Just roll backwards. Old McDonald had a dog.. So much beauty today. Good morning.
Morning. Are you alive? I guess, holy shit, I slept through everything. Yeah, you did. Hi.
Hello. Oh my god. At least I had warm feet, but the rest was stone cold. Yeah? I have my warmest trouser on. I have three layers on.
I have my buffalo pants. It was just cold, I don't know. I don't know.
Fucking know. We got yogurt, banana, blueberry and nuts. Let's make a good breakfast. And when we had our breakfast... It's always fun with this one. I kid you not.
We have this giggle every single day. But what were you going to say? After we had our breakfast, we're going to go to... The cafe.
Nearby cafe that we were at yesterday. Grab some coffee. Sure.
And then figure out what to do next. Not such a big breakfast. No.
You can still feel the bacon. Exactly. Discovering that the cafe we visited yesterday was actually closed this Sunday, we located another one in Bakewell. And when in Bakewell, there's one thing in particular you have to try. Good morning. Good morning.
What do we have? We have traditional Bakewell tart. Well, it's a bit short on the other one, but it will do. Here we are in Bakewell, which is one of the oldest villages, I think, in Peak District.
If not the first bigger one. And we had to. We had to. Oh. Oh, wow. Okay.
Let's go. Would you look at that. Leonore's bike is lighting up like a Christmas tree again. Oh, sick. All right.
So, we had our coffee and our cake. And we planned a little route going south, just in a loop with some nice locations. So, let's see what we can find today. The first thing we found was the rain. A constant companion through most of our journey. So, of course, it decided to join us also on our final day.
That's right. Our trip is coming to an end. Hi. Our time here was limited for several reasons, but that only fuelled our determination to savour every single moment of this last day. This really is how I imagine the sea region looked like. It's green and inflowing.
This is the North Island. Because I guess this is the aftermath of having a lot of rain trigger here. It gets lush and green hills. Awesome.
Hi. We're lost, but hey. It looks like this then. All of them. Leonore has spotted a good photo location. Always on the search of the next spot.
Sorry. What? How much rain can a not waterproof camera handle? While my camera isn't exactly a fan of the rain, the rest of our gear didn't really have a problem with it at all. Some being more in their elements than others.
Which seemed to be the case for these sheep as well. Feeling a little bit naked there, buddy? Let's get off this. Slippery, slippery. Shit.
What? Alright, we are off to a small cafe, Polly's Cottage. Dry up a little bit and have a coffee. It's about one o'clock now, so. Good time for a short break. The cafe is right around the corner here. Night.
Coffee, coffee, coffee. Yeah. And pee. I need to pee. Night. Instagram versus reality.
You think you want some snacks? I don't have any. No? Do you think they like tea? Eh, it's a bit warm. Yeah. You wanna nibble on my shoe? I wouldn't, I wouldn't recommend. Nah.
Poison bait. Yeah. Blue sky. Let's see what's down here. Such nice views too, huh? Yeah, this is nice. Yup.
Oh, the smokes, that's nice. Watching the clouds grow darker and heavier on the horizon, and noticing a certain someone's mood dipping along with her blood sugar, hint, it's the one riding in the back, we decided it was a good time to find a spot for dinner and let the weather pass. Oh, it smells good. Smells like food. It's nice, huh? Yes. Are you hungry? Yes.
I'm hungry. What are you eating? It's a burger. Burger. Burger time? It's a burger day. Oh yeah.
We needed this much. It was fun. Yeah. A little sweaty. Sweaty. Running.
Hungry. Hungry. Oh yeah.
So fresh. It's real. What happened here? We didn't went out for ice cream today, but we do have a nice dessert. So we don't have to eat anymore tonight, or this week, I think.
We are so full. Roll us out of here some time. I don't know how people do this, but the show must go on. Yeah. Let's see if we can find some rocks to climb.
We want to go and have a look at those rocks right there. That's Leo's indicator. Left. Whatever works. Look at these.
It's like Flintstone. Pretty good. Oh, cute. Yep. Watch out.
Okay. Yep. Okay.
Are you going to get off that edge of it? What's your plan? Just roll backwards. Alright. Cut. Old McDonald's had a... And Old McDonald's had a...
Chicken. That's a rooster. Old McDonald's had a dog. Old McDonald's had a motorcycle. So we're at the side of the road, and Leonore decided to fix her blinking Christmas tree.
And then completely lose it. Exactly. Now we meet. Take three. Scott.
Scott. Good to see you. Good to see you. Overlanded. Yeah. Yeah.
And over here. But a previous biker. Previous biker. GS. GS track days.
Yep. KTMs. Metal belt. Metal belt. Ducatis. We don't talk about that.
But, no. We got some tools, but I just unplugged everything now, because that was... It was great. Yes. Just a little bit...
But it's life. This right here is one of my favorite parts of traveling, the people. When you least expect it, someone pops up with the coolest stories and kindest hearts. If you ever lose faith in humanity, just travel for a bit, and I promise your faith will be restored. This was only one of several memorable encounters on this trip, and not even the last one. yeah dang guys I was just about to fuel and the gas station was just closed and the fuel pump didn't want to take any of my cards so the Swedish guy working at the gas station paid for my gas and he refused to accept taking cash back and just told me to pass on a kindness to the next thank you stranger and I will make sure to pass it on when I can we're going down to a dam hopefully we can go all the way down there it's already 730 almost what look at this all the water is so still that is great but hey I'm not complaining about the Sun so much what a way to end the day, huh? is it perfect or is it perfect? I'm videoing test test test oh such fucking amazing day fuck yeah it is come to an end not yet no not yet not just almost almost we are gonna watch an amazing sunset I think yeah up on the Cat and Fiddle pass something something Wow what a day really yeah yeah no words a bit of everything a little bit of everything and to start today in rain like that and shit and end it like this it's pretty freaking nice yeah oh it is just so beautiful the lighting is so soft and it's only gonna get more beautiful now like it's gonna turn pink and then purplish and yeah yeah and then we have a ride back to camp half an hour ish in the dark probably but it's okay it's worth it every now and then it's worth it all right that brings a closure to the mini-series oh yeah indeed yeah in England or UK Wales England yeah UK oh yeah I'll learn the geographics today it's Sunday Tuesday we ride we are organized itself and Wednesday it's back Netherlands and I go yeah so that's it really but it's been two weeks already two and a half week since yeah since I left oh yeah yes of course been a good while time flies on yeah but for now let's enjoy the sunsets and I'll see you in the next series wherever that might be I don't know we're yet no idea mr.
price for all of us I'm very curious where you know it's you yeah and we saw her yeah well I mean we will see you soon yeah let's just say this was not the last trip we will do together nope so there are some more plans but first let's see how everything goes and take it away yeah I'm gonna shoot some pictures
2025-01-30 03:01