Pacific Crossing Preparations In Panama's Jungle Ep. 38 ThulaSailing

Pacific Crossing Preparations In Panama's Jungle Ep. 38 ThulaSailing

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So she's hanging out with me a little bit here. You can see, a shelby, marina boat yard. And this is. The place for the washing, facilities. And i'm actually the only one who has a key for this today. Um you can sign in by every. By hours. Uh for washing your laundry. Um, so. The marina, manager, actually took care, um that. This, washing facilities. Which were not regarded. As essential, in corona, times by the panamanian, government. Stay open, and we're quite lucky to be here actually because this is um. An area, that is private, area, it's um. A huge. Um, what did they say, a huge, training, area, form a training area for, for us, soldiers, who went to vietnam, war. And, so we have a lot of jungle, and bunkers, around, us, and um. Yeah in here this, uh, beautiful, little marina, which is really really well organized. Um and takes care of its sailors, to you know. Keep life as. Normal. Yeah as you can have it during these, corona, times. And we're really happy you know that we um. I came in here, um. Because, we have washing, facilities. Here, finally. On curacao. Where we stayed, for, 41. Days, um there were. Yeah we did washing, once, and after that we had to start cooking our food. Not cooking, cooking food. And cooking our laundry, actually, because, that was the only way to get the laundry, um a little bit cleaner. And. Um. Yeah and here's a little. A marine, shop or a little, yeah. Marine shop for getting. Like oil, and the essential, stuff that you need for the boat nothing big but they organize, it for you to get it from colon. Same as, fresh vegetables, there's carol, and her husband. Who run a little. Shop here and they get, fresh fruits and vegetables. Every tuesday. And thursday. And. In the morning there is like a via bhf, you can listen to the radio what is going on here in the marina. And a lot of sailors are actually also, helping, out, um. Helping, juan ho the marina manager. Um, so this is a very special, community. That we have, entered here and i'm yeah very happy about it, also looking forward to um, yeah exploring, the jungle, out there there's howler monkeys, that you can sometimes even hear them they're so, so loud. And in the evening, little little blue. Crabs, come out. So. Now i have another. 16. Minutes. To wait until the laundry is done. And then i'm gonna check for ilya, who has a little headache, today, a little hangover. Yesterday, evening, i think. Yeah. It was a little longer. Um. Celebrating. That we stepped. Our foot back on land, and uh yeah had a little invitation, for the kiwis. Which we also have, tonight, for a little. Barbecue, on their kiwi. Sizzler, a really nice grill that they have on the back of the boat. So papers, over papers, and papers. Yeah do you still now have a little hangover, welcome, a little bit but that doesn't matter. Um, welcome, to. South american, countries. So they always like to have a lot of papers. And. Uh stamps, and, everything. And. Yeah so i'm filling up the registration. Forms. And. Forms for the port captain, forms for the immigration. Forms for the customs. Only to come to panama this is this amount of papers. But it's really, worth all the paperwork. If you just dive a little deeper, into panama's. Jungle. Here's a big. Crowd. Of those many that. Run around, here. These are the ruins, the u.s soldiers, were possibly, stationed, in, while being trained for the vietnam, war, where they probably, found similar conditions.

In A mosquito, infested. Hot and humid, jungle. A spooky, feeling crept over us looking at this abandoned. Partly, sprayed, battery. With some left behind barrels. With who knows what. Inside. The jungle ground was marked by several highways. Leafcutter, and highways. On these trails, the huge ants, transport, cut-up leaf parts, into their underground, nest, from a tree they have attacked. They're so small but they carry these huge, leaves, so strong. Super. Strong. For a human this would be like us picking up one of these palm trees, and, carrying it back to the boat yeah. This one has something wrong, some flowers, he's been he's been sold. He's been sold a dead dud. Leaf. But, what i'm wondering. Where do they all. Come from with these, parts of sleep. Flattering, over our heads we could see something blue sparkling, with every sedate, flap. An impressive, amorphous, butterfly. Apart from blue crabs, that lived in dug holes, in the ground, we met quite a few shells with walking legs, being inhabited, by hermit crabs. The dainty, panamanian. White-faced, capuchin. Impressed, us with their agility. Often making use of their sturdy, grasping, tails. Jumping, from branch, to branch. Above. Us. After spotting, the black howler monkeys, above us in the trees. I could not believe, they could produce, the deep and aggressive, sounding, loud growls. When defending, their territories. We could still hear these growls in the marina, sounding like a high-story, building had just collapsed, destroying, everything, below it making your. Shiver. 89, degrees. Fahrenheit. Roughly. 31. Borderline, 32 if you speak celsius. Gonna feel, more like 101. Or more like 35, celsius. This time. Our noaa, forecast. Scattered, showers. Isolated, thunderstorms. Like listening to the talk show tonight. Is monday which means miss vicki's, all-natural, nature walk. Happening, at 8 00 am at the palapa, don't miss your chance to really go get an eye full of natural wonders this morning. Nice. Social events, for today to announce. It's quite work huh. Yeah it's a bird walk. With a bird late today morning. Late. Some morning presents here idiot, what are you doing i don't know where we have so much, in the chain locker. It's uh. There's everything, inside some bowls, and. Dirt and everything. By finding some treasure.

So What are you doing in general. I'm. Cleaning the chain locker and cleaning the anchor chain. And. Yeah just fading some new marks on the chain. Every 10 meters. When it's. So we've just uh finished, uh. Taking out all of the koo chain and, cleaning, it we had. So much. Uh crap on there, since we anchored in curacao. And uh yeah we got that all off and um. Also saw that. Yeah the anchor chain is not that galvanized, anymore has lost a little bit and, just want to show you, this is not like i showered. But, this is, regular, here in panama. My back. It's, constantly. All. Wet. I wish it would. Get a little bit colder last night we um yeah adding to that also had mosquitoes. In here. Uh which bugged me. This is i don't know if you can see this but. I have never had. So many. So many mosquito, bites, it, just gets worse, worse on the ankles, actually. Because what they do is they really like to bite. Directly. Somewhere, on the ankles. And here's my front leg you can see and you're not allowed to scratch, them because. Everything, turns bloody and they get infected. This is the other side of my leg. It looks like i have the measles. We i'm gonna, i'm gonna dig in our compartments. Here. And have a look if i can find the mosquito, nets and i'm also going to make one for the entrance, because i'm not going to survive another. Night like that, and uh the only. Thing that really helps here. Is, the fan. And i'm just gonna sit down here now. And uh, try to calm down. So team becker's, got some really nice, tuna. From, the boat the fishing boat over there. I don't know what can you have done for it. But, now we will have, also smoke tuna. Tuna fillet. And tuna. Steak. So much tuna. Okay i'm gonna go finish the washing but i'll leave you with the fish that's okay yeah, cool all right. So. We're going to have one fillet. Tuna. One steak tuna for the barbecue. And, uh, one we're gonna smoke in our oven. Are you ready or. Not. Ah, it looks. It looks alright to me, but. Maybe, we're gonna. Give it, 10 more minutes to go or. Something. To find, our way to the. Beach spot where the party is going on.

It's Only possible to walk here. Around the corner, during a low tide. So. We. Have. Now it's a good time. Otherwise, we have to go. Climb. Through, the. Jungle. With all the monkeys. There's this crocodile. Territory. I like panama, so far. Such a shame that we don't. Got to, visit some of those islands. Yeah the other parts of panama, but. Sheldon bay marina, is really nice place to be so far. So we're gonna have great party today. And then next week from monday, on we're gonna start, organizing, our. Our passage, through the panama canal so we have to find two more boats. At least, with. One two people crew, and. One boat with. Three people. So that we can do a raft, with. Seven people, in total. So it's gonna be four line henders. And three. Captains, per, per vote. And then we're allowed to pass in this. Time. So. Hmm. This. Here. Tokyo. The next morning i spotted something brown on the opposite, shoreline, of the marina, that looked like a mixture, between a guinea pig. And a cow, looking at its nose. A so-called, capybara. Also known as vasa schwein in german, which couldn't be disturbed, by. Anything. Okay this is. Ilias, and my, stone, that i, um designed. For. Um the concrete wall here in shelter bay marina. Um sailors. Um, yeah were asked to make a personal, stone. Remembering. Um, of the corona, times, or the corona time that we spent here together. Um, all together different nationalities. And. Yeah this is what i decided, for. Um what you can see here is my favorite knot it's the pile stake, the pole stick is my favorite knot because it holds everything together. And, it's just the best knot. To make, i think. Inside you can see tula, sailing. Um. From kiel. A lot of german boats, actually come from the middle of germany, and we sometimes wonder where they really learned sailing and rough, conditions. Uh. I don't know but uh yeah, so we're from the north, and. What we have here, is, a little, golden, star. This could be the star.

That Was up at night, when we. Crossed the atlantic, ocean. When i saw it at night. It actually, was good for orientation, because i always knew okay this is exactly the course that, we're sailing towards. Barbados. It could also. Symbolize. The southern cross. In the southern hemisphere, you have four different stars, i know you can't see them. But they form, sort of a cross. That, is uh, yeah, was used in earlier days for orientation. For navigation. Um. So. We still have the goal of going to the pacific. Um, hopefully. If the borders, to, french polynesia, is still open. So this is still our main goal. Um. Yeah and besides, that. Here we are, in panama, shelter, bay. In may, 2020. And let's see how long. We're still going to stay here, and to hoist our anchor, to go a little more. Further. West. So here's the collection. Of. The stones of remembrance. Of the corona. Times. Because we had a total lockdown, in panama, meaning we could not leave marina, territory, to keep it corona, clean, we were lucky we could order some food through spencer, a fellow sailor who offered to organize, bigger grocery, orders. You never knew what would arrive, as not everything was available, and the external, shopper, sometimes, ran out of given time, but we were happy for everything we could receive. Luckily, we had stocked up a bit in. Curacao. Um. So, as. We decided, to go. To, patagonia. Later this year. Um, we need some shoreline, some really long ones, to be safe, in. Heavy winds. Down there, um so we're looking for shorelines. And, we got luckily. Um. Like 150. Meters of shoreline, from our neighbors, from the ziggs. From from germany. So what i'm gonna do is. I put this one. Here. And this is where the drum goes. On. And now i'm making a cover for our. Shorelines, for patagonia. If we get there. But it's looking pretty. Nice. Maybe you should go to sewing gym yeah it's fun. What this is fun. No i just actually, wanted to. Just to dry it. But this is quite, looks nice huh. It's nice shade. It's from the 80s. And we're just waiting. Always when you put it up. We're just. Waiting, for one big. Snap. Thanks for joining us on our jungle adventures, in panama. If you had fun watching, why not let us know by pressing the happy thumb and signing up on our channel. On our patreon, page you can furthermore, show us your appreciation. By donating, two or more box per video that we produce. See you again next time where things get serious. We bit the atlantic, ocean farewell, passing, through the famous, panama. Canal. You.

2020-07-31 11:19

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