Pompeii INSIDE The City That Was BURIED ALIVE

Pompeii INSIDE The City That Was BURIED ALIVE

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hello everybody I'm Chris Provost and you're  watching Provost park pass and today's video   is crazy because Amanda Miles and I had an amazing  opportunity to go to Italy Italy we were in Italy   for about a week and the very first day that we  were there we went to Pompeii and I made a really   cool video but as I started editing a video I  realized I got to explain some stuff because I was   so overwhelmed with what was happening in Pompeii  that I I just didn't even record it so I need to   make this explanation before you start watching  this cool cool video now for you young ones who   might not be aware of what Pompeii is Pompeii was  a city right by the ocean in Italy it's thriving   City and in 79 ad like almost 2,000 years ago this  giant volcano called Mount vus erupted and the   volcano was about six miles away from Pompei when  it erupted it was a massive explosion all the lava   started coming down and a bunch of people from  Pompei they ran away but then they saw that the   lava was just coming down down the mountain and  they're like oh they thought they were going to   be safe and they went back to their city of Pompei  and that was a huge mistake cuz what happened is   that this volcano shot all this ash in the air and  this ash started coming down and when it started   coming down it was coming down at between 50 to  70 miles an hour and it just landed on the on the   people there and everybody there they all died  and what happened was this ash started pounding   down on the people and it was about 15 ft of Ash  so look up at the ceiling in the room that you're   in right now your ceiling's probably 8 maybe 10  or maybe 12T tall the ash came all the way up to   about 15 ft tall it completely covered the city of  Pompei completely covering it and what happened is   that Ash compacted and ended up coming forming  like a solid type of rock well all the bodies   and people and all things that are in Pompei  they ended up like decaying and when the Pompei   was discovered at in around 1500 1500 years later  as they were digging Excavating it they realized   there were these Caverns where the bodies want to  work and they would pour like plaster Paras in and   it would preserve the bodies so they discovered  Pompei in 1500 then they really started Excavating   it around the 1700s a little bit here they kind  of luded the city but then they really began   Excavating it around the 19th the 19th century  the city was completely preserved like completely   preserved like there there was still bread in the  oven there's things going on they daily like their   City daily life was completely preserved now I  am going to show you what Pompei was completely   like and it's absolutely amazing because most  times when they have an archaeological site it's   degradated over years like hundreds of years this  it was like boom within a few hours the city was   covered and it was preserved in time and so it's  like we're going back in time machine looking what   pompe was like in 79 ad let's do it hey everybody  I'm here in Pompei Italy right behind me those are   the ruins of the city of Pompei now Pompei was  a Seaside City and it was right on the ocean now   the ocean's about 2 miles away because after  the volcano erupted it changed the landscape   but the people here um they died almost instantly  theot it was the ash that killed them all right   so I want to show you this this is cool this is a  house you notice that we we a very thin entrance   there but it goes out back here you'll see right  here at the entrance there's like a little stall   here this is where the merchants would to sell  stuff cuz right here but then come right to here   this is the actual house you walk in the house  and you'll see right there that is the Basin   for water and this would be a two-story building  and the top stories would build a wood and when   it rain they're slanted so the rain would come  in and drop in the Basin that's where they cool   them off and then if you were very wealthy you  would have a garden see that little area there   look like a garden and they could go out there  to cool them themselves off they have trees and   and stuff to cool down and this would have been  a two-story building but the second story was all   built with wood so when the ash fell down it was  too hot it burned everything away immediately but   you'll notice that right here is the entrance  to the house and there's another little spot   here where they would have for this is a stall  where people would sell like emerchant stuff   to sell stuff and this would have been like the  Main Street thorough F where people go and pass   through everyday living okay so now I'm in What's  called the bcil okay this is the entrance there's   also side entrance there if you look you can see  it's very large and it would be looks like how a   churches are and but this was before Christianity  so there were no there weren't churches this was   the courthouse and behind those columns they' have  three judges they have the tribunal and this is   where they come and do like the court and all uh  hold Court after Christianity adopted they uh they   would mimic this this this silica and when they'  build their churches that's where they got the   ideaas you'll notice you'll see here these columns  they were would go it would have got very tall you   see it kind of like that Second Story there and  um you'll notice that these columns here they're   actually brick underneath them and they covered  in with this like white Plaster to to make it   look nicer um but they were actually had bricks  underneath them save some money but those ones   right there those are real that's real marble that  is uh yeah there's the stairs that they'd walk in all right so that is vvus that is the volcano  that erupted and what happened when it erupted is   that the city actually the lot I always heard  that happened instantaneous what happened was   is it erupted and the ash the lava start coming  down and everybody ran away they ran away and   then the lava stopped that's about 6 miles away  everybody came back they're like oh we're fine   but what happened was the ashes shot up into this  into the atmosphere and they didn't realize what   was going to happen is the ash ended up coming  down between 50 and 70 M hour and landed on him   and it was this burning hot ash and that's and  that it killed everybody almost instantaneously   it's like and it preserved everything this back  here is the church this is the Forum this is a   giant Forum building that is the uh basilius that  we're just at here you see the marble um columns   this here would have been their church and if you  look right in the Center you kind of can see um a bust that would have been Jupiter here in Rome  we would have said Jupiter in Greek they would   have said Zeus and then uh this way over there  where's Merchants that's where the the merchants   were the Commerce and there's also Merchant over  here then right behind me is that is the house   that's where the they had the governors had  four Governors and the governors would that's   where people would go in to petition their  causes to the governors right there in that   building right over there every year the the  inhabitants of Pompei would come and vote to   get new Governors and this is marble this is all  covered in Marble but it was looted that's all   that's left now I was going to go down and check  out the uh this the street here one of the main streets so incredible this this is the main street you see  it and it leads right into the forum right there   and at the end of the street just it looks just  like a European city like street at the end of   the street where they have they had they wouldn't  allow vehicles or anything or anything to go into   the forum so they put this they block this area  here but then this is where people walk up and   down the street so they would bring like their  goods up here now you'll notice on this side   of the street is a little bit higher this is the  height of the Chariot so a chariot come here they   pull all like there and then they could take the  goods out of the Chariots and put them like on   that road there and then they'd have like Porters  or whatever and they take it into the forum that's   why this site is higher it was an unloading it's  like an unloading dock these are the now you could   always tell a merchant has the Wide Doors and if  it's a small narrow door like that that's a house   now you can tell this is also you tell it's a shop  you see here the this the stone had been carved   out those were for like a sliding door a wooden  sliding door cuz they wanted to m maximize their   space they didn't want to have doors opening up  in the shop so they had these grooves there for   wooden doors this would have been a shop all  right this is my favorite thing so far so this   I'm in the main road here the main road now the  Chariots will be pulled by animals donkeys uh   horses whatever and the horses and animals they  would they would just illuminate they poop right   here in the Main Street and uh nobody they don't  have like sanitation they would just leave it so   you notice at the sidewalk be behind me see the  sidewalk sidewalk was elevated up so the people   would walk on the sidewalk now but what if you had  to cross the street you don't want to cross the   street on with all the poop in the road so they  made these Special Steps and you see that they'   step there Step there and there that would allow  them to step across the street without having to   step into the poop and the reason there's a gap  in the middle that's where the tires would go   for the cart now this would been a very wealthy  home look at the floor is mosaic tile mosaic tile   now they would have had a door here closing this  off that was the Basin where they water but they   he'd want people to know he'd want people to know  that he was he was wealthy and had mosaic tile in   his house so on outside his house just outside  marking his territory this is his property line   see a little Mosaic line that would let you  know that hey I have Mosaic artwork D up for   my floors inside look at that he did that wow now  you'll notice that there's some stairs going up of   course there's no second floor because all would  have been burned but when if you were wealthy you   had the second floor you would have had on the  second if you were wealthy like I was saying   on the second floor you would have either had your  servants living up there or if you were a business   minded person you might have rented it out to a  person if you rented it out for people you would   have the stairs come down to the main street  because you don't want them walk you through   your house if it was your servants the stairs are  in the back of the house so this this guy or woman   they would have rented this out because the stairs  come right out here to the Market Street now they   would have got their water from those mountains  but eventually they made an aqueduct to let them   have like running water this was to commemorate  their the emperor when they built aqueduck the   first emperor his name was Augustus and this is  why this one was done in Marble the rest of them   were done in stone the aquadec was completed  about 4 I'm sorry about 70 years before the   eruption so only had running water for about  70 years and then the eruption happened right   now we're on a side street I'm going get into  the shade a little bit darker here this a side   street it runs uh east and west because it's East  and West the streets would be in the shade a lot   longer so there's not a lot of doors here  because people like the streets that are   running North and South because they get all the  sunshine but this is a oneway street and the way   that you could tell that it was a oneway street  you see there's like a little Stone there little   stones in the center that let people know this  is a oneway street kind of little pop out like that now this would have been like a garden house  was a recreational what a garden would looked like   look at that this is where they go get shade  and cool down all right so this is be inside   of a house now their their gods were like Jupiter  Apollo but those are public Gods you had the gods   that you want to protect you you built a little  teeny tiny Temple inside your house just like that you're and this would be where your God  was that protect your house and the gods they   believe they protect your house where your  ancestors people have passed away and if you   look behind it you'll see a drawing of their  ancestors and you would bring them stuff and   you'd worship your ancestors and they' protect  your house that's where you put like little food   once a week you put their food there for  your ancestors or they called them private gods and we saw a lot of plaster casts of bodies  the ash came down that covered the bodies and the   bodies would make it like a cavern all right I'll  get back to the bodies in a second I have to show   you something here's another little Fountain this  is Stone fountain filled with water water was free   to all the residents in pompe anybody gather water  and the rich people the very wealthy people they   were able to get pipes and have water going  straight to their house for running water but   most people had to come collect water you can see  like these are the streets down here and these are   in the streets the main streets like this and  these are all like little houses or shops and   right behind me is one of two theaters you see how  massively tall those columns are and this would   have been the lobby you walk right in here this is  where they come for entertainment and go right in   here and for uh to for to be entertained to have  shows and whatnot of course the most important   thing was water always concerned about water you  notice that they even had gutters here so that way   you would rain the water would run down they could  collect that water okay so back to the bodies the   ash would fall down land on the bodies and they  would die almost instantly then their body would   be encased in Ash and caus was like a almost  like a cocoon or sophus of their body their body   eventually would Decay and leave but they left  that imprint and when they were Excavating they   would find these Hollow imprints and they started  ploring P plaster apparis inside it and recreate   their bodies in the last moments of their life the  majority of them were face down with their hands   above their face trying to cover them their mouth  up and nose up so they could survive the ash that   was coming down some of them got caught off so  off guard that happened so fast that they were   just in their everyday poses what they're doing  at that moment when the ash came down this would   have been a bakery that right there would been  a Milling Stone they' have a will around it it   would crush the grain to make it like a the flour  and right back there that's where they would have   cooked bread and it's almost identical to the way  they still cook pizzas today but that's how they   would have cooked bread this would have been a  breaker see we're going to cross the street Stones   oh yeah de about the carage wheel and you can  see like the grooves in there right there right   there and right there that's where the Chariots  would have been going wearing those stones down   these are all the different types of houses and  streets that they had all right so I'm going to   take you in one of the most preserved houses in  all Pompei this one right here as it's almost   perfectly preserved let's go and take a look at it  w this is inside the house okay so this would have   been the where they would have collected water  so if you look up the roof you notice the roof is   pitched it's it's coming all the wat comes in any  rain would have been collected here it would have   dropped down here and see that little tiny hole  right there it would have drained down there into   the cyan and then as they needed it they would  take a bucket and lower it here to get their water now they had stairs you'll see stairs right  over here that meant that since the stairs were   inside that meant that they had servants who  lived on the second floor this this painting   the painting this man he was very wealthy cuz he  had paintings and they also like see those little   Mosaic on the floor this was a wood closet like  a like a wardrobe well the wood the ash encased   the wood the wood then of course burned away but  it left that it left that um you know like Copus   they poured plaster pairs inside it and recreated  this is a wood wardrobe even down this the step   the the feet here you can see the lines how the  wood would have looked this is where they would   have kept like clothing inside of it you can even  see the little Mosaic work around the sistern now   that here that was if there was too much water  they could the water would then fill in there and   that would just drain right out to the street so  that way there's no flooding in the house if they   ever had too much water they would just pour it  right down there now right where you walk in you   had a table there and that's where you display all  your wealth like you had Jewels or silver gold you   put it on that table so that way people could come  in they could see how wealthy you were this is the   dining room now they didn't have tables and chairs  what they do it would be it was couches and they   would lounge and the servants would then bring the  person and feed them as they lounged on the couch   that's what they do is just no no there's even  some artwork on the wall so not tables you were L   they lounged like and then servants would would  uh would feed them now the poor families they   didn't they weren't able to Lounge this would  have been the garden of the house would there   would been no roof it would have in a garden now  what's interesting about this home is this this   home had the smallest Garden of all the houses  on the street and apparently what this guy tried   to do you'll notice he painted there's painting  there against the wall it made they painted it   to look like a window looking at another garden  and they over here they painted it to make it   look like he was looking at the river's front and  then looking outside giving the illusion that this   room was much bigger than it really was you'll  also notice along the bottom he painted like so   it looked like that there was a bushes and trees  growing year round in his garden and another thing   that this uh homeowner did is he painted that  they had fountains like marble fountains cuz   those there's one right back there would have been  very expensive to do but he painted them here uh   giving an illusion that he had these fountains  in his garden see like look like these little   Windows see that look like a little ledge of a  window looking out into a giant forest now this   is a the door into the dining room you'll notice  see it's actually very short the average people   who lived here the height was about 5 four to 5T  tall and so the doorways are very short like I   can't walk into that now right outside the house  you can see it say says cornelian on outside the   house this guy's name was not Corel cornelian this  guy was running for office so he rented that space   outside this guy's house to paint his name to let  people know hey I'm running for governor and it   also is written there um um but uh so yeah  people would pay them to advertise in their house so Pompei during the the height had about  15,000 people who lived here and the most and   every day now Pompei has around 15,000 visitors  per day so it's like the city that's come life   again so now I'm going to show you what if you  were hungry walking on the street you you wanted   to go like a little restaurant they kind of had  like a little fast food restaurants so you could   stop byy and grab some food most of was done  in vegetables like during the winter it was   like vegetable soup and during the summer kind of  more like a vegetable salad type thing so you com   inside this here would been where they take the  fire out put it there so they cook they could   cook they soup and then when the food is ready  they would put it right here and people come in   you'll notice the counters are lower because  they would have been they would have been uh   much shorter at the time and this is where they  would have come in and got their food and the and   the um the proprietary would stand over here and  somebody come in and they would order their food   like I like a salad or I like vegetable soup now  this is the same right we still do this today here   right so this is a restaurant a little fast food  restaurant let's could call that McDonald's and   right you have right across the way you have  Burger King another restaurant this so close   competitor fighting for the same person to get  food pompe was part of the Roman Empire but kind   of not so Pompei was their own little city doing  their own thing Rome came down and Pompei looked   at Rome was like yeah we can't beat you guys so  we'll just join you there was no war there's no   conflict and they just ended up joining them and  became part of the Roman Empire but Rome's kind   of left let him alone let him do their own thing  um and uh pompe was here it was right on the ocean   and the ocean now is about 2 milesi away because  after the volcano erupted it pushed the water out   but they even have still they have little areas  where boats can Mo right up to the um right up   to the shore of pompe so this is the wall was  painted but people do graffiti they come in   they draw like little boats and like like a can  little Bridge people just do little graffiti on   the wall much like today in a bathroom stall  now this is one of the two theaters they had   here and look you see the seats and down here was  the stage and this look how big and beautiful it   was for entertainment now Pompei actually existed  before Rome the Roman Empire and it was heavily   influenced by Greece and so they uh right here  they have the theater here they would have had   Greek tragedies and Greek comedies here performed  this Stadium could hold up about 4,000 people now   in the time of Pompei you know how much it  cost to come to a show it was free anybody   could come to a show and be entertained and the  idea was the reason I was free is that if people   were happy and entertained it wouldn't lead  into a revolt and they be they'd be uh they'   be happy with what's going on not try to look for  something better so they would actually give free   performances they still actually use this they  renovated theater a little bit and they still   use in summertime for summer performances now  you you'll notice that's lower this the marble   here this is when really the wealthy people they  would have come here and they would have again   lounged they would have laid on little couches or  blankets or or uh I don't know pillows and they   would Lounge why other people who weren't  as fluent was sit Lounge lay down sit and   outside the theater you can still they have a  plaque that still there of the architect and   what was what's what's the architect's name it's  Marcos octorious creis he was the architect of the theater this here is a stone and these were people  who were donors just like we still do nowadays   right show donors it says they're donors the  people who donated money and then the the fourth   line down say theater uh techim that means that  this theater had a roof so you see those poles   across the top up there it actually had a way to  they' pull across these pulley or whatever and   it would cover the roof so they all could sit in  the shade can you believe that they can still they   carved their names Z they being a donor uh for  the theater how cool is that this was a smaller   theater and I'm looking at it really from the  backstage entrance and this would hold about a   thousand people they would have done comedies  and tragedies mostly here now this giant open   area here this would have been the lobby for the  theater so they would come in that door right the   main door here they'd me about and talk if they go  to the main theater would have been here and the   Little Theater is right over there you can see the  columns were holding the outside and the center   was just like a open court to the but then had  the roof all the way around now after Rome took   over Pompei they wanted to introduce Gladiators  you see these little tiny doors behind me this   is where the Gladiators would have lived you'll  notice see like notice they were much shorter and   then they had this this open area where that was  like the lobby to the theater they used that for   training for the Gladiators and also for the  show for the Gladiators there you see there   those are those would have been the housing  of the Gladiators and then this is where they   trained them and also would have had some shows  for the Gladiators Rome brought the Gladiators in okay so that is Mount vvus that's right  there that's n Naples right over there and   so the city was buried in Ash and it was lost  at 79 ad it wasn't discovered until 1500 when   uh if somebody was digging there they found it and  and they kind of just people came in and started   looting it but around the 1700s the king of uh  napoi he was he liked Antiquities and he says   let's excavate it and they start Excavating it  and at first a lot of people were stealing all   the they were stealing a lot of the gold and all  that stuff but now they preserve it so it's one of   the most perfectly preserved cities it was buried  in Ash and people forgot about it for 1500 years I I know that was a very abrupt ending I was  so overwhelmed by it by Pompei and how cool it   was that's the ending but guys so this week  I'm going showing you a bunch of things of   Italy uh miles and I are going to be exploring  tomorrow we're going to you see all these cool   things in Rome we're going to do a vator which  is one of my favorite things I've ever done in   my life we'll show you that video we have lots  of fun stuff coming up here this week is all   be about Italy all right guys you guys are the  best uh oh oh by the way uh if you want you can   hit that like button and the Subscribe button  that's a big to say thank you and then in just   a few moments you're going to see some names  scrolling up and going down those are patreons   those are people who love Pros Park B and if you  want your name scrolling on that screen there's a   link down below 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2023-11-02 21:56

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