People Warned Me Not To Visit Rural China

People Warned Me Not To Visit Rural China

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in this video we are going to visit rural China  I have been told it's better not to go there as   a foreigner people might be rude nobody will speak  English and I will not have a good experience but   since I have never been to rural China I am  curious to find out what Countryside China is   really like join me and let's find out okay so  we are in the city center of Xi'an now but the   plan the idea is to leave the city and go to some  rural areas outside of the city center I'm here   with my friend Steven and Ivana from the jetlag  Warriors Channel YouTube and we all have never   been to rural China right never we've only been in  the city and usually the city center yeah right so   we are very curious to see rural areas so the idea  is now to take the metro there's a sign Metro and   then just go to the last station see where we are  and then maybe take a taxi even further let's see   okay so here we are inside the metro station  first mission is to figure out where to get   tickets and I think we can get tickets right here  so this is the metro map and as you can see it's   quite a large Metro System here going to all the  directions we wanted to take the red line right   red line to the last station so we're going to  take line number two CH changing Kong and this map   actually tells you how much it costs yes all the  twos cost two and as you go further goes to three   goes to four so we pay 5 yuan so these are the  prices we're going to go line two line two we're   going to go to J switch to English already right y  I got English on here J gong cash pay oh there are   three people three tickets three tickets 15 cash  payment cash payment and there are the tickets 1 2   3 all right and now we have to go through security  every Chinese Metro station has a security similar   to an airport so you have to put your bags  on the belt and then go through the metal detector yeah it's not as strict as in an airport  usually just going through very quickly and yeah   as usual in Chinese Metro stations or train  station everything looks well organ organized   very clean you have all the informations on top  here usually you can even see yeah here as well   how busy the next train is going to be so all the  the cards of the next train are green vacant so   it's going to be not that busy then you can see  how many minutes until the next train arrives I   guess so I guess this is 2 minutes until the next  train and then the train after that is arriving   and 5 minutes but now the question is which  direction do we have to go on I think we'll   just go one stop to line two the next station  jangl I think it's this way okay that's my guess   do we trust SE yes okay here we go so the city  above us is very crowded today but the train   actually is not that crowded I'm wondering how  much time we're going to spend on the Metro now   to go to the last station good be an hour half  an hour 2 hours we have no idea we have no idea   it's nice that the sign is in English also yeah  right also usually the announcements are first   in Chinese and then in English so actually pretty  easy to use as a foreigner okay that was literally   a 2-minute right and we are now at the station  where we should change the lines and there's a   sign line two is it just the other side or do we  have to go up I think it's this way oh follow the   sign line two yeah sorry photo bomb what does  the sign say why are they taking a picture of   this what does this say please translate in the  comment section must be something special didn't   taking a picture of it yes look at us boys here  taking the stairs getting the steps in and we   have Ivana down there so it's crazy we're going  up now and there's another line so it's like two   levels of Subway Lines here and we're going up a  long way yeah and that's the station name where   we want to go Chang ning Kong so we are on the  right track and it looks way busier here okay   so it is a big system here underground but it is  actually pretty easy to navigate your way around   okay so we are here now so it should be 1 2 3 4 5  6 7 8 9 10 11 12 stations usually it's like let's   say 2 to 3 minutes per station okay so I guess  around half an hour half an hour sure half an   hour on the train let's see and then let's see  what it's like when we get there no idea what do   expect idea and probably we have to take a taxi  to go further yeah let's figure it out once we   there okay and here we are train number two which  will bring us to the last station so what's good   here inside the trains you can see exactly where  you are and then you just follow the dots and I   think once we arrive at the station the dot will  turn green so these are the dots that already we   already passed and then we're going this way which  city has the most difficult Metro System in your   experience Tokyo Tokyo the thing about Tokyo is  the different lines are different companies and   they can't transfer oh really so if you buy the  wrong ticket you can go to the same station but   you can't go the way you want to go you have to go  around a long way by accident that's confusing yes   okay we have arrived at the last station and as  expected the train is pretty much empty now okay   let's leave the train station and see where we are  is this still the city is this a village what is   the world looking like outside let's find out okay  there's a map here so we started somewhere here in   the city center and we are now down here and we  have a village in mind which is somewhere here as   well as a mountain with a lake which is somewhere  here so I think we might need a taxi now let's see   we might still be in the city we we really don't  know where we are sometimes these random trips are   the most exciting ones because we don't really  know what to expect so everything today will be   a surprise but we did similar trip before and  it always ended up being something interesting   exciting okay and the total Journey time to get  here was about half an hour and this is where we   are now still looks like a city to me okay the  first good thing I see taxis here which I think   we might need yeah maybe CH Mountain Zia one you  want to go zja one first Village or Mountain first   maybe a mountain first it's on the way yeah  on the way yeah anyhow we want to go to Shian Mountain okay and we use meter probably that means meter what you guess  how much is going to be the price7 minutes I'm   going to say 801 100 100 991 but wow look at  this this looks beautiful here huge long bridge   okay I feel like now we are actually leaving the  city yeah so we're going to see some rural areas   which is exciting that's what we were trying to  do you have a g b g may wiet may may wiet so the   total price is 46 so we all guessed way too high  actually okay and we have arrived at what seems   to be the entrance to like a national park or  something I think there's an information center   here tour Center there it is and then I think we  can hike a little bit and then there's a mountain   and everything looks beautiful okay so we paid  40 un per person entrance fee and then there was   a very helpful man who explained us the different  routes we can go hiking on and we decided to go on   the hike That was supposed to be about 40 minutes  and the goal was to reach this beautiful Lake here   and the man promised us that there's going to  be very Scenic views along the way and this is   now our first time outside of a city in China so  welcome to Countryside China on my channel okay   so we do have a long stairway up here now which  looks pretty steep I know never looks that steep   on camera but it is pretty [Music] steep hello  the good news is it's going to be the first Vlog   to show you the inside of a wow Chinese Hospital  some about have a heart ATT okay so behind the   scenes of jet like Warriors Steve Dusty effort  walking back and now walking up to get the scenic   shot you's filming the hike get even more tiring  when you do it twice video that's what he's doing   for the video sorry I don't it's funny every  time all the local think that you are speaking Chinese happy New Year okay maybe that means have a safe trip  or it means good luck it's still so far okay my god wow wo oh the echo here W okay this was worth  it man you should come here this is amazing Bo wow but now I have snow in my shoe  but that was worth it oh what the   water is very fresh oh it's ice  cold but very fresh can you drink it not sure maybe this was wrong but  I think it's fresh Mountain Water here yeah yeah do you have tea cha  I think cha is tea hot tea uh   hot hot do you have hot tea y y y is  yes yes yes y okay can we get three tea no Chinese English let's see  I don't think they have H tea here they only have cold  drinks here I think no hot tea may only this one oh okay I think  they only have to cold drinks here   okay thank you maybe there was a bit of  misunderstanding I'm not sure but we are   looking for hot drinks what's going on here  hello my friend hello hello what's your name hello do your LIF here your home  yeah are you from here oh she's   throwing slow as us so cute girl I can fight back okay name what so cute my name Ken Kat Ken  cat yeah cat cat yeah no no no Ken I am from   Germany Dua yeah my pronunciation for Germany is  always wrong nobody understands it yeah it really   looks like a little village here in the mountains  that is actually pretty epic look at the scenery   here wow this is exactly what I wanted to see  today some rural areas outside of the Cities   yeah maybe firecrackers or something yeah it looks  like the remainings of firecrackers from Chinese   New Year exactly it's all over the village here so  maybe you saw my video from the Chinese New Year   celebrations in Chiang where there wasn't really  big fireworks or firecrackers happening but it   looks like here in the village they actually did  use a lot of fire crackers but wow this looks so   picturesque here I really like it and we have a  lot of these restaurants here by the side of the road happy New Year four come with us come on come  for hike okay byebye okay have a good day byebye   do you know what I like about Chinese tourist  places there are always some speakers playing   calm Chinese music in the background and I think  that really adds a cool atmosphere to the places   you really feel like you're in China with this  music in the background and I noticed that that   many tourist places in China have that that's  a cool atmosphere right yeah you're absolutely   right it's a good point it does make you have a  feeling inside you like yeah oh here I am in China   okay and we found the lake called Heaven Lake  and it is frozen actually or most of the lake   is actually Frozen okay so I guess we can't take  a boat ride we saw some pictures where people uh   taking boat rides here but I don't think that is  happening today also the air here is very fresh   and nice very nice day trip just a bit outside  of Chang definitely worth coming here check it   out no pictures allowed but every weone is taking  pictures here why no pictures doesn't make sense   right usually I follow the rules but today I'm  going to break them because I'm taking pictures   this is the most scenic spot here I know I'm  really wondering why the sign is here if you have   any ideas let me know in the comments check it out  there's a vending machine here in the middle of   nowhere basically let's see if we can figure out  how to get a drink from here so you need to scan   it obviously you want something no go ahead okay  so I scanned it and now I have this on my phone   okay looks like drinks that looks like a drinks  button oh I can't click it actually has denied I   think red is not a good sign I think that means  it's not happening I mean it's amazing it's out   here in the mountains it's really special it's  like right by the lake a vending machine darn so   close and yet so far I can't click on the drink  item yeah excuse me do you speak English do you   know how I can get water here click here trick  trick oh nothing happened oh maybe it works I   think he's do it for us and we'll give him the  cash oh even on his phone he can't click the   drink item by the way so helpful guy it's been 5  or 10 minutes he's really trying to [Music] best   okay no okay no problem okay thank you very much  okay so nice guy oh very helpful yeah he took a   few minutes here to try to solve the problem but  in the end I'm still without water have a look   at this you can shoot with both here how hello I  can shoot yes yes how much is it 35 35 yes okay   I'm calling a competition I want to shoot both  against you accept my challenge loser bu lunch   okay that's a big one okay okay I'm from Germany  Germany Germany yeah oh oh you speak German speak   a little what comes to here Kina China yeah in ch  um Hong Kong Hong Kong yeah okay nice nice city I   been there as well which city you from I am from  bman near bman yeah I know bman you know bman yeah   yeah yeah oh nice you know I work in Africa you  work in Africa yeah especially I most of my time   I stay in South Africa in South Africa yeah as  inberg Johan Johannesburg Johannesburg okay how   is it there you like it yeah yeah yeah i' I've  SE walking uh whole Africa over the world almost   you know for almost 12 years already 12 years  okay and now you're here for holiday no no no   I just come back for my channel Luna New Year  ah okay oh happy New Year yeah thank you thank   you new okay question Steve have you done this  before yep I've done it before but when I was a   child or something okay I've done it relatively  recently but I'm no good so relatively recently   like the like three months ago two months ago I  need to be better than him we have a challenge   oh so please give me give me the better one  give me the straight arrows give me the the   pro only there two left you you two try H okay  mine one look more Pro to be honest you want to   have a competition yeah yeah I think you you 15  you 15 you 15 for each okay okay okay okay okay   the lady is out there now setting up two Targets  for us now she seems to trust us that we can hit   the target far away the what that like 10 m away  looks far yeah uh I'm going to guess it's going   to be in the ground 2T short competition is who  is the only one who can hit it I think you're   right the winner will hit the target once it  went further than I would have expected oh   that was a good shot actually okay that was a  good first attempt now I just need to hit the   target I here okay Ah that's easier oh I wasted  two I think I have an advantage going second oh   that was close that was closer wow and I heard  that the wind off the arrow I watched a lot of   the Rings last week where they shooting a lot of  arrows leg a ass I then missed many many shots   until oh W that was a hit that's on I can't see  the number now but that's on target that counts   that counts four more four arrows remaining I want  to hit the target at least once more I feel like   if I hadit twice then it's a good chance it's a  good chance oh that was a second hit and it's in   the red ooh in the redose oh my gosh Ivana get  the wallet we're buying lunch I don't know if   I can do that unfortunately no more luck after  that okay let's see how many points I actually   got so all the one eror is out of the point WIS  oh hold on but wait it's on the line it's one   that counts that counts that's one that's a point  you see there's a yep it's on the line it's ripped   the the line that's one point that's one point  and this is eight I guess and eight so you got   nine total so nine in total yeah so beat that oh  God okay let's see what he can do first shot and   that was far off that was the worst shot I've ever  seen okay second shot thinking already what Lun   I'm going to take oh K's going to order Lobster  he then also missed many shots and got a bit nervous oh I think is it in that's points that's  points yeah I think it's in the in the blue in the   dark blue okay now the final shot H by lunch he  needs a good hit in the Target okay come on the   pressure is high Steve and yes that is a lunch for  me so you actually hit the target three times but   two of them are way of the numbers and this  one I can give you a four for this all right   Ken I owe you lunch it thank you very much it  was a good fight anytime again you want can't   afford it check it out how cool this is so you  can take photos here flying in the air here up   there it doesn't seem to be open today otherwise  I will be down to do that same same flying over   the the lake here and then taking these beautiful  pictures here having some props even Spider-Man   Spider-Man is up here wow that is that is really  cool by the way we are now circling around the   lake here so we started seeing the lake over  there and then we took a circle around the arrow   shooting was over there okay so we can buy bus  tickets here for 20 un to go down because yeah   the Sun is setting in about half an hour and it  gets significantly colder here now so we decided   to not hike back down but actually take the bus  back down yeah the plan is to get food inside the   village actually so we're not going back straight  toang we want to have some food in the village here I really have to say overall everything  here is pretty well organized the whole system   with the shuttle buses the hiking trails  there are proper signs even in English as   well and then up there the whole experience here  getting the tickets arriving here everything is   super well organized so overall a very good  experience here I have to say hungry hungry   very hungry very hungry yeah it's going to be  more like dinner now than lunch it's like 55   now or so okay so we are in a little village  now here still in the mountains and not many   restaurants seem to be open which is expected  because it's still Chinese New Year holiday but   I think this one looks open let's see if we  can get some delicious food here you're open food I think do means yes  yo y yo yo means what was   yo again I think yo means uh there is or yes we have oh you lost all your paper thank you thank you no problem water yeah let's go inside check it out a local  restaurant here that looks lovely oh they have a   heater here oh we can sit here okay oh we get tea  already here fishing I feel like this is going to   be a good meal here also we have the typical  Chinese round table which is meant to share   the food so you put all the food up here and then  everyone is sharing the food so you can spin spin   the table like this so everyone can grab the food  from everywhere oh the tea is very good I like it   okay I do have a translation of the menu here now  and she's trying to to tell us something I think   she wants to recommend this is fish grac rabbit  nuggets that sounds good I would love some rabbit   nuggets y get the rabbit nuggets okay so we're  going to order the braced rabbit nuggets which   is the third from the bottom so this one you  want to write it you want to write it down oh   watch this no problem this is the braced rabbit  nuggets according to my translations Steve's   trying to write in Chinese yo this is so hard but  they looks so difficult so complicated okay guys   can you read this if you are from China and then I  think we get grilled vegetables with musroom rooms   this one so much work this one that is a lot of  work man oh her reaction to Steve's writing maybe   she can read it let's see don't don't point to the  menu don't let her know which one it is make sure   okay so he wrote down this can I film it properly  yeah yeah so this is the second word and now he's   trying to write sauteed pork with wild mushrooms  which is this one right here me me rice so we want   to add rice three times and then not spicey see B  baa okay so this is the order written by Steve in   Chinese if you are able to read Chinese let  me know in the comments if you can actually   read this this is a good test of my skills let  me know if that makes any sense you can read this okay okay she seems to understand let's  see what we will get let's see what we will   get let's see what we will get thing there's one  male but the rabbit is sold out no rabbit this is   stone pot rabbit this one okay so this one this  one switch so we're getting rabbit chicken and   mushroom stew right no rabbit uh pork and grilled  vegetables okay the first two meals have arrived   already we have the pork with the mushrooms here  and then mushroom with butat Choy and then we have   the rice on the side and we're still waiting for  the main dish which is going to be the rabbit and   I think we're going to get it it in a stone pot  like this over there and yeah guys the pork here   the pork and the mushrooms is super delicious  unbelievably good like so such a nice flavor to   it it's really oh delicious it's soaked in the  oil here which adds a really nice flavor to it   makes it super flavorful oh this is awesome pork  wow so I'm very looking forward to the rabbit now   yeah rabbit meat is something special I actually  can't remember the last time I ate rabbit I know   I at it before but that is like 10 years ago or so  it was in Germany where it's totally not a common   dish very rare to find in Germany the vegetables  have a very nice freshness to it yeah it's good   man oh that is good it's good right crunchy not  cooked too much oh so far this is delicious know   the recipe is so good okay and the main course has  arrived oh check it out oh my gosh how probably uh   you you find out you find out okay okay okay  or probably like of course yeah maybe so yeah   oh yeah onions this is like spicy look at this  star starus and then where's the meat ah there   it is okay okay first time trying rabbit meat  in a long time first time trying rabbit meat in China tastes like chicken tastes like chicken  I thought too it's more like chicken yeah kind   of looks like chicken it's white meat yeah  I can't taste the difference compared to   chicken to be honest oh it tastes good it can't  beat the pork Oh the pork was the best pork was   mind BL the pork was really good the stew is  still good quite yummy rabbit stew in small   town China who would have thought I actually  feel like that this restaurant is also their   living room the TV there so it's like they have a  restaurant inside their house right what are you doing oh what a lovely restaurant  we stumbled up on here basically   inside the home of someone very  delicious food friendly people here very good 61 change so 194 194 three  people good lots of food good food great   atmosphere you could not beat the vi  of the restaurant okay byebye bye bye byebye I am really impressed by the  kindness of the people here the whole   day we were welcomed everywhere people smiling  friendly kind curious to talk to us so that was   actually a great impression here in rubal  China today okay we're trying to get a taxi   back home which is very difficult we waited  for like 10 15 minutes already and there's a   local guy he seems to be able to drive us  but then suddenly a proper taxi showed up   here as well but he doesn't want to use  the meter and he wants a very high fixed price 200 200 200 the taxi or this guyy oh confusing here now but all  the locals are very eager to help us   I think it's yes we have no choice  yes okay okay but what about the taxi got question again okay okay  we don't really have choices here okay byebye byebye byebye so I think this  is just a local guy now willing to drive   us friendly people here in the village all right  what a day here love it and if you haven't seen   my previous video where we celebrated Chinese  New Year here in Xiang then feel free to check   it out right here stay healthy stay positive  and then see you on the next episode ciao guys

2024-02-18 14:29

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