PIK 2 - A Slice of Europe? In Jakarta?

PIK 2 - A Slice of Europe? In Jakarta?

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all right all right guys we just arrived here  in p 2 or also called Pik Dua it was about a   1our drive from the center of Jakarta and we're  actually very near to the international airport   here in Jakarta and uh pck 2 is known uh for  very modern residential area also a tourist   area we're right by the beach as well um so I'm  quite excited to go and explore as you can see   behind me already this is the lighthouse that we  have here uh and that's right there is the beach   so we're going to walk that way make our way to a  European quarter yes there is a European quarter   here and it's inspired by Dutch architecture but  there's also Italian gondolas like you know the   boats that they have in Venice so maybe we can  jump on one of those as well so uh it's really   a mix it sounds a bit confusing but um yeah  it's a slice of Europe here in Jakarta let's go okay and this is the beach side here you  can just chill here at the beach this is   where all the magic happens you can see  it but uh it's really nice to hang out   here and you have a little bit of shade  because of the palm trees and everything   beautiful backdrop of the lighthouse yeah  obviously it's um Monday today so it's not   too busy but I'm sure if I would have been here  yesterday on a Sunday it would have been hectic junk to material a new life for  old materials they make bricks they   make some kind of wood out of it even  some furniture that you can see here   looks a bit Spacey also this one looks  really cool actually I kind of like it and this right here guys is a white sand beach  the name says it all I can't believe that I   didn't figure this out earlier because this  place is really like nice to stay if you're   in Jakarta I think it's a little bit outside  the center but um if you want some relaxed   Vibes in Jakarta this is definitely the  place to be and you can have some drinks   with friends and everything um it's pretty  quiet today because it's a Monday but I'm   sure in the weekend it's buzzing here you  know uh the only sting is you can't swim   that would be like the perfect combination  like whand beach some bars some good food   and some swimming that would be really great  but um even though it's still nice it's still [Music] nice something cold on a  hot day ice chandel LTE yes please [Music] oh [Music] wow all right just finished my ice chandel latte  it was really good honestly I really needed that   caffeine boost to keep exploring because the plan  now is to walk to La Riviera which is an area   here in p 2 uh with Dutch architecture Italian  boats so let's go but um this is where we're   going so currently we're here we will make our  way past Aloha Beach through the green belt of   P two and then make our way to La riera Google  Maps says it's 1 hour and 23 minutes walking   and it's about 35° so uh wish me luck let's  go it's in the bright Sun no shade and if you   want to come here there's apparently an app  as well pick experience you can scan the QR code and then have all the latest information  about P now uh don't ask me where the name is   coming from p uh Pig Dua look at this it's  full of white sand beach here so much space   still to for development and uh if they're  not going to develop it you can just chill   here you know that's the best part just chill  here with your family have a picnic have have   some drinks it's really nice so much space  still yeah the only sad thing is there's um   no no possibility of swimming so that's a bit  sad but I think the water quality is not good   enough here around Jakarta you know there's a lot  of Industry here so I guess the water is not that   clean to swim in but maybe in the future it will  let's hope for that and the nice thing as well   is it's very hot today but there's a lot of wind  here at the beach which is nice cuz I need that   that doesn't prevent me from burning you  know so I might be a tomato later on let's see I think right there somewhere  is Aloha Beach that's our first stop yeah so that area where I just walked  through it's like a complete virgin white   Beach and um it seems like they're still  developing like new projects I saw a few   signs there but it's actually closed now  so I was kind of trespassing but the guide   was really friendly uh because I want to go to  Aloha Beach which is there but I'm not allowed   to walk next to the water so I think I have to  go by the street and then go back towards the water all right this seem to be the  entrance of Aloha Beach so matang   thank you so it's basically a beach but you  also have restaurants beach bars uh coffee   shops probably let's have a look let's have a  look I only had a coffee actually and I had a   breakfast of course but it's like 4:30  now so maybe I'll grab something small   to eat we will see we'll see o Portuguese  tart that's actually one of my favorites well we have a nice Fountain here and everything  I could jump right into that even though it's   not made for swimming hello hello hello  aloha Beach where is that this is Aloha   Beach yes ah but you can go to the water  no you can swiming just not swimming but   just see to look to look okay yeah just  right there uh behind the building yes okay somewhere right okay Aloha Beach it seems like it's more  happening than uh the beach where I was   at before the land's end and uh I love  the decoration as well look at this how   gorgeous there's like a flowery sign  that we can't visit right now because   they're doing some work on it but you  can see it in the background aloha aloha beautiful oh yeah it's definitely I think this  is a bit older than the previous uh   section where I was at so you can see  it's more established more bars more   restaurants and there looks to be like  um some kind of statue there which looks   really cool oh yeah I definitely get some  Hawaiian Vibes except for that Camel maybe   but still Korean barbecue oo that's  nice that's nice people hanging out [Music] wow this is kind of cool not sure  what it represents but it looks   cool ah picture with bullet  that's what she was saying one two three okay thank you where are you  from from here Jakarta yes okay I'm from   Belgium from Bel yeah belgia belgia yes  yes yes so you visit yes you visit here   tourist yes tourist in Jakarta oh yeah  come with me I'm from another uh place   in Jakarta but oh far away far away I have  another photo opportunity here so many so many hello hello close I'm good I'm good  close project oh project oh so how can I go to laa Google Maps Google Maps yeah I need to  go like this okay okay 1 hour still okay okay   oh so I cannot walk by the water again yeah this  place is not completely finished yet and that's   why uh not all areas are accessible even though  Google Maps says uh I can go there but yeah I'll   go by the road and make my way there but it's  more than an hour walking so I'll get going   because it's 4:30 now and in an hour and a half  probably the sun will set so need to be fast no   swimming sadly enough no no no look at this they  have these really cool vehicles here and it's um   actually for rent and electrical looks really cool  actually but um it's a little bit Overkill to rent   one for myself because uh yeah all alone and  there's like well probably six no nine seats in   total looks really cool though with some uh wood  from the plastic tree really cool but uh Overkill   so instead I'll use my uh my legs to walk  to La Riviera it's a 1 hour walk but it's   all good it's all good I actually thought it  would be a nice Beach Walk to La Riviera but   instead I'm walking on a main road look at this  so uh it's not ideal it's not ideal hello uh do   you know um La riera laa La riera it's uh  this way this way L wait I'll show you on   the map because I thought I could walk but  uh okay okay wait our zoom out a little bit   here so we are here laa pck two Amsterdam  okay okay you know okay yeah how much to a b how much 3,000 30,000 30,000 3 uh three  30,000 3 0 0 0 okay okay let's go let's go   yeah it's better than walking okay wait  let me just get this yeah okay let's go yeah I thought I could walk but on this main   road it's really not made for  walking yeah it's not walkable so we just follow follow follow follow follow okay yeah I think in Indonesian it's Scot  belanda in English Scot Amsterdam who is   this this is a politician yeah  oh nice a president oh okay okay you're 35 okay okay thank you very much thank you  so it's it's here now yeah I'll trespass again   okay okay we made it to cot belanda or also  known as La riera let me put my head properly   again and uh this whole area basically is built in  Dutch style but the boats are retali let me show you and immediately when I arrive I see a church  here and uh the church looks very Dutch and what   looks Dutch looks also Belgian because we  have a lot of similarities not everything   but we have a lot of similarities look at  this the church you have the color stained   glass and everything it's beautiful and then  the backrop drop you have the yeah kind of   Dutch architecture I would say it's like a modern  interpretation of the Old Dutch architecture it's   not exactly the same but similar similar let's  meet our meat maybe we can have some food there later and this right here is what  I call a slice of Europe in jaar   and uh you could say like oh there was already  a slice of Europe in katua yeah but this is like   the modern version of katua I would say and  uh it's really nice you have like a European   style Bridge uh then you have some boats like  a a little minivan on the water but there's   also um a gondola which is the typical boat  from in Venice Italy so I probably will get   one of those but yeah it's a it's a nice Vibe  here it's super chilled out super relaxed um   and yeah look at this it really feels like Europe  especially with these kind of fences you see that   all over Europe but I must say most stuff looks  closed because it's a Monday and yeah Mondays   are known to be uh not the most busy days in  tourist areas uh so it's I mean it's okay for   me but uh at least you have an idea how it looks  here and I must say it looks really beautiful and as you can see there's still a lot of  buildings that are empty because this is   a brand new project it's not even completely  finished yet but I can say like probably in   a year or something this will be like full  full full full of souvenir shops restaurants   coffee shops everything and every building has  a nice house number as you can see here laa 36 that's a nice place here yeah not so busy today  not so busy it's a Monday in weekend more maybe   weekend weekend since how long has this been here  uh one year one year okay it's nice it's cool cool   cool oh so you have a lot of games here yes oh  what is this bull bull eyes little eyes what   what is the what what should I do how does it  work can you explain yes bull eyes never played that you hold in the ball I need to put it in one  of the holes oh okay oh and then you race yeah oh   what you need to do with tree okay I'm alone I  don't have any friends is there any game I can   play alone no no uh maybe basical bicycle maybe  I'll go on the on the boat later on the boat oh   how much is it I play against you I play against  you we play together okay oh h i no you don't want   to [Music] yeah sorry sir no no ah you need to  work yeah ah your boss will be angry otherwise   no problem no problem okay I'll have a look oh  ski ball I've never heard of all these games how   does this workall I can play alone or not not no  oh why I'm a Solo Traveler I cannot play any of   these games three oh also three yeah oh they  don't support not supporting solo Travelers   okay thank you wow there are lots of games here  but but the problem is I'm alone and it's always   like a competition oh this one I can play alone  no uh basketball Ste team also really team play   yeah team play can I try alone how much is it all  I need to Insert Coins oh yes coin oh I don't have   coins I only have bills coins bills no it's okay  it's okay sorry no problem no problem I'll just   have a look around here wow there's so many games  but uh yeah I need to to find a friend I guess wow   this looks proper old school look at this you can  hire um like a costume and then take some pictures   wow costume for rent looks a little bit American  almost also like this style is more American the   buildings are more European it's really a mix of  everything I like the vibe though I like the vibe   look this is like in Disneyland in Disneyland  they also have the T cups wow so cool actually   hm I wish I had some friends yeah I must say a  Riviera here it feels almost like in a movie set   really that's really the impression I have like a  movie set yeah not sure what else I can say about   it but let's find one of those boats the gondola I  want to try the gondola oh there they are lots of   boats there let's check it out let's check it out  so right here we have the gondolas there's some   other style of boats but honestly this is the  one I'm going for I've never been to Venice   actually but this is like really like in Venice  the boats the gondolas it's called uh let's see   if it's open because it's a Monday and I'm pretty  much the only tourist here today hello hello um   can I uh rent a gondola yeah gond bo uh how much  is that 45 yeah okay okay I'll do can I do cards   card also or you want cash um not cash oh no cash  okay QR oh I don't have QR seems like they just   crushed my dream I really wanted to get on that  Gondola but um they only accept QR codes excuse   me do you speak English no English someone English  English do you speak English uh little little a   little because um I want to go on the boat yes but  they only accept QR code for payment I don't know   yeah I asked I asked they say QR code only but if  you have QR code I will pay cash to you because   I don't have QR code from Indonesia five sorry uh  yes yes yes 45 but I can pay you and you pay with   QR there is that okay yeah because I don't I'm not  from here you know uh how much uh 45 I think but   you can can you come there to the tickets okay  yeah so I'll pay you the 50 it's 45 but for the   for the effort you know I'm pay to uh no to here  to here so I pay this for you oh yes and then you   pay to them okay yes yes yes yeah there five for  the yes yes yes this is for you okay five extra   because you walked all the way until here you  know it's a big effort which application do you   use yes ah curious cous do you have your YouTube  yes yes yes YouTube channel yes yes yes all right   let's see first yeah he will uh do the QR code  Miss what is name YouTu uh Tim T Yeah Tim oh no   no Tim Tim t i m yes te m m dance dance dance  d e no no all right wait oh yeah this one okay [Music] uh so yeah oh okay better okay okay thank you  very much thank you y Instagram Instagram   Tim T the same name I gave to him also Tim  tens yeah this one this one Tim tens name   Instagram yeah yeah yeah Instagram team t Team  T yes yes yes and no space yeah like this like   this like this 10 this one the yellow one  what is your name on Instagram ilham ilham   okay I'll check later okay first I go  on the boat thank you very much thank   you you're my savior of the day okay nice  to meet you nice to meet you you a picture   yeah picture wait like this okay wait wait  oh clean the lens clean the [Music] lens okay okay thanks to my savior I can go on  the boat are you the driver oh no there okay luckily people are so helpful here this one yeah yeah oh okay yeah okay yes  you're the driver driver sit here okay we have   some nice flowers here and everything okay photo  you take you take photo ah don't F don't my phone   not in the water who who's taking a picture  yeah money money money money who's taking a   picture you later later okay okay okay okay  thank you thank you thank you friend friend   my new friend what what is your name my name  is g g yes I'm Tim Tim Tim nice to meet you   I'm the only customer today okay only one client  today yes yes oh no not b not busy no no not many people YouTuber YouTuber yes yes yes daddy  daddy uh belgia belgia belgia oh you know   belgia yes H similar to this this is Bela  no yeah Bela this is Italy this is B Italy   bandi Italy yes yeah Gondola Gondola Gondola  Yeah Yeah Yeah from Venice venea Venetia yes   yes yes Venetia Gondola BL Italia this  is is Indonesia yes yes yes yes oh very   nice so we're going under the bridge also  okay yes okay sounds great to me and it's   the perfect time with the Sun is setting and  everything Sunshine sunet beautiful loving it oh the light one on perfect timing great Vibes here great Vibes  super chilled out here I like it finishia finish finished okay we made it back okay perfect okay perfect okay here  thank you very much thank you very much   thank you okay thank you thank you thank  you very much okay thank you for the picture   oh don't fall don't fall this experience  was really relaxing I thought like it   would be a bit crowded on the water but  I was the only one ah sorry oh what they   want photo yes okay okay okay because it's  you otherwise no okay my friends picture 1 2 like this at night this place looks completely  different and I would say it's even more magical   than during the day when the lights turn  on you know that yellow cozy light and   then the sun setting I really love it but  there's only one thing left to do and that   is um find some food let's see if they still  serve food here it says open oh it's not it is Hello uh is it open yeah open yeah okay  what is the the best uh food that you have   the best one this one yeah okay noodle hello with  eggs some meat balls okay okay saty yes let's see   what kind of drinks they have this looks something  typical Indonesian maybe I'll should try that I'll   try it I wonder what it is though some kind of  ice tea maybe te bottle sounds like tea bottle   is what is this is this um IC tea IC  tea I yeah what what is it no ice te   yeah okay but uh I'll I'll try it I'll  try it okay not sure what it is but I'll   give it a try the bottle which sounds  like tea bottle to me let's give it a try that actually tastes like IC tea not sure  why they said no but it really tastes like IC really good okay thank you very much what is the  name of this uh m m am okay okay okay chili   oh spicy what is this ketchup sauce oh sauce  okay ketchup okay thank you so we have ketchup   and the yellow bottle I'm not used to that  and this is SAU which I don't know what it   is but probably something spicy then we  have chili which is definitely spicy and   then we have miam which looks delicious  oh it smells good as well let's dig in so we have some uh crispy group I guess m good some meatballs oh wow the spices in here are really good some chicken it's a little bit cold the  chicken but I think that's the purpose crunchy onions and then obviously some me because  this place is called me up top so let's try it oh wow it's actually really good it's  good for like a quick meal look at this we definitely need some  spicy sauce though let's try that let's see if I can manage it's okay let's try some of this oh I  know what sauce is now it's sweet and chili let's try some of that sauce looks like this it's definitely  sweet and chili I can smell it oh wow so good after a full of exploring  this is exactly what I need if you come to La Riviera come here me a  topa number seven that's where you have to be   I just realized I have these sticks  as well so o even a toothpick let's   use um the sticks as well do it the proper Asian way oh yeah so good man it's  like a peppery peppery taste as well oh that's some vegetable vegetables  some leafy green vegetables probably spinach not too sure if it's spinach  but it's just a green vegetable pretty good M hot this place of Riviera is really a nice Vibe here  especially it's a Monday so it's super chilled out   here almost no crowd loving it I'm just getting  started and look at my mess already I really can't   help it this chicken is really super good has  like a nice marinade a little bit sweet loving it loving the crunch this chicken is really super good has  like a nice marinate a little bit sweet loving it loving the crunch you see this BR  right here I cannot let that go to waste it's really too good wow so so good finished time to pay up uh  hello uh how much is it uh B uper pay yes yes   yes uh 80 okay uh can we uh take a photo together  yeah sure sure sure you can keep the change the   change uh you can yeah yeah yeah sure sure sure  it's okay thank photo we here yeah okay let's do a photo oh thank you thank you very much like this all right I'll also do put this  here okay yeah one two three okay another one okay perfect okay thank you do you know  where the best dessert I want a dessert   something sweet the neighbor yeah okay what which  gelato gato yeah good one good one okay thank you okay I think I will pay the neighbor a visit  as well am more gelato how could I not let's see   because I'm so hungry still well actually  more like a craving for sweet so let's give   it a try hello good evening oh let's see some  gelato what is the best seller here the best seller pistachio melut roasted almond Rising uh  maybe I do um can I do one uh two yeah two I do   um roasted and um oh Belgian chocolate okay  I have to okay Belgian chocolate also yes and   roasted almond please Alm that's right or uh  no it's okay I trust that it's good is it real   Belgian chocolate yeah because I am from Belgium  oh yeah so I will know if it's real or not no   it's [Music] okay yeah your neighbor told me it's  good here yeah wow it looks really good [Music] also okay maybe I'll sit outside um should I  pay now or later I pay now okay uh how much is it uh on the price uh 108 okay let  me see what I have here 100 I   think I'll do have to do like this  do you have change yes oh wait to okay oh you can also on Instagram am more  gelato gelato U maybe can I also have one   water please uh water also yeah yeah  yeah I'll take one water because I'm so thirsty pristine okay yes I one yes yes okay thank you very much is it cor I don't know I wasn't even checking Ah that's very kind of you  thank you very much thank you okay   I'll sit outside okay thank you tassi  oh my hands are full tricky to open the door well all these tables say reserved but  I have the feeling that's uh not for today   so we have roasted almond and Belgian  chocolate like how could I not take   the Belgian chocolate it would be a crime so  uh let's give it a try honestly it looked so good oh it's legit it is legit Belgian chocolate oh it's been a while that I had this  flavor it's it tastes like um it tastes actually   like Belgian chocolate mousse which is one of my  favorite desserts I would say oh yeah all right   now let's try some of that roasted almond  well it's a mix with chocolate and roasted almond wow the chocolate is so good I mean the   roasted almond as well but  the chocolate is really up there look at this so if you come to larier come to Amore  gelato it's number eight in lar Riviera   you won't be disappointed that's  what I can tell you and ask for   the Belgian chocolate please yeah  do me a favor ask for the Belgian chocolate and when you ask for the  Belgian chocolate take a selfie and tag me oh yeah it's dripping though think  I need a napkin it's really good very   good thank you thank you for the suggestion  yeah they sent me here so I have to thank them okay finished and uh well approved all right guys we started off at Land's  End we made our way to Aloha Beach then I thought   I could walk until here La Riviera but I took a  gjack instead well an un offal gjack and then I   spent some time here on a gondola had some good  food and now it's time to head back to my hotel   which is in the center of Jakarta so I just booked  a grab I'm going to get my grab and um yeah I want   to thank you all for watching and you already know  if you're still watching you're a legend legend

2024-06-22 15:28

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