Phu Quoc Vietnam open to foreign tourists in 2021?

Phu Quoc Vietnam open to foreign tourists in 2021?

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hi guys so is vietnam opening up in july 2021 stay tuned to find out okay so i just wanted to welcome new subscribers to my channel uh our channel um it's been uh quite a busy week this week so uh i believe a lot of you guys that have subscribed this week have been uh because of the wedding that i put up so welcome to the vietnamese guys that have joined in nice to see you hope to hope you enjoyed the wedding as much as i did yeah you if you haven't seen the video do check it out um i do get a bit uh pi double sed so um check that out it's a bit of a laugh um yeah so it's been a busy week i've been filming around the village on the outskirts and inside the village as well um i've come across some quite interesting things i've seen before but uh i think would be more interesting for you guys such as a pretty unique way of fishing in the ponds around the the edges of the rice fields that's interesting so uh is it here i think it's here check that one out that video is coming up soon uh all the links will be in the description uh below um there was also um a recycling lady that came around so that's that's it's only a short bit but it's uh quite interesting to see uh what she collects and how much she she gets uh paid for it as well um there's also some footage that i found from last july in 2020 i filmed this with nat and um obviously nat is not uh the four months pregnant that she is now but uh she she is uh showing me around the local village market so that's quite interesting and then she comes back and i know you may have seen the the burning ceremony for father's day and great great grandfather's day uh those links are in below but this one actually you get to hear nat talking now i know some of you have watched her cooking channel um and have expressed that you're interested in hearing her so uh this is your chance to hear her uh explain a few little bits about the actual burning ceremony what's being burnt etc okay so that's that's quite interesting to watch also i took a trip to the the local garage to get my bike fixed now it did work out okay for the bike etc but some of the footage was lost the camera stopped working just as i was paying for it and getting the oil change so there's some bits missing out of that but uh that's still an interesting video to watch so keep an eye out for that coming up soon um first of all before i delve into this uh july entry to vietnam uh i'll go into a little bit of covid news um basically the the health ministry have said that the the virus is contained in those areas the thirteen localities provinces that uh i've been discussing over the last few weeks um hai zuang has actually come out of social distancing and actually chi ling city or town has actually come out of lockdown after 15 days so uh they're all whooping and cheering in the in the streets and out in force uh getting back to selling as they were having a big problem with their farmers trying to sell their goods actually busloads of their goods were sent to hanoi and crowds of people from hanoi were there to try and help to try and um you know support these guys these farmers in heisenga because they couldn't get rid of their produce it was all going off uh so you can imagine it's difficult enough to try and make a living from selling fruit and vegetables very cheaply but when you can't get rid of it can't get it out of the province then that's the big problem so the hanoians were queuing up and uh buying you know big bags full of uh fruit and vegetables about 50 000 each so that was quite good waiting for the trucks to arrive and just piling off the trucks really cool so that was quite good no so high zone uh you're getting we're getting six cases here six cases there six cases every other where so they're continually mass testing so you're gonna get cases there but for everywhere else it looks like it's very similar to what it has been last week so you know places like hua bing jiang fu um hai za hazang bakning bak zhang all those places down in bin du ung home churchman city hanoi itself they're all pretty much the same level as they were last week so there's no real change there um one thing hanoi and ho chi minh city have ordered the self-isolation of anybody coming from heiser one which is quite understandable so that's to you know contain the spread any further in those areas um vandon airport which is in near halong that's reopened on the third now then i i didn't now this has been a couple of days for this this news item and it's it's pretty annoying to be honest and um i i didn't think it breaking news because it's happening all the time you're always getting somebody somebody who suggests this somebody suggests that somebody says suggest the other um and as a travel agent our travel agency in vietnam i would love vietnam to open up in july but is that possible i'm going to go through a few things of myself that i think uh would be able to open up uh and where uh and how but uh let's go over this uh this article that the vietnam express have put up um now they're saying that tourist tourism experts have proposed vietnam's tourism industry prepare to welcome vaccinated tourists foreign visitors now that's a whole load of difference between actually opening in july so you know i know some people have reported on it as breaking news a couple of days ago but i didn't bother doing that i was too busy filming vietnam village life i saw the news i didn't think it was uh something that to be excited about do i look excited not at all um sorry for those guys who didn't see the picture with the question mark i think you have actually believed it was open now it was a question on the actual thumbnail uh apologies if you were duped into that but that's you know that kind of headline is going around in some channels and uh so why not mine so i i'm telling you that the honest truth of why i feel now i've been sort of predicting vietnam opening in early 2022. um and i'll go over my decisions my reasons why in the next coming in the coming minutes but uh back to the article um because vietnam has been one of the most successful countries in and containing the outbreaks of kobe 19. the chairman of the vietnam tourism association now obviously they're under a hell of a lot of pressure because a lot of their uh international a lot of their uh profits and uh turnover is from foreign tourists all of mine is from foreign tourists i uh i rarely deal with expats but i do i can offer prop uh uh trips for expats and vietnamese but we tend to you know 98 99 is foreign so my business is is on hold maybe they'll listen to me if i say i x i i suggest that you should open but uh no the chairman of vietnam tourism association has said this um and they're saying that to begin in the third quarter so okay so july is you know half the year so it's basically um first of july so they're looking into the third quarter to invite foreign tourists to travel uh you know i don't think uh i their their reasoning is because thailand and singapore are going to be opening their doors from the first of july i i can't see thailand opening up to to be honest uh maybe they've got some super uh way of getting the vaccine around but they've got very similar population to the uk i think they've got 60 70 million i think but vietnam they've got 97 million population so what they're saying is you know vaccinate the people who are coming the people who come in here will be vaccinated and everything's hunky hunky-dory well that's not quite the case because as you probably know are aware when you get the vaccine it doesn't mean you can't get the virus now a couple of people have already mentioned this i know and you probably read about it but once you have the vaccine the first dose then you've got to wait i think 12 weeks in the uk and three or four weeks in other places um you're still susceptible to catching that virus and while you've got that first dose and um what's happening is the the second dose most people haven't even got yet so we're looking at we're march now you know um to think that everyone's got the second dose uh in vietnam for people to be protected against people coming in as foreign tourists is ludicrous it's just outrageous to think that so i think yeah you're grasping what my i didn't what my decision is about this july opening is but um basically uh the vaccines were made quickly very quickly and i'm reading this from uh various websites and uh they've developed it so quickly that they haven't managed to test it on people who have been vaccinated so they've been vaccinated to protect them from being severely ill gaining lots of symptoms and dying um or being put on ventilators or anything like that so the vaccine is helping that but it's not actually been tested long enough it's going to take months to test if it's still coming out of your nasal and your in your mouth areas um so even if you have got the vaccine you're going to need to wear the mask so you know are you going to be laid on the beach with a mask on i don't think so um i think it's just too much of a risk for foreign tourists to come in uh even if they have been vaccinated the population of vietnam has only they're only just starting tomorrow on monday uh with their vaccines and they've only got 117 600 doses so you know that's not even 60 000 people um and that the priority of those is going to be uh the front front line staff working with covid healthcare workers um immigration i mean they are setting it up as so that people can't come in but i think it's it's only going to be those areas where they come in contact with a lot of people such as the airports the immigration and uh and those kind of people uh tourism that the airline staff perhaps but um to to that also what they're suggesting and i don't know where they're getting all these doses from but they're suggesting that the localities the 13 localities provinces cities that are in the uh third wave will be um given the vaccine first as well so i would say those are the front line staff in those 13 localities will be giving it first which makes sense you know protect them just to to stop it uh gaining any traction so that's that's the uh the situation at the moment as i see it but um to say that july is an opening for vietnam sorry guys i i don't see it i don't see it my my prediction of early 2022 is still still in force um i have had a couple of inquiries already one one couple alison if you're watching um she's looking to come over with a friend um in january uh so it's gonna be mid-january i think it is um hoping that that's gonna go ahead um we've also got uh yolanda if you're watching hi we've got a big group of family there from south africa they're looking to come over in march april um that is my uh prediction march april to be the time to come to vietnam it's the best time to come for the whole country for weather-wise um so i would suggest trying to come for march april 2022 put that in your calendar don't put july 2021 in i don't i don't see it i really don't see it at all um i just think that these uh tourism boards and that they're all obviously just trying to give that idea to the government but the government are not daft they're not going to just rush into it they're they've only got 117 000 doses and they've got uh more coming in the next few weeks but uh it's now nowhere near enough to to to get to the level that we need to protect the population of vietnam from foreign tourists vaccinated or not coming in and maybe spreading the virus to people who may be more susceptible to it and cause uh likely uh death or you know bad health so yeah um sorry guys uh if you thought that was uh gonna be vietnam but you know it's it's it's one of those things people just grabbing at straws and i will be the first to be elated when we we we open but it's not going to be dry guys um so uh one thing i'd like to talk about is a few videos that are going to be coming up soon now i don't know if you remember but it's my 50th birthday coming up soon so i've put a little bit i've been putting a little bit aside for that over the over the last uh couple of years so we've we've managed to secure ourselves uh a 10-day break down in fukuoka now uh this leads me on to when or where i think uh well actually more likely where i think vietnam will open up first um fuqua being the island down the south of vietnam uh is very sort of isolated the most isolated along with condo uh of the whole of vietnam and if you remember some of my news items before there was uh talk of certain provinces localities actually uh paying for their own vaccines out of their state budget uh they've been given the go-ahead by the way haifang and hanoi and i believe there's other other provinces and localities that will also want to do it as well so if for example foo kwok do this they vaccinate the whole population i did have the population written down somewhere um i can't remember what it was now but um the population of food court can't be that can't be that much to possibly get them all vaccinated um and only allow produce in and out and you know really strict controls of uh gaining entry and and you know and leaving fuqua that could be the first place where you could go to vietnam for your holiday um you can fly in directly to fukuoka international airport you can fly back out again so there's no need to go on to mainland vietnam and cause any problems so that's a possibility that i've heard a few times and i i i firmly think that could be the first way that you're getting to vietnam um so i'll be going down there to check a few places out while i'm on my halls still working always working um i'm going to go uh hopefully going to go uh snorkeling um we're going to go uh see the the local seafood market i'm going to be filming quite a lot of seafood so if you're into seafood definitely keep tuned in for that and if you haven't already subscribed please click subscribe click the bell to and be notified of new videos because what's coming up in food is going to be amazing there we're staying in a in a lovely uh resort um on the beach and we've managed to get a beach villa a beachfront villa so that's that's my treat for the 50th and i'll be on rice and water for the rest of the year until we get any customers but uh it's my 50th birthday so i thought it would uh at least do something you know um so sounded like a good a good idea so yeah um i'm going to be doing live live stream from the beach villa the beachfront villa i'll be doing a live stream possibly around the resort walking around the resort checking out the breakfast checking out the rooms checking out the grounds checking out the beach checking out the the whole area of the resort and show you that so that'll be something to look forward to as i said the snorkeling that could be fun that's not going to be live stream in fact i'm i'm learning about how to film underwater nightmare so we'll see how that comes out um there's also quite a few interesting things to see on food as well like the coconut prison and the pepper farms uh beef farms and things like that so um and also a fantastic fantastic beach in the south where i've been a few times it's just idyllic um that is a place um on my list of things to do um while in fukuoka so if you do if we do open up vietnam won't be july but if we do open up the vietnam and it is sooner than i predicted that that will be the place that i think will be opened up um to do it to to isolate through kwok is easier than isolating for example haifong or da nang i mean da nang has an international airport uh hanoi impossible but da nang you've got ways in and ways out for hue and haiyan it could be kind of uh blocked off and the way up towards barnard hills that could be blocked off i suppose so you have nobody leaving or entering that area of da nang and you stay in da nang on the beach um and enjoy yourself i mean there's linung pagoda you can see which there's a link in the description there's ban our hills link in the description there's uh i mean the high van pass you probably wouldn't be able to do because uh they'd probably close it off before then but uh there's there's tremendous views tremendous beaches deny is a really great place to be so that is a possibility but it's again you know isolating a whole area like da nang is is going to be quite a quite an achievement so those are my thoughts of how and uh if you know vietnam opens it will be that kind of thing it won't be the whole of vietnam i don't think um i would say certain localities who may have been totally vaccinated um and if they can manage to isolate or through quak for example um condole is another area that's a beautiful island as well so those are my those are my ideas of what how i think will open when i think it'll open now you know if if we get to a stage over the next few months where the vaccines are really rolling in and really getting distributed to a lot of vietnamese people and and all the key areas you never know things might change things always change here you know i mean the the covid situation is pretty much contained and that's you know been since the 28th of january um it's taken longer than uh the da nang the second wave because of the new variant that was uh introduced from the uk in south africa but it's it's still rel it's still contained relatively well and i think that is going to bode well for a future of vietnam sorry i've got i've got a care package coming from the uk it's my cousin callie uh she won't be watching this video she's just recently uh recovered from covid as well so and she works on the front line as a nurse uh in i believe in the uh in a criminal in the criminal sort of uh areas you know prisons and things like that i never get the full details but uh she's a tremendous worker and she's had covered and she's the strongest woman i know she's absolutely amazing knocked her out knocked her flat it did so she's you know she's just getting back to it now and getting back to normal so uh thumbs up to my cousin she's sending me a care package from a 50 care package send me a 50th birthday present and i've asked for yorkshire tea bags so i could get a little supply of yorkshire tea bags one day it may take a month to come here and miss my birthday but it doesn't matter yorkshire tea rocks so uh that could be an interesting i might do a you know you you get an unboxing of uh mobile phones iphones and samsung you know whatever and they unbox it on live on you know i might do that i might unbox my york my uh my care package my birthday pack to see what comes out and you'll be as surprised as i am because you know i won't know what's in it so that's that's something interesting coming up um so uh what else was there ah i didn't write any notes on this i just wanted to get this one out um it's been 20 odd minutes now i didn't want to make it too long but it is going to be a premiere so uh if you have any uh questions i'll stay online for you this this has been on live live from 12 o'clock vietnam time which is gmt plus seven so uh if you have tuned in stay online afterwards and i'll i will stay along online and answer any questions you may have um please do click subscribe and click the bell uh really we really appreciate that um and i have to give a shout out to a few people one one person who has mentioned that i'm living his dream now i'm sorry mate i think catching name i think it was colin was it colin i can't remember now but uh yeah apparently i'm living your dream uh you were gonna come out here uh this around this time but uh this year but obviously because of colby's not able to so i'm going to continue bringing you vietnam village life so i believe you'll love it and we've got other people joanne who's looking to come over here juan bailey who's looking to come out here for six months uh next year or as soon as she can um i've got some videos for her and for other people who may look to retire or to move to vietnam for the short term or long term i've been doing videos on the cost of living in hanoi and the cost of living in the vietnamese village uh there'll be a quite a difference in that one i would uh i'd say um and also i'll be going around a friend of mine's uh portfolio of properties he has in hanoi so he has one bedroom two bedroom three bedroom places available for rent um so i'll be going around filming those and showing you what the facilities are around the area restaurants bars etc shopping so that'll be an idea so if you do want to come over and live contact me and i'll be able to put you in touch with him to to get you sorted out with a one bedroom two bedroom wherever you wish and it's pretty good prices guys so uh you know he's a he's a genuine guy he's got also a lot of motorbikes so if you need a motorbike to rent you get it all in one deal you get your help you get rent you get your apartment and you get your bike all you need is a sim card and you you you you're raring to go so i'll be doing a series of videos like that and so they're going to be quite interesting my monitor has packed up brilliant i mean i know it wasn't uh an amazing quality uh brand but uh i think the ribbons inside are just not connecting probably i've had it in pieces and checked it out but it's still the same so there is a guy in the village actually he fixes electrical stuff so he might even have a clue about that so we'll see how that goes so editing is going to be back to my macbook which is tiny tiny screen so that could take a bit of a strain on me uh my eyes again but that's it basically guys i'll wrap up now so july open for vietnam now if if they managed to vaccinate the whole of fuquak maybe now that's a that's a glimmer of hope i suppose if the localities uh vaccinate quickly maybe but uh yeah no this wasn't breaking news guys i brought up brought it to you two days later you've probably seen it on other channels i know one guy who's who's reported on it but uh it's not it's not particularly breaking news it's not elating news for us it's not excitable uh for as a frozen as a travel agency so um don't get your hopes up too much guys it's still i still think it's going to be at least early 2022 but depending on the vaccines it could be late 2021 could be an early christmas present if it is you can buy me a beer cheers [Music] you

2021-03-10 04:28

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