nestled in between the rocks at the foot of the massive nordenskiöld Glacier on svalbard stands one lonely cabin this is the Nordenskiöld Lodge and its location is likely one of the most spectacular you've ever seen situated in Billefjorden miles away from Longyearbyen this location exists entirely Off the Grid disconnected from The Wider World unlike the majority of svalbard's cabins that are accessible only to locals this particular cabin welcomes visitors from across the globe we are dedicating 24 hours to experience what it's like to be a guest here and also what it's like to live and work here so far removed from civilization on a small remote island in the Arctic foreign [Music] this is where we're gonna spend the next 24 hours welcome to the Nordenskiöld Lodge come in okay so the first row we have here is the hallway and I'm guessing these are for when you go kayaking there's a few activities you can do here take your shoes off of course and here we have the bathroom and it has the same kind of bathroom that we have at home so a Cinderella so one of these so we feel right at home come in here there's a little wash basin here to wash your hands and then look at this this is without a doubt the like most spectacular cabin that I've been in there it's just so fancy I've always wanted to come to this cabin in my eight years of living here this has been like a goal bullet so I'm very happy that base camp let us come and check this place out for 24 hours uh so we're gonna stay the night here a dream come true okay I'm not kidding if you look out the windows the glacier's right there so this is the living room and the dining area so I'm guessing we're gonna eat our dinner here and breakfast because I think lunch will be served outside on the glacier over here we have a little pantry and you know this so they even cook your food for you here we're gonna have a Meal made by Roger tonight and they are hosting the entire experience so when you come and visit you just kind of check in like it's a hotel but you just have to get here yeah so maybe I should show you how we even got here this adventure begins in longibin the world's northernmost town where you board a boat that will take you on a two-hour boat ride to this cabin we headed out in no wind on a mirror-like ocean which made for a quicker trip than usual when you see a massive Glacier take over the entire view you know that you're getting close to the destination there is no place to dock the bigger boat so you head ashore with a zodiac and then walk the last 200 meters to the cabin with a boat and then you have to go with a mini boat and then you can't leave but my kind of hotel and then here you have the drinking water this is collected from the glacier now we're gonna go upstairs and take out the bedrooms there's about eight to ten places where you can sleep there's two here at the bottom in bunk beds but they generally don't like to keep people or guests sleeping on the first floor because of the polar bear danger so they like to have us all upstairs so they can just kind of you know have full control this is the little Library there's a bunch of books you can sit here and chill very very cozy and then we have three bedrooms each with two beds no four bedrooms sorry [Music] imma show you our bedroom so even though this bedroom does not have a double bed like the other one does this has a view of the glacier so quite obviously this is where we're gonna sleep because who does not want to wake up to this incredible I'm so excited for these 24 hours are you Christopher oh yes foreign [Laughter] Hanna hello hello so I work here uh for a month right now I've been I had the pleasure of coming out to this amazing cabin already in the winter for a little bit to check out how it is to decide if we want to join for the summer I come from Slovenia otherwise I've been on svalbard for past two years I've been a dog sledding guide most of my life and this is Tintin and he is one of retired sled dogs we retired last year from dog sledding together so now he's having an amazing retirement life at uh in the middle of svalbard wilderness I love it [Laughter] comes with the boats with the guests um we get it usually every three days sometimes every five days the water we have to pick up the glacier ice to melt it for our drinking water we have a lovely Pond here in the back that we can use as dishwashing in the summer in the winter we have to melt the snow around us um and also we're a little bit lucky with that we don't need to do all the laundry and everything everything goes gets shipped to town with the guests so this is from a stream that comes from the closure this thing and then later when I drop you off to the glacier I'm gonna pick up some of the glacier we are gonna go Glacier walking now but we need some safety gear first because you know we're gonna walk on a glacier we're also gonna have crampons but we're gonna put them on later and we're gonna have a beautiful helmet because safety okay this looks terrific this there now okay never felt more ready in my entire life headed over to the bottom of the glacier to start our hike when you visit this cabin there is a guide with you ready to take you on adventures at any time it can be hiking kayaking or Glacier walking since all of svalbard is polar bear land you cannot as a guest venture out on your own crap bombs um the worst thing that can happen today really is that you reach your pants perfect when you move your legs with the crampons on don't try to step forward so you might fall because when you go down yeah walking with crampons you want to have as many spikes in the ice at the same time you know when we walk without shoes we walk in a side hill we might tilt a fruit a bit like that yeah but he really rather want to have them fat on the ice freaking cool over about 60 percent of svalbard is covered in glaciers in Winter we drive snowmobile on them to get to far away destinations or we drive to see the glacier found somewhat up close but this was just unreal to be able to see how blue the ice is up close or the size of The Ridges or how deep some of the crevasses are it's equally terrifying as it is beautiful this is not an activity that Christopher and I have done much of at all up here but something that I already look forward to doing again I could spend hours looking at the details in the glacier and taking photos of the many bright blue meltwater streams making their way down the eyes one word mesmerizing we are enjoying a nice little sandwich that Christopher packed for us just taking a just taking a little break on the glacier this is so beautiful a little scary with the huge crevasses but you know as long as we don't step into them I don't know incredible day look at this unreal is all I can say about it so when you book a trip to go to stay at the cabin they have a guide with you and you can go here and you can be here for hours it's like a whole thing and I feel like this is one of the coolest activities you can do on Spotify it's just so crazy to walk and see this blue eyes so close up and it's just I don't know it's unreal they haven't had a polar bear here for what they've seen for like two weeks but the weeks before that they had a really fat polar bear here a mama polar bear or a female she was here for like three weeks apparently and then one day she caught two seals so she was chunky and a good Hunter just what you want a polar bear to be now I'm going to continue eating this and then we're gonna head back to the cabin I think because we want to have maybe some proper lunch I don't know we're gonna see what we're gonna do but this is just absolutely unreal [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] so this cabin was built in 2008 and 2011. Basecamp Explorer about it ever since then they had trips here when it's available to come here which is in the summer season and winter season when it's been ice out this is Cecilia's first Tripper I've been there a few times I had a couple of friends who've been working here so every time I was here Ella stopped every time I was in Bill if you weren't on I dropped by for a coffee or a shot or a barbecue or whatever it was so I have some good memories from this place of course Christopher has visited before because he has friends everywhere which is very very good but I've never been here I've only been in the Fjord and always said one day I'm gonna come and visit and we asked base camp and when we said is it possible for us to just come for 24 hours check it out see what it's all about and just document it and they said yes so first of all a huge thank you to base camp and if you want to check out this place and be able to come here and see it all whether it's winter summer click the link in the description so it's definitely it goes under sponsored video but it's one of my dreams to come here so I would say it's you know the best of both worlds thank you [Music] thank you [Music] now we're gonna check out noodle Lodge Spa the sauna the dressing room thank you and it's a big sound though it is a big sauna yeah that's for like six people at least so when you heat up the cell now you put water here and you can add a hot shower after but you can also swim in the pond behind the sauna so you can swim and take a shower so it's easy to live here nice place I have a burning question how do you shower in the sauna we have a water reservoir with hot water and we take buckets of cold water from the pond mix it to the perfect temperature and then you just little the water and then you wash your wash it let it all off and drains straight out of the sauna we have a little drainage pipe that's done Arctic shower how close we do wash here as well mainly like just the underwears in the socks of course and that's just also with the hot water in a bucket like old school times it's already warm so we just hang it up there it dries really fast so we can dry stuff the last time I was here it was no electricity at all but now it's a full on solar panel system here so you actually have like lights in the bedrooms and you can search your phones here and you have a Wi-Fi it's kind of impressive out remote 408 like this I think and it works so good up here because like you have this is the sum 24 hours a day in the summertime so no that's really good it's a good system works good up here there's absolutely no cell service anywhere here but when we were on the glacier absolutely all the way far up that's when I had cell service I guess we were just so far up that we could connect to whatever is all the way over there which is just mind-boggling so I sent my bestie Michaela a full-on video from walking on the glacier she's like excuse me what are you already back I'm like no I'm on a glacier after our delicious lunch we had a little walk around the cabin and then I went to our room to have an afternoon nap I have wanted to visit this cabin for so long and to be honest my expectations were pretty high but this place is more than living up to them this is such a unique experience in the most impressive location like I mentioned before almost all of the remote cabins on svalbard are only for us locals to use so if you want to get that off-grid Spa bread experience this is an excellent option after my nap I came down to the table set for dinner a fire lit in the fireplace and a beverage waiting for me so my name is it all here I'm from the Netherlands Amsterdam been on the island for close to five years now and my profession is cooking food and be in a good mood so normally I'm at issued radio which is all the way on the other side of the Fjord actually at the beginning of the shore and now I'm having a little holiday working for our lovely guests in Northern show Lodge [Music] having to go back into town yes um you get really used to the freedom and uh have you said yeah the freedom the adventure that comes with the place and just you have to adapt living in a place like this so then you go back into town and you go back to normal life that's well not challenging but it's you missed this I missed this more than anything else [Music] it's so wild to be so close to this Glacier because you can really hear it all the time it's like thundering in the background it's been calving a little bit today even when we were on the glacier walking like small pieces of the front you could just hear them go and fall into the water that's why you don't also you don't walk on the front that would be pretty dangerous but it's really really moody Vibes here now you can hear the birds screaming nothing but the sounds of nature here I love it love it I could easily Live a month here it's now almost 10 P.M and we're gonna go to bed because we were up so early oh my gosh I'm so warm we have the fire on downstairs and it quickly becomes pretty toasty all the dinner was incredible it feels so crazy to be out in the middle of nowhere and get served you know small part reindeer and it was so tasty and a really nice meal after a long day of different activities the glacier walk was Unreal it's something I want to do so many more times because I feel like I could spend hours up there just photographing the different colors of the eyes and you know all of the different crevasses it's it was so beautiful but now we're gonna go to bed outside is very bright very bright and also quite foggy but it said it was going to be really foggy tomorrow morning so our plan is we're going to get up around eight we're gonna have a coffee overlooking the glacier and then we're gonna have breakfast and then we're gonna go back home oh I'm gonna put some pajamas on I'll be back when I have my jammies okay that's oh that's a short arm [Music] now I'm gonna go down and brush my teeth yeah let's go down and brush our teeth our teethies [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] in the air missed and fog it feels very eerie and Moody Vibes are my faves I think we're gonna sleep like babies so I think it's time to say good night and I shall see you guys tomorrow morning yeah let's head inside oh cold what calcium um good morning there are beluga whales and from the glacier hello good morning you're beautiful yeah okay beluga whales in front of the glacier it's a completely still day there's no wind and I'm ready to move here Christopher are we moving in yes Tintin it's just gonna be us so now this morning we're just gonna have breakfast it's early right now I think it's like eight and we're gonna have breakfast coffee have a look at the beluga whales and then we're gonna head on home so we're gonna show you breakfast yeah but first should we take a good look at the belugas maybe bring our coffee up on the Mountaineer wow [Music] fragile space in a single sale white Rocky island [Music] [Music] no need to behaved in the harbor [Music] [Music] Pines draw bits Tangerine tears [Music] t-shirts laid out like our grief throughout the years [Music] we are now packing up and we have all of our stuff here gotta say goodbye to the dog first of course you hate you it's been a pleasure knowing you and we love you and you're beautiful you know be the strong man that you are every day and we say goodbye to this cabin we will see you guys in the next video remember to head to the description to check out base camp and the Nordica Lodge if you want to come and visit highly recommend it it's an unforgettable experience it truly is uh I will see you guys in the next week bye for me in Tintin bye [Music]
2023-09-09 03:36