Overnight In China's 5-Star Fake Paris Hotel

Overnight In China's 5-Star Fake Paris Hotel

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behind me that's the Eiffel Tower but I am not in  Paris I am in macau China and in today's video we   are going to check in into one of the most  luxurious hotels I have ever stayed at the   Parisian hotel in macau I will take you with me  all along for the experience and we will also   explore the city together with some of my friends  try some food and do what this city is most famous   for gambling let's see how lucky I got with that  and let's find out what it's like to stay in this   luxury fake Paris Hotel in Macau China feel free  to join okay so here it is is the fake Paris Hotel   and everything inside and around the hotel looks  like France all right it looks already pretty Posh   and luxurious just standing here and looking at  it from the outside all right so we have stairs   here water running down here or I actually like  the sound of that yeah I mean already the details   here it really uh resembles uh being in friends  right here and this is not just fake plastic or   something this is proper and solid here and  my cow is is one of the richest places in the   world I think the per capita GDP is actually the  highest in the world and that is of course because   this city is full with casinos it's the gambling  Hotpot in Asia making seven times more Revenue   per year than Las Vegas in the USA and macau is  smaller than Las Vegas there are less casinos   here also the music in the background very calm  saxophone jazz music I think wow excuse me let's   check in okay chicken over there okay thank you  wow what an entrance to a hotel and you of course   every Hotel here is also a casino and usually  there's also a mall attached to it so shopping   opportunities restaurants all of that but wow what  a posh entrance here wow yeah I'm almost out of   words already at the check-in okay so I guess oh  yeah Hotel reception right here looks pretty busy   I think this is the busiest Hotel reception I  ever saw in my life but this is also the most   beautiful reception I ever saw in my life let's  see if I can check in already hello check in here   check in yeah looks like a long waiting line what  do you think how long is the waiting time I think   around 40 minutes 40 minutes just to check in uh  let's see how long we need it is now 1:20 p.m.   hello good afternoon have your passport and sleep  right here we go thank you so much all right I   can check in now the time was only 25 minutes not  too long I think this is the most beautiful Lobby   I've ever seen thank you so much this looks so  beautiful here do you know if these paintings are   original or is it like not original right copy  paintings but it looks pretty impressive here   so the lobby is already a great first impression  here how many rooms do you have here in total uh   in total we have 2,500 2,500 rooms yes wow today  is a Friday actually and on the weekend maau gets   busier because many people from Hong Kong or from  mainland China coming com over all right that was   a very smooth check-in experience to be honest but  now I have to navigate through this big building   here to find my room so we have several wings of  course several floors I am going to be located on   the 27 floor he said that's one of the highest  floors now here we go hotel rooms North I am   in the north Wing wow so in order to get to your  room you have to walk through the mall basically   over there is the entrance to the casino here in  the hotel and yeah it looks very Posh just walking   around here feels like wow this is incredible  so we have floor 1 to9 on the left side and   floor 20 to 29 on the right side I'm very excited  for the room actually if you're staying in such a   posh Hotel this might be the luxurious Hotel I've  ever stayed at and I'm very excited for the room   if I'm staying in very nice hotels the rooms are  always something uh exciting you know let's see   what we can expect here wow okay this looks very  good guys let me put off my bags and then I will   show you around H wow okay let's start with the  bathroom first before I will show you the room so   this is the entrance area here we have a little  closet with uh yeah standard a little safety box   here some bath ropes okay nothing too special  but then the bathroom wow this is ill luxurious   looking bathroom right oh I like it I like the  the bright white colors here oh we have a bathtub   we have the toilet here a nice walk-in shower  wow oh plenty of space in here unfortunately oh   no rainfall shower that would be a bit better but  I'm not complaining this is already quite nice as   well a lot of space here several different towels  here let's see what's in the box here maybe some   shampoo oh yeah Dental kits lotion comb shower cap  okay more towels here towels down there okay and   then this is the room and look at the huge bed  here oh I love it when Hotel hotels provide you   with an extra space to keep your luggage some  hotels don't have that a lot of space here as   well a big TV a little actually very beautiful  little desk right here oh I like that wow let   me quickly have a seat here oh not planning to do  any work today today is my holiday day oh I did   press something no okay oh little oh to be honest  I like to keep these uh little papers in uh hotels   because I like to write down notes I am quite old  school I like to write down my notes on a piece   of paper instead of uh typing it into my phone so  I always keep these little paper in a hotel and   then this is probably for Wi-Fi here uh charging  station in room dining which we are probably going   to have a look at in the evening and then the view  check this out W oh wow this is great so we have   one two 3 four five pool areas but the one over  there doesn't seem to be in use because there's   no water but it looks like for children there's  a little pirate boat or something wow guys what   should I say the view is phenomenal here and yeah  we're going to check out the pool area um in a bit   as well yeah let's also check out the bed I mean  what a big bad is this you can probably fit easily   three persons in here okay let's check it out ah  oh oh it's way harder than I was expecting to be   honest oh oh maybe it's too hard for me I prefer  softer beds to be honest this is always very hard   okay oh but the pillows oh the pillows seem to be  very nice oh yeah the pillow is very nice and I   have four pillows to choose from but the bed is  very hard to be honest uh I'm complaining on a   high level here now I'm I'm sure the sleep will  still be all right but I prefer softer beds and   this is actually very hard um oh there's actually  a pillow menu here neck counter pillow memory   pillow buckweed pillow lavender pillow synthetic  pillow dear guest perisian maau is pleased to   offer a selection of pillows for your exceptional  nights rest please call Priority service for the   pillow of your choice so if you're not happy with  the pillows you can just call and they will bring   you another pillow well let's check out what we  do have here there's a mini bar here with nothing   inside but uh to be honest he asked me at the  checkin if I want the mini bar to be filled up   so if I would have said yes then probably they  would have brought some things the refrigerator   is emptied for your usage as you desire we are  happy to personalize with your favorite drinks   and snacks should you wish yeah so you can call  them and then they will provide you with drinks   and snacks if you want I'm missing a kettle and  a coffee station oh which we do have right here   water NES Cafe Dilma tea okay nothing too special  and yeah the price I'm paying here is uh $150 for   the night uh I did pay a bit extra for a view of  the Eiffel Tower so if you have a room probably   on the other side of the building I think it  would have been around $30 less if you don't   choose to have the Eiffel Tower view but I  thought hey I'm going to stay in the Paris   Hotel so I want to have the view of the Eiffel  Tower and I'm really excited to see the view in   the night so we're going to see that later but I  think let's check out the pool area wow this area   looks amazing as well and then you can yeah enjoy  the outdoor facility with a view to the Eiffel   Tower hello good afternoon good afternoon can I  like take a look uh yes I'm just I just checked   in so I just want to have a look okay suddenly  yeah so you can write down your FL and the room   number rer liability yes the pool is heated right  yes it's keeping the temperature around 28 to uh   28 30 that sounds good okay and also the massage  push will going to be the temperature will going   to be a little bit higher 38 all right so have  heated pools and yet the weather temperature   is around 20° maybe not really the temperature  where you just want to relax by the pool you know   Al you see me wearing a sweatshirt so is a bit  chilly here hello good afternoon I'm just here   to have a quick look Jacuzzi Jacuzzi as well 38°  very friendly staff here that's very nice I mean   obviously you expect that kind of when you stay  in a place like this I can't imagine if this is   the summer time and it's proper sunshin then I  would actually spend probably the the whole day   here today and yeah the view to the tower is  right here and then we have this seems to be   like a big Hall you see all the the faces  there that really looks like I am in Paris   now in France and then we have the astonishing  building here so my room one of the the windows   over there okay I got a little bit lost I took  the elevators to the fifth floor and then you   end up in this part of the mall here there's  a food court actually but I just see there's   a fake sky here which looks actually quite cool  and then down there there's a chef making a show   or something he looks like a French chef I think  he's making a little bit of a show oh check it out sometimes you go to these fake cities or  something like that and everything is plastic   and it looks really nice from the outside but once  you go closer and have a look into the details you   notice it's more fake than real but here all of  these things here this is all proper solid and   not just plastic wow and it's to be honest it's  not just this building here um I stayed in another   hotel the past days and also there the hotel was  also inside a mall it was the London themed mall   so everything looks like you in London and here  everything is French themed so every Mall here in   maau basically every hotel/ Casino mall is looking  like this to be honest here we go Eiffel Tower and   there's a shop attached to it it's souvenir shop  which I do remember from last year but here we   have the entrance and there also like um pictures  here about the history of the actual Eiffel Tower   in Paris so we have some historic pictures right  here where this Tower was a built ah here we go   a proper picture of the Eiffel Tower in Paris  which is of course taller than the one here so   this one is a smaller version of it but the look  is actually quite the same I don't want to go to   the top just to the the seventh floor it's free  right and the top is 75 yes sir okay so if you   do want to go to the top you have to pay 75 of  the local currency I keep forgetting the name of   it to be honest but since I have actually been up  there last year I'm okay now with the observation   deck on this floor but yeah I can show you some  footage of the view from the top which I took   about a year ago so you can see the view right  now overlooking the whole Main Road here and   then actually a pretty good view over the whole  area around here so that actually was quite cool   but yeah is it worth around $10 us extra just  to go up there well I guess you have to decide   that for yourself hello oh you're taking photos  here what's the view here I can I can see on the   screen yeah like that ah like this yeah ah so  you take a pictures for tourists here yeah if   you like you can buy you can try oh I'm good I  don't need pictures I'm just curious what you do   here so people pay you and you take pictures yeah  how much you take for one picture 138 one picture   again 38 138 138 no 138 for one picture for one  picture oh okay he's making good money out here   I think oh I'm good I don't need pictures okay  oh but thank you very much did you really say   138 for one picture that's like $15 or so making  good money here then I guess um anyway so what's   interesting here we have all these laugh locks  here which uh we also have at the original Eiffel   Tower in Paris actually this is also very popular  in Germany where I am from that people place these   laugh locks at certain places and that is supposed  to uh yeah bring good luck for their relationship   but I'm actually not sure if these are like fake  to to create the atmosphere here like these very   old ones here maybe they are actually real I'm  not sure then we have the newer ones here so I   can imagine that sometimes they like remove the  old ones so that people can actually Place new   ones here oh yeah this is the Eiffel Tower here  actually I'm not sure how high it is but it is   definitely shorter than the original one in Paris  but it is not as crowded here as at the original   one I have been to the Eiffel Tower many many  years ago when I was uh I don't know 12 years   old or so so that's a while ago but I remember  it was super crowded and there was a long Quee   to take the elevator up so here you can visit the  Eiffel Tower without a big crowd and then this is   the main road here the main casino area in maau  so all of the buildings you see here are hotels   SL Casino SL malls so there's a casino everywhere  here but the difference to for example Las Vegas   which is known as the casino capital of the world  um this is actually much shorter the main road in   Las Vegas is way longer and you can see here this  is already the end of it basically but I do think   that there's a lot of construction going on all  around here so maybe in 5 to 10 years I think   myow will be way bigger than it is right now you  can see that they are pushing a lot of money into   here and you also we have these little garden  areas here which actually let's go down there   and have a look from up close also the little  Park area there okay so what's interesting is   that we also have this park here which also looks  exactly like the park that you can find in front   of the original Eiffel Tower obviously also here  it's not as big as the original one but also in   front of the Eiffel Tower and Paris you do have  a park like this with a direct straight view to   the Eiffel Tower and very typical for China you  see lots of girls here nicely dressed up to take   a pictures here Chinese girls really like to take  pictures actually this is a nice shot here right   if you walk here you have the alley here with  the trees and the sun is shining through the   trees here wow yeah I can see that this makes  actually quite a nice photo location and as you   can see plenty of people are taking pictures here  and now we're actually going to meet up with two   of my friends who are also currently here in maau  and some of you may know them hello yeah please   where you want to go sir senado square square  okay yeah okay thank you hello ah sinado Square   please okay so maau has basically two islands  we're coming from the southern island and we   are going now to the main city area which is on  the Northern Island change thank you very much a   good day bye-bye all right here we are we have  arrived in the city center of uh the old town   here in maau the sinado square right here which I  remember from the last time I was in maau which is   quite exactly one year ago and I do think I see my  friends over there already hello hello y what's up   hi hello hello how are you welcome to Mar you're  in your sweater yeah maybe it's too hot I wasn't   sure okay Hong Kong is not Hong Kong we in maau  okay maau is actually home to the best dessert I   ever had anywhere in Asia and I'm going to show  them my favorite dessert now which is in a shop   right over there this Shop sells the best dessert  I ever had anywhere in Asia and that is actually   right this one right here milk pudding okay so  uh let's give it a try sounds good oh looks busy   hello uh three okay hello so they not only have  desserts here they also have lots of other they   have delicious things which I cannot cannot read  at the moment oh this is the pork bun oh there's   the English English milk pudding oh yeah I'm  here for the milk pudding uh should we get three   regular milk puddings sure sure we try and then we  see if we want other food as well okay we'll serve   with dessert okay three milk pudding just the  regular one uh what did I have last year what is   better coold right okay sounds good all right and  literally 20 seconds later it's see already all   right thank you very much thank you last year I  ordered it true because it was so delicious how's   the taste it's super good really are you just  saying that so I don't it's not a super strong   flavor but the texture and the and the temperature  it's just delicious okay let's see if I still feel   the same way it actually would be even better  if the weather was really hot it was really hot   outside it would be so good oh it's so delicious  oh man it's not like there not a super strong   milky flavor to it right it's just perfect I would  say MH almost like yogurt yeah a little bit like   yogurt yeah mhm oh this is delicious I have to  say though my memory was a bit better than this   a still very delicious so maybe in the last 12  months they changed a little bit or this is just   a I mean it's still super delicious but not as  good as I remembered it but maybe this is too cold   because it's a little bit like it's frozen right  the one I had last year was not frozen there's   almost a a chewy part or a hard part but I think  I did not have a chili version like this because   there's L ice inside your is frozen yeah yeah and  I think it's much better if it's not frozen yours   looks not as Frozen as mine no mine texture is  quite good I got lucky yeah maybe mine is a bit   too Frozen so already finished new record he's the  passive one of all of us what I like about it is   it's not too sweet yeah right cuz sometimes it's  a really good dessert but it's just so much sugar   you take one bite and you're like okay uh this is  kind of almost fresh and light yeah I think that's   exactly what I like about it because it doesn't  feel like you're eating a huge calorie sugar bomb   I don't think that there's a lot of sugar in here  right so the taste is not that sugary pretty light   actually so you don't feel bad after eating it you  know yeah great breakfast oh that's your breakfast   today well it's already 2: p.m. breakfast all  right second round so we have the main course   after the dessert yeah but we were still hungry  so this is actually very popular food here in   maau and in Hong Kong as well pork chop in a bun  so this one is a STP pork chop looks like a German   chitel bit like a chitel and I think it's just  butter so it's PR simple flavor but tasty it's   like a like a good little snack you can also find  it as a street food yeah nothing super special   but a great little snack Pro what are you doing  Pro it's a bit it's a bit plain no so I think   may you brought your own mustard uh I really love  mustard let's see what happens here guys oh Steve   is the Man full of surprises suddenly has mustard  in his bag my drone it's a mustard wow so does it   make it better let's see yeah for me is better go  ahead if you want I don't really like mustard oh   really if you bought ketchup then I would have  tried okay me I'm a mustard man myself oh you   can see it's a popular shop here it's totally  full since we are here think actually this shop   is a famous one and actually every single person  is eating milk right yeah everyone is eating the   the milk pudding hereit everyone it is a famous  one okay let's see how much we have to pay for   three buns and three 62 per person okay oh that  was delicious so we are back at the square here   what I find interesting here that it doesn't  look Chinese anymore here it looks like Europe   actually it reminds me a lot of Portugal and that  is because of the Portuguese Colonial history here   of course but that's why I think maau is such an  interesting place to visit because you have the   contrast of like China meets Europe here basically  really good first impression Ivan and I have spent   a lot of time in Brazil which is also a Portuguese  colony and looks the same like this especially   these black and white stones sort of look like  waves on the beach this is very to us and all the   architecture a nice first impression and also all  the the street signs here have Portuguese writing   on it as well so Chinese and uh Portuguese yeah  it's a really interesting City to explore like   pork fat or something pork fat pork fat something  like that salty and crispy I think it's crispy   por jerky what's the name it's a pork pork like  pork skin maybe maybe it's skin almost like like   potato ships tastes almost like potato chips with  a pork flavor to it interesting but yeah check out   how busy it is here so many people I guess that  um or not I guess I know that this city is also   very popular for tourists from Hong Kong and  from mainland China to come over most of the   people come here for gambling but I think you can  also come over here to do some shopping I'll try   some food so I actually do think that most of the  people here are actually tourists okay we are here   now at one of the the most famous spots in maau  which is called this is the front of the Cathedral   of St Paul or in Portuguese s Pao but it looks  like only the front is left yeah only the front is   left so it's built in the early 1600s okay which  is a long time ago and then it was destroyed in   1800s if you can believe it by a storm you would  have thought it was destroyed by a cannonball or   something but it was it was collapsed by a  storm and so this remains and with the steps   going up to it it's like a tourist attraction  so many Instagram photos it's really beautiful   and what amazes me is right over here you have  a regular apartment and somebody's balcony wow   imagine living there and having the view to one  of the most famous spots here every day I believe   up here is a fort a fort yeah so Portuguese era  again and then for defense purposes up on top   of the hill you can imagine the Cannonball coming  off so this is also from like the 1600s I guess so   1600s yeah okay so we have a little bit of a view  here overlooking maau down there is where we're   just coming from and then you actually have a nice  contrast here so we have the very old uh Fort here   and then in the background we have the very modern  side of maau the huge Casino very interesting we   have a cannon here which I'm wondering if this is  an original one from back in the days or it's just   here for the tourists I mean it looks it looks  pretty original right looks pretty like a solid   proper gun here we also have places like this in  Germany like historical old castles or something   and whenever you see a cannon like this in Germany  me you know what people do they put rubbish inside   here the worst but I guess they don't do that in  China let's have a look yeah nobody does that here   in China Germany it's always full with trash good  job China and What a Feeling imagine being here   and you see Ships coming and you're like oh gosh  load the Cannons go boom I mean fighting for your   life with cannon balls wow it's crazy that that  actually happened right here people were people   were standing here a few hundred years ago  and thinking exactly that probably someone   died right here now you put now the mood in the  Vlog changed probably someone fought for their   life and survived right here and defended his rif  right something like that something heroic so this   is down there where we're coming from the front  of the remaining part of the cathedral and then   we have a view actually on the other side of the  river it's actually mainland China already and   then we have the residential areas yes maau is  not only casinos and fancy hotels they are also   actually residential areas which you can see right  here and they actually remind me a little bit of   residential areas in Hong Kong which you probably  know is just over there like a 30- minute bus ride   a nice view up here actually so if you're coming  from maau I recommend to uh do the maybe 10-minute   hike and get up here all right guys welcome to  the Las Vegas of Asia let's party let's check   it out so this is the main road here which uh  I showed you guys already a little bit earlier   today so my hotel is right over there and we are  now at the beginning of the air all right we are   inside the Venetian Casino now and we are going to  try Chinese beer have you tried this before I have   you have okay for me it's actually the first time  trying this which I believe is the most popular   beer in China I think so or the most wellknown one  the most common yeah okay Ivana doesn't want to   have a beer yeah all right Cheers Cheers Chinese  beer in maow good German taste buds pretty good   plus as we know green bottles always the best  beer it's a Steve theory of beer but it tends   to be true all right we are out here now on the  main road everything is lit up now because it's   uh dark already and the good news is so we just  gambled a little bit but the good news is we   didn't lose any money yet we broke we broke Eva  so far it's like Vegas but it's much more clean   and sort of safe Vegas can be a bit rough yeah  you know so quite fancy yeah so Las Vegas but   more fancy right less party less party L part  Vegas is about getting wasted and going crazy   cow is about gambling thousands and thousands of  do yeah you don't really have a party theme here   like you explained earlier that in Las Vegas you  can find beer and Cocktails everywhere everywhere   like right here in the street someone would  come up and say you want to buy a beer yeah   you normally see that here no you don't see that  yeah so it's more fancy here less partying more   about gambling so the idea is now getting some  food and then continue with more gambling okay so   this is a very impressive lobby area here as well  and then we have the casino area right here where   we are going to try our Lux now 10 on on green  now 10 number 20 number 20 okay okay triple and six you got you got the triple and you got  the ones and then it went double for some   reason everyone in the W machine goes double and  Rich you buy me some laer okay and about 2 hours   later and we had a lot of fun gambling here that  was amazing awesome night okay my friends have   left home and I am actually hungry now and  we do have a food court here which is here   I'm back at the um the mall next to my hotel or  in the same building at my hotel and we do have   lots of delicious options here lots of Chinese  food of course but you can also find a little   bit of International Food like I saw Singapore  food for example over there this one seems to   be tanese Cuisine but I see braced pork rice here  which I usually really like and Taiwanese food is   actually very delicious I've never been to Taiwan  before but I tried a lot of Taiwanese food before   I would like to have to braced pork rice huh uh  pork rice okay so for the total price of 95 I got   a huge bowl of pork rice and then an extra Sprite  on the side and a little bit of jelly pudding and   actually let me take a picture for Instagram  really quick yeah by the way guys if you are   not following me on Instagram yet feel free  to do so canro on Instagram I'm posting daily   stories you can see behind the scenes see my life  locations where I am at the moment oh that smells   delicious here oh Taiwanese food is so delicious  and I'm saying that without ever being in Taiwan   so I guess that the authentic original food  in Taiwan will be even better then wow we have   little mushrooms here some pickled vegetables  I think oh a bit sour a sour taste to it and   we even have uh some peanuts here as well and I'm  actually not sure what this is if you know let me know tastes very sour if you know what it is let  me know in the comments can't really identify what   it is but it's not bad maybe I'm supposed to mix  it all together but yeah just the the pork with   the rice it's so good and you of course the  prices here are a bit high but I mean you see   where we are so you kind of expect that right and  to be honest I would have expected the prices to   be even higher I mean they are also like proper  fancy Wong here where the price is definitely   higher but every Mall every building here also  has a food court like this where the prices are   a bit lower okay so I am back in my hotel room I'm  sitting here now enjoying the view having a little   drink some chocolates and then just enjoying and  admiring the beautiful view over the road here   everything is nicely lit up now very nice just  sitting here listening to music enjoying the view and good morning and it is a beautiful  morning here the sun is shining I am in a very   good mood I just uh packed everything up I'm  going to check out in a few minutes and then   I'm actually heading to a new place but that is  still a secret for you guys but I am very excited   what I really like about the hotel here is these  blackout curtains so you can totally block out all   the lights so that was really really good actually  if you are a light sleeper blackout curtains are   really nice to have and yeah was it worth the  almost $150 that I paid here for the night of   course that is a lot of money for one night only  and I didn't even have breakfast included but I   mean it is a very luxurious stay here you saw all  the facilities the view is phenomenal here so if   you want to treat yourself with a nice hotel stay  this is a great experience and yeah overall maau   is a very interesting diverse place to visit I  can highly recommend to come to maau and if you're   curious to see my previous video where I was  still mainland China then feel free to check out   the video right here stay healthy stay positive  and then see you on the next episode ciao guys

2024-03-06 22:44

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