Possibility, Choice And The Power Of Creation

Possibility, Choice And The Power Of Creation

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we are live in the Domino's excellent greetings hello salutations Namaste um cool so we're doing the next uh laser coaching session I've got will I will hello how you doing I'm all good how are you good thanks yeah very good loving the Hat thank you I it's just become habit at this point um and now I'm actually warm you know I don't have to put the heating on and yet it remains and the fleece remains and eventually I will shed shed these layers um this is a laser coaching session so um cool so um uh right so with each of these sessions we go for 30 minutes we're on a single topic um just a reminder to the people that are watching um that it's for it's for the person listening it's for for the person in in your chair in your seat so don't make it about will don't make it about someone else make it about you um when you've watched it uh um or watched it back we'll uh you know then then comment uh share what you take from it um because it helps you to go deeper into it it helps other people to go deeper by hearing a different perspective on it so engage with this um cool so um I know that um we've we've had a chance to sort of speak a bit in the group but could you just give us an introduction for those people who maybe aren't fully clear yet on sort of who you are what you do can you give us like the headlines of you know who you are and what's brought you to to project Domino yes uh I'm will uh the three components um of of the three big commitments in my life are um being a session musician uh being a guitar teacher and being a coach um I this will be this is my third Domino um what initially brought me here was curiosity um it was in initial chats with yourself Nick um and you and and this this is a reflection of your serving in those initial conversations um I realized that I was speaking to a man that knows things that 99.9 of people don't know and that that was enough to have a go at my first Domino and and find out more um and since then uh well putting it frankly that my life is changing quite significantly and and far quicker than I thought possible uh in terms of creating change um and even myself saying that creating change knowing that it's coming from me um is is a reflection of that change um and so I I yeah I keep coming back because I see the impact uh that that um a group program is having um and the space that that has um and particularly with this Domino I feel like I've really got how to show up as a coachable person um and as a result this this Domino this year has been the most impactful um and so brilliant so I just want to I want to um just before we jump into the coaching I just want to underline that for people can you give people a sense of what it is that you have created through being part of this because you said it's been the most impactful but obviously that's that's a co-creation and like you said because you've shown up and I've acknowledged you in the past for this of being so open and willing to kind of do the do the work and take actions and try new things um what when you say the it's been impactful what what is it what is the impact or what is the change that you have created whilst you've been involved in that process um hmm uh I'm going to I'm going to Nick something that Jeff said when we had a conversation the first relationship is with yourself um for the first time in my life I can openly uh and honestly say that I love myself um in in a very and I feel it this is difficult to put into words because this is so much to do with with feeling I I feel that on a very profound level it's not uh um I don't know typical self-love activities uh working out um eating right uh drinking enough water treating yourself to Aspire day it goes far far far deeper it's it's in here that I feel this and as a result of this healthier relationship with myself um as a part of my being my doing is changing significantly um there are people who weren't healthy for me who are you know in Friendship circles who I have let go of and I'm okay with that and and and um another example my my um my thinking about selling my thinking about what I what I do every gig every lesson every coaching session is a work of art not a job to be done it doesn't feel like that it feels like every time I turn up to do a job I am so conscious of all of the creativity involved with it you're involved within completing a job um and and that you know um I thought creativity there was a point in my life where I thought creativity was songwriters you you if you're a songwriter you're creative you know blah blah blah and I I I don't I don't really write songs um it's not my primary enjoyment within music and I had this belief that I must not be as creative as other musicians and this realization that that I'm not there yet but it's growing that I'm constantly creating and not just in music across every aspect of my life um I feel deeply creative um and that is that again is huge and and exploring the relationship between that my creativity and my ability to earn an income to to grow an income to enroll people to bring people into a network um to create relationships with people to create myself which has led to what I was telling you about looking at myself in the mirror in the gym you know getting back into into exercising after an injury and not seeing problems that need fixing but rather seeing possibility seeing creativity potential how how much more could I create my health how much more could I create um my body how much more could I create in my relationships um I'm starting to see this everywhere beautiful really beautiful to hear and I I and I've acknowledged you before for it but but um it's it's really beautiful to see you taking these steps and playing with this possibility and like you said like seeing that creativity goes beyond just certain areas but it there's there's a way in which it relates to all areas and we have this power to create finances create relationships create business structures create a network create a following create a movement create products in the world releases recordings whatever um so thank you for well the gift you're giving to yourself which is like really engaging in that process and doing actually doing the experiment because many people don't they'll they'll be happy with just talking about out there but they won't make that make that kind of experimental uh steps so so I and I see that I think I see that as a main reason why you're getting such quick changes and because you're really throwing yourself into into the actions and and playing with it so so awesome so so what would you like coaching on today yes so um I yes it relates to that sort of light bulb moment in the gym yesterday and I wrote down an acknowledgment so I've been keeping a self acknowledgment form just on the table um and going whenever something pops into my mind doing this and I spotted a pattern um the the first one of these not the realization I had yesterday but this was a few weeks ago and this was a huge one um I I wrote I acknowledged myself for choosing to be brilliant um then yesterday in the gym I said I acknowledge myself for choosing to see possibility rather than problems that need fixing um then yes yesterday again when I got home I thought of another acknowledge myself for choosing to take responsibility for myself my actions and I at that point I spotted a pattern um Behind these things there's a choice and there's ownership of that choice and this is a new uh a new realization for me Super Fresh literally realized this yesterday um and I thought right perfect got the laser coaching tomorrow let's go deeper into that let's see what what that's about so yes I suppose the the topic of choice and choosing as an option to me okay and what is it about the topic of choice and choosing as an option that as you curious like why is that valuable to you to explore today well there's that's exciting because it's essentially that opens the door to yourself um I think there's a lot of conditioning uh you know a leopard can't change its spots I think that's the saying I think there's a lot of conditioning that uh others might call it a fixed mindset rather than a growth mindset you know um you know that people don't change you are who you are um if you throw Choice into the equation that changes everything right that's that's huge um what how much more creativity lies behind the door of choice um and empowerment you know um what what what what could what could choice and choosing do for me and what do you think choice and choosing could do for you what what do you reckon might be lurking in there for you like what what might be some uh hiding possibilities that maybe don't haven't haven't always looked possible until now it's a very good question no I'm gonna go with my initial answer although it although I realize it's vague and perhaps influenced by my excitement at this new realization I I would say everything um anything and what does that involve in terms of everything or anything what does that involve what what what is included before you answer can we make an agreement that you don't feel any need to censor or explain away any of the answers that come up here because we're we're in because if we're if we're talking about like you know going Beyond conditioning going Beyond kind of expectations of who you are and going into deeper into the truth of what the real possibility is here it means you're going to need to go past or or my suggestion is that you is is going past what might seem reasonable or what might seem realistic um we're not having a realistic conversation or a reasonable conversation we're having a a truthful honest look at what's the kind of thinking and the kind of feelings that come up we're not worrying we can we can put we can worry about possibility um uh whether something's realistic or practical and we can figure out practical uh considerations later but we're we're just having a a play with what might be possible here yeah exploring right I love that yeah thank you is that okay so can we agree to to do an uncensored exploration here 100 in that case firmly I would say everything and anything um and then I believe your question was uh what does that entail yeah so so everything what is that like what's what's in there what's included what are you noticing that our new possibilities may be what are some of the specifics that you you're noticing like what would be a useful change I would say possibility itself um or a a deeper understanding of understanding or a a deeper belief in what is possible for me um it feels like there's there's a Liberation in choice that that it it that's the that it's not fixed that it's not set in stone that's what it feels like to me hmm and that feels like very deep Inner Strength to to make decisions and choose what's possible for you rather than external factors deciding what's possible for you does that make sense yeah how deep does that strength go how deep my my initial response would be I I don't know I don't know yet cool which which I like because if there's something I don't know there's something to explore there's more to learn um no I I don't know how deep that power goes but I definitely know I would like I would like to find out right how might you find out so so these are obviously these aren't questions where there's a definite clear answer that these are exploration questions right that's why I'm asking so so I'm not expecting you to have it's not about a word or a sentence or a you know a kind of linguistic label it's not so much about it it's more about the the process of so we've uncovered something that you you've said you don't know you you get a sense of like strength which is it's I get the impression there's a newness to that realization that this string and I heard you say it's it's it's very deep and I heard and I heard that and I thought oh I wonder how much depth he perceives they're like is this just deeper than he's used to or is it is there a limit is there is it like the deep end of a swimming pool which you know you you can kind of swim down to the bottom and you've got to hold your breath and you've got to sort of have the strength and the sort of swimming technique to actually get to the bottom but you still get to the bot there is a bottom right or is it something that doesn't have a bottom is it is it something that kind of is a sort of uh an infinite depth is there always new is that the nature of it that there's always more power to be unlocked and discovered is that is it that is what it feels like that I I don't see how this would have a limit um because if we're talking about the subject of of choice and I've written down three things three things there and that was enough for me to spot the pattern at number three I was like I've written a few a few things here where I've started I acknowledge myself for choosing and that's that's three things that I've chosen well how much more could I choose on how how much how well what else in my life how many things in my life are a choice are based in my decision that's infinite that there is I you will never run out of choices to be made because every day you you wake up and you you know from the from the smallest of choices and where do I go to get my coffee um to the biggest of business decisions you know how do I diversify and and remodel my business to make it scalable this choice absolutely everywhere so I don't see how it could possibly ever run out and the more you I suppose one leans into approaching approaching these things things being every day business personal professional Etc um the more someone leans into and comes from a place of this is my choice the deeper that gets for you uh what I'm trying to say the deeper you're understanding of your inner power the power of choice the more you live from it exactly the more you the more you use that power the more the more you change the things that you would actually like to change the more you move out of tolerating to creating would you say that's fair more than fair yes absolutely um yes cool so what might be some things that you may have tolerated and this isn't about making them wrong by the way but but when I say the word tolerate sometimes it's like a kind of passive complicit uh going along with it and not it's kind of a symptom of not noticing that you have the choice or you can take responsibility and act in many different ways or or make decisions or whatever the language you use right so so where are the places where you don't need to go into details because I know it's in in the group but um but where are the places where there might be aspects of your playing or aspects of um personal life what aspects of business or aspect of the way that you be or aspects of how you uh describe yourself or aspects of how you see yourself um that you've been tolerating what what are some what are some aspects that are ripe for change I'll give an example from the session musician aspect of of what I what I do for a living um and this there was a shift in this belief and it was a limiting belief um there was a shift in this just before starting this Domino I think I was making notes already in preparation just checking in and seeing where I'm at um there was a belief that as session musician I am gun for hire and that's it um my Successful Failure rides on the success or failure of artist management the artist themselves um the way they are being the way they're running their business um and I've had situations where I've been uh shorted on shorted on on fees um had uh on unfair expectations uh placed on me Etc and tolerated these in well this is this is my job you know done for hire and and always facing I think you know I've worked with artists local artists Etc that have it you know at best um in terms of the the the the projects that have not grown uh at best they fizzled out um at worst the artist and their way of being has actively run the project into the ground and alienated the team Etc um and I was going around thinking oh God you know I need to find an artist I need to find a a really serious artist someone someone deeply committed to this deeply um you know deeply hungry for for the level I want to perform at and then I realized that I was that artist and in doing so I chose myself as that artist I went well I don't I don't need to rely on the on the the on the the Successful Failure of somebody else's project I can still be a session musician hired in to do a job that in itself is an artist coming in to bring their sound their energy their Vibe their service very different mindset and I chose that I chose you know I'm not going to put my eggs in the basket or gamble on on somebody else's success I will create this myself and I see that now looking back through this lens of choice that that was a choice um and as as a result now I don't I I hold my professional boundaries far stronger um I feel as though you know the the the sessions I've done situations I've been in this year so far um Glastonbury auditions recording situations Etc um there's my decision to choose myself and respect myself I'm seeing that reflected in how other people are seeing me how other people are deceiving me as a professional so I'm going to nudge you out a little bit deeper here um so you so far when I said what are some of the aspects that are ripe for change you you've told me some of the things that have changed or are changing and I I'm really curious about like where's that where's that edge where it's just about into the next just outside of what you have already achieved or changed and what what's the next sort of what's the edge of the growth where's it going and what's what's beyond your what's beyond the known here because I have a sense that you know there's some direction here and you know maybe it can seem scary or unknown or intangible or you don't have the words for it yet but let's explore what's over at that Edge Let's see if there is an edge maybe what might be next here do you think where's this going what what's what's unfolding here what's logical as a next step or new possibilities or all beliefs that maybe a tightest time to question right right I think I might have been working on the edge earlier today um my finances now there was yeah and you picked up on it straight away there was a an unexpected fear in our last one to one where I stated I want to break 40 000 next year now I hadn't spoken that I had not said those words it had only been up in here and as soon as I said it I was like what you know that that's you know it's it's not it's not a fortune but that that's more than you know considerably more than I've ever earned that that at that point what I what I am able to do in my life and it's not all dictated by money but there are options that would be opened at that and I remember you asking and I have an answer now why is that a big number and I I believe it is because at that number more becomes possible more options open um and I think I'm still working on believing that I can earn that and more cool so what's the choice that you can make here because this question started about choice and if we're at the edge it's a choice to then it's always kind of a metaphorical Choice do we have free will whatever right but but if we're going with the choice thing we where's the next choice where do you choose to tread next in terms of finances or in terms of actions or in terms of attitudes right what's the choice that might be available here because the possibility we can choose to make it real I can choose how so if you actually had to make it real how would you actually choose and make it into a true commitment so that it becomes a reality like a real reality so the yeah the the the the thing I've been playing with and going really finding useful as a tool is the pricing Excel formulas um I've been going deep into that um and reviewing pricing structure reviewing how it would be done the decision the choice here is to take a stand for to take a a deep stand for my belief in what in my service in what I do to choose to serve so deeply that the impact is undeniable the clients are created and this is what was staring back at me working through Excel looking at income projection looking at numbers of students looking at different programs different tiers the choice to to step outside of my comfort zone a time for money model and I remember saying this in uh maybe the Domino before the group called before last um I remember saying I'm scared I'm I'm going into completely Uncharted Territory here um and it's that choice to do so to to once again step into the the unknown into the out of the comfort zone and to find growth that sounds like taking a stand by selling more of what you offer your services to me right because because I know there's because there's two there's two kind of questions that I'm sort of getting the impression that you're talking about there's how much you charge for your services and then there's actually selling it at that fee right yes yeah right so so the advice that I was given because now we're kind of moving into our coaching territory into kind of Consulting territory about how to run a coaching practice or how to run a sort of service based you know same for teaching practice same thing um so I'm just I'm going to give because it's a bit of a shortcut because I think this is this seems to be the case that the advice I tend to give to coaches and to music teachers is like you know the fee that you the the fee that's right is the fee that you can sell sell out at so so fill your fill your coaching practice fill your teaching practice at whatever the fee particularly talking about coaching really you know so fill the fill the coaching practice at the fee that that you can sell out at right so take a stand by by taking a stand for coaching this is my suggestion to you take a stand for for I can help you with that when you pay me however much for the sessions however much for this package here's what will be possible here's here's you've mentioned this your life let me tell you about the person that I've helped and this is what they've done let me tell you and you take a stand for the power of coaching and you demonstrate well let me let me tell you what I've done I actually I actually went to a group program not just once I've actually been three times why would a person do that because I realized that I can be more coachable so here's my suggestion to you sign up for another run with me go join another package and you will you will go even deeper into this journey and the con and the the transformation you've already experienced in the first four sessions let's say it will continue and you take a stand by by showing them what you see as possible you talk more powerfully about it and then when you've come from that this is this is why it tends to happen in this order that you take a stand for the work you then as a result of taking a stand at a price that will actually get traction with people so make it easy for them to say yes fill your practice so that um you have to then start turning people away then limitation creates value it means the people you're turning away it's like well okay I can't see you until two weeks three weeks two months okay um uh but these these places do tend to sell out so would you like to you know go on a waiting list or would you like to book in in advance yes please okay I'll send the invoice over and so then you're over subscribe you've had someone pay you um in in for future work and then when someone else comes to you you have to um you know push them away or push them into the future and I guess to the point where there's too much demand for supply at which point the market tells you it's time to put your fees up because you've taken a standard because you've been continuously serving then the The Power Of Your Service Plus the power of the demand that's being created the word of mouth because they're getting such ridiculously good value because the price is low enough especially in the early stages of running a coaching practice um the word spreads that if you go to will you pay in this hourly rate and you get way more than you've paid for that's the word of mouth that spreads about you it's worth going to will whatever he charges you you'll get way more value that's the reputation that you're creating by doing it that way around rather than what sometimes what's often told to coaches which is charge what you're worth even though you've only had 30 coaching sessions in your life theoretically it's true but people feel that it doesn't quite fit and they don't the the value versus price um the differences if something doesn't work about it it feels like they're spending too much for not enough value or it's too similar like we tend to buy things when the fee is significantly lower than the value so if they know if they pay you let's make it up but then all your fees are currently but let's say that they they charge you charge someone a hundred pounds an hour for a coaching session if if they have the experience that actually all the insights they're going to get all the changes in their life it's going to be worth 200 pounds 400 pounds thousands of pounds over the course of their future career because of the quality of their playing or the quality of their being and it's going to make them money or whether it's going to be worth that investment worth 10 times the investment let's say then they'll pay so my coach talks about giving a lot for a little making sure that the services that is way above the fee level as long as you do that you'll sell out your places and as long as you keep selling at your places it's easy to put your fee up because there's the demand and the fee becomes a filter for people and then it becomes easier to fill group programs and easier to fill buy a ticket offerings does that make sense oh yeah brilliant yeah all of that makes sense it's the idea that I've got for um I'm really excited to create a a group program um that I told you about uh three people um I know I know who I would like to approach first uh they're already in my network um and yeah it's going to be exactly that it's it's it's going the the first one I'm going to run for free with people close to me um and it's an opportunity again to learn that to experience that um again there's a there's a choice in that it's it's choosing to be a leader to people that are leaders themselves they they don't know it yeah or they might have some I I'm thinking about these people they might have an idea that they haven't made a choice I'm excited to see because I've only worked one to one I've just started moving into group guitar tuition and like I'm uh only two students in one I'm seeing the power of having you know they feed off each other and once that one's been playing a bit longer than the other and at first the others but he plays like it's like it's okay and then you know the other ones like no no look it's like this it's like this it's powerful it's I'm hearing it and it's really exciting to hear because it's you're right on the cusp of of having something which is scalable because you know you if you learn how to sell uh a group anything then the numbers of the group can you can create something that works and there are ways to structure programs and groups and webinars and uh you know all sorts of things which are scalable but as soon as you learn the the art of you know creating groups and making it all work you then have a scalable component it's not just I have you know there's a limited number of people that I can work with because I'm working on an hourly rate it's not because the the hourly rate gets stacked on top of each other so then it becomes is scalability in there you know and you if you add if a business adds in like recorded components and stuff then it's you know you don't even need to spend your time doing that anymore so there's many options but I'm just really it's an exciting it's an exciting point to be crossing right now right it is it really is it feels yeah it's it's really exciting um and you'll look back on this video and remember that this was a necessary stage for you to get to where you're actually going to go right so you're beautiful thank you very much thank you the the Excel it's brilliant I've never I've only ever used it as spreadsheet to track essentially you turn over and expenses and then yeah anyone that doesn't know like I shared I shared like a a spreadsheet of sort of pricing projections of how to work out like hourly rates and sort of how you'd um you know packages and stuff so that's what you know we just sort of predicted what would happen if the fees were a certain rate so um I can wish I can share I can share that with people that if they want to right that's a great tool okay sir so are we are we complete for today we're complete fantastic good stuff is there anything you'd like to say to anybody watching this um yeah huge shout out lovely bunch I was I really wanted to say this Thursday um because I was having a I was not having a good week last week I was getting very much in a bit of a tornado of thought um almost to the point you you become lethargic when there's so much going on up there it's I I can't be bothered tonight I just want to sit and not sit and mope but you know that that mood I was no I'm sure I'm going I'm going to Domino I'm going to I'm going to uh I make it sound like a pilgrimage then I'm going I'm going on the on the group call um and I'm just gonna say how I've been feeling and what's been going on um now that in the past has elicited uh the the man up response uh although go and take a look in the mirror and decide what sort of a man you are blah blah blah to be met with the response from the people in this group is groundbreaking for me it's it's really seeing a feeling a sense of belonging a sense of support um and a tribe that that uh yeah you know to Sharp vulnerably in front of people is hard uh but but the response is is just amazing so yeah just want to say a big thank you awesome great to have you with us and thanks for your your contribution you're you're really helping to create it as it is so so thank you thank you all right buddy have a good one Nick see you soon

2023-05-12 01:26

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