PoweRage exhaust review for Royal Enfield Himalayan

PoweRage exhaust review for Royal Enfield Himalayan

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Hello my friends Vladimir  here and welcome to my channel   today is a very exciting day, because  first I received the parcel from India Second it is a significant upgrade for my Royal  Enfield Himalayan I was waiting for a long time.   Third it is my first review for exchange  and even though I will make a completely   honest review and completely unbiased as they say  on YouTube a completely unbiased and honest review Yes I still continuing upgrading  my royal Enfield Himalayan I've upgraded almost everything  in terms of performance without hardcore changes like big bore kit or derestricted camshaft we teased by TEC  company from England on their YouTube channel So what I've upgraded since I bought it brand new?   First I changed I installed Booster Plugged,  Booster Plugged?)) Booster Plug for my Royal   Enfield Himalayan this video you can watch here  in this corner. Then I changed air filter I bought   K&N free flowing air filter and this video you can  watch also here . And the final step what I needed   to make it is in terms of soft changes opposite  to hardcore changes it is free flowing exhaust I was looking through different types of exhausts  including Red Rooster by the way you can watch   video here. We installed it with mr Bong at his  motorcycle shop and tested the sound then I was  

looking for something different which has more  genuine Royal Enfield style sound I saw video   on YouTube channel from my colleagues from  India they tested power range exhaust and   I really liked the sound I was looking for  information through internet and finally I   found their website and then I wrote to PoweRage  company through their contact page and a person   from the other side of the WhatsApp messenger  who was replying to me who turned out to be   Prem Paul who is the owner of PoweRage brand if  he can send me this exhaust for exchange of review   and you know he made a pause and replied okay  we can make this happen but you at least have   to pay for shipment I said of course of course I  can and then after several weeks I received that   thank you Prem Paul for your trust and though I  don't have a lot a big huge amount of subscribers   they are best ones for sure and I will repeat  that though it is a review for exchange   don't worry about that it will be absolutely  honest and unbiased review. Okay in today's video   we will first look through details of power  range exhaust and make a small review of   the look. Install the muffler on my Royal Enfield  Himalayan and I will show you the process it's not   complicated but it has some details which should  be mentioned and it will be possibly very useful   for you if you are not super experienced mechanic  or even though it will be at least entertaining I   guess. Then we'll make a sound test and for  recording sound I will use this Tascam DR05   recorder with manual settings we will talk about  performance before and after based on my test runs   and in the last part of the video I will  tell you my initial thoughts about power   range exhaust differences which you didn't  see in the video. PoweRage brand produces   exhaust for different Royal Enfield  motorcycles from interceptor 650 to   500 and 350 cc motorcycles classic and  bullet lines as well link to the power   range website will be in the description  section below you can check it by yourself   it was very long intro and let's dive deep into  the unboxing and reviewing of PoweRage exhaust PoweRage exhaust is made of steel  and has this beautiful brush finish   and powder coating on the end of the muffler  it has the same hexagon shape in profile as   the stock one which very nice and in my  humble opinion that profile complements   overall design pipe clamp is very well  and solidly built and does job very well So what is in the package, muffler itself, two stickers, instruction manual for careful installation  with hex tool to remove DB Killer So let's make the installation First I took off both muffler covers Then released screw bolt on exhaust pipe Then unscrew the exhaust support bolt and  carefully took of the muffler try to be   very careful in order not to damage graphite  gasket it is very fragile we will use it later   take off gasket from the muffler and put  it back on the pipe it is very fragile So   and as you see it is very fragile. Then I took  off gasket insert from Power range exhaust and  

insert it on the pipe very very carefully.  First tighten to support bracket and then   tighten bolt on exhaust pipe move the clamp as low  as possible otherwise it doesn't tighten properly then install covers on their places Okay now muffler is installed let's  make sound test and start the engine Before we start the engine  I should tell you several   very important things first make sure that  muffler cover doesn't touch or even close   to the muffler itself otherwise  it will make the rattling sound I used this recorder this Tascam DR05 and used  manual settings so there won't be any distortion   at all I hope so. So and I made  the sounds as much as possible   to be very natural in my humble opinion  but of course there will be some difference   anyway. Sound depends on the distance from the  motorcycle from the angle where you stay and   of course of surroundings in my case the flat  wall of the building is behind the camera and   it is open space there is a real true scenario no  tunnel or different extra environment which make   some kind of amplifying effect on recording  because if you record sound indoors and   results must be very very different because  in real world we ride motorcycle outdoors   in most cases and now first we will listen  to the distorted sound from the camera   and the idles are very close to natural real sound  but when I pull the throttle and the peaks are   high sounds getting louder distortion come into  play let's listen to the sound with DB Killer and now listen to the sound which I recorded  three meters away from the motorcycle it is not   distorted and it is close as much as possible to  the natural real sound of the PoweRange exhaust And now we'll listen to the sound from  different angles from perspectives I should say Let's make a test without  Decibel killer to remove it   you should use hex tool which comes with the  exhaust and unscrew the small bolt inside the pipe yes I lost both in depth of the muffler  no worries we will handle that later DB Killer is a piece of tube with less diameter  than exhaust inner pipe tube. Okay let's start  

our audio test without DB killer and now  again camera will record the sound behind the   motorcycle and and the idles is okay but when  I pull the throttle you will hear distortions Now three meters away no distortions  manual settings and it is the most   natural sound in open space from power  range exhaust in my humble opinion By the way the real sound from exhaust is much  louder than you hear now from your earphones or   speakers but not crazy loud since then no senior  people or anybody complained about about my   exhaust But when I was testing especially with our  DB killer you know I a little bit worried about   revving too much in dormitory area  because when you're revving it's loud   so let's go back to the screw bolt you know  I didn't even need to take off the muffler   you just rev a little bit more higher a little  bit push more and it go out by itself easily and by the way the sound of uh the muffler  is different when you are accelerating   and especially under the load we will  check it out in the end of the video and finally i made performance tests which  is pretty simple acceleration from 0 to  100kmh I was accelerating till  6000rpms on each gear and made several  attempts at least three at every configuration I ran all defaults no booster plug no free flowing  K&N filter no free flowing exhaust, all stock then I changed exhaust and run again then I changed default filter to K&N filter and ran again and ran again and again and again then I plugged in Booster Plug and then test it again and you know I had the same  results over and over again   it's about 10.7 seconds every time  plus minus about half of a second   in every configuration unfortunately I  didn't find any difference in performance   in this tests but in real life you will  definitely feel the difference in rideability I'm still experimenting on performance on  my Royal Enfield Himalayan and I really need   a little bit more power in this motorcycle I  would like to install 16 sprocket at the front   to increase maximum speed and cruising speed as  well and by the way Prem Paul informed me that at the   beginning you will have the white smoke going from your exhaust, it's okay it will pass very very soon and now i should tell you about the length of  the exhaust here are mufflers side by side stock   one is 58 centimeters and power range exhaust  is 50 centimeters in length PoweRage exhaust  is 8 centimeters shorter than the original one  that's why overall after installation it is 7.5 cm shorter and 4 centimeters lower that  would probably help you to install bigger panniers my personal taste could be different from yours  first I would like to thank you for your comments   including those who said that this motorcycle is  not performance bike put it everything in default   and enjoy as it is of course Royal Enfield  Himalayan cannot be faster than Yamaha T7 or   lighter than Suzuki DR650 or reliable as Honda  XR650L. No way but at least I will make it more   mine and give it a little bit character a little  bit better from that it comes from the factory   don't get me wrong manufacturers goal  is to produce motorcycles and sell them   to stay afloat and have a profit and truly saying  to sell Royal Enfield you need to meet tons of   requirements keep production processes price low  which were implemented on the safe side that makes   bike heavy air fuel ratio more lean  which make bike very jerky at low rpms   and killing rideability factor in my case I  know that I did everything without big bore   kit and hardcore changes from my himalayan to  make it more mine and increase ride-ability   and the feeling of the motorcycle and now it  became much more fun to ride so and that's it   for today's video thank you for watching it if  you liked it hit the like button give likes It helps me a lot and subscribe for more and I will  see you guys and girls in the next video hasta luego! Peace!

2020-12-23 05:32

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