Places to Go - Washington, DC (S1E6)

Places to Go - Washington, DC (S1E6)

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I'm Matt Griffith and today we're in Washington, DC. Washington. DC is an awesome city to come to it's very historic lots, of monuments to see lots, of museums Anna's, ooh and it's, a food lover's paradise and best of all most, of the attractions are free. We're. Here by the Death Star I mean, Telstar, we're, at the Smithsonian, National Air, and Space Museum and, this. Is one of my favorite places I'm a pilot, and this just kind of fits me the. Other cool thing is. It's. Free. The. Museum, contains the Apollo 11 command module, Columbia. The, friendship, 7 capsule which was flown by John Glenn Charles. Lindbergh's, spirit of st. Louis the. Bell x-1 which, broke the sound barrier flown, by Chuck Yeager and the, Wright brothers, 1903. Wright Flyer, near the entrance. So, there's a lot of interactive exhibits here such as the Skylab orbital workshop that, you can actually walk through there's, also a flight director across, the way there's, just a lot of things for kids, adults. And us, big kids. Now. Think about the bell x-1 for, just a minute it, was October 14, 1947. Yes. 1947. Chuck, Yeager was just 24 years old at the time he. Broke the sound barrier and, flew at an altitude of. 45,000. Feet he. Then went on to break several other speed and altitude records and you. Can actually see, this aircraft, here, amazing, a side. Note Chuck. Yeager and I are from the same state, just 25 miles apart and, while he lives on the opposite, side of the country from me now I would, absolutely love, to meet him one day. Almost. All space, and aircraft on display are originals, or the original backup, craft. Thousands. Of additional artifacts, including, engines, rockets uniforms, spacesuits. Balloons. Artwork. Documents. Manuscripts and photographs, document. The richness of the history of light. Also. At the Air and Space Museum, our, flight Sims they, cost $8, they're. So cool because you. Actually feel everything, and it. Almost feels like you're really, in the cockpit. You. The National Museum of african-american history and culture opened, its doors on September, 24th, 2016, and has become one of the more busier places, here in National, Mall in Washington DC. The, National, Museum of african-american, history and, culture is, yet another Smithsonian. Institution. Museum which, opened its doors on September, 24 2016. In, a ceremony led by US President, Barack Obama, the. Above ground floors feature an inverted, step pyramid, surrounded, by a bronze, architectural. Scrim this. Museum makes light of our past blemishes, and scars as humans. On society, in our fellow man revealing. The travesties, that took place in history in the u.s. the. Museum has about 85,000. Square feet of exhibition space with. 12 exhibitions, 13, different Interactive's. With, 17, stations, and a, hundred and eighty three videos housed on five floors. The. Museum is beautifully, designed and, has become one of the most popular, museums, in DC since its opening with. More than 35,000. Objects in their collection, and roughly. 3,500, of those on display in. The collection are items related to such subjects, as community, family, the, visual and performing arts religion. Civil, rights slavery. And segregation, some. Of the more notable items in the collection include a Bible, owned by Nat Turner a trumpet. Owned by jazz musician. Louie Armstrong, Muhammad. Ali's boxing, gloves, a cherry. Red Cadillac, convertible owned by singer Chuck Berry and the dress. Rosa Parks was sewing on the day she refused, to give up her seat on a bus in Montgomery Alabama. But. There's so much more and if, you get hungry the, sweet home Cafe, is a 400-seat. Lunch and only restaurant, located inside the museum. Throughout. National Mall there's all these great maps that tell you where things are so you can find all the various museums here with the Smithsonian. This. Is the creamiest, crab cake I've ever had and I, think it's actually the best one I've ever had we're.

At Founding farmers, and this. Has, like a mustard, in it and it's, really, good just really creamy not, too dry like a lot of crab cakes I. Think. This is my favorite. Those. Were really good crab cakes but. I said that already ah the, food. In. A big melting pot city, like Washington DC, you. Can expect, to find every. Category and ethnicity of food you could imagine it's. A food lover's destination. And this foodie gives it a big checkmark, and a thumbs up. We're. At the old epic grill the oldest, bar and grill in Washington, DC it's been here since 1856. It's. Just down the street from the White House so it's known for politicians, and actors alike to come visit and it's. Also known for its oysters. We're, outside have done TJ oh and PE and, they've. Got some of the best spirits, you're gonna taste here in Washington, DC. So. Everything, we do here based on a family distillery, from the Amalfi Coast established. In 1883, was, the first rendition that operated until 1931, which, closed due to the economic crisis, before World War two reopened. In 1951, and. Then flows, down again in 1980, due to an earthquake the. Earthquake of piripi mia and the south of italy in nineteen. Eighty six point nine magnitude, earthquake that's, that's that's crazy big, so what eventually brought it over here yeah so Francesca, Amedeo he moved here about 14 years ago now, very. Common, for. You know him there in the hospitality industry to bring his skills here, so, he worked, in the hospitality industry. Smalley, a beverage, director and, as beverage directors too he started to produce a lot of his own cordials. Liqueurs. Behind the bar and the, primary one being a limoncello really, caught the attention of a lot of people just less. Sugary. A, bit. More balance cleaning fresh right. So. How do you go about making it less sugary, then there's like other limoncellos. That we might try that's a great question. So really, if you look at alcohol content is the number one thing so a lot of limoncellos, cordials, liqueurs tend to be you know 35 X, 45 percent alcohol with, that much alcohol you need a lot of sugar to. Mask that flavor covered at all well exactly kind of hide it so, we keep things around 25%. 23%. Highest, that we go is 29 so, with that level of alcohol sugar. Content low and being from the Amalfi Coast originally, you know we want to highlight. The flavors the ingredients, how many of the ingredients are kind of local versus shipped over so, we actually source all of our ingredients domestically. Most. Of our citrus and fresh fruits and vegetables coming from California, so. The walnuts the. Oranges. Lemons artichokes. Off in California, and then we get our fennel and our dill, and our mint from Pennsylvania, and Maryland the, only thing that comes over from Italy is the espresso so, you. Know being Italian very particular about coffee other than that I guess the imported, products products, would be our, machinery. Our equipment, and then our French oak barrels so we have in the back those originally, came from the Amalfi Coast as well from the Marissa Cuomo winery if you were to choose one and your personal paper, as a recommendation what. Would that be. So. All, the babies but just like in real families, someone, has a favorite right, so. My personal favorite maybe it's just the uniqueness the quirkiness, but. The Fennell record in your moving soon too right yeah we hope to move closer. To the rest of the distilleries in Ivy City oh yeah in the meantime you can check us out here, 6031. Kansas, Avenue Kansas. Blair Road upper Northwest DC, it's. Been our home since day one. All. The monuments, in DC are within walking distance but.

Be Sure to have good shoes on because, there's a lot to see, the. Korean War veterans memorial memorializes. Those who served in the Korean War with 19, stainless, steel, larger-than-life. Statues. Each weighing nearly a thousand, pounds, the black granite neural wall has more than 2,500. Photographic, archival, images, representing. The land sea, and air troops who, supported, those who fought in the war. The. Martin Luther King jr., memorial covers. Four acres, includes, the stone of Hope a granite. Statue of Martin Luther King the, inspiration, for the memorial design is a line from King's I have a dream speech out. Of the mountain of despair a, stone of, hope. The. Franklin, Delano Roosevelt memorial is, dedicated, to the memory of Franklin, Delano Roosevelt, the 32nd, President of the United States and to, the era he represents, spread. Over seven and a half acres it traces, 12 years of the history of the United States through. A sequence of four outdoor rooms, one. For each of FDR's terms of office sculptures. Inspired by photographs, to pick the 32nd, president alongside his dog fala other. Sculptures, depict scenes from the Great Depression such, as listening to a fireside, chat on, the radio and waiting in a breadline a bronze. Statue of First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt, standing. Before the United Nations emblem, honors, her dedication, to the UN it. Is the only presidential, memorial to depict a first lady considering. Roosevelt's, disability, the, memorials, designers, intended this to be accessible, to those with various physical impairments, the. Jefferson, Memorial is, dedicated, to Thomas Jefferson, one of our founding fathers and as the main drafter, and writer of the Declaration, of Independence member. Of the Continental Congress governor. Of the newly independent Commonwealth, of Virginia, for a shoe US Secretary, of State under the first president George Washington the, second, vice president, of the United States under second, president, John Adams and also. The third president, as well as being the founder of the University of Virginia in Charlottesville. The. World war ii memorial is dedicated, to americans who served in armed forces during World War two and consists. Of 56, granite pillars each 17, feet tall arranged. In a semi-circle around, a Plaza with 243. Foot triumphal. Arches on opposite, sides each pillar, is inscribed with the name of one of the 48 US states of, 1945. As well, as the District of Columbia, Alaska. And Hawaii the, Philippines, Puerto Rico Guam American, Samoa, and, the US Virgin Islands, the. Washington. Monument is the world's tallest stone, structure, standing. More than 555. Feet tall commemorating. The first president, George Washington. The. Lincoln Memorial was built to honor the 16th, President, Abraham Lincoln. It, is located on the western end of the National Mall across from the Washington, Monument it, has always been a major tourist attraction and since the 1930s. Has, been a symbolic center focused on race relations, and since. 2010. Approximately, six million people visit the memorial every year. So. In DC today it's 52, degrees Fahrenheit, which is 11 degrees Celsius, and I. Always dress, in layers so I have a long-sleeve, shirt that has buttons on the side where I can roll the sleeves up if I want I have a solid, color tee underneath and that. Allows me to unbutton my shirt to. Let it vent out a little bit if I need to or I can just take the outer shell completely off so, it allows me to accommodate, for many different temperatures, and allows me to pack lighter because of that.

We're. In front of the National Gallery of Art it's. One of the Smithsonian, museums, and, the best way to think about it is it's the, United States version of the Louvre come. On let's go. The. National Gallery of Art and it's attached sculpture, garden is open to the public and free of charge. The. Detail in some of these is absolutely amazing, you, look at the horses, and the people, the detail is just so. Fine and to, think that this was painted back, in the early to mid-1800s, the. Gallery's. Collection, of paintings drawings prints. Photographs sculpture. Metals, and decorative arts traces. The development of Western art from the Middle Ages to the present including. The only painting by Leonardo da, Vinci in, the Americas, and the largest mobile created, by Alexander, Calder, the. National Gallery of Art consists, of two buildings and this amazing outdoor sculpture, garden. You. We're. Here in DC's Chinatown, and, this. Kind of lets you experience, a different culture in, our nation's capital, there's, lots of restaurants, and even some of the businesses, like Starbucks, and Walgreens have their signs in Chinese it's. Pretty cool place. Chinatown. In Washington, DC is a small, historical. Neighborhood east of downtown, consisting. Of about 20, ethnic Chinese, and other Asian restaurants. And small. Businesses, along H&I, streets between, fifth and eighth streets northwest. It. Is known for its annual Chinese New Year Festival, and parade and, the, Friendship arch which, is a Chinese, gate built over eight Street at 7th Street other. Nearby prominent, landmarks include the Verizon, Center a sports, and entertainment arena, and the, old Patent, Office building, which houses two of the Smithsonian, museums, the, National, Portrait Gallery, and the, Smithsonian, American Art Museum. The. Neighborhood is served by the Gallery Place Chinatown. Station of the Washington, metro. Hey. We're. All set for three star Brewing Company which is a Washington DC, craft brewing company, all the way through. Is. About, a year old now we added, it just recently we brew 20 barrels a time on there so on 600 gallons of your good food at.

A Time on that so. I. Get a little more of like the aroma was a beer in here this is the seller the seller is where all the fermentation happens we Brewer on that main system everything gets sent back here we, do all ales here so else from about 65 to 70 degrees provided. About two weeks back here. They. See all these barrels were mixing whiskey and wine barrels and beer. Sitting here from anywhere from a few months to multiple, years but what do you guys get your barrels, from barrels. Come from mixed places generally I'm obviously get from direct from distilleries sweet may be sourced from other other, people sort of collaboration, with opportunities, still in company down without, in southern Virginia where they bought, some barrel freshly empty barrels back we, filled with beer a gem for a little while and send them back to them so they can do a kind, of a beer whiskey hybrid nation which is kind of fun there are cool gwm from few places. Release, this space you can see it feel very raw right but it's awesome love but. It's basically space we use for parties we have big events here we use it for that and, then we have a hip-hop show next Saturday here basically. This will be transformed. By. Put, in this year into, a whole new space you. Know it's, you know it's it's very raw but it's great for Venice you can spill beer and make, a mess and clean, up later. That's. How you have a birdie. Let's. Do that. We're. At the. We're. At the National Zoological, Park. That's. Part of the Smithsonian. Lots. Of animals inside let's, go see. The. National, Zoological Park, commonly, known as the National, Zoo is, one of the oldest, zoos in the United States it, is part of the Smithsonian Institution and, is free, founded. In 1889, its, mission, is to provide engaging, experiences. With animals and create. And share knowledge to save wildlife and habitats. Here. We have the Panda and it's unnatural habitat. Some. Of the popular exhibits, include the giant panda habitat elephant. Trails Lemur Island, the Great Ape house and the cheetah Conservation. Station, the. Famous Smokey, Bear which, was the living symbol, of the cartoon, icon, created. As part of a campaign to prevent forest fires lived, here until his death in 1976. The. National, Zoo hosts, about 1800. Animals of 300. Different species of which 1/5 of them are endangered or threatened. The. Best-known residents, are the giant pandas, but, the zoo is also home to birds great, apes big cats Asian elephants, insects, amphibians, reptiles. Aquatic. Animals, small, mammals and many, more, this. Hundred and sixty-three acre urban park is open every day of the year except. For December 25th, or Christmas, Day. So. That's been our trip to Washington DC our, bellies, are full our feet, are tired even with great walking shoes, but. We've had a chance to catch up on some history and experience. The culture. You.

2018-07-06 06:03

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I've always wanted to see the Lincoln Memorial.

I believe that the World War II Memorial is one of the most beautiful memorials in all of Washington, D.C. Absolutely gorgeous.

I love taking trips to DC. You can see the city and other than food and a place to stay, it's not gonna cost you much.

Death Star hahahahaha, that is what they should have called that Telstar thing.

The dude at the brewery talks so fast... it's hard to understand him XD

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