hello internet welcome back to the channel so today we are in page Arizona page is located in the northern part of the Arizona bordering with Utah it's near Flagstaff the nearest airport so you can reach here either by car or by airport as well and Flagstaff has a railway station as well so you can reach here through Amtrak right now we are at the wave we overlook you can see the Marina right in front of you you can see Colorado River rock formations canyons it's a beautiful beautiful place like you are going to enjoy here we came here for 2 day trip and I'm going to walk you through all the main main places so right now we are uh hiking towards the Horseshoe Bend Horseshoe Bend is a world famous spectacle made by god so in the like if you wanted to see the Orchard when you have to park your car pay fees everyone has to pay fees either it's a pedestrian somebody who is coming on a bike somebody who's coming on a uh car or either in a tour usually the tour people have already paid for you so you don't have to take care of all those things but yeah if you're coming individually you have to pay for the uh parking which is like fail which is like fairly adjusted to $10 so this is the world famous Horseshoe Bend you can see uh the shape of the the shape of the uh Canyon is just like uh uh shoe of the horse is been put towards around the Colorado River you can you can visit this place through some ship as well or through some kind of boat via some private tours but going down from the Horse Shoe bent uh overlook uh going down to the river is not is not advised although there are certain ways through which you can go but usually it's not advised and it's strictly prohibited it's like putting your life in danger for something which you can achieve through some other medium as well so around the harbor you can see a lot of tourists are here we went there in the month of October which was quite a uh quite a uh moderate kind of temperature I would say as far as the northern Arizona is concerned it's uh hot in the day and cold in the night like very very cold in the night we reach the Horseshoe Bend around the sunset time you can see lot of people are there the best time to reach Harbour Bend is around the sunset time you can see lot of lot of rocks uh here like the things that you see in Grand Canyon you will see them here just centimetres and metres away from your eyes so that is quite a quite a reflection of nature you can see the uh stones cemented years of years of uh hot hot sun and then rain air wind dust a lot of things made up made them like this you can explore around the area you will definitely feel a lot of a lot of new things been going on there like I came here 2 3 years ago I did not find these layers some new some these layers are very freshly been developed it's by nature itself only like people take care of this area so yeah around the hotshoe bend you can explore a lot of lot of other things you can do a small hike but that is around the hotshoe bend so you while going to the hot tub and it's a 2 kilometer down hike and coming back it's two miles uh coming up hike and that is quite a hike so in summers it's a small strong recommendation that you uh fill up your water bottles and all those necessary pro proteins and nutrients when you when you hike back this is the Dam Overlook Dam Overlook is just located outside the Bay City it is towards the dam of course at the dam site so while visiting this place some other tourists over there from local guides as well they told me that John Woo is exactly at this spot John Woo has shot a lot of movies like he shot like over 10 15 movies at this particular shot at that time the dam was not functional but still shooting movies here was quite a challenge because reaching to page Arizona in those times were not that easy as as it is today because of its mm and uh because it's very near to Flagstaff where you can reach by uh air transport and you can reach by your own car but during those days it was it was difficult like the whole way you can reach out to uh page is through horse and some carts as well so they have made some uh some arrangements here for you to sit down and enjoy the enjoy the uh uh like enjoy the dam overlook and enjoy the Colorado River the nature and all it's highly recommended that you must visit this place while you are in a page because this place has wonderful views like you will definitely see a lot of different things from nature I will let you enjoy this view so after uh like enjoying this view you have to go back to the parking lot and going back is not a easy task there are particular railings and there are particular uh hmm footsteps which is been given this is the hike it's almost like half a mile height to go up but it's quite uh quite slant and it's quite uh like it's not a very uh like babe kind of uh way so you have to be very very careful where you put your foot and how do you uh negate through these small channels there are some sediments on which you will slip and you will break your head so you have to be extra extra careful while coming up on this hike all the local tour guides and everybody they warn us that like this very particular area it's almost like kind of a cement you can slip on this one and you can break your head or you can injure your body so you have to be extra careful while coming up it's a beautiful sunset look at that orange sky matching with the matching with the Page Arizona site like that is the the light brown golden area so on day 2 we went to the Wayap Marina unfortunately the Marina was closed um because of the festive season the Marina was closed and nothing was available so we just we paid the fees in order to go to Marina you have to pay fees through the National Park Services which is like $30 and uh unfortunately everything was closed so we came from there and went for the Antelope Canyon boat uh boat ride this is the best part of this uh this entire entire trip antelope uh Canyon boat ride you cannot miss it's uh fairly fairly cheap the link for the Antelope Canyon boat is been provided in the in the description when you click on that you can book your tickets you might have you might wanna book your tickets in advance because in summers or during fall it's pretty pretty busy like you you might have to wait for like uh two to three to four hours to get your turn so this is the hike to go down to the Colorado River from the uh from from from the road and there are free services as well that they provide but we wanted to hike because we were sitting in the car for the almost like 2 3 days so we wanted to take this hike hike and get some fitness level up so we took this hike it was beautiful not that not that hot hot of a day and the hike was very very nice you can see a lot of surroundings around you and you can like really feel that you are going down to a river a river bed I will let you enjoy the hike and the uh boat ride so boat ride I will tell you some information about that the boat ride is like half an hour uh kind of boat ride there it's a pre arranged boat in which you will sit there there will be a pilot who will be riding you around the Colorado River they will take you to one side of the river they will give you a uh history history lesson as well like how how does a boat ride works and what to do and do not do of the boat ride and they will give you history lesson like how this uh area was being filled up uh man made uh man it's a it's a man made area so it's it's a filled up area and how the water level goes up and down and what lies in the in the Canyon like you and you will see a lot of people kayaking some people are trying to get their boat down there so you will definitely enjoy this is this is the Marina area there are there are a couple of restaurants some shops as well you can you can pass the time you can uh eat there very good restaurant actually we had a salmon over there and it was mind blowing we never had that kind of salmon there is a small shop as well for uh in these boat because there are people who are living in these boats so there there is a small uh convenience store you can buy some things for you like water or chips or chocolates or popcorn or anything you like and you can fill up your boat so it's like a proper like there are gas stations on road uh this is a Marina station so yeah a lot of facilities are being available now I will let you enjoy the boat ride which has been coming up and enjoy the scenery
2025-01-31 13:00