President Trump Delivers Remarks at Ford Rawsonville Components Plant

President Trump Delivers Remarks at Ford Rawsonville Components Plant

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Thank. You very much I like that Dyess very much actually it's very special, nice, wood beautiful. Like the dashboards, on your cars bill right thank. You and I just heard you're gonna be having two more two, thousand, more jobs right. Down the road for the Bronco which is a big winner, that's great fantastic. Job thank you very much bill thank you thank. You oh it's right down the road. It's. An honor to have Bill with us thank you very much and. I'm thrilled to be back in Michigan we've. Done a lot of work in Michigan a lot of plants. Are opening a lot of plants stopped, we stopped them from closing and, we, kept your workers here in Michigan, and in the United States different places as you know all, over the United, States, but. It's an honor to do it's one of the reasons I'm standing, here in. Fact years ago I was, honored too long before I ever thought of the presidential. Situation. I was. Honored in Michigan, and I said how come you're losing so much of your car business to Mexico, and other places and, I, asked that question very innocently, was probably 10 years ago the, man of the year they named me Man of the Year in Michigan, and. I said what's going on in Michigan and we've stopped it and, thanks. To a lot of great companies like Ford. A. Lot, of things are happening here and it's why I'm so honored when when. Bill mentioned the plant that. You're going to be doing 2000, and it's also a great success the Broncos so that's really really big news thank you very much, thank. You. And. I'm honored to stand on, a factory, floor operated. By the incredible, workers of Ford Motor Company. You. Really are tremendously. Talented people, I know it I'm not sure everybody in the world knows it but a lot, of people do and they're all going to know it after this speech but. You aren't really, talented great, people thank you very much for doing a great job. We. Know what it takes few people have that ability whew, in, our nation's war against, the invisible, enemy the. Hard-working Patriots. Here today answered, the, call to serve you. Prove that the, American, worker is built. Forward, and you are built for tough a great. Expression you still use that expression I think bill right that's a great expression, and. You're let's see can I use it for baby myself built, Trump, Tov I don't know they, may say that's a take-off that's no good you can't do that and you've, made really, America. Proud and you've made Ford proud and America. Is very proud of Ford right here at the Ross. And Ville component. Plant you're. Building a great medical arsenal, to defeat the virus and cement. America's, place as the leading manufacturer. And exporter of, ventilators, anywhere. In the world we're now getting calls from other countries, many other countries both, friend. And foe believe, it or not we get calls from foe and we, want to help them out too and we're. Making thousands, and thousands, of ventilators, and, I. Think we really sort of started right over here we got a call very early on from bill in the group and this. Is incredible, what's happened and what you've done with. Your help not a single American who has needed a ventilator, has been denied a ventilator, not one and, as. You remember we, took over empty, cupboards, the cupboards were bare and, we. Got into the business of ventilators, and testing, and all of these other things now we've done 14. Million tests, the second country is it 3 million and less, than 3 million Germany. South Korea and they've done a good job but we're at 14 million tests, and the tests are the best of all but. On behalf of our entire nation I want to say thank you very much thank, you very much for doing a great. Driven. By the love and sweat and devotion, of everyone here today we're. Saving lives were, forging ahead and, as of this, week the. Beating heart of the American, auto industry is, back open.

For Business that, started right away didn't it starts right now and, you. Have all those supply chains coming in they're going to come through because, if they don't come through just build a product right here okay because, you know that could happen too, but. We. Heard that it's a big story that we're. Starting with the cars now and it's, going to be a big success in addition. To many wonderful. UAW. Workers were joined by secretary, ben Carson, who's done a fantastic job, where's Ben Ben. Is here Thank, You Ben. Where. Is he oh there he is hi Ben Thank You Ben thank. You. And. Amanda's, done a fantastic job, for Ford. Well. I'll ask Bill about this later, I'll just find out I want to make sure for myself but I know based, on results, I know CEO Jim, Hackett Jim thank you very much. The. Word is yes Jim the word is great, job great. Plant, manager, Angela weathers Angela. Thank you very much that's, a big job. That's. A big job you, enjoy, it yeah. Great job fantastic. It's a big big deal and GE. Healthcare, US and Canada president Everett, Cunningham. Thank. You Everett. Thank. You Everett. Before. Going further let us send. Our love to all of the families, that have been displaced. By the flooding, near, Midland, I spoke to, your. Governor this morning and we've, sent some. Tremendously, talented people, out here we have FEMA. And we, have the Army Corps of Engineers and, they can do things that frankly, nobody else can do the, Army Corps of Engineers what, they do so they're very. Good at rebuilding dams, that are busted. Or blown up or for whatever reason bad, things happen, but, Americans. Are praying for Central, Michigan and we're going to take care of your problem, the. Governor and I had a great conversation this, morning and at. The appropriate time I'll go and see the. Area that we'll be fixing we're going to help you out we, signed. A, emergency. Declaration. Very quickly very, very quickly and we're. Going to help you out very. Quickly also in recent. Months this state and this, country have, faced great challenges, here. In the Detroit area you were hit hard by the virus, very very hard in this, area, as. One. People. We. Hold in. Our hearts the precious memory of every person, that we have lost. And. We've lost too many one. As too many we lost too many it came in from China and it. Should have been stopped in China they. Didn't stop it they should have stopped it and there's. One grateful, nation we proclaim, god bless our, health care workers they've done an incredible, job they like warriors they're. Like warriors, I want to thank all of the nurses, and doctors. Because. Of the virus Ford was forced to stop automobile, production for the first time since World War two that's. Something, but. You did not despair, your company, leadership called up the, White House and asked the most American, of all questions, how, can we help true, I, said.

That's Nice that's. Very nice, every. One of the workers in this project volunteered. To take part in the greatest, industrialization. And, mobilization. Project. That. Our society, has done the American. People. Have done in our. Lifetimes, the. Company, founded, by a, man. Named Henry, Ford good bloodlines quit bloodlines, if you believe in that stuff get. Good blood. They. Teamed up with the company. Founded by Thomas, Edison that's, General Electric, that's good stuff that's good stuff and you. Put it all together there they're all looking down right now, and there'd be very proud at what they see you began the production of. 50,000. Life-saving. Ventilators. A number, that if you go back just two months I would say most, people would say it would be. Impossible. To believe the media's, back there and they would have said a couple, of months ago the creation, of that many mint ventilators. Would have been not a possible, thing. Every. Single one, of these. Ventilators. Is made in the USA, with. American, Heart American, hands and American pride. Just. As your great-grandparents. Produced more. Than one Model T every minute just, as your grandmother's, and grandfathers produced. A beef, b-24. You did the b-24. Bomber so pictures in the back that, was quite a weapon. Was, quite an incredible weapon. B-24. Bomber and just as a Ford, f-150, normally. Drives off the line every, 52. Seconds, you quickly mastered, this complex, new, machine a ventilator, is a very complicated. Delicate. B, expensive. Machine, 1, month-ago 4 it had never built a single, ventilator. And. Now you're a world leader it's a bed you. Adopted, the designs, of a company, that was building just 10, a week but a very high quality ventilator. And very. Soon you'll be producing one, new ventilator, every, single, minute, it's. An absolute, amazing achievement. And you're really helping. Now beyond, the country helping other countries throughout the world we have 188. Countries, that, are fighting, this, terrible. Enemy and. Ventilators. Are something, it could never you can do cotton swabs you can do all, of the things you can even do testing, but ventilators. Are a whole. Different. Lot it's, very tough. Great. Job thanks. To you we'll stockpile, over, 100,000. New ventilators, in the next few months and have, offered over 14 thousand, to friends, and allies all, around the world and they desperately, need them just, this, week I spoke to five countries they called me is it possible to get ventilators, to them and I'm sending, them over I want.

To Recognize just a few of the exceptional, Americans, who made this historic, feat possible. Keith. Pastarino. Is an. Electrician, here in Roseville. Keith. Please, tell us what, you've done how you like it come on up let's. See Keith oh look at case. Thank. You Keith. Love. To grab him and shake his him but I guess we can't do that guy well. On behalf of Ford and the UAW welcome. Mr., president. Keith, pasterino, I'm an electrician, when. I first heard the news. That. My. Plant was, going to be building ventilators. It. Only took me a minute to, get. A hold of my. UAW. And. Then. I decided. That this. Was my opportunity to serve, my country. So. On the first day as a volunteer. We. Went full speed seven, days a week, 12. Hours a shift I, would. Go home sore, bruised. Had. Blisters was, bleeding, had. Trouble, sleeping. Just, just because of the pains of that day, but. I kept coming back because. This. Is a great nation and, I. Couldn't say that I'd be more, proud of my co-workers. For. Their, efforts, and their sacrifices, to. Build these fine Ford ventilators. Respirators. Face, masks and face shields, thank. You this has been a, absolute. Honor and a blessing and, god, bless you sir thank you very much to you. Great. Job. Great. People. We're. Also joined, by Gary, Brabant. A quality. Technician. Gary come on up Gary. Good, afternoon. Thank. You President Trump for the honor to tell my story my. Name is Gary Brandt and I'm a fourth generation Ford. Motor Company employee. My. Grandfather's, worked for Ford Motor Company during World War two and my, father retired, from rasen Ville after 41 years I, always. Knew growing up I wanted to work for Ford I, am. Very very proud of the. Part of a part of the ventilator project, and the, amazing, job done by Ford in the UAW. Team here I had. Anxiety when. I received the call to volunteer, I didn't. Want to get sick or take it home to my family however. Upon. Arriving, here on the first day I felt, safe, due. To the new policies, and procedures, put. Forth by our UAW. Health and safety team. It's. A great feeling to know everything. We are doing here and each, assembly we make is saving somebody's, life, Thank. You mr. president, and god bless america, thank you very much thank you Gary. Thank. You Gary very much. With. Us as well as Adrienne. Price who has helped lead. This effort as one of Ford's top engineers. Highly respected, come, on up please hey drew. Thank. You, really. Thank you for the opportunity, to represent my, friends, and colleagues who've. Been involved in project Apollo. I'm. Honored to be part of a team that, over the last few weeks has. Been able to produce more than 17, million of these face shields, 13. Million surgical. Masks. 32,000. Pressurized, air purifying, respirators. And here, at the Ross infest Ross anvil facility, produce. A ventilator, every 60 seconds. These. Feats are a testament, to, the skills and capabilities of the men and women of Ford Motor Company, and our. UAW. And other, partners, who. Have come together, to. Do what we could do to, support the battle against. Kovan 19. Ford. Motor Company and its employees are, always prepared to step up and do, the right thing to, support those in need but. Most particularly in times of significant. National crisis, I, believe. These acts are part of the DNA of our company, and, are inspired by both forward, family, and our. Continuing, history of service. Personally. I'm proud to be playing a part in supporting the. Brave men and women who. Are on the front line every day, putting. Themselves, at risk to help others. And. As I stand here today surrounded. By these awesome. American-made. Cars, SUVs. And, beautiful, trucks I'm, so pleased that our facilities, and dealerships, are, safely in operation, and serving. The needs of our current and maybe. Future Ford. And Lincoln customers. Thank, You mr. president, I brought, plenty of them I, brought. Plenty of them thank you Andrew I have. A lot. Of those Lincoln's. That's. Great thank you very much. That. Lobel pandemic. Has proven once and for all, that to be a strong. Nation America, must be a manufacturing. Nation we were bringing it back. 600,000. Jobs previous, administration. Said. Shirring we're not doing that it's. Gone from this country they were wrong. 600,000. Jobs until we had it turn it off and, now. We're gonna turn it back on like never before. You'll see numbers that you didn't even see the last time we're gonna rebuild it quickly, it's gonna happen very quickly we're, already seeing.

Indications. Of that Larry Kudlow gave some numbers that were really inspiring, this morning based on what. We're hearing and seeing true. National, independence, requires, economic. Independence from, day one I've, been fighting to bring back our jobs from, China and many, other countries, today. I'm declaring a simple but vital national goal the, United States will be the world's premier pharmacy, drug. Store and medical. Manufacturer. Bringing our medicines, back. And, many. Other things too, we. Must produce critical, equipment supplies. Pharmaceuticals. Technologies. For ourselves we, cannot rely on foreign, nations. To. Take care of us especially, in times of, difficulty. In previous. Decades politicians. Shipped away our jobs, outsourced. To our supply chains and offshore our industries. They, sent him abroad and. We're bringing them back and we've been doing that long before this crisis, bringing, them back that's why we have so, many plants being built all over the United States that, make a beautiful. Product, called cars. Bringing. Them back you. See it I told. Prime, Minister Abbey of Japan. You. Got a Shinzo, you got to get him back got a better we have many Japanese, companies now building, car, companies, here said you got to bring them back we, just had deficits, with all of these countries for years and years and years they. Were ripping us left, and right we had no idea we had no leader that understood. What the hell was happening, but. Now you do I said got to bring them back we. Made a great deal with South Korea we made a great deal Japan with 40 billion dollars Japan. Is putting into the United States not, to mention all of the plants that they're building the. South Korea was a terrible, deal and we made it good Hillary Clinton actually made that deal, she. Said it's going to produce. 250,000. Jobs and. She. Was, right it, produced. 250,000. Jobs for. South Korea not for us, wasn't. Too good was it but. We are bringing, it all back to our country, and it. Started long before this happened, and, maybe. That's one of the reasons this happened maybe. People weren't so thrilled with what was going on but. We had the greatest year in the history of our country and have it again very soon in this administration, we. Know that it matters where someone, and something. Where. Someone works on something or was something is made as, we've. Seen today companies like you a great Ford and. Workers. Like you are a national, treasure I consider, Ford to be a national treasure, I consider. You to be national, treasure the talent. Because. That talent, and culture and commitment, to winning are irreplaceable. Your. Patriotism, cannot, be outsourced, your, 117. Years of, incredible. Manufacturing. Heritage cannot, be replicated, anywhere. Else. In, the world the. Talent, I see the talent I know what talent is I understand. Your. World and I understand, your business that's. Why in my administration we. Live by two simple rules by. American. And hire. American. And, we have another rule that you may have heard on occasion, it's called America first, we. Didn't have America, first we had America last, under. Previous, presidents. They. Were more concerned with the world than they were concerned with their own country, my. First week in office I withdrew, from the job wrecking trans-pacific, partnership which would have destroyed the auto industry. I don't know I didn't ever ask you about that bill I mean. I think you agree oh you do would. You please stand up and just not that you agree that's. Your. Industry. Bill would have been destroyed. Had. That deal gone through and. Not, only yours by the way but. Other countries would have been very, happy so. I don't, know I don't know how the hell these unions, aren't endorsing, Trump instead, of the standard Democrat. A. Democrat. That doesn't even know where he is, we. Renegotiated. The catastrophic. Deal with South Korea to preserve the. Protective, tariff when, foreign made pickup truck trucks, you know the chicken tax they call it right you know what the chicken tax is most profitable, thing you have you, know why because of the chicken tax that, was expiring, a year ago and I, got it extended, because of that tax it's one of the most profitable. Products. You live for that product right I kept. My promise to, replace the NAFTA disaster, with, a brand-new US, MCA which is a fantastic deal for. A country, tough. New requirements. Under the US MCA, ensure more cars to be built in American, plants. By. American. Labor and, even. Labor endorsed, it but you know the big thing is. You'll. Lose it all you Caron does you weren't gonna have a car industry, left, now. People, aren't going to be moving back to Mexico, they're not gonna be moving back and you're gonna have it the other way at.

The Same time we preserve our relationship. Mexico's, actually been very nice our border is the strongest, it's ever been, we're. Up to over 200, miles of brand-new beautiful, border wall and that. 200, miles is pristine, nobody. Comes through this, is a serious wall it's. A serious wall and it's. Incredible, what we've done there too we had the best among, the best months we've ever had, and now. When somebody comes across we bring them back we. Don't go through five years of litigation, in. The, other days or the older days not, so long ago if. They stepped a foot into our country, they. Ended up you had to be Perry Mason you, end up in a court case and. It took years you release him into the country by law and, then. You say come back in five years for your trial and only. The very stupid, people came back about two percent they. Didn't come back why, should they come back they were released into our country we, don't do that we. Don't do that and we want people coming into our country but we want them to come in through merit and we, want them to come in Legally it's, very important, I'll. Continue to fight for, us Auto Workers as we rebuild our economic. Strength or, strategy. For a phased and responsible. Reopening, protects. Those lives those American, lives those high risk American. Lives, from. The virus while, allowing, those. Of laura's such as young healthy. People where they just have a much much lower risk we've learned a lot, you're. A certain age you. Have a problem, with diabetes or, you have a problem with your heart you're. A prime suspect, for, this horrible. Disease. It's. A it's a terrible, thing, so. We've learned that young, people do, very well very, well incredibly. Well, older. People especially older. People that have problems they don't do well at all so, we have to protect those people and. We want to get everybody now safely, back to work and we're going to do that I spoke. Today about our churches, our churches are closed and I said CDC. I had a great conversation I, said how people want to go back to, church on, Sundays, and, our. Churches want to take care of their. Parishioners. They're people, that go to worship and. You're. Gonna see something come out very soon about opening up our churches, a, permanent. Lockdown is, not a strategy, for a healthy state or, a, healthy country our country wasn't meant to be shut, down. Did the right thing but now it's time to open it up and never-ending, lockdown. Would invite any public, health, calamity. To. Protect the health of our people we must have a functioning. Economy, and. As I said and I'll say it a hundred times. We're. Gonna have an incredible year next year right at the beginning even our fourth quarter is going to be very good there's a tremendous, pent up demand and, that includes for your cars. Americans. Who need and want to return to work should. Not be vilified, they.

Should Be supported. Unlike. Many politicians, and, journalists, for those who are living with their. Own two hands working. Remotely, is just, not an option you don't have the option of doing that our. Plan emphasizes. Safety, and protection for returning, employees, I want. To commend Ford along with General, Motors General, Electric. Fiat, Chrysler and, so many other companies a lot of. Them in this area for, blazing, a trail to, safely, restart, America's, economic engines. You. Are demonstrating that, we can open our country, while, taking precautions, like social, distancing. Daily. Medical screenings, strict. Hygiene you. Can get tremendous numbers. Of very. Quick temperature, checks who ever heard they aim a camera, right there in two, seconds, later they tell you your temperature, more. Accurately, than the old days where you put it under your tongue for. Two and a half minutes, this. Is a little better but. You get temperature, checks and I, want to thank you all for leading, America, back to work you look at states like Florida, Georgia and many others where. The numbers have actually gone down they're, open but the numbers are. Going down and, very substantially. Down with. Your help in our policies, this country, is poised for. An epic comeback this is going to be an incredible, comeback, watch it's already happening. Within. The next year, we. Are going to be exceeding, any expectation. And I've, had a good gut feeling about a lot of things including. Running. For president, I said, I think I could win, and. I guess I was right, everyone. Here today and by the way I think we're good do better the second time and it's very important, that we win the second time or everything that we've done including, manufacturing. Jobs all this it's, going to be not. In a very good position. Everyone. Here today is the heir to a majestic. And Noble tradition you. Walk in the footsteps of, those who built the Motor City in the. 1920s. And 30s who stocked the arsenal, of democracy in. The 1940s. And who. Set the standard for. Automotive. Safety, and style in the 1950s. And 60s and. Beyond and even today bill. Was showing me some of those cars it's incredible. I want. To buy one then I heard the price I said forget it I said. I'll use one occasion, right but what, a car that is it what, a car our. Friends, and allies marveled. At these triumphs, of American, industry and our enemies learned that nothing can, stop the strength and power and grit of the American worker nothing. Just. Like generations. Of. Michigan. Manufacturers. Before you each of you is done your best for America, in its. Time of need you, love your country, you. Love your country so much. Now. You have, a critical, role to play in forging a new legacy of American, greatness. That. Will inspire and endure for generations to come it's. A very important, time, in our, country's, history in, our country's life because. Of you the Ford name will forever stand as a symbol of American, excellence, innovation.

Quality. And craftsmanship, and, because. Of you America, will be strong and healthy and prosperous, and free for. Many many decades to come I want. To say very powerfully. Very strongly god bless you all god. Bless america I'm, proud to be here I'm proud to be with Ford bill, thank you very much, everyone thank you very much we'll, be back we'll see you a lot good. Luck John James thank you for being here we're. Gonna have a great Senator, John, James thank you all very much thank, you thank, you.

2020-05-28 21:59

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