PBS NewsHour! Saturday December 23, 2017

PBS NewsHour! Saturday December 23, 2017

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Opioid epidemic in, his hometown, next. On PBS, Newshour weekend. PBS. Newshour, weekend, is made possible, by Bernard. And Irene Schwartz, the. Cheryl and Philip Milstein family, Sue. And Edgar wachenheim the. Third doctor. P Roy Vagelos, and Diane ateva jealous. The. JPB, foundation, the. Anderson, Family Fund Rosalind. P Walter in memory, of a B M O'Neal, Barbara. Hopes Zuckerberg. Corporate. Funding is provided by, mutual. Of America designing. Customized. Individual. And group retirement products. That's, why we're your retirement company. And by. Bable. A language, app that teaches real-life conversations, in a new language like, Spanish French. German Italian and, more battles. 10 to 15 minute lessons are available as an app or online more, information, on babble comm. Additional. Support, has been provided by. And by. The, Corporation for, Public Broadcasting and. By contributions. To, your PBS station, from viewers like, you thank. You from. A Tisch wnet. Studios, at Lincoln Center in New York hari, Sreenivasan. Good evening and thanks for joining us President, Trump is expected to approve a plan to provide Ukrainian, forces with lethal weapons, in their, battle with Russian, backed separatists the. State Department confirmed the deal saying the assistance is quote entirely, defensive. In nature intended. To help Ukraine defend its, sovereignty and territorial. Integrity and, to. Deter, further aggression, the, type of weapons to be sent were not specified, but several reports, indicate that it would include javelin, anti-tank. Missiles the United States had previously, provided Ukraine, with training, and support, equipment today, Russian, Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei, Ryabkov, condemned, the decision, saying, the US had crossed a line this, follows, Wednesday's, announcement permitting. The sale of smaller lethal, arms from the u.s. to Ukraine the. FBI says, it has recovered several guns and a martyrdom, letter from the home of a man agents, believed wanted to attack san francisco's pier 39 on christmas, day 26. Year old everett aaron jamison is charged, with attempting, to provide material support, to, a foreign, terrorist organization. According. To an affidavit, from the FBI Jamison, asked an undercover, agent posing as a senior Isis, leader for, help obtaining. Weapons and bomb-making, materials. Before, telling, the agent, that he reconsidered. The attack and could, not carry it out Jamison, denied the charges during a hearing yesterday, three. Matters in various courts affecting Trump administration, policies, first, a key piece of President Trump's immigration agenda, has been set back in an appeals court decision the Ninth, Circuit ruled late yesterday that the president's travel ban exceeds, the scope of his authority the, decision does not immediately lift the restrictions, on travelers, coming from Syria Yemen Iran Libya Somalia and, Chad that's because the judges put their decision on hold to allow the Supreme, Court time to review the case, next. President Trump's ban on transgender, individuals. From serving in the military may, also head to the Supreme Court on Friday the, US Court of Appeals issued, a preliminary injunction, against. The ban going into effect and the Pentagon is set to begin accepting recruits, On January 1st the, Justice Department, had asked the court to intervene and put, the enrollment, date on hold and finally. There's the presidential, Advisory, Commission on election, integrity a federal, judge has ruled in favor of a member, who said the Commission was excluding, him from its business, and withholding. Documents, from him and other members, Matthew. Dunlap Maine's, Secretary of State and one of four Democrats, on the 12-person, Commission filed, a suit against, the group in November he, claimed that he had been denied, access to, it's working, documents, correspondence. And schedules, and he only heard about the Commission's work after, it became public the Commission which is chaired by Vice President Mike Pence was formed, in May to address, claims of widespread, voter fraud in the 2016, election which President Trump has said cost, him the popular, vote. Test. Your knowledge of this year's news visit our website at pbs.org slash, Newshour.

On. Thursday. In cities across the nation people gathered to mark national, homeless, persons Memorial, Day to, honor those who died in 2017. And to, call attention to America's, ongoing homelessness. Problem for, decades cities, have been dealing with their homeless populations, by simply giving them a bus ticket and sending, them out of town however, what happens, to the homeless once they reach the end of the line has rarely been documented, but, this week The Guardian published the results of an 18-month. Investigation called. Bust out analyzing. More than 34,000. Such bus trips joining, me now from San Francisco is the editor, of the story alistair gee who's the homelessness, editor, for The Guardian thanks for joining us first. Of all 18, months long, I guess. The what's, the summary what's the thing that you found that, was most interesting hi. Hari thanks so much for having me well we, went into this knowing, that cities, say that these programs they, are a way of resolving homelessness. Cities in their official report actually, say that these bus programs are a quote exit, from homelessness and so we wanted to find out if that was actually the case and we. Found a much more mixed, pictures, than that top line summary, from cities would would have you believe we found that. While in some cases this was a really, great solution for some, people they, ended up reconnecting, with family with friends and finding stability, others. We, found had simply disappeared, they their. Relatives, had no more contact with them or they, had simply continued, being homeless in a, different City one of your data visualizations, show. Is it's almost like musical, chairs that people are being shuttled back and forth across the country and you also you, found out that here in New York they're, actually buying in certain cases plane, tickets, tell, us about that. Yeah. That, that was one of by. Far the more interesting, things that we found in, this database to meet dozens a wreckless request to cities. Around the country and New York was really, idiosyncratic. In the sense that. Around. 600, people were, being sent on sometimes. Expensive plane, journeys across the world in fact the longest journey we found from New York was a homeless person traveling, to Wellington. New, Zealand of, all places and it also sent, around 2,500. People backed by plane to Puerto Rico and so, yeah, if. You wanted to if, you wanted to find the most exotic, list of destinations you would definitely look, at New York you, also started, and kind of ended your story with, an individual, that was leaving San Francisco tell us about him Quinn was a guy that I met outside, San Francisco's, homeward-bound office, in the summer he's a young guy 27. Years old originally. From Indianapolis. And he had, been homeless just, through a series, of what I would of what I took to be just unlucky circumstances. He had an early, drug, conviction, that derailed, his plans of going into the military which, had been his, dream and so, he had ended up several, years later in homeless, in several Western towns defeating, San Francisco, and so he, was hoping to go back to his, hometown of Indianapolis, just because he, had, been exhausted, and tired, from, homeless.

Life In San Francisco, when I saw him he just looked physically, tired and so I saw. Him off at the bus station and then a couple weeks later I spoke, to him on the phone things. Weren't going so well in Indianapolis. And then almost. About a month later after, he, left I spoke. To him and he said I'm on a bus back to some sisqó, things. Didn't work out in Indianapolis my, friend entered. A drug addiction program the friend that I was staying with and I just had nowhere to stay I was homeless, again there and so today. Quinn's. Situation. Is is almost exactly the same as it was before he took took the bus he's dragging. Around the suitcase on broken wheels he's, trying to find poles for a tent that he found to sleep in and he's living back in San Francisco, in almost exactly, the, same location as he was before he took the ticket all right now is Ruchi the homelessness editor, for The Guardian joining us from San Francisco today thanks so much thank, you hari on. PBS, Newshour weekend tomorrow our look at the homelessness crisis, in America continues Megan. Thompson reports, from Hawaii on efforts, to turn things around in, a state with the highest per capita rate, of homelessness in the nation in. The. Serengeti region obtains ania African, elephants, routinely graze into farmers, crops and destroy, the livelihood, of poor villages and when, those farmers try to protect their fields they risk being trampled, to death some. Are forced to kill the elephants in self-defense. Now, there's a surprising, new method, for preventing, human elephant, conflict. Remote-controlled. Drones in a story we first brought you in April, Newshour weekend special correspondent, Christopher lips a travel to Tanzania to see what can be done to protect both the elephants, and the, people who live among them, the. Massive, elephant footprints, are still visible, in Coos aqua elias's cornfield, just, outside the Serengeti, National Park in, rural Tanzania, he says an elephant, pillaged, the field two days earlier. Nom-nom-nom-nom. Chuquicamata there's. No animal we hate here more than elephants, elephants. Destroy our food children. Sleep hungry sometimes. He calls whiticus, only, to find out the elephants have eaten them. To. Keep elephants, safely apart from people and their crops Park, Rangers are training with remote controlled drones a few miles away. It. Sounds, like a swarm of bees and that's, precisely the idea sorry, try annek turn them around and. Get them going back so, there's the matriarch, is being vigilant. While the rest leave. Nathan. Han is a researcher, with the American, nonprofit resolve. In this, training exercise an, elephant, stands its ground against, the drone but, quickly backs away there, they go for the last three years Han has been studying the use of drones to prevent what's known as human-elephant, conflict, when. Elephants, cross paths with human, beings the, human elephant conflict it's a big problem anywhere, there's elephant people coexisting. And it's very it's, very tough to deal with elephants, need a lot, of resources and a lot of space to move and people, also need that same space and resources to develop and grow, economically, so. You get this this, budding, of heads around park, boundaries where wildlife is. The. Serengeti, ecosystem in. Tanzania, is made up of Serengeti, National Park and, a network of game reserves and wildlife, management, areas just outside of it, inside. The park there are clear rules meant to protect both animals, and humans, for, instance you can drive only unmarked, roads and must stay in your vehicle at all times but.

Just Outside the park is another story, nothing. Stops animals, including, elephants from wandering into areas where people live. While. The African, elephant population. Has fallen 30 percent, over the last decade, the, elephant population has increased, in the Serengeti, thanks, in part to anti-poaching, efforts since. 2006. The number of elephants, is up more than 250. Percent at. The same time the human population, has also grown, increasing. More than 50 percent since 2002. Regarding. The habitat, being. Also very, observant. Julius ko is the director of research at, the Tanzania, Wildlife, Research Institute, a government agency they. Increase, the human population, has resulted into a demand for. More. Land, for human. Settlement. For. Cultivation. For. Livestock grazing so, both people and elephants, are fighting over the same natural resources. Because, it is becoming scarce, because. Of because, of climate change. So, you. See wide. Life people. Livestock. Are sharing, water, resources. And. That's created, a greater likelihood of conflict. Farmer. And Bessie and dongho says an elephant, nearly killed him a year and a half ago in, obtained by acquiring my Agatha, the elephant, was hiding, in the forest and came, suddenly and knocked me down on my head I picked, myself up, but, it pulled me back with its trunk and threw me I knew, that by the time it will be done with me I will be dead but. I did not want to die without fighting, the. Attack left him with a fractured, skull and wrist he still suffers, from pain today and can no longer farm, so, he has trouble supporting his family, veterinarian. And, animal, protection specialist, nick de Souza says destruction. Caused by elephants. Can lead people to violently. Retaliate. This, could be a spear, a bow, and arrow slingshots. Are used a lot unfortunately. The. Worst. Of all is the, use of poisons. D'Souza, has worked for conservation, groups for the past 15, years the, consequences. Are appalling. You. Find both. Dead, and dying animals. In quite, large numbers, at. Cross, cut, across. The, whole family. Spectrum, from. Tiny, babies, to grandmother's. There. Are no reliable numbers on how many elephants, people kill in self-defense or, retaliation, around, the world but, conservationists. Believe the problem is getting worse from. Sub-saharan, Africa, to Indonesia, to India elephants. Kill hundreds, of people every year what's, really the challenge is that the population. That coexists. With elephants, are the most marginalised. Communities on. Earth in those. Communities, there are a variety of, old-fashioned. Methods for preventing, elephant, incursions. Scaring. Them off with loud noises as these rural Tanzanians. Demonstrated. Surrounding. Crops with fences, covered, in hot chili oil which.

Torment. Elephants, sensitive, trunks and, Rangers. Charging, at them with vehicles, or using, guns. Many. Of those tactics, can put humans dangerously. Close to an elephant, but. Wildlife Ranger Raine Lima Wallace says the newest method of using drones is much, less risky. When. You use a gun, sometimes, the elephant judges back or you may fire a gun and end, up firing at a villager accidentally, but, the drone has nobody fix because even when the elephant judges nobody, is caught in between, overtime. Elephants. Often outsmart, conflict, mitigation tools, once, they get used to them but, researchers, say so far. Elephants, haven't caught on to drones the. Breakthrough, came a few years ago when researchers, were taking aerial photos of elephants, and made, a surprising discovery it, turns out they're very scared of the drones they'd would run away almost instantly, there was a sort, of unintended, benefit. You think you're using a drone just to film some elephants and all of a sudden you've discovered, this new way to deal, with human elephant conflict. Han, and his research group now, train Serengeti, Park Rangers, to use the drones and collect data to measure their effectiveness. In 2016. Han and Julius Khao co-authored. A study of, 51, instances, in which drones, were deployed they, worked every time. Of. Course the drones have limitations, the. Wind is strong, they. Don't work in high winds and rain. They're. Also harder to use at night when, most elephants, raid crops so. Rangers, need to use them in tandem with a strong spotlight, and. Drones. Are of no use if, Rangers, can't arrive to deploy them as we saw during a night patrol the Rangers allowed us to join on this, night there's not a single vehicle on hand so, Rangers. Are limited to what they can cover by foot if, a farmer calls to report an elephant, threat just a few miles away they're, on their own. Serengeti. District, game officer, John Linden oversees. The region, he's. Not yet convinced, that drones can be effective, and says, that at roughly 800 dollars per drone he, has more pressing, priorities. The. Issue of human elephant, conflict, is sometimes very difficult for us to address because of lack of resources including. People. Vehicles, and sometimes, gas so. Implementing, these new techniques is difficult. When. Doyon is focused on educating, people to avoid elephant, habitats, and to appreciate the value they bring to the country's tourism industry. But. Many farmers we met with including. Coochie-coo Elias whose cornfield, was pillaged say, elephants, are the government's, real priority. Sebab, from, the way we see it elephants, are more viable than humans since. They can destroy our crops and nothing is done straight. Up for, now han and his group resolve, are donating, drones to the Rangers, though they hope Tanzania, will eventually, pay for them resolve. Is also working with the government to try and find longer-term, solutions. It could definitely be described as a reactive, solution, but, in the end it's, what's needed right now and that's how we look at drones. America's. Opioid, epidemic the, deadliest, drug epidemic. In American, history rages on according. To the Center for Disease Control there were 40. 2249. Overdoses, in 2016. A 28. Percent increase from, the year before for filmmaker, Alex Hogan, those numbers hit very close to home growing, up in Somerville Massachusetts Hogan's, saw firsthand, how, one town can be devastated. By opioids, as, a multimedia, journalist forced at the health and science website affiliated, with the Boston Globe it's, also his job to report on the crisis as, part of our ongoing series, of conversations with documentary, filmmakers, Newshour, weekends christopher Booker recently, sat down with Hogan, and his co director to discuss runnin, their film chronicling, the opioid, epidemic in, Somerville. Alex. Hogan knows how the opioid, epidemic ends, for him the, crisis, is almost done impacting me because I've already lost all my friends you, know almost all my friends they all my friends I've been using almost all gone already since 2001, the filmmaker, has seen more than a dozen of the kids he grew up with died, due to opioid, addiction, people. From his neighborhood people he played hockey with and went to school with in Somerville, Massachusetts for. Those who remain to, hear them talk about it now in Hogan's new documentary runnin, the, opioid crisis arrived in Somerville, a suburb just northwest of Boston as it, did in many towns across America, oxycontin.

Pills Which, Hogan and his friends called Aussies came. First then, came heroin. Do, LOX he's played hockey. Go. To potties before. Games we were in the. Bathroom, sniffing. O'seas it. Really is an origin story Matthew. Or is the co-director of running we're talking about. Alex. And his friends, going to high school nearly 2000 just as oxycotin. Was, sort of flooding, the streets of the country, and was. Being overly prescribed, in doctors, offices all over the country and so. Alex's. Friends were taking. Oxycontin as a party drug because at the time it, was a bit of a pill culture going on kids we're doing, all sorts of pills and here's just another pill to have fun with at a party not, quite realizing, how. Addictive, that. Drug is and that it actually does in many, cases lead to heroin, and that's when you could really tell a difference once the heroin. Was. Was being used widely I mean the people started dying and stuff notice it was pretty awful the. First of his friends to die was 17 year old Mattie O'Brien in 2001. For, many of us Maddie's death was the beginning of the overdose nightmare, that continued, for the next 16 years, but. With those early days like where, did, pills come in and, how readily available were, they they. Were just. As easy if not easier to fight than marijuana, or alcohol, it. Was scary I mean you. Could you really see how could it can take hold and take over someone's life and and next. Thing you know they're they're. Robbing. And stealing to support their habit and they're just not they're really just not the person and you feel like you knew once, the once the addiction really took hold running is as much an exploration of what the opioid epidemic has, done to Hogan's community, as, it is an attempt by Hogan to understand, why some of his closest friends like, Alex foster Kevin, Sullivan and Shawn Curtis fell, into addiction, and he did not walking. Through Hogan's old neighborhood, he says there are no easy answers what. Do you think it was about you and your path that prevented, you from going, down that same route I wish I had a tidy answer for that I don't I think, that there's a lot, of. There's. A lot of different factors there, there's, nothing about me that I can point to and say this, is what stopped it because I can any attribute, that that, may have kept me, from it it's, like oh I have good parents yeah but they all had good parents you know I you. Know I didn't, really. Experiment. With drugs in high school well neither did out foster the, opioid crisis, pretty much unfolded, alongside Somerville's. Transformation. From a blue-collar community to. One of the Boston area's most sought-after places, for young professionals to live as you lay out in the film gentrification. Is, a, part, of what's. Going on yeah, I think so I think that there's a lot of factors for, sure but. I think that's something that feeling. Of, of. Being, kind of left, behind in your own town. It's, just another thing that has to. You. Know kids self-medicate, in and some of it was it was particularly difficult for these kids because there. Was happening right on top, of them. Losing. Alex Kevin. And Shawn, was. Devastating, for me and my friends but there, were just three of many who passed. For. Those of us um managed to avoid opioids, we. Would wonder who was next, last year in Massachusetts. Alone. 2227. People died from opioid-related overdoses. 22. Were in Somerville. PBS. Newshour. Weekend, Saturday. Sam. Haskell the CEO of the Miss America Organization announced. He is resigning immediately. Over, reports, of demeaning and sexist, emails on Thursday. Huff Post reported, leaked correspondences. To date back to 2014. Involving. Haskell, the lead writer of the pageant show and board, members vulgar, language was used in the emails to describe past winners, and contestants, were criticized.

For Their appearance, and sex lives Miss America's chief operating, officer, Josh Randall along, with multiple board members are also stepping, down the. Thomas. Wildfire is now the largest, fire in California's. Recorded, history spanning. An area greater, than New York City Washington DC, and San Francisco combined. It, started on December 4th, and swept through the city of Ventura quickly, becoming the largest of multiple, fires burning. In Southern California it, destroyed, hundreds, of homes and killed two people nearly. 3,000. Firefighters are still battling the fire which is 65, percent contained. And say, that most of the fires growth is now due to controlled, burns in. The Philippines more than 120, people are dead and 160. Others are missing, after tropical, storm tenman the storm made landfall on, Friday triggering, landslides, and flash floods in the south of the country so, far all of the casualties, are being reported on the island of Mindanao search. And rescue efforts are under way including, one fishing village where more than 30 people were swept, away by flash, floods the, storm struck the province of Palawan today and is expected to move toward the South China Sea tomorrow. And NASA, astronaut, Bruce McCandless has died McCandless. Was the first astronaut, to fly free and untethered. In space you, may recognize, him from this 1984. Photo snapped outside, of the space shuttle Challenger the. New York Times called it a spectacle, of bravery, and beauty, the cause of death was not given McCandless. Was 80 years old. That's. All for this edition of PBS news hour weekend I'm hari Sreenivasan thanks, for watching have a good night. PBS. Newshour weekend, is made possible by Bernard. And Irene.

2018-01-01 19:03

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