Overnight at a MOUNTAIN TOP CABIN in Deep Snow!

Overnight at a MOUNTAIN TOP CABIN in Deep Snow!

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[Music] [Music] welcome to the Sierra Nevada mountains we're headed up to a cabin which is on the peak of this mountain uh that's just off to the left here the road conditions are exceptionally sketchy right now because we got a big snowstorm here last night or all day yesterday and overnight I'm going to try to just sort of force my way over there and park and a back up a little bit so I can give it a little power and just sort of plow right in there yeah there we go that worked all right so we are on the trail got about 3 miles to make it up to the summit where the cabin is and we gain 1,000 ft of elevation in the process and with this snow it might be a little bit of a doozy check out how high the snow is on the side of the trail here this is all from the wind that accompanied the snow fall last night it just blows snow and piles it up against these trees when we get into these drifty areas that's where the snow that I'm walking through gets deeper as well got a little stream down there so that right there is runoff from the snow pack up here uh some really nice fresh water I would still use a filter on it but man that would taste really good right about now I have all my water packed in with me which now I'm seeing the snow up here is definitely enough where I could have uh melted some but you know what it's just a better workout so a lot of you may have noticed that Ellie my golden retriever is not Along on this one and that's because we are out in the Lake Tahoe area visiting Riley's family and so Ellie is back at home um in Minnesota and I thought you know while we're out here might as well find a cool adventure and a cool cabin and that's what we're doing the trees are thinning out which means you we getting higher up on this slope it's good in the sense that means we're you know we're getting there we're making progress but it's making our trail conditions a lot worse cuz there's no protection from those trees from the snow drifts you know so it's a lot deeper snow harder to walk in oh boy we have reached a major Junction so this right up here is where we make a right turn and uh it takes us to the summit this is also the one mile marker so we have one more mile to go from here and uh I think with that it's time to take a little breako feels good having that thing off of my shoulders it's a lot of weight actually I didn't pack you know ultra light in the slightest back at it for the final push one mile and I believe we still have another 400 ft of elevation to gain the snow is consistently up to my knees now I definitely should have brought my snow shoes but I'm going to make it so you know it is what it is at this point oh this is funny so as you can see we've got a gate here and they have to have a sign that warns you that the gate is there because I'm sure a lot of the time this is absolutely buried in snow but this gate is uh extra good news to us because that means we're on the final final Ascent we have one more little stretch to go and then we'll be there oh here she is oh yes that right there is a sight for sore eyes man oh man let's get in there oh got to be careful still so this right here is the cabin and this is the fire lookout so the people who would work that Lookout would uh you know work up there all day and then they would spend the night in the cabin which is pretty cool this thing was built back in the late 40s or 50s I believe so it's been up here for a while yes so you do need to get a permit to stay up here which I did and they'll give you the combo for the lock otherwise if I didn't have that this would be very disappointing actually take this with us so no one can lock us in this is so nice little kitchen little entry way and then here's the cabin oh wow has a little gas fireplace which is our heat while we're in here and then as you can see we've got one bed there and then a couple of bunks here oh I'm so happy to be here for it feels so good to be here and to finally be able to relax I think it's so cool how much more you appreciate things when you have to work for them and so uh having to come up here through all that snow and and to uh Ascend so much elevation it really really makes this a uh special experience and uh I just love that you know all right guys so we're going to head outside and check check out the fire tower see if we can get a nice view out there but before we do I want to tell you about the sponsor of this week's video beam and just a reminder sponsors are really important to this channel because they believe in what we're doing enough to support us and that allows us to be able to make these videos for you guys on a regular basis so we're very very grateful to them as well as you for watching so a few months back I noticed that I wasn't getting the best sleep I would wake up in the middle of the night with thoughts running through my head and I just wouldn't be able to get back to sleep well I decided to give beam's dream a shot this was about a month or so ago and uh it's been helping tremendously it's a drink blend filled with the highest quality sleep promoting ingredients you can have increased Focus boosted energy improved mood better skin and an improved immune system which we know is very important now I already fall asleep incredibly fast but what dream has done for me is it's allowed me to stay asleep longer which is impr that quality so much more there are a lot of great ingredients in here but the one that's really worked well for me is the Melatonin now in the past melatonin has given me some crazy dreams but I feel like there's a good balance of it in here because that hasn't happened yet it has a really great taste and is super easy to incorporate into your night routine what I do is just heat up some water mix it up and then enjoy it while I'm winding down at the end of the night so here are some of the perks that you can get with a subscription you'll save 20% every single single month and you'll get a free frother with your first order you'll also get free shipping and early access to new product launches you're able to pause or cancel your subscription at any time and you can swap in different flavors whenever you'd like beam's dream is clinically shown to improve sleep and all you have to do to get started is follow the link in the description of this video or you can scan the QR code which is up here on the screen and use my special code for [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] it's it's moments like this where I I get very emotional just thinking about how blessed I am to be here to have a body that can hike and climb up a mountain through snow to reach places like this uh grateful for a beautiful family I'm grateful for all of you for your support because it's it's because of you that I'm able to do this and then also I'm just grateful to be alive and living in such an amazing [Music] country it's truly an amazing place and I try not to take that for granted so I think I mentioned on the way up here that I brought a few luxuries one of them is uh it's a little well you'll [Music] see so this right here is a little fire pit I brought this up here because you guys know I love having fires and I wanted to make sure I could have one uh and do it safely I didn't realize there was going to be this much snow here I mean we're we're going to have no problem making a fire but I'm still going to do so in this because I don't know where the fire ring is up here looks like we got a little bit of wood that we can uh burn not looking to have a huge fire so just uh having a little bit of wood should be great all right so I figured this little area below the fire tower would be a great spot get get a nice view and enjoy a little campfire just a little baby campfire still I'll take it it's better than nothing and uh the view I mean the view Takes the Cake a [Applause] [Music] well it is dinner time and uh this is a real treat we have an oven I never have an oven unless we're up at our family cabin but uh this is going to be great and I decided to uh bring up some flatbreads we're going to make some pizzas [Music] [Applause] I [Music] dear God thank you for getting us here safely and help us to have a great time the rest of the day amen it really doesn't get much better than this I cannot believe the vi we have it's unreal the pizza's bomb too well I do not have any whiskey tonight unfortunately but I have this tiny little Margarita and for good reason because uh right now when I'm filming this at least it is sinko Dea so seemed appropriate to have a little margarita well it's time to go to bed I'm definitely tired tonight um it's a lot of hiking but uh also kind of bummed cuz uh the only night I'm staying up here and it's been a really great day but that's okay you know it's the beauty of uh these places you know there's plenty more of them so um yeah going to get up early and have some coffee and then we'll get out of here but for now just going to get some sleep good night on [Music] back is [Music] [Music] all right all packed up and uh cleaned up in there uh I got to get back early to uh meet up with the family so I'm just going to make tracks on the way down and I'm looking forward to the downhill this time I better get moving and I'll see you at the car [Music] well that is uh a wrap man oh man what an awesome adventure just you know being up in the mountains again was uh such a treat and and again there's just a sense of accomplishment uh that is hard to match when you really have to put forth effort uh to reach a destination and so even though it was challenging getting up and down the mountain uh it was so worth it the cabin was incredible the lookout was gorgeous everything was great and uh again I'm just so grateful to be able to do this it's uh it's truly a gift so thank you all for watching I want to thank our patrons who generously donate to our Channel thank you uh all of you really make this possible and uh like I said I'm just extremely grateful so um headed back home to Minnesota so we're going to pick up our adventures there and uh again I do have that new cabin coming uh I promise and it's going to be worth it so uh hang in there for that but uh until then I'm going to get back to the family enjoy our last day here here and uh we'll see you later God bless [Music]

2024-05-16 11:35

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