Poço Azul Waterfall & Arado Waterfall - PENEDA GERES NATIONAL PARK - PORTUGAL - 4

Poço Azul Waterfall & Arado Waterfall - PENEDA GERES NATIONAL PARK - PORTUGAL - 4

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hello my good people and welcome back my name is john and this is my beautiful wife alexandra if for some reason we led you to believe that we were all about posh hotels and fancy dinner parties then you couldn't be more mistaken because this weekend is all about nature we are heading up to explore zhiriz which is the most beautiful natural reserve in portugal so if you enjoy caravanning campsites and most of all if you're a nature lover then stick around because i bet you're gonna love this [Music] [Music] video [Music] so to get this waterfall waterfall of radha okay so from the viewpoint from the rocco viewpoint there is this um uh dirt packed road you can probably bring your car or jeep or i'm even betting that the caravan will probably pass here also so it's one kilometer each way so we're going to get to that waterfall is it waterfall so it's actually waterfall we're going to get to that waterfall um film around take some pictures and then there's another place we're going to try to go to let's see what happens here we go and if for some reason you feel thirsty there are loads of these little fountains here that i'm guessing the water is water what is a drinkable nice and cool okay so let's go here we [Music] go [Music] so once again the normal warnings danger of death of course so just make sure you're careful we have reached the the waterfall basically so you just have to go up these stairs if for some reason you'd like to bring your car or even we could have got the caravan because as you can see there's probably enough space around here and the road will allow you to do that so let's go up and check out that waterfall [Music] okay so here we go this is the old very very beautiful fantastic look at that very very nice there's sort of like some kind of cave over there i'm not sure if you can see that over there so there can you see that there let's hope the gopro can pick that up very very nice so we're just going to take some pictures and probably head off to what's the next place by the pictures it looks amazing see you in a second so we just left uh waterfall kashgar du arado arado waterfall and uh the route to what's it called bosozo so the blue uh well uh is up here so it's another how many kilometers all together four kilometers so it's about four or five kilometers now on route up here as you can see you could bring your car at least i think you can say about two kilometers more or less at least that's what we read but we will show you how much you can save if you bring your car or motorbike or bicycle or better yet electric bicycle that would be great here all the way up there so we will see you once again on route [Music] so here's our car park then if for some reason you decide to bring your car you have a little park here and from now onwards only walking baby if you're still following us it's because you're enjoying the video that makes me very happy to say of course um so maybe you're wondering about the weather today it's about maybe what 26 27 how hot do you think it is today where we are at the beginning of june okay so if you see this mark it's because you're on route melia dora one kilometer um it's probably about maybe 26 25 20 67 something around that the sun is shining no not very many clouds but there is a cool a cool wind okay so alexander's phone is saying 20 degrees but i'm guessing it's probably 20 degrees in the shade of course that's usually where the temperature is is measured but in the sun it's an easy 24 25 26. as i said there's a cool breeze so it's actually quite pleasant to be honest of course our backs are sweating from the backpack but that's to be expected that's why sometimes i change the backpack to the front so i can um so the back can actually dry out a little bit alexander feeling good yeah okay alexander unfortunately hurt her foot yesterday uh it started to swell a little bit yeah it's a poor thing she's making an extra effort for you guys so that deserves a like doesn't it okay so stick around if you're enjoying this um because i think it's gonna be quite nice actually we've seen the pictures bosu azul research on the internet click pause go to poor suzu p-o-c-o space a-z-u-l posul in jerez jerez g e r e s take a look and see if the pictures that you find on the internet are going to be better than the ones that we take let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] okay so here is the glory cascata so this would be the blue okay the blue so probably gonna go for a swim or something like that and then we're gonna have to head back another two or three hours but we're gonna count that time this trail is not for the faint heart okay it's a really really tiring trail okay let's enjoy ourselves [Music] is [Laughter] so let's talk a little bit about this python uh you're probably uh wondering how the water is and so it is freezing um the water at the other waterfall was also freezing but this one here is really really freezing when you come out the water you can actually feel your your skin burn from the cold i mean most people are going in for a dip so it's doable okay um is it worth the hike just don't come on a very very hot day that's the only thing i would recommend as long as the day is not very hot you bring some water it's a fantastic hike it's a very long hike but i think it's very gratifying to arrive at this place where many people probably won't even come to because it's quite far away and you know just have a swim and say i did this i was here um so yeah i think it's rewarding i think it's worth the hike so if you guys have the opportunity in india in portugal this is the bosu azul we've had our fun we've had something to eat we had a swim and now it's time to head off so please continue with us now we've got a long trek back home see you in a second [Music] when we were on our way down from the um from the porcupine uh home of course the cabin we passed by this little um private pool along the river so you know we just couldn't resist to come and take a dip come on you want to come with me [Music] huh still there okay so we just came down through that hill here hill where those people are over there can you see them let me see if i can point around there ish all the way down then all the way up the other side how am i feeling my legs are killing me this is one hell of a workout no need for leg day with checks like this okay so the rough stuff is already over so now it's basically um just a sort of wide little rose like this until we actually reach the the main dirt road let's keep on trekking come on you lazy bugger we will spoil a lot okay so when you guys do this route to the the the cascada the waterfall when you come back also you can make a detour through these two trees here and of course you'll get there quicker to make things easy for you i to identify i'm going to put this pine here and then i'm going to leave it for you guys so when you see this pine sitting in an upright position okay this is the shortcut hope that helps [Applause] [Applause] uh and we made it so that was actually a two in one okay don't forget we did the arandu waterfall and the the porsu azul waterfall uh let's just play a game here rate these walks and these waterfalls rate the waterfalls yeah that would be great from one to ten you can pause the video pause it now and rate them just write the name of the waterfall that we went to and give it a rating i think it's probably going to help other people a lot if they see that on the comments below pause the video pause it rate it and thank you very much for that i hope you liked this walk we'll be back tomorrow for some more adventures and right now we're just probably gonna have something to eat and rest a little bit because uh this walk was a very very long walk we left at half past three and it's uh 20 past five although we did stop in the middle for a little swim as you saw in the video uh we're talking about an hour and a half and fast paced walking because we actually overtook quite a few people um so yeah that's what we're gonna do but i'll see you in a while and if you're enjoying this please stick around because tomorrow we're gonna have more adventures for you and great views take care see you in a minute we have arrived at our campsite for tonight so tonight we're going to stay at um camping rural park park rural okay so it's a very very nice place it's a much different to than the one that we were in before i do not know the price yet but i will know when we leave of course because it was my wife who took care of checking and she didn't ask the price i'm really gonna be very fussy about that um it's actually quite a nice place nice park nice reception here uh you've got some bungalows um and you've got these really really curious little like wood type tent things here i think it's fantastic i actually asked the price at mace and the guy said in low season it cost one person 20 euros two people 25 euros in high season it's a little bit more expensive but not really very much so you have great space here for camping cars um i think it looks very very nice actually nice and um and um sorted out looks looks clean let's just check out the bathrooms a while in a while if for some reason you're asking why we just don't park on the side of a road or or in a park or something and why we're going to campsites um when you're hiking a lot when you're doing you know activities although the van does have everything you need okay um but when you do lots of activities when you're camping when you're in your motor home or even your motorcycle camping or something like that uh it is important to get a good night's sleep okay because we have in the past um done some trips where we stayed on the side of a road or in a car lodge or something like that you know basically just sleep anyway that's the good the freedom that caravan will give you but then we would have the cars passing at night motorcycles making noise and um we did have on those trips some nights that we didn't sleep at all and me especially because i have to drive so it's really really tough um and so we actually prefer to stay at campsites for a good night's rest um if for some reason and we're not really tired or something like that yeah on the side the road will work that's sort of like for an emergency so you also have these bungalows here didn't ask the price you have these bungalows and here is the shower area which is very it looks very nice from the outside i'll check it out on the inside in a while you've got a picnic table up there so that's all very nice wc chemicals so chemical uh toilet there i'm supposing possible that's for the the cassette i'm not sure but i don't know it doesn't really matter when we leave i'll show you the the caravan area if they have one where you change the waters and empty your chemical um toilet so it's a very nice camping area what do you guys think about this so if you're coming to jerez if you're trying to do these trails check out these waterfalls and all the beautiful things juniors have to offer that is actually a very nice camp site for you to stay in if you if you prefer campsites than hotels you know more contact with nature this one is very very nice also the other one was more sort of raw a more raw uh nature ex experience and not that it's better or worse than this one they're just different concepts but i think the price is gonna actually decide which one you know if this is actually worth the price that we're gonna probably pay or if not okay so that's the campsite and now we're probably gonna have a shower tomorrow i'm not really sure if we're gonna do any more trips because alexander she hurt her foot yesterday i think i mentioned that on the video before and so today it's really hurting even more it's getting even more and more sore so if we if he does she doesn't recuperate tomorrow i'm afraid that we might have to finish our trip uh but we'll just soon see tomorrow hi doggy looks like i was really blind it looks like blind or doggy hi doggy hi doggy what happened to your eye doggie okay okay doggy yeah nice little doggy okay here's in here okay very nice okay hot showers until half past nine very nice very nice and very clean very very nice not bad at all if you ask me that's good for the shower okay so while even i find it strange that i should share with you my uh bathroom experience i think the shower gods are actually trolling me on this journey so right now i went in to have a shower beautiful installations by the way new or remodeled whatever beautiful installations and so i grabbed the hot water knob tried to turn it in the knob or broke off or it was already broken and someone just sat it there for someone like me to get trolled um okay so i just went into the next booth and had an amazing hot shower nice steamy hot water as much as you like lots of pressure the only problem is you could you only have hot water until half pipe past nine at night i'm not sure if this is sort of like a covered thing or if it's usually like that but that's what it's like today i was in that fantastic shower so nice experience i'm liking it right now the mrs is taking care of our dinner so we're going to be having uh some soup again a salad with a chicken um a bakat avocado tomato and some rice jelly is one of these ones off tomato she thinks it's tomato raviolis of course we're going to season everything with this um uh olive oil of magelico how's the imagery in english imagine you can't have no idea how you said it anywhere the majority of ah sorry i can't get that i'll i'll write it on the little box okay so bon appetit for you guys because i'm sure it is gonna be for me pour me some wine darling yes thank you very much okay guys cheers to you cheers to my lovely wife cheers cheers this wine by the way is really really good we bought it in the wrestling that we ate in in ladia uh emilio motor it's actually spanish because the restaurant was sort of like a spanish themed um restaurant and so they sell us this this bottle of wine 2018 very very nice actually this is going to be our dinner for today uh the rest of the soup from yesterday uh a little salad here with um lots of nice things you can see for yourself already all seasoned and of course some more pasta um that we bought also yesterday so bon appetit to you guys my good people we have finished our meal we have finished our wine i think we're gonna call it a day um please stick around though because tomorrow if all goes well we're gonna show you some other spectacular sights see you tomorrow take [Music] [Music] care [Music] [Music] you

2021-07-03 10:10

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