Peru Highlights

Peru Highlights

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hi this is sue from sue where why what um welcome to my peru video trying something a little bit different so if you like the format give me a thumbs up um let me know in your comments what your thoughts are and if you if we get enough of them then we'll do more of them and if i don't then i won't go back to the usual format but this video is all about three epic weeks i spent in peru back in 2017 before i got confident in front of the camera so um so there's not a lot of that but as a result i've put over some commentary uh with my thoughts about how i felt at the time if you want to read all about it and know all the details about the itinerary then my blog post is on the link below the video includes the ballistas islands the amazing nazca lines from the air then we go to lake city car car where i try kayaking which is just serene and tranquil the eros floating reed islands pay a visit to i didn't sample the reeds but we go there then there's a home state on one of the other islands where i get to dress up in the bowler hat and the colorful skirts and i did learn a dance but unfortunately you don't get privy to that i wasn't very good and then also we have the amazing inca trail watching the sunrise over machu picchu from the sun gate um and then walking into the legendary machu picchu and finish off if you stay to the end get my tribal makeover for the amazon rainforest which was just phenomenal so there's loads to see if you're interested in peru then please stick around if you stick around to the end then that would be amazing like i said give me a thumbs up if you like the video and if you really like it then press subscribe and if you really really like it and want to see more then press subscribe and then do the little bell and then that will mean you'll get notifications every friday when i post a new video [Music] i started and finished my tour of peru in [Music] lima so this is the presidential palace and if you're there every morning you can witness this it's the changing of the guard and the president comes out i like to think the president has more important things to do but he comes out to um oversee the impressive marching of his band it's well worth going to see if you're in lima absolutely [Music] our first stop on my tour was the ballyastus islands and this is the first i saw of anything it's a candelabra that is engraved into the side of the island and baleastis islands are known as the galapagos of peru and you can see us now with the boobies swarming um but still some beautiful seals [Music] now we move on to huacachina which is an oasis in the middle of this desert and the fun thing to do there is to take a dune buddy buggy ride um which you can probably hear my screams of how much i was enjoying it really good fun we opted for extreme or not so extreme i was of course on the extreme side of the sand dune that's an impressive piece of parking that's extreme that's hilarious and what better way to fill your shorts with sand and a bit of sand boarding while being manhandled [Music] that was really good fun it's finding sand for days and that's ena which is the oasis village i guess now the legendary nazca again absolutely fascinating still a mystery as to how they made those lines in the ground if you suffer motion sickness by the way think very carefully about going on this plane it goes from side to side but it's the only way that you can see these massive deals like the astronaut my favorite was the condor the parrot the monkey they're not so easy to see they are quite complex and you need a lot of people pointing um but if you don't want to get on the plane if you do suffer from um motion sickness you can go to a platform just by the side of the road which is handily straight away through the middle of the nazca lines and uh there you can see the hand and the tree i think are two ones that you can see from the platform there um oh i think that's the astronaut and that's oh yes now this was fascinating so these are mummies and they date from about a thousand years i think this was the torchilla cemetery um and they're ceremonially buried with all of their possessions and their hair so that brown stuff that you see looks like dreadlocks that's actually their real hair here we are in the beautiful town of allekippa [Music] well worth a stop surrounded by volcanoes so if you are there you may um witness some earthquakes i didn't but i know someone who went and it was actually a little bit scary but it's a beautiful city [Music] now we're heading over to kolka canyon first thing in the morning condors there's a family of them that live in colga canyon and you can go and watch them it's absolutely fascinating i could have literally been there for hours but they glide on the thermals that come up from the canyon first thing in the morning so there's a viewpoint that you can go to which you'll probably see is quite busy um but it's well worth the stop they're just serene [Music] and huge and they can sometimes come whistling quite close above your heads you can see the power of them they've got a really really big wingspan [Music] and then we went hiking in colga canyon it's the second largest canyon in the world so the largest is the next canyon along but it's twice as deep as the grand canyon i wish i'd actually spent more time we were only in polka canyon in terms of actually this spot for one morning if i went again i would definitely do more hiking in colby canyon [Music] just spectacular [Music] apologies for the slightly wobbly candle work [Music] do [Music] and this is also called canyon so they do a lot of agriculture on the terraces so it's very barley-esque in kolka and they also have because of all the volcanoes around they have some natural hot springs and there was actually an active volcano which was um smoking from its funnel or whatever you call them um while we were there which was a little bit um disconcerting but here i am in the hot springs lovely place to relax those changing rooms were absolutely freezing next stop puno and this is when we were told we were going to get to lake titicaca on peruvian limousines and here we are on our peruvian limousines it was a great fun start to the day though i have to say you can see i'm enjoying myself and then on to lake titicaca so this was our first stop the eros floating islands actually made of reeds so they're anchored in the middle of the lake and the reeds are laid kind of crisscross and as they rot from below they keep adding more and more of the reeds but the reeds are everything to the euros people [Music] they make the houses out of them this is kind of fascinating looking into one of their houses [Music] and that's a solar panel there's another one they sell their um their handicrafts so if you're looking for souvenirs great place to buy them but it's not just the um islands that are made of the reeds their boats which i'm going to get on in a sec this is from the boat [Music] so here we are on top of the boat me annoying my fellow travelers by making them constantly wave [Music] such a beautiful day on the lake that morning [Music] so we're heading over to sample some of the reeds [Music] so the other thing they do with the reeds is they eat them so they call they're they're a real form of sustenance they peel them like a banana and then eat them we were actually advised before we went not to try them because um apparently if you do you can get a really really bad stomach one of the group decided to do it he was actually fine he did swallow it and he was fine next island on is tequila island i don't know if i've pronounced it correctly it's just beautiful again terrorist for agriculture [Music] and the men wear these pointed hats it's like knitting is a really really big thing in tequila and it's mainly the the men who do the knitting and the best knitters attract the best wives and then on to sunset on the lake [Music] if you go to lake titicaca something not that many people do but it's well worth it is taking some kayaks out it's just so peaceful and serene and a really lovely way to spend the morning [Music] [Music] do [Music] and this has to be the highlight of the trip we did a homestay on amantani island so this was the lovely sandra who was our host for the evening with her fab family so on this day they dressed us up this was our this is our last day on lake city car car so we got all dressed up in traditional costumes and then went down to meet our fellow travelers for sort of dancing there i am splendin tin pink my hat was a little small for my head i think we all scrubbed up pretty well [Music] so they gave us a um demonstration of their traditional dancing just the colors are just beautiful [Music] it was such a lovely and generous taste sand just spoke a little bit of english we were quite lucky and we had an amazing room too not all of our fellow travelers were quite as lucky as we were [Music] well worth doing [Music] and then finally heading back so this again is the urus floating reed islands it's kind of like a bit of a disneyland not far outside of puno you can apparently stay on those islands as well which would have been interesting so now we're in the sacred valley and this is pisac which was one of the first inca ruins that we went to you can see the terraces there they actually don't look that big but they are massive you can see the people down there give you a flavor of how the incas did the agriculture so big big thing the inca trail [Music] this is day two six hours uphill so you can see the the parts they're not even all the way these were the amazing porters they're not allowed to carry more than 25 kilograms the highest point on the trek they call it dead woman's pass it felt like such a triumph to get there it was hard because they're also your altitude so um walking uphill and the altitude is really really hard stopping on a regular basis even when you can see the end of this like you just can't keep going on what goes up must come down [Music] so this is our camp on the second night not a bad view from your tent we just saw those clouds come straight in [Music] so this is day three and we're heading up into the cloud forest as you can see the clouds were descending so another anchor ruined they were just geniuses it's actually quite eerie there because when we arrived it wasn't nearly so cloudy and that clouds came in so quickly [Music] kind of made it more of a magical spot as a result oh this is where i was pushed aside by a llama apologies about the view up my nose [Music] i just had it though there's ears it was having none of me being in its way so apologies it's kind of a little taken aback just kind of it knew where it wanted to go and it pushed us aside and headed on its way that's hilarious so day three well and truly in the cloud [Music] forest [Music] oh in my trusty gloves you'll see quite a lot of them i bought those from the place in tequila island infected so our lunch spot on day three [Music] when they saw us arriving the porters would give us a round of applause i felt totally unjustified obviously very pleased to be there but they'd carried all that stuff put these tents up made this lunch in the time it took for us to do the walk and that day we had the most amazing lunch it prompted one of my questions for peru how did they set jelly on the inca trail we had jelly that lunch time and on the second morning the chef had got up early and made birthday cakes two of our team had a birthday on the second morning on the inca trail and they came in two separate cakes one was chocolate one was plain iced with their names made an inca trail unbelievable [Music] so this spot was pretty monumental this is at the end of day three so our next morning as you can see we got there quite late and next morning we were going to go to machu picchu but it was a beautiful time to be there and these were spectacular ruins really high terraces which we ended up having to negotiate in the dark because we got there quite late so final day they call these the gringo steps it's like a challenging high steps to get to to get to the sun gate so everyone who does the inca trail makes it to the sun gate for the sunrise my fellow happy campers so pleased to make it to the sunday and then you watch so it's hard to make out machu picchu tiny below and you wait as the sun comes up behind you and puts it all in perspective there it is my first sight of proper magic picture in the sun just beautiful felt so privileged the only people up there at that time are people who've done the inca trail at the same time as you it's a monumental moment and then once you've saved that this is us heading down for three days on the inca trail no showers it's quite weird to arrive there in amongst the llamas and you meet people coming the other way who look fresh and clean but it does feel like you've earned it so much hiking way look at this amazing amazing place [Music] so the incas built they had no mortar so the amazing thing is that these bricks fit together perfectly and have stood the test of time without any more to hold them together and how they even got these rocks there in the first place to create this city is mind-blowing we were not alone anymore let's just say [Music] this amazing magical place is off into the distance [Music] so do the tourists final stop on the tour for three weeks was the amazon jungle a place of legend and mystery [Music] this is trying to coax out a tarantula unsuccessfully that time but we did see one my jungle makeover someone told me afterwards that they didn't do it because they were told it wouldn't come off it did come off i thought it looked amazing [Music] if you're gonna do something do it with enthusiasm that's my motto [Music] well that was a bit itchy and the butterflies in particular loved it quite a few [Music] size of the trees in the amazon is just unbelievable they're called elephant trunk trees because when they saw them they just thought they look like elephant trunks [Music] feeding piranhas thankfully it was biscuits and not our own flesh but i have to say you wouldn't want to have dropped anything in that lake they were vicious [Music] thank you for sticking to the end if you like the video then please give me a thumbs up leave your comments down below if you really liked it then hit the subscribe button and if you really really liked it and want to see more post a new video every friday travels around the world and press the bell and you'll get a notification each time a new video posts you

2020-12-23 18:19

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