Panel discussion: Current technologies

Panel discussion: Current technologies

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[Music] so I want to invite three wonderful  people to the stage to talk a little bit about   their Technologies please give our panel a round  of applause as they make their way to the stage   Andrew Logan, Georgie pin and Bruce Dell are  going to come and join me here come on me guys This is our panel if you want to ask a question  why don't you quickly scan this QR code now if   you've used slido before just type a question  they'll feed through to me and I'll throw them   in at any stage I'm not going to chat for a while  and then go to a designated Q&A at the end anytime   a question comes up if it's relevant for the  discussion I'll zip to it then but hop on to   slido and any questions you want to ask these  impressive people about their technologies you   can ask but you're all thinking well Adam we don't  know what their technologies are you're not really   helping here so let's dispense with that right  away Andrew Logan is the co-founder and head of   Boost AR you might have seen him outside a company  that created an online platform that brings images   to life working with augmented reality featured  across many different Industries helping them   bring a new dimension to the experience give  Andrew a big round of applause how you going   Andrew Well than hello y hold that right up on  your chin big guy sitting alongside Andrew well   we've got in the um Bruce Dell is a CEO of Axiom  Holographics oh like okay you want to go to that   let's is that your one Andrew that Bruce's it is  okay there we go so this is Bruce's video let's   just play this on Loop Bruce is the CEO of Axiom  Holographics recent winners of gold at the Edison   Awards Time magazine's best inventions of 2023  groundbreakers in the field of holograms Bruce   tell us a little bit about Axiom Holographics what  are we seeing here we'll just Loop it around for   as long as you want to chat what's your elevator  pitch for who you guys are hello so I'm from Axiom   Holographics uh we're a Brisbane based company  originally we were building the Hologram devices   for groups like locked Martin Honeywell Airbus  Bentley things like that uh we won the award for   best hologram technology in the world recently  so it's nice to be able to say that for a little   while until someone else wins the award next year  say it again just say it one more time so people   get at the moment so the Edison award uh the  previous winners were Elon Musk and Steve Jobs   uh so no Australian company's gone that high  before there you go hello so we make they're   very distinguished and in one case slightly weird  footprints to be following and congratulations M   so we built a hologram zoo in Canon Hill and  um originally it was supposed to be a little   bit quiet we were basically making a zoo where  all the animals were made out of laser light and   uh then the media got a hold of it and it ended  up with 106 articles in 10 days and then Time   Magazine coming out and them giving it the award  for best entertainment technology in the world   uh in the last four months 133 hologram zoos have  sold around the world so that's a very good little   beginning for what looks like to be a major export  so what you're seeing here is at Canon Hill if   you want to come out and visit and uh as I said  these are opening up all over the world very very   rapidly three already in China so sorry the 13  zoos you you've made those 13 we've been selling   it like a franchise model yeah and so people have  been buying uh in fact we're we're so overrun with   people wanting to buy an open hologram zoos  they're saying this is a little bit different   to bowling or computer game arcades or trampoline  centers when you've got giant 30 meter whales and   things like that floating through the air uh but  yeah anyway I've taken up too much time fantastic   no I love it okay let's go to the next prompting  video and I will then do the introduction   determined on who that is who's our next prompting  video here play the video at the back of the room that looks a little bit more like you  Andrew yes okay so Andrew tell us about boost   AR okay so boost AR we've created a SAS platform  where you can create your own augmented reality   experiences um you it's the way it works is you  upload a JPEG image of where you want the AR to   play you upload a video save it download your  QR code and you're live with augmented reality   so anything that's printed uh be it a poster or  a flyer or a pull-up banner can now be a video or   an directive experience you saw there I saw there  the headline it said AR safety video that was a   sort of thing I potentially Flack so sorry how is  the AR safety video created and then what's that   experience like for me as a user okay so there's  a series of different modules that you would need   to complete to become competent to write a jet  ski so you can watch each of these videos on   the paper you don't have to be present and in a  classroom you can do it at home um once you've   watched them we can add Q&A questions to the back  of it so multiple choice questions or whatever you   want um and once people are competent then they  can go and have their experience fantastic stuff   great okay we'll hear a little bit more about  boost AR in a couple of seconds and this brings   us to the amazing Georgie pin who's created an  interactive creative technologist you are with   large scale experiences to wash over your senses  what's the organization and what are we looking   at here Georgie yeah we're a a collective group  of creators and uh we make immersive multisensory   experiences in real space and they they entertain  they Empower and they educate people um bringing   the audience in their user-driven experiences  85% of Millennials talk about they prefer to   have an experience than an object and so this  is a very powerful space getting getting people   off devices and into real space um creating  interactive storytelling um immersive immersive   experiences where people can become part of it  and drive the creative elements in real time   so how does it work what what's what's a sort  of real world event or Festival that you would   augment with this sort of stuff and how would  that improve my experience as a punter at that   event well we create a world so we're very much  focused on content content is everything we design   these um beautiful worlds which draw people in and  once they're in there they can trigger animation   and sound either by touch or by moving within  that space so we transform spaces with projection   mapping or giant touch screen LED walls um and  then also sometimes the audience can capture their   own face for example we did a 7 meter head that  was in South Bank for the world Science Festival   and the audience could come capture their face and  put it on that head and see it and then animate   with it by you know pushing sliders around so  appealing to little kids and also oners that   have no Tech experience very inclusive experiences  fantastic how what what's the sort of budget range   for the basic functional small thing I might like  to do right up to if I just said knock yourselves   out and go completely crazy what's the vague sort  of investment people are making in creating an   experience from the most basic to the fully over  the top well um it's very scalable um if you're   looking at the tourism industry um we could start  with simply promoting holiday that a travel agent   is trying to sell in in a way that you've got an  interactive screen in a retail window and as you   walk past it you see yourself in that space and  you see yourself lying on the beach or walking so   that really brings the audience in and then they  start doing selfies and then that's really great   marketing for that company so it's a lower  grade so that could be you know sort of 20   grand 15 20 grand and then you move up and you  can actually we can augment and experience the   already really powerful so projection map onto  buildings and add to a place like a church that   going to see but then you projection map this  other narrative at night time and it augments   that experience I've seen sometimes they have the  Vivid Light Festival in Sydney and I've seen when   people augment visual striking visual images over  uh you know natural architecture yeah classical   AR or on the opera house and it's something  that's not just a flat wall and when I saw one   projected onto the the the main at the University  of Sydney that have been tailored literally to the   individual nooks and crannies of Windows and and  you can make it disappear and reform incredible   stuff and then you know it can be the it could  be also what we do could be the actual tourism   product that people could actually travel to see  these this wonderful big large scale pie fantastic   let me put the tech people through their pieces go  back and roll the Axium Hol um holograph one again   if you could the first of the three videos we had  preset there so a holograph what Bruce what is a   hologram and how do you create like those Penguins  there for example what what is a hologram and   what's the technology underpinning this a hologram  hologram is a Greek word it means whole picture   uh we're a little bit in some ways a little bit  mean like a growley dog growling over its bowl of   food when it comes to the word hologram so when  Time Magazine gave us the award for or best uh   hologram technology or or best entertainment  technology we had to share it with apple by   the way last year if you're sharing with apple  you're probably doing okay yeah uh it was you're   very good at dropping it into pretty much every  sentence too I respect that so um basically there   are a lot of companies that use the word hologram  but they would not fit that definition of the the   Greek whole picture so at the moment for example  there's Michael Jackson singing on stage or Abba   on stage or Whitney Houston all of these sorts of  things in some countries they're not allowed to   call themselves Holograms they basically take  a silk curtain and just like you would take a   projector and put it on a wall and watch a movie  they they put the projector on the silk curtain   it's actually a common trick even young people use  in America to make ghosts at Halloween so a lot of   people are doing what they're calling a hologram  but that is very different to a real hologram a   real hologram means if I have like a box and  the letter a is on the front I can move around   the side and see the letter B I can move around  this side and see the letter c it looks like a   real floating thing in the air that you can move  around and see whereas um if you've got a a silk   curtain you have to keep people far away because  if they were up close they'd go wait a minute this   isn't a hologram so when I'm watching the Abba  concert if I can't go side on and see a side view   or look behind and see the back image of that  person whereas when these birds are flying over   people's heads they're getting the real sort of  image passing over their shoulder looping around   and going off somewhere else yeah so these glasses  do you always need the glasses so let's talk about   glasses if you want to make something smaller  than the size of a shoe box there are ways to   do it without glasses uh perhaps some of you have  seen the the Nintendo Game Boy that was 3D so that   sort of Technology works if it's between your left  and right eye and so if you've got something small   you're able to do it uh without needing glasses  okay but if you want to have something big when   we see things like Princess Leia help me Obi-Wan  Kenobi we think of some little device that's   making an object out of light now light light  Isn't So Cooperative it doesn't stay still as   little atoms it moves very fast 8 minutes from the  Sun to reach us so the idea of a hologram like you   see in sci-fi where light is going to actually  just float in the air hold on and and just stay   there is probably never going to happen so as much  as people think technology is great surely we'll   be rid of glasses soon glasses are here to stay  until we're at the point where we've got little   drones that are so small and each one's got  a light bulb on and they can form an object   but by that stage they can probably send them  to the city put them in everyone's ears sniff   a nerve and kill you so better that we don't that  took a turn okay yeah pretty much better we don't   get too quickly to micr drone Holograms it could  be used in terrible ways okay okay let's let's   let's pivot um Andrew where did where did the  idea come from for the because now that I see   that working it makes tremendous sense where where  were you or someone else who first had the idea to   take us down this path okay so I also own a uh  specialized graphic design company and I started   tinkering with augmented reality back around the  start of covid and the one thing that stood out   to me was how expensive it was to be able to do  anything in AR and I just felt there had to be   a better way so I collaborated with a few of my  colleagues and we built uh an intuitive platform   that takes all the development out of AR for you  so it becomes a lot more cost effective um and   it we've really focused focused on being um more  of a practical use for AR with your businesses so   customer engagement marketing safety training it  can all be used for that benefit where are we how   long ago did this the first model of this you did  you create it 2020 we started okay and it took us   two years of development to launch in 2022 okay so  the AR we're talking about now in 2024 compared to   2020 like would you look at the old 20120 AR  and have a good giggle now or are we pretty   much at perfect AR is AR going to just keep always  evolving it's always evolving as technology gets   better we can get better at what we do what are  the main what what are the main strength points   of doing a an AR version of a safety induction  or experience where where where do you where do   you put the real strong points of that experience  what are the real selling points for you it's got   to be memorable and it's got to be engaging um  and informative really they're the they're the   three biggest things for it to be successful and  that comes down to the person who's creating the   content at their end do you also give advice  on how to create that sort of stuff are there   ones they can look at online and go oh okay this  and that cuz a lot of people wouldn't have the   natural sort of cinemagraphic or whatever smarts  to create a compelling working piece yeah so   we offer the ability for you to self-service  on our portal or we can help you through the   entire process from concept strategy through to  completion fantastic what about yourself Georgy   did you guys did did you see individual aspect  because you're bringing together multiple sort   of Technologies and experiences what got you to  that end point did you did you have an experience   in one of the sort of Tech backgrounds yourself  and then you went broader what brought you on the   experience to sort of bring together multiple  Technologies in a in a in a sort of Suite well   I guess it's more about um making the experience  designing an experience that's meaningful um you   can have all the tech in the world but if you're  not a good Storyteller and you you you're not   going to move people emotionally and you know  uh it's you want to kind of create experience   that um generate Community engagement and  connection and um give people creative agencies   so I think augmented reality is a wonderful medium  I love it because you you can add this layer   of imagination and for some people that don't  have much imagination from a creative point of   view you can add a layer of magic to reality and  when when you put down the phone you're actually   still thinking about that thing that was there  before so it stimulates imagination for young   young kids I work a lot with young kids as well  uh getting them to tell stories through immersive   technology and um and so and then virtual reality  is is a really great medium also for the tourism   industry for people that have disabilities that  can't travel uh people that are shy or people   that are afraid to get on a plane you know  you can you can go and document now you know   experiences uh with 360 cameras and a whole range  of tech photogrametry and then give that person   that opportunity to travel and fly and see things  through different people's eyes and that's that's   what we do at interactor we're all about like  uh generating empathy allowing people to shape   shift and see through other people's eyes through  imersive Tech when you create an experience do   you find that you're also providing a lot of the  Cinematic and artistic guidance or does the client   themselves often feeding back to you what's the  sort of balance depends client to client depends   client to client um we're a collective ative  animators developers script writers actors um   you know a whole range so it's a One-Stop shop  in some ways that you know the client can go   I've just got this simple uh thing that I want can  you do it or they might have a a script that they   want us to augment for example we're working with  um the Aboriginal Elder of Australia David Hudson   and he has a story a theater production that  we're turning into a holographic mixed reality   production and so he has a full script that we  get to augment and bring to life UMC it's really   exciting got a couple of great audience questions  coming through already let's tick them off there   and keep coming to us over slider if there's  anything you want to ask of our panelists they   can either be directed to an individual or to the  panel as a whole as you'll see here virtual zoos   do you also provide information about conservation  status endangered species I presume it can be an   educational as much as just an exciting  experiential piece and depending on which   countries you're going around around the world  boutiqu and tailored for that exact environment   is that part of what people are using this for so  it's very very educational uh when they go along   they're getting a commentary they're learning all  the way uh it's very important to me I I feel like   the the issue of invasive species is one that  probably needs a little bit more attention so   in Australia there's places where forests are now  totally silent because of red ants going in and   even the Birds can't land to lay their eggs  anymore um all over the world whether it be gapusan or anything else and doesn't often get  attention so having people worldwide learn more   about animals care more about animals and then  bringing to attention it's also I think there   a little bit of a people saying oh well there's  nothing we can do Let's ignore it but New Zealand   was able to on quite a few of their Islands  capture every single rat until there was no   rats left and they've shown we can win the Battle  of invasive species if we care enough and if we   bring it enough to the uh sort of to the front  of everyone to understand so I'm trying to make   uh the the Next Generation the Tik Tok generation  which are a bit alarming when you see a child go   ooh ooh ooh and just keep scrolling and they've  only got a quick attention span you need to have   something super exciting all the time so when you  go to hologram Zoo it's just probably the most   exciting 45 minutes of next thing next thing next  thing next thing as well as a a big educational   piece that hopefully makes uh another generation  of children that care more about the animals um   I don't want to say instead of just the carbon  the carbon's important but there are also other   environmental issues which I feel are of equal  importance and just confirming number one in   the world yes yes okay cool how hard has it been  someone asked to develop the technology with the   existing talent in Australia did you have to use  Global Talent to drive your offering I see you   there I'll start with you Andrew then I'll go to  GE Jour what's your experience with Aussie Talon   we've had a mixed experience we started off with  an overseas developer um and we had a very bad   experience it was they promised a lot but the  the delivery wasn't there and we got a product   that we weren't really happy with so we pivoted to  an Australian agency and they were fantastic they   delivered exactly what we wanted they took the  time to work with us it was more personable um   and yeah we we buil the great product this is part  of the challenge isn't it when you when you want   to throw down and innovate and get out in front of  other people there's a bit of a risk there because   there's no guarantee when you start the project is  ever going to actualize was there a period dealing   with the overseas person where you thought we  might just be stuffed here this just might not   work at all absolutely yeah we blew our entire  Budget on an app that really didn't deliver um   so we pretty much had to scrap that never used it  and we've pivoted to an entire new product that we   developed with the help of this Australian based  agency this is a really important part of this   journey because we we're all Lucky to come along  now and look at this and go we're on number one   in the world and look at this and look at that  it can be a hard slug to get there what about   yourself George did you find all the sufficient  Talent locally all in Brisbane yeah yeah um I   I've been driving a lot of the the tech um I'm  a coder as well so um you know it's it's brisbon   is incredible we've got you know leaders in our  field here you know award-winning internationally   award-winning people here right right here it's  sometimes good to go overseas to Showcase what   you have because the budgets like in Qatar we  were there this year and you know they had a 40   meter interactive floor I mean that cost a lot of  money and you don't get access to that technology   but but the talent is here the talent is here  definitely here's a question if Georgina and   Bruce would to have a collaborative lovech child  project let's say the upcoming Brisbane Olympics   what would it be that's a a question I don't  expect you were planning to be asked when you   when you think of something like the Brisbane  Olympics like a massive event like that that   brings people from around the world off the top of  your head what are the sort of exper how how would   you enhance an experience like that well I think  it's really important to celebrate indigenous   culture so uh we were just speaking briefly in the  back room about that that um if you could make a   holographic um dream time storytelling because you  know the magic you can illustrate the magic as a   holographic experience and then maybe combine that  with some kind of AI so that you can even ask that   holographic Elder questions that you might be too  scared to ask about Aboriginal culture I think for   the Olympics that would be an incredible thing for  Outsiders to come into and learn about indigenous   culture Bruce on on on the topic of love children  you've got these nine zoos around the world   apart from your 13 sorry three and apart from  your one here in Canada do you have a favorite   is the one you've looked at and gone wow that's  amazing what they've done they they're all in the   process of being manufactured and open so China  moved a bit quicker so three are already open in   China um they put some live animals in in little  cages on the side went oh I don't know if that's   not such a good idea but um yeah yeah I mean a  little bit by a little bit that'll all be coming   up but at the rate we're going we're going to be  opening like one a week from from here onwards so   I think we're looking at a a major new um form of  Tourism coming up this is like an industry this is   an industry that's going to roll out around the  world yes what's the level of technical skill   needed by the people at their end to construct  this realistically do they have to be do they   need a pretty sharp talented Tech Team or do you  make it very sort of low codee super super simple   a lot of the people who are getting into this  are getting out of restaurants they're saying   in restaurants I don't know how many staff I need  to have food goes out of date I don't know how   much to order I'd much rather move across to  selling colorful electricity and um then I'm   shutting down my restaurant I'm going to open  a virtual holographic Zoo yes we do we do 84   people now when we did uh we actually did one in  Sydney and the Sydney Museum was our first trial   255,000 people uh in 42 days made $550,000 if  you say to people do you want to go do hologram   dinosaurs or hologram Christmas or just hologram  anything uh and then you show them these sorts of   videos we also have a a 29% return rate so on the  little kiosk screen have you been here before 29%   of people we bring out a new show every three  months so um everyone seems to be coming back   for each one so it looks like it's got all the  right ingredients for something major coming out   of Queensland for the rest of the world typical  ideal client like a sort of 10 to 12 year old kid   or is there is there one demograph everyone loves  it but is there one demographic that this really   hits with we're getting a lot of very old people  even the uh nursing homes are finding it difficult   to find things see they have to actually take the  people out on excursions that's actually part of   of what happens in Australia you have to offer to  the old people do you want to leave uh once every   two weeks and hologram Zoo you're walking around  slowly with all the animals and things and there   all reporting we love it so we're getting a lot of  as well as all the normal audience we're getting a   lot of nursing homes a lot of the very elderly uh  a lot of people from 80 to 100 fantastic there's a   couple of questions here that touch on a similar  theme about how do we best combine this Cutting   Edge technology with what traditional tourism  was of experiencing the real world one says   our competitive Advantage is nature and natural  encounters how do we use immersive Tech without   taking away from why people would travel to  Queensland and another similar question uh that's   vanished off the screen cuz we can only show four  here but was a lot of people go on holiday to   digitally detox how do you balance the amount of  tech you infuse into a holiday experience either   of those issues Tech versus the natural world or  digital detox throw it open to the panel kick it   around for me for a while I see you nodding Andrew  what are your thoughts I'll start with you um well   with our product it's not about Rec creating the  experience it's about giving people a taste of it   and getting them excited to do it so you've got  to say a press ad in a newspaper it looks great   the price looks good but if you can scan a QR code  and point your phone at it and it shows you video   footage of what you're actually going to do it's  probably going to entice you more to go let's go   do it and you might also have someone who's only  got three days and there's 20 things they could   choose to do do you often get people going okay  let's check them all out virtually bang let's do   that one that one so you can sort of that sort  of Choose Your Own Adventure structuring your   own Boutique experience um you could but it's  more about giving your customers an idea of your   experience and giving them a taste before they  book yeah so it's it's engaging that person and   encouraging them to book that's the way we would  George in it I was also going to say but with that   AR you know you can use AR as a way finding  uh Tech so or to add a layer of education and   information you're in that space you're looking  at perhaps whales and it's telling you oh you   know this is happening and that's happening so  it's live tracking it's giving you a deeper more   meaningful experience and education as well um  and you know also when people driving their own   Journey with this tech user-driven tech it the  information that you're learning resonates on   a deeper level because you're doing it at your  own pace it's multisensory um and you you know   the information sticks and you're only limited to  your own creativity so we can create anything you   want to create or it can be as simple as having  a video library that you can't afford to put to   TV or whatever you can then double barrel it into  your printed advertising one question here says   our Queensland has a large remote area with no  or very limited mobile signal internet access   Etc any of your Technologies hampered if you're  in an area with less you know digital service   than other parts yeah so we're web based so we are  needing the internet to work with it but we also   uh developing an app for that exact reason one of  our clients is riotinto uh they have mines that   don't have Wi-Fi so for that reason yeah we're  developing that and similar if I'm going to have   a tourism experience in the middle of nowhere  I can from my comfy house in Sydney do all the   safety training first or whatever and then go to  that place can't I obviously that's correct GE   your thoughts on on on access and digital service  um for me you have to have power that's the main   thing without electricity you can't do anything  we don't really rely on internet in the same way   because we're not focused on AR but that's amazing  if you can if you can crack that one you're on to   something that's amazing yeah the beauty of the  app is there's no QR code required because it all   is built into the app so when you download the  app you just point it at anything and it will   interact with straight away question here when  your event demographic is of the less tech savvy   people what's the best entrylevel interactive  visitor experience recommendation you can make   so have you guys seen any other entrylevel  interactive visitor experiences well your one   in particular Bruce doesn't really you don't need  any sort of technical skill at the user end we had   a big decision that we had to make a little while  ago which was people like interactive things but   not everybody and um so we had the big question is  hologram Zoo to be a little bit more like a game   do you have buttons do you have controllers things  like this and we actually decided no we should put   all of that aside we'll be doing hologram arcade  in about two years from now but we felt like   there was a very large section of society where  the minute they see a joystick or a button they   go that's that's for boys that's for little boys  that's not for me that's a game now um hologram zo   is very interesting i' I've many times seen groups  of women and I've gone up to talk to them they say   yeah we left the children at home this is walking  through hologram tunnels seeing Africa all around   you seeing waterfalls and all this sort of stuff  is so lovely so we've tried to keep away from uh   anything but walk around with your own two feet  like it is a real zoo so no touch panels no no   any of that sort of stuff try and be a little bit  more natural if I can say that in terms of that   you don't have to have special knowledge in your  head it depends what your UI is though it depends   what your user interface is I mean you can have  buttons and joysticks but we use motion capture so   people can just walk through a space and they're  they're adapting and generating and making real   time animations so there's a thing doesn't you've  got that see me afterwards if you want to play   with it explain explain to people in advance that  cuz you were showing me that during the break and   it's amazing got a little camera that captures  me and then yeah so we've got several different   examples that we pull together for this showcase  but one is um uh Coral animation that we've   you used daa of coral sporing and created this  generative animation and as you walk up closer to   the screen you actually are changing the Dynamics  and the animation in real time and then we've got   some butterflies in a forest that you can move  around with your hands in real time because you   know the the nature and the wildlife here in  Australia is incredible we have so many species   of um butterflies and our insects are renowned  around the world for being huge and scary so um   it's kind of a way to augment what's there and  get people excited and and let them have a bit   of fun bit of creative agency got a question here  from the audience how can people with disabilities   access technology for tourism experiences free of  charge or very affordable without having to pay   expensive subscriptions for apps and platforms  and things like that any observations on that that's that's really down to maybe some government  support for that as well I think um they are very   expensive VR headsets but you can use um you  can use cardboard Google if you really you   know that's really affordable $10 and you you  download it and you cut out your cardboard and   you stick it on your phone and you can have  a VR experience what's your price point Bruce   for someone to go and experience a holographic  Zoo roughly you it's up to the individuals but   what sort of money are people paying to go to  that Zoo big dollars so um the way we've done   it is we wanted to open up for everyone so  $34.50 in the morning till 2:00 then from 2:   till 62750 and then the evenings 1950 and what we  see is the grandparents who say ah I've got lots   of money I don't mind they come in in the mornings  when it's busy and then the people who are very   price conscious they come in in the evenings at  1950 I think it's a wonderful way of doing it   and what's the 950 how long is The Experience  so they're there for about 45 minutes but then   we say um so we have dinosaurs as well and we made  dinosaurs as like an upgrade we realized everyone   wanted to do dinosaur so we said well you can do  Africa whatever the current show is so we do a   different show every three months but you can pay  $1750 more and do dinosaurs and 49% of people are   doing that dinosaur upgrade as well so they're  there for about an hour and a half to two hours   okay how can small Regional bu businesses utilize  this Innovative technology to drive visitation   and engagement in your case Andrew you'd have  clients I presume in massive Capital Cities Rural   and Regional areas all over the place is there a  typical client who uses your sort of technology   or is it applying across an incredible range of  spaces and places as is really industry agnostic   it works for any industry um what works for  tourism can work for finance can work for mining   it it's it's pretty versatile in that regard from  all of you each give give the audience we're close   to running out of time here not necessarily  your favorite but give us an example of where   you've experienced your technology it might be a  particular animal You' have holograph or someone   who used it that's really resonated with you and  you thought wow yeah this is I'm just excited my   technology has been involved in this space or made  that sort of difference who's a client you've had   that you you look back fondly on the experience  um we've done a lot of work with riotinto um   we've recently created a it's like a hologram  it's a 3D object with in AR so they're using it   at their dorf aluminium Expo Booth where you can  scan the QR code and drop a transparent Tesla then   it shows all of the elements that they mine that  goes into that car so people can interact with   it at the booth and yeah it's pretty cool that's  that is pretty cool have you ever had the goggles   on yourself and just been BL Blown Away by an  image that's been captured we would never call   them goggles we like to make a big distinction  between us and VR my apologies so VR VR is screens   over your eyes and remember this is like a little  battle so where the we're the other side you don't   have to take everything we say as as truth but  from our biased Direction uh Microsoft actually   shut down all VR and all augmented reality back  in February um you can check that sent all 10,000   workers home uh 80% of women say VR or augmented  reality gives them headaches and they will not   return to it if you type into Google today what  percentage VR sickness you'll get 40 to 70% so VR   has not managed to become mainstream it might be  a niche thing forever it might totally disappear   maybe it will come back maybe it'll get better  but right now it's it's a bit of a patient on   a hospital bed that's that's a cruel thing  to say remember we are the opposition we're   Holograms they VR I'm going to give you a r reply  Andrew don't worry about that your eyes augmented   reality is very different Andrews isn't goggles  Andrews is phones so little bit different we use   these terms very Loosely so AR and VR and things  like that um in our particular case to me I've   seen a lot of people go into the Hologram tunnel  and see a 30 m whale go by and when this has got   real depth you're actually seeing the real thing  there and I mean SeaWorld doesn't have a tank that   big and it amazes me that children are very noisy  Little Creatures but as soon as the whale comes   along they all go into a great reverent silence  and bow their little heads that they've never   seen anything like this I saw one of them go  quiet as the big whale went by and they all   going with their eyes very wide and they ceased  to Blink and then when they come out uh I remember   a little boy saying to his father Daddy this is  the happiest day of my life and I realized we've   really done something good here yeah you'll  take that that's fantastic Georgie tell us an   experience of your technology where you've seen  it deployed your experience and just gone yeah   wow that that's what this is all about um yeah  I took a work called Echo uh around the world uh   collecting stories real stories from real people  and the experience is you go into a booth and you   listen to a story and then it becomes you so using  highend motion capture and storytelling people   feel empathy they feel like they've stepped in the  into the shoes of another person I took that and   uh put it about empathy with nature and um and so  what happened was when people when people came to   the South to the science uh the Science Festival  I built a giant a giant uh 7 meter uh geometric   face and projected those stories onto the face so  the audience would uh come up and listen to these   stories the this giant head telling these very  intimate stories and I saw them crying and weeping   and and really moved by this vulnerability and uh  and then they were able to capture their own face   and put it on the head and break it up into pixels  and animate I think this was really uh so powerful   to kind of dance in that between uh empathy and  narcissism you know people were like I want my   face up there and then then once their face is up  there and they're enjoying it then you hit them   with a story and then see falling their eyes out  oh my gosh and then seeing the little kids just   absolutely loving smashing their face into pixels  in real time so what a what what a great session   this is like three technologists three Brave  entrepreneurs and just three wonderful ambassadors   for Queensland tourism they'll be around for  the rest of if you want to ask them a little   bit more please thank Andrew Logan Georgie pin  Bruce Dell thank you so much guys wonderful stop [Music]

2024-08-18 11:43

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