Pakistan Hotel in Desforges, Port Louis, Mauritius

Pakistan Hotel in Desforges, Port Louis, Mauritius

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hi everyone welcome to the  pakistan hotel let's go eat   everyone that's the pakistan hotel this building  look at it gorgeous rounded glass windows it's   not actually a hotel you can't come stay there i  don't think it's a food place it's been here since   like 1910. oh wow this caught my eye straight  up i'm not sure what it is chicken caraille perfect rice they've got some sort  of vegetable thing beef tech vindy meat and chicken chili that's like proper chicken  chili it looks really great it really does   oh man we're going to get some of this they've  got some gatos loads of gatos different types and all these things okay this looks like chana  puris those i don't know what they are gato banana   with banana in it okay thank you so much and  then they're chicken lollipops and cutlasses   and croquettes wow there's just so much stuff  to choose oh that i've got to get one of those   a piment farci definitely go get one of those and  these look like bone in chicken cut well there's   the names and the pricing and the tikka one oh  man let's get something let's get something Riki   wow i'm not even sure what  that is but it looks lovely and flan so you ask the guy yeah and then he puts on a plate for  you but he doesn't want to be on video you'll never believe who you find at the pakistan  cafe the man who brought gloria to mauritius   and even he comes here to get the  tea oh it's so nice to meet you again you got to order tea from this guy  and then he comes and he asks for it   and you get it from the kitchen oh  and he actually makes it one hot oh what's he doing there oh  he's mixing mixing the tea   and then he pours it into it oh wow so  you can buy a whole one litre of tea   yeah one litre oh man that is so great  and that's my tea so is your tea thank you and now we are here so Riki's  going to try the tea hot hot tea is it good it's strong and delicious oh it's hot but so thirst quenching  it's like a strong cup of tea   let's check out this cutlass thing yeah  i got this because i've never seen the   chicken boulette and this is the boulette it  looks quite interesting oh it smells spicy she says taking a huge bite and it's potato and spices and  minced chicken is really nice see what is in there oh chilli let's open it that's really nice it's like  a jalapeno popper oh awesome   that is super cool it looks  amazing there you go look at that oh that just makes it hotter yeah  it's actually got chicken inside   pieces of chicken i thought it was  cheese it's like 30 rupees good batter   yeah i'm going to eat around the  chili and try a piece of the chicken that's really good but i can taste the chili  there's a lot of chili in there lovely though they   don't put sugar in the tea but there's a big bowl  of sugar on the table so that's really awesome great tea currently four o'clock in  the afternoon and getting quite full   wow and there's a mountain of  bread because they have gato pima   over there and then you can get your bread  and then on the table there's things of butter   so you can make yourself a classic Mauritian  food and get a tea yeah not quite we've been   watching for a little bit so i think you grab  your little plate and then you take your snacks Bryan is going to make himself a sandwich what do you think of that for my bun that  looks awesome should i get a banana one as   well no that doesn't go on your bun  that's pudding you're sure yeah okay just grab one yeah that's what someone  else did and then see what happens oh   someone came and took Bryan's bun uh-huh  he's cutting it putting butter on it   oh and he's putting butter on it awesome  sorry guys if this is a bit chaotic but it is   oh and cheese butter and and he puts it on a thing  awesome are you going to get some a piece of meat yes get a cutlass there we okay and then i go have to pay awesome okay so  that's 150 for the plate of goodies and two teas now i've got to order mine okay so here's  the tea price tea 25 half litre tea   one liter tea coffee milo ovaltine wow so  Riki's gonna choose some of these things he's breaking it up a little bit onto the  plate oh loads of rice as usual too much rice   oh loads and loads of rice  oh yeah you're serving it up   onto a bowl oh man there's tons of  sauce and all sorts of things in there oh wow loads of gravy yeah she comes to pay  oh what's this fresh fresh food fresh fresh oh here it is it's 15 rupees vermicelli  something it's like like noodles look at that oh here comes another one oh this is  a white one this is the coconut one i have no idea   what this is but there's something cooking here  maybe it's to add nice smoke flavor to everything   feel at home and here comes the vermicelli one oh  you can see it on top now it is it's vermicilli   we're coming we're coming we are following we are  being led oh look at this look at this these guys   have been fed so that's how they keep all the  pigeons here yeah wow that's a lot of pigeons we're gonna go into them  guys to the pigeons everyone she has now paid yes it does so much happens here bringing a table service sorted thank you thank you there is so much food and the bread with butter and cheese and the tea   and the snacks to put in it okay so for some  reason at about four o'clock in afternoon   new puddings come in at the pakistan  hotel and you get like an indoor bbq i'm not quite sure what that's  about yet we shall wait and see   Riki's going to try her chicken  something or other oh yeah   not sure what it is is it chicken it  did say chicken it so red i'm gonna grab it's good it's almost like a butter chicken wow it's  really really nice super tasty and rich onto a winner straight up yeah it's really nice and  it's super intensely flavorful like the butter chicken look at the color it puts on the rice   oh that's a really rich color  it's probably all over my fingers so it is 210 for that but it is a lot of food i'd  recommend you share for sure so we always do Riki so you say with the rice yeah yeah straight up oh wow it's properly  curry yeah it's really good   it's like a traditional indian curry yes that's  why i said like butter chicken almost yes but more   more spice it's a richer butter better chicken but   not too much chili or anything it's really really  really good super soft and succulent oh man oh man pakistan hotel they make great food this is really  good i was i was not expecting that no it's like   five star yeah this is what i got because you  empty i see a real opportunity here ah do you i think this is a drumstick with a white  shirt go for it oh have no fear have no fear oh yep, sucking the marrow from life and of course it's not the pakistan hotel you  don't have your cup of tea cheers everyone cheers   and speaking of the tea it is a great tea it's  really strong yummy hot and they don't put sugar   in it no because there's sugar on the table so  you can add what you want got my cheese and butter and there's a chickeny thing i think  chicken cutlets yeah aubergine sure not sure what that is stick it in there   another one there and then one  of these i think it's a pani puri oh man look at that oh my you see all the goodies wow  that is a loaded sandwich awesome i sort of had an idea it's really  nice i mean i'm really really enjoying it but   it does have a tendency to  tear off a little bit and ah look at that for sure oh this is gonna be so  good oh i can't wait everybody's agreeing with you yes i think you're giving the pakistan hotel ideas oh man that sauce and that bread oh wow just  pile that on a bun i suppose you probably could add in the corner there's a  place you can wash your hands definitely your mouth if it's you look at the mess we've made my side is fine Riki's got a chana puri with the  chana on the inside gonna dip that but we're gonna go one step further than bread  no i'm gonna pop a bit of chicken on there a little bit of next level  chana for you chana puri lovers that's the ticket match made in heaven that is a really good curry they also sell a lot of juice and sweets and other things it's like a shop yeah for those of you that comment you shouldn't  eat so much well this is going to be dinner thank you so well yeah while i'm  showing Riki's um i got a bag as well man i want to enjoy that later remarkable curry  this is one of the best curries i've ever had   it really is probably one of the best i've ever  had and i've been to some fancy indian places yeah don't scrape it all Riki sorry still one little chana left we've been instructed yep he says  take the chana puri inside the gravy take a bite great idea thank you oh man more to clean oh  wow now i want to get more this is the way to   eat it this is how you clean the plate they  won't let you lick it so you got to use a chana delicious yes no it's not Riki's tea steaming hold it a little bit down look at the steam coming  off that tea no no it's not it's not it's coming   from the fire behind if it gets too full down here  like when vloggers come and take up four chairs   sorry my fault you can actually go upstairs  so there's actually an upstairs area so loads more tables and chairs and a  view oh we should have come up here you   get a great view oh man so you've got  a view of what's going on down below here we are we've been busted upstairs  straight below drone shot style   all the puddings and breads and things someone  has to cut the Kraft so here it is slicing it   all up oh how much Kraft they go through in  a day they're gonna be very busy overnight   every night every night every day every day  open 364 days a year only closed on Eid i heard   how old is that knife though well  the shop's been open since 1910.   the knife has probably been here  since 1910 what a great knife   from the opening of the shop still  cutting Kraft like it did back in the day thank you so much oh look at all the sweets the barfi and  jalebi the yellow one i normally see red   wow and oh that looks lovely and ladoos 20 rupees  you can get all your treats so there is a quick   serve takeaway area right outside the front  which i assume gets very busy at night time   so you can just come here and grab your food right  so we're in port louis mauritius in this area   so here's Plaine Vert you can see it clearly  the green stripe and right near this is the   Desforges road so in Desforges area you  can see pakistan hotel oh wow the pakistan   hotel it is a must visit anyway everyone  thanks for watching see you again next time they're still here

2022-03-27 10:54

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