Pretending to know cars - Assisting at a Prestigious car auction

Pretending to know cars - Assisting at a Prestigious car auction

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are you ready after spending the best part of a month signing  field waiting for the rules to change the lock   down once again ease to the point i could get  out again and fully enough the first port of   call was back to unbelief to go and see jess he  needed a hand on a few things and i had to go and   check up on a new project more than anything it  was just to have a bit of a beer and a catch-up   weird waking up here again it was  strange how much things had changed   but the original campfire and rocket stove still  remain if not now looking a little bit weathered after spending the night you  know because beer we woke up   and went for a morning trip down memory lane back on the original dog walk man is it strange to be walking back here this is my morning and evening routine  right here walking around this field   officially today last night and now this morning  was when we arrived a year ago one year since   i'm released exactly here in the dip was where  the van tour was done a little bit further up   from that was the last hole of the golf course  which is all now gone it's nice to come back   see jazz we had a good tipple last night and uh  had the fire on and as per i forgot to get the   camera out for the majority i think at the same  time i just i wanted a bit of a catch up with   with chairs um you know it wasn't  about making a video coming here um   just wanted to see how he's getting on i think  today he's going to be taking me to an auction uh   one of the car auctions so um give man with that  makes a bit of a difference to my usual routine of   sitting in a field yeah last night  was good fun but it did have a sort of   certain thing missing because you know two  of the makeup of vampires aren't here the   two mates are the other side of um europe but you  know won't be long i'm sure we'll be seeing them i recorded quite a bit more with the  dog walk and some of the morning but   um for reasons that will be explained a little  bit later on in the video i had to delete it all   so we're just going to skip straight to jumping  into jazzy's military wolf and heading to the car   auction just had two vehicles registered in  this auction a classic mini clubman and a   triumph tr7 so we're going to go and check  up on them make sure they're all right and   still shiny and now it was just it seems to  go perv of which there was plenty to perv upon so so oh i don't know where to look first off i'll  take you down to where the mini and the trl   yeah show you those and then we'll kind of group  up somewhere and have a meet yeah sounds good well   that was the basic plan but i just kept getting  sidetracked and ended up all over the place oh wow that's interesting in there i feel i've seen this somewhere anyway getting sidetracked oh i like the interior think  i've ever seen one of these cars you must have done no 14 000 no jesus  was it just got left in a shed more or   less yeah but it came out every year did  about 10 miles a year yeah mot and back   wow so it was looked after them it wasn't just uh  left you want to push them in oh yeah that's cool it was a new rocket cover last time around with  the important stickers on it yeah all proper yep   all the anoraks will be like looking  out for in there all over that   i mean it looked good in the unit but yeah i've got two aren't you yeah god is this a cougar no falcon okay so casually mr beans ford falcon   and a studebaker and a mustang  and a mustang and a cortina i've never seen a studebaker in my life no  way no it drove it here i would like i love   put the camera around it and then it  just comes to the name of his life   they deal with him quite a lot yeah as they do  there's a touring car style fema early one down   there yeah uh that's belongs to jk mental yeah  with him as well this is gorgeous lovely isn't   it yeah it's the thing i'll go from one car  i'm like oh and i drop over there somewhere oh yeah yeah we're too much my dad's got one of  these the 280 or is it three three hundred   yeah never understood with the 300 why they  added this possibly the most badass jig ever   and parked up next to that was something right  up my street something fresh out of a 1930s mafia   film and because this was an auction and not a  museum you could touch them and even get in them what's up plaque say that's the coach builder  harry and when my mate gary gets here is my   contact with this place so i'll grab some keys and  have a look around there's a lot of stuff in there   big lumps of metal that i need to look at  but if you want to have a wander around   yeah yeah absolutely oh look at this little  stubby face it's like a bulldog yeah it is oh that's cute over there   yeah i had to come and have a quick because  it's aired out right now isn't it yeah i mean i love it but look at that what they just look so good when they're  plowing down the road oh they do   but yes to the to the expensive side  keep getting sidetracked though yeah so   i've never seen one of these i've never seen  one never ever it's got a lovely little face   it's bmw 700 nice it's so cute look how  small it is that is lower than a mini although the miles in his hands were on track yeah  it's just it's nice to see because you're being   used for something yeah you got two mustangs  three mustangs two and a two forty zero is it my god 22 26 even in this form yeah i mean it's had  something i had to look at it's had a crash   isn't it yeah sort of exactly if you look at  the driver's side wing as well except some   really [ __ ] welding really really bad  yeah i've accepted that you know it's an old completely 911 to work on it that's cheap  true yeah very true but this isn't going cheap poor old girl i bloody love these there's just some about them i know well  i've been told they're not actually the best   cars but just to just have that satiny  garage there is one over there though   this one's making my my heart  weep a little bit as it is needs rescuing it does and it has completed   so all the little flaps and stuff  for like keeping sand out yeah stuff you just don't think about it  like that would get so clogged up look at the bar on the front very happy chappie it's a very happy chappie  not on the gt i think he's just drank a lot of   bluish milk and he's probably chuffed with  himself it's the proper point of almost   british voice and green yeah northern white  and then the old english white whales yeah   perfect that's gone sideways a few times  yeah there's not a lot of chicken strips oh yes incredibly rare like   more more more rare than probably a lot  of stuff here and i'll tell you for one i'm gonna dip my bread here  because i think i know what it is   it's only saying 308 gtp but that's  just grand tour of berlinetta so it's the fiberglass body version okay there's  lighter this was the first introduction of the 308   and they were called the vetrostina  which is fiberglass and the quality   of the workmanship went into these is  100 better than the ones i followed   the interiors are all finished so  beautifully and of course these are lighter   the response times are phenomenal it  turns in like it's on you know on rails   um and if you look at the way the interior  is finished oh wow yeah i can see i mean   the little like trims and all sorts and the  traditional chrome gate around the gear lever   yeah and then the patterns on the seats oh the  piping well that window's open i'm not going to   attempt to open that door yeah that's very nice  that i mean isn't it a gorgeous thing it's just   incredible this is the days when all the coach  builders in london were individual companies yeah   so i don't know who this is it's either hooper or  park ward or molina or somebody and they will get   the chassis and then they'll do that they'll  build the body onto it it's just incredible have you seen the wrench the days before audi things that look out like the wheel discs yeah  they're similar to the yeah yeah there's quite   a few little hints isn't there and at  the same time i'd have never guessed it amazing yeah even that i thought there's something  audi about it there is there is yeah it's   very subliminal but it's there that bonnie  speaking it's serious yeah i remember the   area where they fit these even today in the  factory he's like the most guarded the guy   that has to fit their stickers yeah everybody  wanted one can't say i'd have a new one having   known how they're built but i think the graphite  with the oxford and it's just oh quite special   that one as well i was always more of a fan  of the hardtop it's the only other way around   really i appreciate i just i'm not sure about the  rear door where it's that because it's got a flat   end okay i've always thought yeah it's like the  riddle the weight going sideways i've never seen   it you know being as common as muck i  don't get to be around cars let it soften i'm not sure about that laughs  away clem shows up like that   okay yeah it's one of the minute you don't  want to touch them for too long yeah so i   mean back in the day a 600 twin cam engine is  quite enough to propel you down the road yeah   it's just such a classic front end it is it's  just i mean three massive su carbs oh god yeah   oh those dashboards they are huge yeah one and  a half more than three quarters so if you're   sucking from three one and a quarter inch yes  you are and then you got that classic like raspy   yeah yeah throaty drive yeah i mean and you're  gonna and the air box is right underneath it   here so the driver's gonna get it straight in the  face yeah i forgot this is called the silly list i was not expecting that now when you come that roof rack is exactly the same  roof rack i had on my mini really yeah no that's i mean you don't want to drive it front  into a wall deer you don't know like you go into   a parking space forward and you get it correct  because there's no reverse is that right i believe   so but you know the seats take the same material  as a british rail train from the 1980s so that's   good yeah yeah and that's a bit of unanimous  carpet on the rear parcel shelf yeah there's   not a lot going on here is there no no this isn't  the air intake for the engine comes up that bit of   pipe into there and then to the engines amazing i  think it is just a pretty high novelty battery but further the most um oh my god well done well done there you go  oh my god i mean i'm not tall no   and you're quite slight well you've got  the chance of getting back out there so i've made a bit of a blunder and i've only  bought one sd card so now i'm gonna have to delete   all of this morning's dog walk footage everything  else because it's just not as interesting as this   do it yeah delete the dog walk it's a lot of crap  these two this is where i'm at when it comes to   oh it's got the it's got the color combo   and everything look right yeah  the graphite with the octopus oh that's the one how much 70 to 80k i can oh just look at it   it's stunning it's just stuff like that little  wood finishes not everywhere just enough and then of course i think i had a model of  this as well when i was a kid hardtop though   because this is am i right anything in the  hot tub up there yeah there's a tough call   between the two you have the hardtop with  the ghoul wing would you have the soft top really yeah ah it's like an evolution it is accelerating the middle i think so  it's the break on the right oh my god   that must be a real mind the experience can  you see where the temperature gauge is oh wow no way really it is looking nice yeah proper they're bigger than i thought i thought   they were tiny little things yeah  great i thought they were working in that design exercise done by jaguar okay um  but it's actually done by a company called lynx   and it was called the lynx event yeah and the  study kind of failed i think they did horrific   it just didn't take off we wouldn't want to replace that oh yeah yeah  that's really that's quite odd-looking isn't it i   personally i think it's beautiful it reminds  me of something and i can't put my finger   on it i want to say the volvo p1800bs  remember the old swedish state yeah yeah   that's um yeah because the whole thing is  still in keeping with the look but then it's always some alpha this is what used to chase  all the minis around in the italian job   yeah yes i mean you just know this  thing's been in mid-air numerous times proper i like how there's now no stickers  on it it's like ready for the road   it's really nice here we've still got the  um land rover dash then yeah and the manual   rather than sequential because other than that  is probably not a lot original left is there and that's how it's better yeah i love that that  is so cool yeah how did i not even spot that   porsche powered i'm gonna say see what's behind i don't know that now that looks like an  original i think it's a two liter oh is it yeah but it's not i've got porsche minutes 52 left  oh my god oh hello there's a bit of door there ah it's hard in it because the americans  aren't renowned for build quality but they   know how to build yeah what looks good  another car i don't think i've ever been   in the presence of you always see him on tv brand kind of territory knowing it i think yeah oh this lovely it's really nicely  done it doesn't even look aged oh this is lovely it's so big absolutely huge yeah it's had a  really nice quality job done in here   and it smells good i guess that's the trick  of the trade don't it make it smell good yeah later on we headed over to the daimler and  jag area where jazz had got a few keys to   the few of the cars he was interested in  we went through them all checked over them   made sure they started checked over common  fault it was really interesting actually and   i learned a lot as jazz really knows  his stuff about all kinds of cars   there was a lot of them lined up here all in  varying conditions some just like they'd come   out of the showroom others like that fell out of a  barn but one of these jazz was hoping to take home but unfortunately i couldn't show you any of this  because i ran out of memory see you next time this is gonna for sale soon just  asked if i could take a look at it   and obviously considering we lived here for  what two months at least i could do really me right so this trailer  project i keep talking about here it is you can use it for like pizza delivery  just look into a field with an orange light   it's a beacon for pizza perfect you

2021-05-22 09:28

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