Places to Go - Reykjavik, Iceland (S1E2)

Places to Go - Reykjavik, Iceland (S1E2)

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Hi. I'm Matt Griffith and welcome to Reykjavik, Iceland. Over. The past couple of years Iceland. Has rose to become one of the top destinations in, the world with. Its dramatic landscape. With volcanoes, geysers Hot. Springs and, lava fields, it's, truly, a sight to behold we're. Going to be checking out the fantastic, art scene ice, caves. Geothermal. Waters a Chocolate, Factory and much, more, let's. Get started. The. Reichenbach art museum has three locations throughout, the city which, only adds the great art culture that you find here. The. Converse trivia location, houses the works of one of Iceland's most influential. And recognized, artists, Johan, Carville, which, is where this location, gets its name the, exhibition's here focused primarily on paintings, and sculptures, of the established, masters of modern art. The. Building is a fine example of, Nordic modernism, and features floor-to-ceiling, windows, that look on to the beautiful clam. Burton park. One, can take in the view while enjoying a drink or a snack at the museums cafe the. Museums cafe is open from 10:30, to 4:30, there, is also a museum store in the lobby and a family activity space, known as the idea lab. So. The art seems pretty big in Iceland but, it's very important, that as you're walking down the street to check out the sides of the buildings because there's a neat graffiti, thing going on as well and it's just, about down every alleyway. A, trip. To write to make without going to the Pearl and ice caves, just. Is. Unthinkable. Berlin, is one of the most visited attractions, in Iceland. The glaciers, and ice cave exhibition, is the first exhibition of the new Portland Museum wonders. Of Iceland the. Exhibition, is built inside of one of Berlin's six, hot water tanks, it, illustrates, the glaciers their history, and bleak future and, gives, visitors the amazing, opportunity, to experience, travelling through a real man-made ice cave. Additional. Interactive, exhibits, allow you to stand in particular spots, and point with your finger on the wall to, learn about Iceland's, glaciers their, effect on the land and, what will happen if or when, they disappear, guests. Are also introduced, to the unusual, life forms that live on glaciers. I. Can. Experience what furlan has to offer you come upstairs to the top floor where. They have a 360-degree. Glass dome, that allows you to see breathtaking, views of the city and you. Can warm up after being in that ice cave with a good cup of coffee they, also have sandwiches as well it's, a nice little cafe. Blue. Lagoon is probably the most famous of the geothermal hot springs here in Iceland I'm gonna go check it out but that's something I don't want you to see on camera because we, might lose some ratings. The blue lagoon is a geothermal spine. Is one of the most visited, and iconic, attractions in Iceland in fact. It is so popular that you should book your ticket well in advance of your arrival dissected. Just. A 30 minute drive from the capital city of Reykjavik, the, milky blue opaque, silica, waters are contrasting, against the moss covered black volcanic rock that, surrounds, them and are, sought-after for their healing properties, the. Lagoon is generally, between 98, and 104, degrees Fahrenheit and it's, 9 million litres of water are self cleansing renewing. Itself every 40 hours, the. Deepest point is roughly 5 feet, some. Things to note stained. And warm waters for long periods can cause dehydration, and.

While The water does not harm your hair it will make it dry so, bring along plenty of conditioner, for before and after you enter the water. So. When we came to Iceland we had the option for, a hotel or, an Airbnb, we. Chose the Airbnb route, and the reason we did so was because Iceland. Is notoriously. Known for being expensive, in some cases it is and in some cases it isn't, the. Flights here if you're on a WoW air line or some of the other low-cost carriers, are inexpensive. So. It's cheap, to get here the, Airbnb, was not expensive, at all so it gave us the ability to stay here cheap, but, the, food if you were to go eat at a restaurant every. Day you're. Going to spend a lot of money on food restaurants. Are really, expensive here. The. Beers, are really expensive, glasses, of wine are expensive, so if. You were to prepare your own meals you. Could save a bunch of money and the. Way to do that is to get an Airbnb that has a kitchen so, that you have the ability to prepare your own meals you. Can save a bundle by doing that. There. Is only one, legal, whiskey, distillery, in Iceland Hamburg. Distillery, come. On. Even. If aim Brook wasn't the only place around with Troy's landok whiskey it would still be a required stop for any spirit, lover in the area when, we were there there was our host Paul's birthday and he definitely made us feel like we're part of the party, he kept both the drinks and the stories flowing as he led us through the history of Icelandic alcohol as well as the company's personal, journey named Ric goes full tilt on the Icelandic traditions, their, board gin has been triple distilled in a pot still and their, botanicals, mix went through over a hundred and fifty different experiments. Before landing on the nine local ingredients they used today. And. The gin isn't the only thing with a local edge since. Iceland doesn't have layers of peat like Scotland they. Burned something a little more, interesting. When smoking the barley in their young malt. Their. Sheep dung smoked reserve is a truly one of the kind product in. Addition to the gin and the whiskey they also produce an Icelandic aquavit, or Brennan I. Sampled. Them all you know for. Science. Since. Burke is still a relatively, young distillery, then whisky has to age at least three years in barrel Iceland. Has only had an official whiskey for a few months we got to taste some from the fifth barrel produced on the island both in bricks single malt and young malt carry the name floki, who aside from being a historically, inaccurate character, on the show Vikings, is also widely known as the discoverer, of Iceland as legend. Has it he set three Ravens loose from his ship only, one of the three didn't return so, that was the one he followed hoping that it didn't return because it had found land and not, just because it was you know like mad at him or something erik. Has taken a similar belief of faith with their whiskey and people, are flocking to taste it which, makes it stores a great place to meet people from all over the world and isn't, that one of the best parts of traveling. Tours. Are by appointment only and since it's a little bit out of the way you might need to take a bus to get there but. Just like Iceland itself it's a discovery definitely. Worth making. Stole. So. We ran across this interesting museum, here in Reykjavik, Iceland called. The phallological Museum. If you don't know what that is let's. Just say google it it's, not. Probably. Family-friendly. For this show so. We're. Gonna go check it out anyway so if you want to see the results of it go, check out my blog. When. You're traveling outside the US hotels, and Airbnb, zs-- don't always have irons in those instances, it's great to bring along a travel steamer now, the thing to be aware of is a travel steamer doesn't put. The creases, as good as a yarn does so they're, the next best thing though in, a pinch and the. Case of this one this one is a is truly a travel steamer it works on a hundred and ten volts all the way up to 240. Volts so. It'll work throughout Europe throughout South, America North. America you're. Good to go no matter where you go so, basically, you just hang, a shirt up and just. Start dragging. Upwards. And downwards on, it and a. Lot of people will say if you start from the bottom and work, your way up it'll, let the steam rise but.

Ultimately The gravity. Of the shirt the weight of the shirt will basically pull the wrinkles out. Over. 10% of Iceland is covered by glaciers which includes, the largest glacier in all of Europe the. Snow-capped, mountain landscapes, fjords, black, sand beaches and amazing, waterfalls, will validate why, Iceland has become such a popular destination. With. Only a population, of 335. Thousand, and over, one-third of that being in Reika peak a short, drive in any direction will take you to phenomenal. Rural landscapes. We've. Heard that amnon chocolate, has the, best chocolate in Iceland, and quite arguably maybe the world so, they're giving us a chance to check it out. Chocolate. Who, doesn't love chocolate, amnon. Chocolate factory has an extensive. List of flavors, and they're always experimenting, with new flavors in, fact. They let their staff experiment, each week with new concoctions, this. Easy to get to factories, should be on your must-see, list. Throughout. On mom's factory you will find geometric. Art of animals, and birds that their in-house designer, creates. These. Geometric, shapes are also found in their chocolate molds to give their chocolate bars that extra, touch of pizzazz as if. It needs it, they already taste great. They're. Chocolate 101. Tour will invigorate your taste buds and certainly, have you explaining, to your country's custom, agent why you have a suitcase full, of chocolate, on your return flight who. Knows maybe it's possible to bribe them with a chocolate bar. We've. Just had pizza at ld's Muchin in Rankin back Iceland and Pizza, is like something that kind of can bring us all together no matter what country were from it's, just. A good food no, matter where you live or where you visit. Iceland. Is home to the puffins a cutesy. Bird, that is sometimes mistaken. For a penguin because of its black and white colouring you. Can also find puffins, on the menu at some restaurants, however. Their natural, defense mechanism, of adorableness, prevented, me from trying, this also. On the menu is fermented, shark and whale, neither. Of which seemed, of interest to this foodie, because. Iceland, is an island, in the Atlantic Ocean seafood. Is widely available it. Seems like fish and chips are a common, item that you'll find in restaurants in Iceland and so. Now. We have to try it. So. I typically, ask the waiter or waitress wherever. I go, what. They recommend, and, the waitress recommended. Fish skills which to, be honest didn't sound that appetizing.

So I asked what her, second, and third choice were she. Pointed, out a couple of other things but, she said as a foreigner. I think. That, the fish skills would be the most interesting to you so. I, ordered. So. The waitress is very good at making the suggestion, but. Interestingly enough it, tastes exactly like chicken, fried, chicken pretty, good. So. The fish of the day is ocean, perch. Yummy. So. This was our last meal, in Iceland and this. Was probably the best one in Iceland, but. Quite. Honestly Foods, expensive, here in fact I'll. Go as far as saying it's ridiculously. Priced so, get. An Airbnb, and cook, for yourself and you can do, pretty well here. Iceland. Is known for its pure waters and the best thing to use those waters for is, making beer as Iceland's, oldest brewery ole guerdon has been doing that for quite some time. BullGuard, indefinitely roles with the big boys their global partners include brands like redbull Smirnoff, and PepsiCo, to name a few, and, you don't get to the top of the heap unless you're always looking, to up your game when, we visited they were getting ready for a big remodel so expect a fresh new look by the time you're able to book your tour. So. You can find all girded products all over at, bars in Iceland and they make a whole bunch of other things as well so it is all, sorts of things that you can get the grocery stores those, were less alcoholic, so here's where the Colts at. This. Is the while Airlines, XL. Section. It's, got pretty decent legroom. Get the BBS and airline they're. Getting ready to serve food. And they'd be charged for their food and their drinks, much like Ryanair. Or some of the other low-cost carriers, in. Rye. Quebec has been fun it's. Affordable, to get here and with some really great places to stay, it should find its way on your bucket list the. Landscape, is breathtaking and, with the ability to experience, all four seasons within a single day it's, truly, unique I, know, I'll be back.

2018-05-29 06:03

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