Slow cooked egg with a little bit of broth, that's how we eat it in vietnam, really, what. Filet mignon. It's so fatty, yeah, it's so good it's just, layering. Over my tongue, and my lips. The noodles. Yeah, okay i like sriracha. Give me a little bit i want to see what kathy's. A little bit of sriracha yeah there's a little, flop in there. That's okay. Oh yeah, that is really good you know okay. A little spicy. That really bright i mean you can have all this stuff too but how many bowls of flour do you think you've eaten in your life. How old am i. Have you ever eaten a bowl of. That was presented in a way like this oh no definitely not and i can't really compare it to my mom's, for sure so, but both are great though yeah i think that's kind of the point like if you're gonna go to a restaurant and eat fa. You want to do it in a different way oh yeah. Oh. I, i am like, so happy right now, me too back break, yes. A big thank you to state farm, for making this episode, possible. What are we making today, we're making, spring rolls, which is also known as gaekwon, you want to say that. Dang it. Which is, this right here the rice, wrapper, personal preference whatever you like on it mint leaves. There's onions. Bean sprouts. Oh my, gosh. Again, personal preference. Wait pause i saw all the things that you requested. And i realized, that um it's not what i would put in mine, oh no. I'm going to win tony's heart with spam. Hey this is not fair this is your home, oh my god. Do you like spam. He does that oh he's struggling. As a maybe, now i think we can start rolling. Oh that's it let's start, we'll get there oh sorry.

One Roll in you want to add the shrimp usually we. Use a little bit of i mean bigger shrimp, yeah so i bought shrimpy shrimp, i bought these because they were cute. I mean they're still shrimp line it up and then make sure you bring in the two sides, oh. Oh no. Oh no. I'm breaking. Me too, i'm breaking oh no. I'm breaking the bag is broken. Um. Yeah. We can try another one let's do another one okay. I like your shrimp heck, it's not my, hack but what whose hack is it. Uh oh. No i hear the crunch. Not too much. Oh no, this is this, this is the end product, wait, i'm going back to my first one. Can't forget the sauce. Oh yeah, what does your sauce do i mean wait what. This isn't the right way to do this. Um if you like peanut butter you can add more peanut butter in it but that's pretty good. Okay i'm gonna defend my case why i'm the winner. Whoa. Here we go, oh gosh. Mine's pretty simple, there's not much, crazy stuff in there. He gave me a thumbs up. I like spam. This is the first time i've ever had in this rainbow. But. Yours, is uh very. Nicely, made. Proportions, were right. Um, this is just like. Like a burrito. This might be an, actual tie. I'm whoa, okay with that. You did well, you too, act break. Kathy, steven, this is my brother winston. Hello, hello there. Visiting, and he's gonna cook you some fun today thank you for coming down yeah of course. Thanks for having me you have two restaurants. Up in the bay area. Super good paper plane that are amazing. But, i also don't serve your homemade, father. No we don't not yet not oh. Okay, i thought what could be better than a second generation person who learned a recipe, from their mom and then also adding your twist, on it growing up and being in the kitchen with my mom like every step of the way asking questions, we have like this dialogue, about cooking, as long as i can remember, she's like one of the best cooks i know it's not like just because she's my mom no she can eat a dish, and she can replicate, it that's how, good she is where did she learn how to cook, just by repetition. And growing up in the countryside, in vietnam, that's like kind of what you do, it's funny because she actually. Couldn't find a lot of the ingredients, you know when she first immigrated here to cook vietnamese, food. So, growing up like i remember. Spring rolls, yeah. And there's certain dishes that she would substitute, ingredients, and it actually became. A dish that we liked more than the traditional, dish, like, she couldn't uh find a certain. Rice noodle. And she replaced, it with spaghetti, and we actually. Really love that version it's one of my favorite dishes, so what kind of fat are you going to be teaching us to make today a brown chicken, and, clam. Very, minimal, crochet mods so we're not going to put like a ton of sriracha, hoisin sausage it's all about the chicken. The soup and the noodles are just kind of, there to like wash it down honestly, and then we're going to take the bones from the broth and make a little appetizer. From it as well. So nothing is wasted we're trying to use a literally. Okay first off i want to say, a big thank you my friends chris and jax, they have a beautiful kitchen that they have allowed us to use in exchange. For a wolfo. I think that's chris's exact text, all right, so, first we should get some water boiling, this is for the chicken this is going to be for the clams and this is going to be to blanch, the, turkey neck and the feet it's a little darker in flavor so kind of resembles like an ox toe but like it's poultry. Yeah and this is going to add like a lot of depth to the sauce. There you go. I'm gonna guess like here, yeah, it's a good guess.

Yeah. There you go yeah there you go you gotta do it one more time and then we're all good. It's perfect. It's perfect. Cool let's put the feet and neck in the other pot, we also have clams, here this is going to add a lot of sweetness to the broth. I'm not using any msg, so this kind of replaces. That umami, i don't think i've heard of this before. Yeah i don't think it's a thing i learned it from like a very, old. Uh. Vietnamese, man though he's a chef. This is basically five spice, uh star anise, which is like the primary flavor of i would say some bay leaves dried and then we're gonna just char this whole thing, this is a critical, like essence, of faux like if you walk into a house you'll smell the charred onions and ginger. So when you were watching your mom cook would she be teaching you or did we just be observing everything she was doing i'm just asking her a ton of questions. What was porter doing i don't know. You want to come join, this is actually a perfect job for me because i burned a lot of things. We didn't grow up having a lot but we didn't feel like we were lacking a lot because my mom poured so much of herself into, the food she would feed us i would agree i think for my parents, food equals, love like the interchangeable. If she wanted to say i love you she would just serve me a ton of food, yeah, cool so now we're going to clean up this chicken there's a bunch of like feathers, and little, ears. You just gotta like manicure this thing a little bit, oh. Yeah. You don't eat that honestly, like. It's like there's like so much i got, two hairs, so far. You want me to try it yeah please. There you go okay wait why are you so skilled at this i'm not. Why am i so bad at this, maybe that's a better question. It's not ripping the flavor off you're just kind of focusing, the flavors that you want you're like exfoliating. So you want it like tight, and together so that it cooks pretty much evenly, uh-huh. Yoga. There's some people who can do things like this. Yeah in real life yeah i mean i've been to this regis before, got it, so. Good, all right bath time. And once it boils, we flip it and this is like my mom's timer, so. When it boils again, that's the exact time to cook the chicken before you, cover it all these little steps, that really add up to making, the perfectly, cooked chicken. And then now we're going to rinse it with cold water and that's going to tighten the skin. Fun part it's breaking down the chicken, i've been dreading this moment. Because i know that we will fail oh god i'm excited. Okay let's go fail, it's still in its position. All right so i'm going to try to walk you through this as best as i can great get rid of the head, and neck first. Weapon of choice. When you're breaking down, whole animals. The road map's there for you already so don't make your own cuts, pull it open and you'll see. It should just. Pop right out that's it i barely cut that. See that where the rib cages just follow that down kind of like dancing. You know ball the rhythm, i'm focusing. Sorry. Oh i see yes yeah yeah cut this here yeah exactly. Oh no. You know. Homemade. Made with. Love. Oh, okay, follow the breastplate.

Like So. And there's this is the wish bone right here which you want where's the scissors at. Oh. Yeah. Yeah so now you see that bone just follow it you're doing this kind of motion. You got this kathy, i'm getting it, i'm getting it. This goes back to the stock there's a ton of flavor here and, at this point you want to let go for like another hour so. I feel very accomplished so close, we're so close sorry my hands are dirty, there was a flying chicken, we need a catchphrase, tonight dude the cashier should be this. We made it. I like it i think because it comes from chris, i don't like it. That's the fact you're gonna fall in love with that i know i don't want i don't want it we made it. Do you approve tony. Dang it. Sauce. Pretty traditional. Like, chicken sauce the canola oil is just to keep it from coagulating. It's not flavor. Oh it's that simple, huh this sauce is so simple it's ridiculous. See how it's smoking, yes yes it's ready to go in there. And then you want to turn it off. That's it that's it. That is it, we, strained, all the bones. And the chicken feet here. Great. And we're gonna, serve this as an appetizer, tacho, is green, and then the ginger is just smashed, the garlic's just smashed, it's super sloppy. Would you ever open a restaurant with your mom, oh totally, like i would love to invite her in for like brunches, like one of the ideas, is to do, yeah totally. Is to do like a sunday brunch where it's like one thing that i grew up with just one thing when we sell that we sell out. Because it's about ready to go i'm just going to drop. All these, aromatics, in there. So it looks like a little graveyard. Like. Bones. Okay we're going to strain the clam broth, we're going to strain the bones. From the chicken broth, and then we're going to combine, both stalks. And then. Eat it, and then, eat it. You're waiting for those words. One two that's what we learned one. Two a little bit more than that. Three, okay there you go. This one you gotta slice super thin, i got you if you can't do it. Thinner, oh. Oh no this one's bad. Please. You don't you don't want to crush the onion cause that's gonna that's gonna make you cry, graceful. Graceful. Finesse. No violence. Jalapenos. Pop pop. Spicy. Let's eat let's eat. This is a team effort, yeah thank you winston, obviously, you're the lebron, of this team. And then we have who's like a bench player, wow. The match, players. Got cheers. Wow. Oh, that's so good. It's, weirdly, um, thirst quenching. Despite, being really rich, the palette, isn't overpowered, yeah, you keep wanting to eat more, yeah, and part of it too is like we're sitting here, in the home that we made it in thanks chris by the way, yeah no you got it i was just watching, star wars in my room and it smelled like fun all day long. Incredible, experience. Oh, it's going to rearrange, the, differences, we haven't even touched that, we got some bones to go through though oh yeah, i have a confession. I've, never, had chicken. Foot in my. Life. Whoa, oh my god okay i've been missing out yeah wait do they all all taste like no no no. Well we made it. We made it. Hi everyone, i hope you're hoarding up and staying, healthy, although we are in the midst of a global pandemic, i hope you're finding ways to find positivity. And joy when you can wanted to say thank you so much to state farm for celebrating, apram with us and making this episode of homemade, possible, appreciate them being such a big supporter of the community, so make sure to share your voice and tag us using the hashtag, apa, voices, i can't wait to see what your favorite foods are so thanks again for watching and let us know in the comments below if you have any suggestions, for future, episodes. Bye. You.

2020-05-23 12:18

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