Places to Go - Dublin, Ireland (S1E3)

Places to Go - Dublin, Ireland (S1E3)

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I'm Matt Griffith and today we're in Dublin, Ireland. If. You ask 10 people to tell you the first thing they think about when hearing the name Ireland, you'll, likely be told clovers, and the color green and green. It is but. Beyond that green is some fantastic. Architecture. And some even more fantastic, history. Behind. Me is the Samuel Beckett bridge which as you can see is shaped like a harp which is the National Irish symbol we've, got a lot of things in store we're gonna check out a museum, we're gonna check out a castle, we're gonna check out a cathedral. There's, just, a lot to do here and of course we, can't forget to mention the food the. Food is absolutely one. Of my favorite places for food. This. Is st. Patrick's Park, in front of the famous st. Patrick's Cathedral in Dublin, Ireland and as you can see the, park is just bustling, with people having, fun and it's. Being energetic. St.. Patrick's Cathedral was founded in 1191, and is the National, Cathedral of the Church of Ireland with. Its 43, metre spire, st., Patrick's, is the tallest and largest, church in Ireland. Unusually. St., Patrick's is not the seed of a bishop as the, Archbishop, of Dublin has. His seat in Christchurch, Cathedral. Old-world. Churches, and cathedrals are, always, on my list because I'm always amazed, at the craftsmanship, of, a building that was built centuries ago and, the, stained glass windows, are an art form of their own. We. Were fortunate enough to hear a choir perform, during our visit. The. Old library, and the Book of Kells are a must see if you come to Dublin they contain 9th century copies, of the Gospels. The. Library, is impressive, and there's no doubt that it gave the producers of Harry Potter some great ideas. Trinity. College has a beautiful, campus as you can see here. While, you're at Trinity, College the, Douglas high gallery, offers free admission and is worth checking out.

In The, city center of Dublin is Dublin. Castle. Dublin. Castle was, built in the early 13th, century, on a site of a Viking settlement, how, cool is that it's. Served, for centuries as, the headquarters of English and later British administration. In Ireland in, 1922. Following, Ireland's, independence, Dublin. Castle was handed over to the new Irish government, it, is now a major government complex. And a, key tourist attraction, that has opened seven days a week, tickets. Can be purchased on, site at the castles visitor reception desk and can, be booked online as well the. Name Dublin, comes from the Irish word Dubb meaning. Black or dark and Lyne, meaning, pole referring. To the dark tidal, pool located where the river puddle, entered, the Liffey which, is on the site of the castles gardens at the rear of Dublin Castle. Some. People like to visit Dublin and maybe see the Guinness Storehouse other. People like myself like. To visit the Guinness Storehouse and maybe see the rest of Dublin. The. Guinness Storehouse building, has been around for over a hundred years and at its centre is a giant, pint glass which a field would hold over 14, million pints of Guinness. That's, wrong it is. 100. Years might seem like a long time Guinness, is symbiotic, relationship, with Dublin is even older back. In 1759, Arthur Guinness proved, that he had no fear of commitment and signed a 9000, year lease to the production site located. In the famous st. James Brewer and although. The site stopped actually brewing the smooth nitrogen-rich, classic, the storehouse features a 7, level exhibition. Of guinnesses rich history, exhibit. Leads you through every aspect of the reduction of Guinness leading, to a whole new appreciation of, this classic, beer which is sure to make your friends envious or at least annoyed as you were Gail them with unending facts while they're trying to drink the. Door hits on all of your senses letting, you experience, the sights smells, and of course taste, of Guinness. You. Even get a look at the various advertising, creations, they've had over the years some, seem straight out of a fairy tale and others. Could work equally. Well in nightmares. The. Real star of the tour is the Guinness Academy where you get a chance to learn the proper way to pour your own Guinness, and then, you get to take it up to their Sky Bar and enjoy, yourself poured pint while overlooking, the city and in, our case a double, rainbow.

It, Really does taste different here. Feel. More accomplished, when you pour in yourself. In the, heart of central Dublin is the temple bar area where, you can find pubs and lots, of nightlife, and it's very popular with tourists. Temple. Bar is an area on the south bank of the River Liffey in central Dublin the. Area is bounded by the Liffey to the north Dame Street to the south, Westmoreland. Street to the east and, fish, amble Street to the West unlike. Other parts of Dublin city centre it, is promoted as Dublin's, cultural, quarter and if you've never been to Ireland the, temple bar is probably, what you've envisioned, an Irish city to look like in your head. Well. Days after prom and, these. Penguins, will not return their tuxes. Shame. On them anyway. We're. At the Dublin, Zoo having. An absolute, blast it is, the number one family. Attraction, in Dublin, Ireland. Dublin. Zoo is in Phoenix Park and one of Dublin's most popular, attractions, in fact. In 2015. Dublin, zoo was the third most popular, visitor attraction, in all of Ireland with. More than 1.1, million visitors. The. Zoo opened in 1831. How cool, is that, but. Its stated mission was to work in partnership with, zoos worldwide to, make a significant. Contribution to. The, conservation. Of the endangered, species on earth. Covering. 69. Acres of Phoenix Park it is divided, into areas with names such as Asian, forests, orangutan. Forests, fringes, of the Arctic and several others. Phoenix. Park itself is a seven 250. Acre urban, park just, west of the city center and is one of the largest enclosed recreational. Spaces within. Any european, capital, city. There. Are a few quintessential, dishes, to the Irish cuisine, Guinness. Stew this one and. A trip to Dublin wouldn't, be a proper trip if you didn't head down to the temple bar area and. Ireland. Is famous, for Guinness pie shepherd's. Pie steak, pie bangers. And mash fish, and chips and a, good ol Sunday roast while. These are most likely going to have you loosening, your belt they are absolutely. Delicious so. I've. Just had my fish & chips here at Brannigan's and double, in Ireland and they. Were priced, significantly. Better than they were and, Iceland, and they, were pretty good actually I would, give him a thumbs up. Irish. Pubs have a long tradition of serving food dating, back to the historic, you see just ends and hotels where travelers would stay and, these were also drinking, establishments. And little. Emphasis was placed on the serving of food other, than sandwiches, and bar snacks which, helped to increase beer, sales I'm. About to have Irish. Stew at, brazen, head the, oldest, pub in Ireland. To. Make a drink a little Irish you put some Jameson, in it we're. About to get very, Irish. Walking. Into the old Jameson Distillery leaves, no question about what you're there for bottles. Of Jameson hang from the ceiling and line every available surface of this building that has clearly been the home to, many stories - camera. The. Tour as it were doesn't take up much surface area compared to the Guinness extravaganza.

But Is no less informative, and entertaining the tour host is full of information about the history of the company and lead you through the process every, bottle of Jameson, makes before finding its way inside your glass. Jamison, also puts its money where your mouth is and it's, tasty not only features its signature whiskey but two would-be competitors. As well so, you can more fully understand, the subtle differences, in style when it comes to whiskey. They. All taste pretty good to me. Tor. Also includes a complimentary, drink in the form of your daily grog which, is a term for the daily ration of alcohol allotted to sailors of, course here, that, crog is Jason. The. Jameson tour is exceptional. It's really, more of a multimedia, experience, plus. You. Get a drink at the end. And. It's. Exceptionally, smooth. Dublin. Gallery the Hugh Lane has the foremost collection, of contemporary and modern art in Ireland with over 2,000, pieces of artwork. Sir. Hugh Percy, Lane was an Irish art dealer collector, and gallery, director, he. Is best known for establishing. Dublin's, municipal, gallery of Modern Art the, first known public gallery of modern art in the world there. Is no admission fee and the gallery is completely, wheelchair accessible, the. Museum, has a permanent, collection and hosts. Exhibitions, mostly. By contemporary, Irish artists, it. Has a dedicated Shaun Scully room and in, addition Francis, Bacon's studio was reconstructed. In the gallery in 2001. After, being dismantled, and moved from London starting, in 1998. I. Just. Love the old architecture of these old churches this, is Christ Church Cathedral. Christchurch, cathedral or, more formally, the cathedral of the holy trinity was. Founded around 1030. Ad it, is situated in Dublin and is the oldest, of the capital cities two medieval, cathedrals, the other being st. Patrick's Cathedral. Christchurch, cathedral is located in the former heart of medieval Dublin, next, to wood Quay at the, end of Lord Edward Street and is the only one of the three acting, cathedrals, which can be seen clearly from the River Liffey. Christchurch, also, contains, the largest cathedral. Crypt in britain, for ireland, constructed, in 1170. - in. 1440. There, were three great bells in the tower however. On March 11th, 1597. An accidental, gunpowder, explosion, on one, of the near back ways damaged. The tower and caused, the bells to crack more. Than 70, years later six, new bells were cast for the tower from. Cannon metal two. More were added in 1738. And four more in 1878. And, finally. Seven, more bells were added in 1999. Giving. A grand total of 19 bells a world. Record, for bells rung this way. All, good things must come to an end and so most our time in Dublin we're, at the Dublin Airport executive, lounge at the Dublin Airport waiting. For our flight to Department. Ireland. Is a beautiful, place and Dublin, is a great place to begin your exploration, it's. Easy enough to get around in Dublin and if you're coming from the US and want to go to multiple destinations, in Europe Dublin. Is a great place to start your journey since it's a little closer to the US than the rest of Europe shaving. Off an hour or two of that ever so long flight, once. You're in Dublin you can explore other parts of Ireland and Dublin, is the home of the low-cost airline, Ryanair, where. You can get flights for around 40, to 100, euros one-way to. Another destination, in Europe I've.

Paid As little as 10 euros once there's. No reason, to not booked the trip of a lifetime now, it costs, far less to, see the world than you might think.

2018-06-13 08:09

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That library does look Potter-esque. Very cool.

Sean Scully is one of my favorite artists.

Does Dublin Zoo have any really cool exotic animals?

That harp bridge is really neat. And I learned something! (Had no idea that a harp was the national Irish symbol.)

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