People Want To Hang Out With Us | Picturesque Town

People Want To Hang Out With Us | Picturesque Town

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This is my sister Monika. Okay, so this is a  nice surprise. I hate it here, bye. No, honey I wish you could taste it. It's very cheesy. Thank  you very much. We've been training for a week Hi guys! People keep wanting to hang out with  us. This time it's Peter's sister Monika but she's too busy having fun right now while we have to work here. Yeah, we have to film this

beginning of our video. So we are on a  trip in this... what is it? Historic town of Telč. Picturesque town, yes. Yeah, so we'll show  you that and we'll show the town to us as well We've never been here before. So it's going to  be very great and interesting and let's start Here you are Let's have fun Show us how it's done So we found this playground or acrobatic  ground where you can show your skills and this is where we start our historic  tour of the town. We're not going

anywhere else. We don't need to see the  historical center anymore. This is fun One thingy for Peter. And it's free What the hell? I didn't calculate this correctly Okay, I think we should continue and see  more of this town than just this playground Boo. Yeah. Come on This is my sister Monika for those  who haven't seen her yet and she came to visit us from Slovakia. From far foreign  Slovakia. They look almost like twins, don't they? Not really. But maybe a little bit. And we are  going to explore everything in this little town

What do you think? Are you happy to be in the  west in the Czech Republic? Yeah already because I haven't been there for one year. Yeah, that's  true. Because of the Coronavirus restrictions It's beautiful here. This is the main square, I  guess. I like how maintained the buildings are Yeah and so colorful. It's like a rainbow  Yeah. Here as well it looks really pretty

We came from there and you can see all the colors Okay, so this is a nice surprise. You didn't know?  No, I didn't know. I just knew that it's popular and people come here but I didn't know how  pretty it is. It's very touristy, there are a lot of people here which we are not used to. Yeah  It's weekend so that's why probably. Also summer I like it, it looks so old-fashioned and you have  to manually drive it. Uh-huh, yeah, so interesting These are typical Czech kolache Yeah. Many different varieties  Blueberry and plum one and poppy seed This is very usual and common for us but I guess  elsewhere in the world it's not that common [Czech] Jesus, that gentleman is filming us [Slovak] "That gentleman is filming us" This is beautiful and everything but I don't  feel very great being around so many people so we are going to less crowded  areas now. Okay, let's find them

Shall we go up to the tower? Yeah, I think we should We're here. Yay. Wow. But I wish I  wasn't here now that I see it. Oh my god. No, honey It's so nice. Yeah, very nice. I hate it here  Bye. No, honey. Come back here. Is it... it's not visible, like you can't see down. Let our viewers  be the judge of that. Look, guys, it's very pretty Oh my poor baby. It was my idea, by the way. Yeah  You can be like Spider-Man, like glued to the wall The square is partly visible from here  so it's partly nice. It's a shame that I don't know, we can't see the whole  thing. Yeah, they should destroy the church

No, I didn't mean that but the  tower should be more to our left, you know? What were they thinking when they built  it 1000 years ago? They built it wrong But Tommy is so scared. We didn't expect this  right? If I was super scared, I wouldn't be here anymore so... but it's uncomfortable. So just  very scared, not super scared. That's nice Better, much better These bells which you could  hear are called Jacob and Mary They are from years 1603 and 1515. Wow  so old. Yeah, really old. It's still moving. Uh-huh Okay, let's go down to see more This is a complete coincidence. We had  no idea this would be here when we came

What the hell is happening here? We're on fire The town is surrounded by  water from all directions which is quite unusual. At least  the city center, right? Yeah This town is very old, it's from the  12th century. 14th but who's counting 14th, okay. Which year was it founded? The first  mention is from 1315 or something like that And it only has population of about 5000 so quite small but the city center is a UNESCO site. We didn't know that even coming  here. Yeah, so it's very important, very beautiful and very protected. Like historically  protected

We bought this special cheese and if you buy five you get one free. Yeah, but how do you divide five by three? One for Monika, one for you and three for me. Sounds  fair. Because I deserve it because I'm king. Okay, so we should taste it. So what kind of cheese is it? So  this is a special Slovak cheese or maybe they also make it in the eastern part of the Czech Republic  very eastern. It tastes grilled. And it's grilled And it's very delicious. Guys, I wish  you could taste it. It's very cheesy

Yum. This was Monika's idea because she's hungry  and we all are but she wanted this cheese and this was really a good decision. Peter doesn't  like to spend money on food so it's never his idea Yeah, we are usually hungry and we  have our dried dehydrated fruits in our backpack so that would be enough  for the two of us. But not for Monika. No It wouldn't be us if we didn't  find a bit of nature in every town so here we are in the forest and we're going  up there. Another view tower. Peter's torturing me, guys. No, this wasn't my idea. It was Monika's  idea. She saw this observation tower on the map and immediately she wanted to come  here so... Thank you very much. Let's go up

So here we are, guys. There is the town  not very visible and here we can see fields Wow. And forests and hills. That's  what I paid 80 cents for? Oh my god. So not very much to see here. But you can see  beautifully the ground below you because of

course it's see-through. What else would it  be? Yeah. Oh my god, honey, are you scared? No You won't fall down, I promise. It's pretty high  up I have to say. And it's moving a little bit I feel like. Maybe it's just my imagination, I'm  not sure. It's not just your imagination. Oh, so we're falling down, ok. No, we are not falling  down but it's moving a little bit Let's take a look down. Monika is not afraid at all So we're standing 31.2 meters above ground at the  moment. Help me. And I have to say it's moving quite

a lot so this is understandable but there are  very nice views from here. We can see the town behind us. And Tommy is learning not to  be afraid of heights here, right? Okay Or that's not how it works? It's not that bad. I  don't know, I'm getting used to it, I guess. See? Thanks to Peter's nagging  all the time. Yeah, I'm great

Ta-da, and we are down What do we have here? We are back from our  hike and we have here a lot of things A lot of food because we are going to make fire  again and have a nice evening around the fire And this will be our first time trying out  these new seats. Yes and they are working. Wow Who would have thought? It's still  there. Yeah and we have these new sticks for roasting, these official ones which is great  Yeah, store-bought ones. Store-bought ones, yeah And now we are professionals. Uh-huh. Wow, it  looks so professional, look at our fire, guys Very funny. I'm going to  create the fire now. Okay

We all depend on you. Of course you do because  I'm the most important person in the world Exactly my thoughts Don't fall into the fire, Peter. You are drunk  already and we haven't even opened the bottle yet This one We've been training for a week How is it? It's meat. Okay. We eat so much  meat lately. I don't know what's happening

Yeah, because of all the  visitors. It's not our fault It's her fault. She brought it from Slovakia Guys, look at the beautiful moon rising It's pink or orange and it looks amazing. You  can't probably see it because it's too far and too small but it is there and it looks great  We have full moon party. Yeah, full moon party Thank you Cheers! Cheers! Cheers!

2021-09-09 21:17

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