Pilot Traders - Las Vegas. Episode 3

Pilot Traders - Las Vegas. Episode 3

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We. Promised to Vegas and we're taking you there. It's. 8 o'clock in the morning at the Utah Airways hangar the. Team is getting November, 3 1 Charlie Romeo the Caribbean spice ready to fly. With. Temperatures in the high 90s in northern Utah and more than 100, degrees in the Nevada desert the. Team wants to be in the air before it gets too hot heat. Is one of the factors that cause turbulence, and flying, during the morning can minimize those effects. As. You would do in planning a road trip the team must have a defined route which, helps coordinate with air traffic control and it lets other people know the path the plane is going to take we're, gonna hit the Vegas first we're gonna get we're gonna go from Ogden we're gonna hit our first Waypoint which is e Mont and that's, kind of like right in the middle of Salt Lake over. Going, Biennal island through to Ella if you're used to that route right Francisco and then. From, there we're gonna head over to Delta, I was just wondering if you're gonna go down through the i-15, corridor if, you're gonna go out over the lake and down no this gets kind of congested, I know yeah just. So I can keep track of young FlightAware so yeah we're you're perfect, so that's what house we're done okay sounds. Like a winner have, a good trip Thanks. Mic, the shop guru along, with francisco inspected, the plane and conducted the pre-flight but, an experienced, mechanic knows that the sound of an engine tells more to the technicians, ears than any other tool. The, team and the plane are ready but, with an increase in traffic at the airport, the pilot traders must wait for their takeoff clearance. Three. One Charlie Romeo, at the South hangers requesting, South departure, to, the west a departure to the, south with. Mike I, never. Won Charlie Romeo my sweet my taxi. Fiat. Bravo use caution to the hangars, okay. Via Bravo will use caution between the hangers three one Charlie Romeo. Pre-flight. Done flight, plan ready run-up, checklist completed and clearance, from the control tower the. Pilot traders are ready to take you on another adventure this, time to the world's most visited adult, playground. Las, Vegas Nevada. We are flying, over via Great Salt Lake right now so. Soak up those views just gorgeous, views over the lake today beautiful. Day to fly. Beautiful. Water soak, up those beautiful views. We've. Encountered a little bit of stormy, weather we're, gonna be flying under it so it's gonna get a little bumpy in, about a minute but, the cameras will be showing a, little bit what, I have see if we can capture, some of the stormy. Weather we can see up from here in the air so. You can take a look at it, you. See these, storms right here so. What you want to do is you, want to descend if you know it, below. It 500. It's, where you need to be it's. Just kind of try to avoid those down drafts not forego you see that yeah, so. We're gonna go down, before of course just a bit, because. There's less burger here much of a clearer area and. We're just gonna penetrate, at. The bottom of this storm this. Way and then as soon as we pass it which it'll probably a couple of minutes here so then. We're gonna go back on course and for you guys don't don't, know what burqa is burqa is actual, rain that comes out of the cloud it just, dissipates, it actually heats. Up and evaporates, before I hits the ground. And, as you can see over to my left, that's, what that's what the cost of that down. Drafts and that, burka is so, this is not a full storm yet but it is developing. Into a thunderstorm Lee, as it, gets hotter. Is. The number three watch I Romeo just checking, here what mm, out of it November, 3 one family were you always that are seeing doors altimeter u9 I don't feel too. Tight or a night or two. So. Now we're approaching 9,000, feet as our descent into Las Vegas and, you'll. See over to my right little, town called Overton there's another little strip there that I've mounted many times, and. Right. Next. To it you'll see like a little strip. Of rock. That. Is called the valley of fire. There's. An Indian Reservation there, it's.

Really A really cool area if you ever come to Vegas you go to Valley on fire it's, an awesome place to go you'll. See a lot of history there it's about that if, you go to certain places you'll see some some, Indian writings, from I don't know hundreds. Of years. Old whatever that is really old stuff on, certain, rocks, obviously. There aren't tour guides they can take in you can take a look at those but Valley, Fire really, cool spot really cool spot. So, we, are now over flying in 20 the Las Vegas Valley Las Vegas city so. The cameras will show you what how big this. Town is it's a pretty big town and right in the middle did is the strip really. Cool place to be, before. The whole coma thing this was a happening, place we're. Gonna check it out today for you to, see how much of a happening. Town it is right now but. I'm sure something is going on its Las Vegas. And. As you can see guys to, my right there. Is a strip of 1326. It's a gorgeous view from up here better. And. Also you're gonna see McCarran, International Airport to my right everyone, try romantic your discretion, everything is intolerant no my host v1 charm yeah we are midfield so through and Charlie really on runway three five left cleared, delenn. We. Are clear commands we won sir so. Again like I was saying welcome. To Las, Vegas guys. The. Pilot traders arrive at the Henderson Executive Airport. Henderson. Is the second-largest city in the state of Nevada and it's, part of the Las Vegas metropolitan area. Las. Vegas is, an internationally, renowned major resort, city and it's, been for many years one of the three most visited tourist attractions, in the world often, occupying, the most visited place on earth. The. Town is recognized, for its big casinos, luxurious. Hotels, lifestyle. Gambling, shows, and nightlife. Stars. From Elvis Presley, Frank Sinatra to Celine Dion and Elton John have performed, and enjoyed life in Las Vegas, the. City's tolerance, for numerous forms of adult entertainment, earned at the title Sin, City you. Can find a lot of shows everywhere, in Las Vegas from.

People Performing, on the streets to Cirque de Soleil performances. In big theatres inside, the casinos, well-known. Magicians, stand-up, comedy concerts. Boxing. Fights and sports, events if, it's big enough or impressive, enough you'll find it here. Music. Is we're between New York New York and MGM, on Trump accountable org so we're excited to be here because, the covet Vegas really shut down but it's starting to pick up again as you can see there's cars there's people around us which, is pretty cool to see the economy coming back up so, we're excited to see what the Vegas. Has to bring. Las. Vegas Strip is a stretch of the south part of Las Vegas Boulevard it's. Four point two miles long many. Of the most iconic hotels, and casinos from, Las Vegas are located, here MGM. Grand New, York New York Aria. Paris. Win. And the, Bellagio, among many others the. Strip has been designated as, an all-american Road and is considered a scenic route at night. Las. Vegas is a city that offers a lot of entertainment for adults but. There are some attractions, like the roller coaster, at new york new york that, everyone, in the family can enjoy. Las, Vegas the city of second chances, gem, in the middle of the Mojave Desert is a city with a lot of history even when, most people related, to movies music videos nightlife. Television. Programs and pop culture the city has offered a lot to the construction, of the western part of the United States the. City was once a strategic, and important point for the Union Pacific Railroad Hoover. Dam was constructed in the 1930s, during the Great Depression and, helped, to keep the economy moving and people working and it, is today an important water reservoir, a hydroelectric, generator, and the, source of clean water for several states. Nuclear. Testing at the area's military bases during the 1950's, gave the city another of its multiple nicknames, the, atomic, city. The. Fountains of the Bellagio, a luxury, hotel and casino on the strip has, been seen by people around the world on multiple, videos and television shows a. Choreographed. Water feature that seems to dance at the rhythm of the music and light it is, a simple yet elegant and, beautiful, show on the strip that people can enjoy for free the. Fountains are inside, an 8 acre man-made, lake right in front of the facade of the main tower of the hotel, the. Fountain was once the largest fountain in the world when it was constructed, but now it opens the second position after the Dubai Bay fountain.

So. Here we are collage, of the Pelham's listen to Elvis. Really, awesome. So people come to Vegas here together you, get to watch these mountains over there. COBIT. 19 has affected activities, and economies, around the world and, Las Vegas is not an exception. The. City that never sleeps, which receives an estimated, 40 million visitors every year has, experienced, a big reduction in the amount of people that come to Las Vegas and you can see the effect on the streets which normally would be packed. Okay. So cui, here for these cult. Where. The resistance support, is I'm gonna put a, short. Order here. And. As. You can see here's, my orders. So. What's gonna happen if if, the. Market comes down we're. Gonna take our profit right here at this point at that price point then what that one price is that that's. Thirty a, third of. 333, or 1/3, or 125 right we'll. Take our profit right there if the market goes against that do you see that resistance, right there yeah we're gonna make a decision of. Stopping. Out of that point or, it depends on how hard the market goes we. May sell, one more. From, having a blast last night we went to the MGM the Bellagio, Caesars, Palace and we went to out the roller coaster up in New York New York and it was just a blast and now we're trading yes. We woke up this morning and we started training before. I get into that you, know he. Didn't get scared on the roller coaster and he almost threw up you know I think that was a, lot of fun but yeah we started trading this morning and we, put a couple trades in so this is the Airbnb that we're staying at I'm here, with my team I have a team of people that that, helps me out through. This whole Channel, and they show that we're putting out so. This. Is what we stay when we go to places normally sometimes, we go to hotels but here, in Vegas is that we in turn up were together do it yeah it's a really nice Airbnb, we got a pool table we got everything here yeah we actually have an actual pool outside too but we'll show you that but we'll go over on the house we'll show you a little bit so this, is one rad this is a workstation. Listen. Trace this morning and the markets are pretty cool this board they have some movement what do you think yeah we had a couple movement make some money I mean trading is a good passion that we have it, makes the money and it's, fun it's, a lot of fun that it supports with all of the stuff that we do so this is a horse station and, over. Here we have our. Pool. Table that's, right here and then the pool table will be we get a chance to they, kind of go off some steam now as things open up but. We'd like to do is set up these live conferences, where, depending on the city that we're at will, be telling you where, we're going to be at and will be going out to a live conference where you'll be able to participate live, with us and we'll be teaching you strategies. And how, I trade, and how I've, been able to put some of these strategies together I've been trading for over 20 years so, it's a long time so I have a lot of experience, and I've, been in this industry for many many years yeah. I mean he's been developing this strategy, for years and he taught me and it really works because I've made some money yeah, you know in trading you know you don't always make money but the, whole point of it is that I'd be trade is successful, but. The. Whole, point of these are the you know the month or the other quarter you or what profit. Profitable, that's the key right so I will talk about that because trading is emotional, and psychological so. Before you get to you get a chance to get to the market you've got to have your emotions and your psyche in check and what and I will show you how to do that it's, it's definitely, a trick but, that's what these live conferences, in these places that we're going to be going with you we. Want to show you that and we want to teach that over to you we're excited the. Sun struck got to be coming down to here very soon and even though it's a hundred degrees outside or, 110. I think it was live, in 30 last night it was at 100 degree of 98 degrees and there, was no Sun but it was still hot and we're excited to go back out to the strip and where we going today we're going to Fremont Street we go to Fremont Street one of my favorite spots in Las Vegas so come, on let's go. After. A morning of work relaxing. And trading, the pilot traders go back to the street this, time to the middle of the strip an area, where casinos, like Treasure, Island, when the, Mirage and the Venetian are located. Several. Hotels and casinos in Las Vegas have themes which.

Will Make you feel like you were in a big castle in medieval times at, the, pyramids, in Egypt at. A circus, on a pirate. Ship or, walking, on the streets of Paris New York or Rome, if. You want to navigate on a gondola like in Venice Italy you. Can go to the Venetian a Hotel, and Casino located in the central part of the strip that resembles, this Italian, city. Right. Back there you'll see here in a minute now you can see a portion of the strip so. We're, excited to be here a little bit about this trip it's about four point two miles from, one side to the other is that correct yeah yeah, and so then the part we're at right now is, where most of the famous and the biggest hotels are at right. And, so, this is where most everybody, comes when they go to the strip this, is an awesome experience at the Venetian, of course we got Tiana, so when, you come you gotta ask from earth am, i right yeah yeah yeah oh yeah, this is awesome, so. After. This we're heading over to Fremont and we're gonna have a good time. A. Wild. Time. That's. That's what we wanted. Unfortunately. You know this, is not as full as it was before. Kovat but we can make it fun right always. Always, so we're. Excited to be here all, right thanks Giada you want to sing for us. Hard. On my mom Vinay, Kumar. Van. Ho wool, Tarzan. Call heavy. Pensiero, same. Player popular. Plans, are throwing vs or beyond. Oily, as all. Fremont. Street also, known as old town Las Vegas is the part of the city where things got started some. Famous casinos, from the 1950s, and 60s are, still standing proud in the area formerly known as a Glitter Gulch. The. Fremont, Street Experience a, five-block, section close to automobile, traffic offers. A renewed, area with live music restaurants. Casinos, activities. And Viva. Vision the, world's biggest LED, screen which, projects animated, shows paired, with, 550,000. Watts of amplified, music to the visitors. Slot. Zilla zip line at fremont street is an option for those with an adventurous heart, the. Zip line attraction, offers two levels the lower, zip line goes halfway down Freemont Street and the upper line goes almost all the way the, entire length of Freemont Street. Other. Activities in the downtown area include. The mob museum and, the Neon Museum an. Interesting, place that has recovered old neon signs from casinos and other businesses, in Las Vegas and guided. Tours are offered so you can see the comprehensive, history of the city. We, got 78. Cents, gonna, cash it in. So. The Fremont's period is pretty awesome if you look, behind us the three months experience it's, about 1,500. Feet and the length from, start to finish by. 90 feet wide so it makes it the biggest screen in the world at 135, thousand, feet in area and it's just an amazing experience so if you guys are in Vegas and you're thinking about coming to Fremont it's definitely worthwhile and with that we want to say goodbye. To Vegas this is kind of like the end of Vegas, for us now we've talked about a lot about, you, know pursuing, your dreams we talked about all, mindset, right so, here's, the thing there's, certain things you have to do to change their mindset because a lot of you guys you, think what is he talking about mindset, so, in, this episode in San Diego step, one of changing, your mindset Ensenada. It's another episode so, go, to San Diego with us step, one will be there and as soon as we get all the steps and you know let's. Change your future let's, make your dreams happen many, views, come true like we're having a great time right after let, follow these steps step, one San Diego will see. The. Show must go on and the pilot traders must continue as well to the next stop in their journey San. Diego California. In. The next episode the jefe, goes back to his days in the Marine Corps visiting, old places old friends, memories, and the place he once called home. You.

2020-07-29 09:11

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