Pro-371 - Prophecy Update, 20 December 2020 (A Merry COVID Christmas)

Pro-371 - Prophecy Update, 20 December 2020 (A Merry COVID Christmas)

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Douglas aka CelticWarrior4Christ, Nuke aka Lee , Guido aka Jim Airnij, Walter Debham, Ryan Jackson aka Ryan Jax e the newest MOD, RIP Andrew Hulten, died of cancer in October 2020 // Sergio, Mike, Lisa D., and eveyone who has helped keep us open Mail *5* Surgeon General Jerome Adams says people still need to wear masks and socially distance after they've been vaccinated because it doesn't prevent infection just severe illness ISRAEL – AllIsrael *a* Poverty in Israel soars amid COVID-19 pandemic / The number of Israeli families living in poverty has increased by more than 1/4m due to the coronavirus crisis, warns The Alternative Poverty Report. The crisis has affected more than half of all Israelis negatively, according to the report, with 422,000 households living in financial hardship and an additional 143,000 households facing food insecurity. Compared to 2019, the percentage of families living below the poverty line has risen dramatically from 20.1% in 2019 to 29.3% in 2020, said Latet, a non-profit that works to reduce poverty in Israel through welfare and meal services. The Israeli middle class has shrunk by 15.5% since the outbreak of the COVID-19 crisis and less than a quarter of all Israeli households have remained financially unaffected by the crisis. A7 *aa* Netanyahu: Development of 'green passport' to encourage vaccination underway TOI *ab* Israel said considering restrictions on those who refuse COVID vaccine / Under the proposal being considered, those who refuse to be inoculated will only be allowed to fly, attend certain events, dine at restaurants or frequent cultural venues by providing a recent negative result from a coronavirus test, according to Channel 12 news, which quoted unnamed senior officials. YNet *ac* Israeli military mulls making coronavirus vaccination mandatory for troops / Military officials are set to hold a discussion on the issue with the Chief Military Prosecutor and the Chief Medical Officer, with the main obstacle appearing to be a concern on how the vaccine will affect the troops' performance. If approved, the decision will be precedent-setting since neither flu vaccinations nor blood donations are mandated by any official military command. TOI *ad* Israel flag, ‘Thank you, Mossad’ sign appears in Iran after nuke scientist killed / An Israeli flag and an English sign reading “Thank you, Mossad” were placed over a billboard in Iran on, following the assassination of a top Iranian nuclear scientist last month, allegedly by Israel. I24 *ae* Israel announces plan to land three spacecraft on the moon TOI *af* In 1st for Arab world, Moroccan schools to teach Jewish history and culture / The decision to add Jewish history and culture to lessons was discreetly launched before the diplomatic deal was announced. Part of an ongoing revamp of Morocco’s school curriculum since 2014, the lessons will be included from next term for children in their final year of primary school, aged 11, the education ministry said. The move aims to “highlight Morocco’s diverse identity.” IsraelToday *ag* Israeli Army Teaches Soldiers About Jesus / The IDF are using the teachings of Jesus to help train soldiers. And why not? He is the Jewish Messiah according to many prophecies, and his teachings are rooted in the Hebrew scriptures, reflecting the best in Jewish wisdom and faith. Still, reports have been coming out on Israeli media from IDF soldiers complaining about using the New Testament teachings as part of their military preparation. In one training program for battlefield medics, IDF officers are using the parable of the Good Samaritan as an example of caring for those who have been injured, including Jews, Arabs, and anyone in need. Eitan, a soldier who had completed his training in the medic program told the online news portal News 0404: “We were shocked. In an innocent first aid lesson, the commander opened by reading from the New Testament and explained how Christianity was a religion of peace and grace. He tried to teach us how much Jesus cared for people and how much we needed to learn from him to provide first aid as soldiers. CT *ah* Bethlehem’s Inns Are Empty This Christmas / Tourism to the biblical city celebrated as Jesus’ birthplace remains halted with West Bank under lockdown. AllIsrael *ai* Israel to be first country to institute ‘green passport’ for those who take the COVID-19 shot / Vaccines won’t be mandatory, but a plan is being devised to make ‘people understand themselves’ the consequences of not getting vaccinated CHRISTIAN – Doe finished all of the Genesis sermons /// Pastor Silas *3* (Budget, Food $964, Christmas Gifts: Clothes, Shoes, Dolls e.t.c : $2600) CH *b* Churches Are ‘Essential’ and Can Exceed Attendance Caps, Colo. Governor Says / Nearly two months after losing a court case over Covid-19 restrictions, Colorado’s governor has declared churches and other houses of worship “essential” and has removed attendance caps. The new order, issued by Colorado Gov. Jared Polis and the state health department Dec. 7, lists worship services, weddings and funerals as “essential” and says they “may exceed recommended capacity caps” if “they cannot conduct their essential activity” within the current restrictions. WND *ba* Governor: Christians don't need to be in churches / The governor announced a new executive order expanding mask mandates, setting a curfew between midnight and 5 a.m., and lowering the number of people at social gatherings to 10 or less people. Though these restrictions do not affect houses of worship, Northam urged those who wish to continue worshiping in person to stay home and practice recommended safety measures due to a rise in coronavirus cases. “For me, God is wherever you are,” he continued. “You don’t have to sit in the church pew for God to hear your prayers.” Mail *bb* Churches across the US commit to paying millions in racism-linked reparations in bid to 'reckon with the wrongs and evils of our past' / Long-established Protestant churches are particularly active in this effort. Churches in Texas and New York City revealed they were built through wealth accumulated through the practice of slavery. The largest Episcopal pledge has come from the Diocese of Texas, which is allocating $13m to long-term programs. Methodist and Lutheran churches are also considering creating reparations. Zero *bc* Group Overseeing $10 Trillion, Called "Guardians for Inclusive Capitalism", Signs Partnership With The Vatican / ... a "historic new partnership" between the Vatican and "some of the world's largest investment and business leaders" called the "Council for Inclusive Capitalism" has officially launched. Oh, and did we mention it is being helped along by a member of the Rothschild family, Lynn Forester de Rothschild? The "council" says its formation "signifies the urgency of joining moral and market imperatives to reform capitalism into a powerful force for the good of humanity. Under the moral guidance" of the Pope, it says it "invites companies of all sizes to harness the potential of the private sector to build a fairer, more inclusive, and sustainable economic foundation for the world." And get this - the council is led by a "core group of global leaders" called the Guardians for Inclusive Capitalism. This group, who you have likely never heard of until today, apparently "meet annually with Pope Francis and Cardinal Turkson" and represents "more than $10.5t in assets under management, companies with over $2.1t of market capitalization, and 200m workers in over 163 countries." Pope Francis said in the council's press release: "An economic system that is fair, trustworthy, and capable of addressing the most profound challenges facing humanity and our planet is urgently needed. You have taken up the challenge by seeking ways to make capitalism become a more inclusive instrument for integral human wellbeing." And by linking what appears to be the most powerful people on Earth - overseeing an ungodly amount of money - to the Vatican. Can we get an Amen? Lynn Forester de Rothschild, Founder of the Council and Managing Partner of Inclusive Capital Partners, commented: "Capitalism has created enormous global prosperity, but it has also left too many people behind, led to degradation of our planet, and is not widely trusted in society. This Council will follow the warning from Pope Francis to listen to 'the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor' and answer society's demands for a more equitable and sustainable model of growth." CP *bd* British Catholic bishops say getting COVID-19 vaccine is not sinful even if from aborted fetus BizPacReview *be* Tucker Carlson: There’s a reason politicians are trying to cancel Christmas CBS *bf* ‘Black Lives Matter’ Nativity Scene Draws Attention At Claremont Unified Methodist Church MIDEAST/AFRICA TOI *c* Saudi Arabia said to have played role in Israel-Morocco normalization agreement / The report did not detail the Saudi involvement in the US-brokered deal, and Riyadh has not officially reacted to the accord. However, Saudi Arabia plays a central role in the region, particularly among Sunni states, leading many analysts to speculate that none of the recent normalization deals would have been allowed without a green-light from Saudi Arabia. In a sign of Saudi support, a prominent newspaper associated with the Saudi royal family put the Israel-Morocco deal on its front page. Unnamed Israeli diplomatic sources told the TV channel that it was “very possible” that Riyadh would also be prepared to normalize relations with Israel soon. This is despite Saudi Arabia reportedly being furious with Israel over the leak of a meeting that took place last month between PM Netanyahu and Crown Prince MBS. A report on Channel 13 TV, meanwhile, said that Saudi Arabia was working together with the Trump administration to get several other nations to sign normalization agreements with Israel, possibly before the Biden administration takes over next month. The unsourced report said that bin Salman was following the matter closely in an effort to prepare the ground for an eventual Israel-Saudi deal. The report speculated that Oman, which praised the Israel-Morocco deal, would be next. It also said that Indonesia, the world’s most populous Muslim nation, was eager to have public ties with Israel. TOI *ca* White House notifies Congress of planned $1b weapons sale to Morocco / The W/H notified Congress of potential weapons sales to Morocco worth $1b, after announcing the Trump-brokered normalization agreement between Jerusalem and Rabat. The deal includes four MQ-9B SeaGuardian drones and precision-guided munitions. Some of the other weapons included in the deal are Hellfire, Paveway and JDAM precision-guided munitions. The US State Department has authorized the sale of the drones, but it was unclear whether Washington would allow them to be exported with weapons attached. A7 *cb* Satellite imagery shows Iran's nuclear program is going underground / Pictures show what are thought to be newly built entrances to tunnels under a ridge in a mountain south of Natanz, around 140 miles south of the capital. “There are what appear to be two tunnel entrances on either side of a large ridge, with a pile of spoil from excavation nearby. The space between the two entrances is large enough to accommodate a facility about the same size as the centrifuge assembly building that was destroyed this summer and that Iran indicated it was rebuilding in the mountains. ... an imagery analyst affiliated with the Center for International Security and Cooperation at Stanford University, pointed to other suspicious signs of excavation near the debris pile such as “trails of excavated earth, lighter in color than the existing hard-packed road.” It has been known for months that something is going on around Natanz, with new roads under construction and evidence of ongoing excavations. With advances in technology, keeping such projects secret is virtually if not entirely impossible, but, undaunted, the Iranians just keep digging. MONGOLIA Mail *d* Climate change – NOT Genghis Khan – was to blame for wiping out Central Asia's medieval river civilisations 700 years ago / It's been thought destruction of river civilisations was due to Mongol invasions. New research from U of Lincoln experts challenges this long-held view. The team investigated Otrar oasis, a former Silk Road trade hub in Kazakhstan. DANIEL 12 Zero *e* Autonomous Drone To Launch Satellites Into Orbit For Space Force / Forget air-launching rockets at high altitudes from a conventional aircraft to carry satellites to low Earth orbit because now, a drone can do that... a startup in Alabama called Aevum unveiled the Ravn X Autonomous Launch Vehicle designed to carry and launch satellites into low-orbit, according to a company press release. Ravn X is the "world's largest Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS), by mass, designed to deliver satellites to space as fast as every 180 minutes." Aevum's customer and mission partner, the U.S. Space Force, will launch Space Force's ASLON-45 satellite into orbit sometime in 2021. Ravn X is a beast of an airframe, weighing in at 55,000 pounds when it's carrying a rocket with a satellite payload. Ravn X will likely be used to quickly launch military satellites into space during the next major conflict when space-based war has our adversaries use hypersonic missiles to knock out critical satellites. The ability to deliver satellites into orbit in three hours is game-changing. NYP *ea* Flame-throwing drones incinerate hornets’ nests amid infestation in China / A group of volunteers has converted drones into deadly flamethrowers to fight against an infestation of hornets’ nests in central China. Videos released show a recent mission to bring down 11 hornets’ nests in the city. The drone hovers above a hive before swooping down. The drone operator presses an ignition switch and the drone hurls out a tongues of fire into the hive. “The burning ashes of the wasp’s nest gradually peeled off and fell.” REV PLAGUES – A Merry Covid Christmas Bright *f* Belgian Police Will Knock on Doors at Christmas to Enforce Coronavirus Rules Bright *fa* Kayleigh McEnany: If You Can Loot During Pandemic, You Can Celebrate Christmas Responsibly Fox *fb* Biden’s stern warning: ‘You cannot be traveling during … holidays’ Mail *fc* Dr. Fauci doubles down on CDC Christmas warning and tells Americans NOT to travel and to minimize gatherings at home for the holiday NPR (6Dec) *fd* California Panics, 85% Of State Now Under Stay-At-Home Orders Till After Christmas… AP *fe* UN health agency’s advice for the holidays: Don’t hug Reuters *ff* Americans get stern holiday COVID warning: 'No Christmas parties' / A top coronavirus adviser Joe Biden delivered a stern holiday message to Americans on Thursday - "no Christmas parties." Mail *fg* 'The final nail in the coffin for NYC restaurants': Indoor dining will STOP despite it causing less than 1.34% of new COVID cases / Cuomo said indoor dining would close in NYC because hospitalizations continue to increase. NYC has a city-wide test positivity rate of 4% and it varies greatly by borough. Manhattan's test positivity rate is just 2.3% whereas in Staten Island, it is 4.7%. Of all the new COVID cases across the entire state, restaurants and bars are causing only 1.34% of them. The overwhelming majority - more than 73% - are coming from private indoor gatherings. Restaurant owners [said] Cuomo's decision was 'the nail in the coffin' for many. The planned relaxation of Covid rules for Christmas has been scrapped for large parts of south-east England and cut to just Christmas Day for the rest of England. From midnight a new tier four will be introduced in areas such as London, Kent, Essex and Bedfordshire. A stay-at-home order will be issued to residents there, with those travelling to work or for education exempt. Social mixing will be cut to meeting one person in an open public space. Graham (Scotland) - only one household maximum of 6people for up to about a hour. Asking for prayers. --------------------------------------------------------- If any foreign interference is found in the regard to this hack (attack) on the government, it will call into question everything that happened on Nov 3. The president could ostensibly invoke the 12 September 2018 Executive order on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election concerning this event. If that were to happen, there is now no longer any excuse for distributing ballots by mail. The vaccine has been approved and is being administered. Anyone who claims he is too fearful to vote has the choice to accept a vaccination, thus becoming immune from the feared death of COVID-19. Anyone who refused the vaccine is making a public proclamation that he or she accepts life without it, and thus has no excuse to not go out and vote. Such a vote could be printed, distributed, and taken within a matter of days. With only one selection for candidates on the ballot, it would be virtually impossible to make an error on such a ballot. As this attack has been acknowledged by senators and reps as equal to an act of war (see below), the response to it – including such a voting scenario – could be handled by the military as a response to such an act of war. Epoch ** Trump Says Voting Machines May Have Been Breached by SolarWinds Hack During Election / The CEO of Dominion Voting Systems, the company under controversy after the November election, said on Tuesday that the company has never used the SolarWinds Orion platform which experts believe was breached by hackers as far back as last year. “We don’t use the SolarWinds Orion package that was the subject of the DHS report from the 13th,” CEO John Poulos told legislators in Michigan via video link. However, a screenshot of a Dominion webpage that The Epoch Times captured shows that Dominion does use SolarWinds technology. Dominion later altered the page to remove any reference to SolarWinds, but the SolarWinds website is still in the page’s source code. Sen. Chris Coons, D-Del., told MSNBC: “It’s pretty hard to distinguish this from an act of aggression that rises to the level of an attack that qualifies as war. ... (T)his is as destructive and broad scale an engagement with our military systems, our intelligence systems as has happened in my lifetime.” Epoch ** Joe Biden Appears to Outperform in Counties Using Dominion or HART Voting Machines: Data Analyst Epoch ** Redacted Information in Dominion Audit Report Shows Races Were Flipped: Analyst Dominion could, ostensibly, get away with washed hands if they concede that they were hacked. If they admit this, they would then be less likely to be prosecuted for willful fraud. If they admit this, however, they would then be acknowledging a corrupt election. Pompeo has acknowledged that the cyber attack is a Russian attack. MORALITY Bright *g* Public School 2nd Grade Homework: Biden Is Your President, Not Trump / A public school in San Antonio, Texas, gave a homework assignment December 1 to second graders that appeared to ask children to write the name of the current U.S. president, but only offered the name of Joe Biden as a choice, and not that of Donald Trump. CNN *ga* Bhutan parliament decriminalizes homosexuality, to delight of activists Weasel *gb* Michigan Electors Have To Sit Through The Black National Anthem After The Real National Anthem Plays DW *gc* Disneyland Was Digitally Adding Masks To Guests Not Wearing Them In Photos, It Has Pledged To Stop Now CNN *gd* The UK will let some sexually active gay and bisexual men give blood, ending a controversial ban Weasel *ge* Biden To Name Transgender Woman Secretary Of Education OTHER DeutschWelle *h* U.K Readies Naval Vessels To Arrest Any European Union Fishers In Their Waters / The UK readied armed Royal Navy ships to patrol its fishing waters in case the Brexit transition period ends without a free-trade deal on future relations with the EU. Four, 260-foot naval ships have been placed on standby to safeguard British waters from foreign vessels in the event that both UK and the EU decide to abandon efforts to secure an agreement. The ships will be allowed to stop, check and seize all EU fishing boats caught within the UK’s exclusive economic zone, which can extend 200 miles from shore. The MOD announced that the vessels will be ready on January 1, to prevent possible clashes between EU and British fishing boats. Existing transitional Brexit rules stipulate that EU vessels will have access to British waters until the end of the year. ABC *ha* ha4 / ...the Pentagon has told the CIA that it is weighing an end to the majority of the military support it provides to the agency's counterterrorism missions, according to a former senior admin intel official. It is unclear how the decision would impact the spy agency's worldwide counterterrorism missions that often rely on the U.S. military for logistical support and personnel. Acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller sent a letter to CIA Director Gina Haspel outlining the decision. The CIA's Special Activities Center carries out covert operations and has its own paramilitary force that carries out counterterrorism operations. While they act as an independent force, they often rely on the military for transportation and logistical support. Sometimes that means that military personnel end up being detailed to support the CIA's counterterrorism operations. Zero *hb* Hotels Consider Requiring All Guests To Have COVID Vaccination / Hotels have now joined airlines in considering whether or not to mandate that all guests have proof of COVID vaccination before being allowed to stay. Zero *hc* 48% Of US Small Businesses Fear That They May Be Forced To "Shut Down Permanently" Soon / Not even during the Great Depression of the 1930s did we see anything like this. The big corporate giants with extremely deep pockets will be able to easily weather another round of lockdowns, but for countless small businesses this is literally a matter of life and death. According to a recent Alignable survey, 48% of U.S. small business owners fear that they could be forced to “shut down permanently” in the very near future. In fact, this number jumped from 42% just two months ago, demonstrating how several factors have converged to devastate small businesses: COVID resurgences, forced govt reclosures, elevated customer fears, and a surge in online shopping at Amazon and other national ecommerce giants. Zero *hd* 2020 Is Ending With 93% Of Global Economies Contracting... And With Markets At All Time Highs / There is a glaringly obvious reason why the piper will have to paid for the euphoria of 2020, and that's the ugliest four letter-word of them all: "Debt." NYP *he* Nearly 90% Of Suspects Charged With Gun Crimes In NYC Are Back On The Street / Nearly 90% of suspects arrested on gun charges this year are back on the streets — fueling an historic spike in shootings that have left more than 1,756 dead or wounded, according to the NYPD. About 3,345 of the 3,793 perps arrested between Jan. 1 and Nov. 30 for firearms crimes — 88 — were let go. Just 450 remain in jail. Some of the suspects posted bail, but judges were required to release others under new reform laws that prohibit them from setting monetary bail on some gun-possession cases. The crime became ineligible for bail in most circumstances under the Jan. 1 law changes, which mandate judges to release collared suspects, with no money down, on hundreds of charges considered “non-violent.” Mail *hf* The end of the Big Apple as we know it? Gov. Cuomo to review plan to convert Midtown Manhattan offices into residential apartments as just 10% of the city's workers return and a third of storefronts on some avenues are empty / Real estate industry in NYis proposing changes to Midtown zoning rules. Office buildings are struggling with just 10% of workers back in offices. Many retail tenants are behind millions in rent and battling with landlords. On Madison Avenue, more than a third of storefronts are now empty. Landlords seek to turn older office buildings into residential apartments. Mayor de Blasio supports proposal and Governor Cuomo says he will consider. OrangeCountySD *hg* Orange County Sheriff Will Release 1,800 Felons Back Into The Community So They Don’t Get COVID In Jail Zero *hga* California Sheriff Refuses To Release 1,800 Inmates After Judge's Order / “I have no intention of releasing any of these individuals from my custody. We are going to file an appeal and we’re going to fight it and if the judge has any intent of releasing any one of these individuals, he will have to go through line by line, name by name, and tell me which ones he is ordering released.” Zero *hi* Dismal NFL Ratings Force Networks To Renegotiate With Advertisers / Absolutely terrible NFL ratings and pandemic-driven schedule changes are forcing television networks to renegotiate deals with advertisers to make up for the much smaller audience, according to a report in the Wall Street Journal, which adds that their opportunity to profit off of the remaining games during the typically lucrative holiday season is narrowing. Mail *hj* Russian astronauts smuggled alcohol on orbiting stations by carrying bottles in hollowed-out books and losing weight to sneak containers inside their suits in a bid to workaround the ban on booze in space *Russian suitleggers* Mail *hk* Trump makes Christmas Eve a full holiday for federal workers for third year in a row as he continues support for the Christian holiday Fox *hl* 4-Year Old Boy Says Mall Santa Refused His Request For A Nerf Gun For Christmas, Chastised Him Over Guns Zero *hm* NHS Commercial Terrifies Kids By Showing Sant Sticken with COVID / Entitled The Gift, the ad shows paramedics giving Santa oxygen as he looks to be at death’s door while being transported to a medical ward. “First aid's not the place for the cross," / The soldiers complain to their boss. / "No testament new, / We'll stick being Jew." / They fail to see it's their loss. IRONY Bright *i* Ohio Coronavirus Rules Allow Wrestling, But Not Shaking Hands / The Ohio High School Athletic Association released an update to their Coronavirus regulations with predictable rules such as the wearing of masks while in community areas and during team travel, and temperature testing before competition. However, it also included some seemingly contradictory rules such as the elimination of athlete handshakes pre-and post-match. Officials are also no longer allowed to indicate the winner of the match by raising the wrestler’s hand. Such is the world in which we live… From Sarasota, Florida to UB Mongolia, I’m Charlie Garrett, this is the Superior Word, and that’s your PU for the Week

2020-12-22 08:39

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