Passing Rotterdam the easy way HD 1080p

Passing Rotterdam the easy way   HD 1080p

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Welcome to Sailing Yacht Fridá af Wisby in this episode  we will make a bike tour to Hague and then   we will sail to Vlisslingen in the south end  of Holland the harbour in Scheveningen quite big and very very well protected Are you feeling at home? absolutely this is my friend well I see your  bodies you have the same color Working for Santa Claus week/day per year that's good yeah Engine service yeah it's the first time we  serviced this engine since we bought the boat and i have an expert on helping me and he explained to  me how to swap out the impeller on this boat and   due to that where it's placed it's impossible to  reach otherwise you can reach it with your hands   you can't see it and doing the work uh is you're  going to drop the bolts into the bilge and   you're going it's it's a mess it's I hate engines  so i won't swap impellers myself that's for sure   oil filter and fuel filter seems to be  possible to swapyourself but the   impellers it was it wasn't nice where they  placed it or they placed it on the engine   of course but how the engine is mounted in  the boat it's not not or made to work to do   yourself i can't point it out you can't point it  out because you can't see it it's impossible to   see it from wherever you're trying to look  i can only feel it so don't don't even try that's not too good okay what's left to do now   uh he has swapped out the impeller that  worked fine as for an expert as i explained   he has also swapped the oil filter and are in  the process of swapping the fuel filters and then   after that we're swapping the oil and then we're  finished with the main engine then we'll look at   the generator too okay good we really  needed to have this done if you look at the   filter i think it's there somewhere the  oil filter it was really clogged so it was   the impeller was broken not very much but it was  on its way to die okay but it wasn't really dead   yet and the oil filter was really clogged  so or sorry the fuel filter was really clogged   so it was really time to swap that too as  we doing now okay so time for engine service but we managed to do it  before something happened yeah great are you looking at the rain? shopping street in Hague a bit more modern than the old city  that i passed when i biked here   just been at Mediamarkt to buy a new gimbal for my phone so that you can get some smooth and more  stable images and when i'm filming on the boat this looks like a nice place, very close to the shopping street more like shopping street in my taste i'm looking for some where to eat before i bike back to the boat four kilometers back to the harbour  according to the sign. I have just been eating some Greek food Here I am in Hague it's a really nice city i like it with canals   old houses modern street with modern  houses in and there is modern architecture together with all the typical old dutch  houses narrow with nice decorations   this is the peace palace so  it's here the International Court of Law in Hague it's located it's also  library and well uh also some peace events etc   fantastic building i think i can go over  here to get a picture without the fences magnificent i think it's a building worthy the world peace beautiful forest in the middle of the city Anders is filming me in the kitchen without saying  anything and i'm trying to make pancakes that's   not my specialty i always seem to mess up at  least one so see how it goes so I´m testing the gimbal with the pancakes See if I can zoom in on Anders hey Anders Litza are you also going to be filmed there you are shall we see if we can do a swipe hey and back to the pancake Now we are at a restaurant now we are at a restaurant and it is very close between the tables look so crowded or not so it felt very Corona safe they got 2 floors at this big restaurant only 60 guest totally so the kitchen is not working at maximum capacity so we will probably get good food but we have not been eating out once a week is OK I would rather say once a month or less but It's good for the budget yes it is here can we sit and watch the boats we can almost keep an eye on our boat it is visible somewhere down there Calzone super and I am having gambas with saffron and homemade pasta um very good hello, goodie good view of the harbour while  we are waiting for our pancakes apple pancake with cinnamon sugar and banana pancake with extra cream mmm Litza this is the entrance so this is the  outer harbor i'm on my way to the beach   not this one but the big one on the other side the southern beach of Scheveningen is the one that  is most easily accessed from from the harbour   yacht harbour it's a another fantastic beach  not as impressive as the one in Ijmuiden but still a very impressive beach they are doing  some heavy construction work building where it   looks like a new part of the town here close  to the water so i guess that will be fantastic apartments looks like my gimbal is struggling with the  wind and it is quite quite a lot of wind   and it do has also an bit of fluffy white kit i  can show it later that I made to reduce the wind noise   but this gimbal seems to be working this  way even though it's struggling in the wind i promised that i would show you how my little sound muff  looks like my homemade sound muff and this is it and  i put it over the camera the microphone end of the   iphone and i hope it improves the sound a little  bit now i have walked a little bit off the beach this is the same kind of landscape  as Ijmuiden those inland dunes   and in the background you can  see the constructions that is   going on in Scheveningen I have been in  Holland quite many times or in the Netherlands for work but only in the big cities Amsterdam or  Rotterdam and i must say it's really nice to see   this other side of Holland with  those fantastic beaches and on this   bushy landscape behind them that's something  I will bring with me and never forget I think   and the people here is fantastic friendly   helpful and seems like a very happy people content  with life and enjoying life and i appreciate that I make Rotmos(mashed turnip) it's a bit too big chunks of  the root but um i think it will be okay anyway   so now we played it and then it's lunch time  for the problem with turniproot masch and spinach okay   there it is the final result over Falukorv with  rotmos and spinach and a little bit of mustard we decided to go to the chandlery in Scheveningen  to get some new mooring lines  and cables for the solar panels it's a quite big chandlery in Scheveningen i just had to go inside and  look at that christmas shop I bought some Christmas  decorations for the boat Hi Litza is that a good place? is it cozy Was I kind to put some towels there to dry new washed towels with cat.. You are cute but naughty hello my darling hi are you trying to wash off the last of the sand? or at least some of it He is suposed to fill up drinking water I went to get our  bike because we are leaving Scheveningen tomorrow we are off and Anders is calling on the radio for  permission to proceed out through this channel   it's very narrow so only one boat at a time bye-bye Scheveningen we liked it here nice harbour good pancakes friendly harbour master so going from the first inner harbour out to  the second inner harbor and then there's two   outer harbors as well but i can't film that  because i have to take the lines and the fenders so now we are going out Anders is keeping an eye out enjoying myself getting a little bit more sun we have a good time and you can see Litza is also out sometimes I wonder if she is going to eat the camera it looks like she didn't want to  be filmed so let her be alone something always happen when you're about to eat this time the gps went crazy and said that we were over there among those boats and doing 70 knots the  sailboat is not capable of doing that speed so   we're completely crazy so Anders is fixing  it um he thinks that a reboot will just make it OK where is it? I see it don't you see it no the sun has come out we do  have some clouds but also clear sky great Anders is down to look at Predict  wind since our wind instrument is not working so i think he wants to follow what happens How is it with the names no it's hard...they are Git-Tuss-Litza it's difficult totally confusing is all the lady names in the family Litza is investigating a little bit aha the best place the safest place and there we have Rotterdam so we  are passing Rotterdam the easy way in our second episode 1B the English Channel and  crossing the north sea we show it the hard way   it's definitely better to pass here daytime  and using the special pleasure craft lane   the last time we passed here it was night and  we were on the edge of the shipping lane and   lots of ships Rotterdam is the biggest harbour in  Europe and one of the busiest harbours in the world it's a river Rhine leads directly  to the industrial heart of Europe   in 2018 nearly 30 thousand vessels  arrived in the port with 470 million tons came down to get a pillow to Anders..but

I saw cute Litza yeah much better down here not as cold if you like this video please give us a thumbs  up subscribe and don't forget to hit the little   in the approach to Vlisslingen you sail very close to land   for quite some time before you reach  the town which is around the corner land tongue that sticks out but we meet this old sailing ship they are so beautiful and gracious Vlisslingen lies on the mouth of the river  Shelde and historically it was called   flushing in english and the reason for  that is that it was only three feet above sea level no I'm quite sure they said Frida af Wisby Frida af Wisby come inside the lock of Vlisslingen it's very tight we are hanging on springline we are rubbing the side Stop that they are opening So we have got the initial springline on and an aft mooring line and one in the front as well so now its a little calmer so now we can decide how/where we really want to be docked exactly but we has arrived in Vlisslingen maybe not the coziest harbour by the look of it but we are not going to stay here for long we are laying at the local yacht club harbour den Shelde which is not in the  center of the town there is another harbor there   but we prefer this one I walk in Vlisslingen pedestrian street oh I just have to go down this alley look the inner central harbour it's only one meters deep  when it's low tide to get into this harbour   so we are not laying here we're  staying outside but cute place

2021-02-26 05:27

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