Outlaws & Exploration - ATVing at Bear Lake - Weller Recreation Operations - Fort Ticonderoga

Outlaws & Exploration - ATVing at Bear Lake - Weller Recreation Operations - Fort Ticonderoga

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History, is on display like, never before this week is at your leisure is taking you from the American Revolution, to the outlaw, exploits, of the Rocky Mountains I'm Steven Heumann and I'm really, booth join us as we show you how you can write from one southern Utah hub all the way to butch Cassidy's, doors down from, there Reese Tyne enlists, in the Continental, Army get one for two echoes with the sounds of revolution, to this very day last. But not least Zach Cipriano goes in search of the Bear Lake Monster and find surprising, adventure along the way. Sometimes. You, find history, in the most unexpected places it. Can be on a downtown, street in a small town like penguin, Utah or hidden, just off the trail along a mountain pass, most. Of the time if you don't go out look for it history. Will just pass you by which, is unfortunate, because we owe so, much to the people who came before us they. May have been captains, of industry or famous, outlaws but, either way it's, worth stepping off the thoroughfare, to walk in their footsteps from, time to time and. That is exactly, what. We are doing today we. Are out riding on the, Fremont trail system, and we're not just looking, to have an enjoyable ride we're, actually looking for some history today reah, come on out here look at that do. You believe that no, it's, spectacular of, course what do you expect for Garfield cat I know right so yeah. So. We're riding in Garfield County we actually set up in penguin which is a town right on highway 89 it's in the heart of Garfield County so, we're out here with Rick Gubler from Jorgensen's out in Richfield and he, is supplying, us with machines, and he's also acting, as our guide so, today we are going to be ascending. All the way from one side of Garfield, County to the other -, butch Cassidy's, home, when he was a little teenager yeah so have you ever been there before I've never been it just opened, this last year, and you can go and you can set up certain times but I'm, really excited to see. Some of the history up there I know and I think we're going to get lucky cuz we might see the inside. All. Right let's do it all right let's find out a little bit more about this area. So. Basically what we're going to do today is, right. Out of penguin, and meet up with the Fremont Trail it'll, take us all the way down to. The Butch Cassidy cabin. Of the other end of Garfield County, what. A fun family, event they can get history, beautiful. Scenery. Easy. To get to right, off of highway, 89 right. In the heart of central. Utah it's easy to get from to the north or the south any. Given moment you can jump on a four-wheeler and be up in the mountains or jump, on your horse and get up to the mountains hikes. Everywhere, around every corner there's hikes or Red. Rocks, too you, know the big tall pine trees of the of the hills so it's great, boy, throughout, central. Utah, there are inter connecting, trail systems, the Fremont trail that we're on today which, will lead you down and connect into the paiute trail that. Heads a little further north into the era. Pean trail. Perfect. Place for us to share, our passion my.

First Love here is just to raise your children here everybody, is family. Everybody, knows everybody, and you. Feel safe it's a very safe community for sure history. Is passed on from generation to generation to. The history of our town or their, ranches, or anything anybody is doing it, all comes from. Our. Ancestors, for sure, what. I love about getting, out in writing is getting. Away, stopping. Looking. Listening, to the wind blow through the trees good. Friends, family. What, an amazing experience you'll, have you'll get to ride see, the beauty and end, up somewhere that your family, can enjoy and learn about history, of this. Area I've. Been to the Butch Cassidy site. And it is worth the trip. The. Falls are great the summers are great there, is everything, to do for any anybody, that, likes. The outdoors from. Fishing. To. Four-wheelers. To horse rides to hiking there. Is something in our area for everybody. Well. We. Got a lot, more trail, to go before we hit butch Cassidy's, cabins so we better hit it but. Let's go to our travel adventure first. When. You think about Bear Lake three things typically come to mind going, to the lake raspberry, shakes and the, bear lake monster. But today it's gonna be known for something else, UTV. Ridge. County is home to a complex, set of trails known as the Shoshone trail system we are out here with epic recreation, and they're going to give us just a peek of what this massive trail system has to offer and. I'm not exactly ruling, out the possibility of, us finding a monster on your ride, this. Shoshone trail systems located, near Bear Lake and there's, hundreds, of miles of trails you. Can ride right from the lake and up. Into the mountains and into. Rich County and Cache County, there's. Lots. Of different, types of trails there's a lot of easy trails and there's a lot of more. Moderately, - difficult trails plenty, of spots. To go have fun and enjoy the. Outdoors, you're. So close to town and yet at the same time, you. Can be within five minutes you can get away from all of it the mountains feel like home there's, just so much that they offer as. Far as scenery, and things that you can do right, from epic recreation, shop in Lake town we took off on the Richardson's Fork Trail which, is a branch off the main Hodges Canyon Road maps, are available at trail heads along the way but you can also get some pointers from these guys in town the. Nice, thing about riding here is you, don't get the crowds that some of the other trail system to see you, know you can go for, as little as an hour to, a full day or a couple days and and, you'll never see the same place twice the, weather's cooler, it's not too hot it. Doesn't get too dusty up here because, it doesn't see a ton of use the. Best way to describe this leg of the trail is. Verdant. Meadows bountiful, forests, and sprinkles. Of wildflowers keep things interesting along, the way riding. Was easy, only a few technical dishes, to circumnavigate, but. I would ride up a straight cliff face to see views like, this. Growing, up I spent a lot of time camping, and fishing, and hiking and doing that kind of stuff with my family and there's. Just something about nature that is, relaxing. And and it brings you out of stressful, times you can get out here and forget about everything else you know at the time up here you don't even have cell service so it's a way to just kind of like push, that side of your life away and and not have those worries and. So there's you know just being. One with nature I guess you could say it's just always been a dropping but, personally, my, favorite, part of these emotion. Inducing. Vistas, was, it allowed me a proper, Vantage to look for the bear like monster, felt, about the monster, I don't, really I can't really, are. You denying the, existence of, a monster bear lake monster, probably. Exists, probably. He's hiding something, that's. A hiding something face definitely. Thank, gosh where's. The monster it's, right out there you'll, find me that's, Alyssa, that's, so rude. Alright, so we didn't have any luck on the monster front but, we did discover, that along the trail less traveled, sometimes, it's the scenery, sometimes, it's the machines you're riding but more often than not it's, the people you ride with that make the experience worthwhile epic.

Recreation, Is located, on the Utah side of bear lake and you can find out more about them on their web site. We. Had a great ride with epic rentals really want to thank them for taking us out we, were here at the lake I figured I should show up and take a dip but I'm also really hungry as you know I'm hungry all the time so, we decided to kill two birds with one stone enter, the. Bear Lake burger boat like to introduce you to the bare legs burger boat we started this up about midsummer, last year you don't need to bring food and have those cold soggy sandwiches. Come on out of your third town burger with that you get a bag, of chips a drink, tax, included, nine dollars you won't beat the deal oh my gosh, that. Is a that, is a burger, I. Like. That pretzel bun how does a good pretzel bun, alright. I'm gonna finish this you. Guys can go to commercial break. The, all-new Yamaha, Wolverine, x4, offers, four times the proven off-road capability, four. Times the comfort and four, times the confidence, to, deliver four, times the excitement, on your next outdoor adventure. Get, your new Yamaha at Steadman's recreation, right hard play hard a, mountainside. Trail, a day. Of speed, that pushes, your limits a desert. Oasis, that opens, your horizons, a land. Of horsepower for every, taste. To. Willa County is all of them and one it's. Time to experience a new adventure you never knew you were missing it's. Time to find out what's just, over, the mountain to Willa County Utah the, Wasatch Front is your home to. Willa is your backyard. Do. You have a message you have a brand you, have something worth experiencing. What you don't have is an audience it's time to change that, it's time to partner up with the number, one outdoor program. In the country and, show the world what you have to offer advertising. On at your leisure is effective, and affordable, giving. You an audience that divorced anything else out there backed, by proven, forts of outdoor, adventure contact. The ayl team at eight zero one nine four, seven eight eight meeting it's, time your message, was heard, beautiful. Scene isn't it the, great wide spaces, of the wild wild west hi, I'm Chad booth host. Of at your leisure I'm asking, you to support the blue ribbon coalition, their, efforts, responsibly. Preserve, access to our public lands if it, were not for the blue ribbon coalition, and their, efforts you, may not have access to millions of acres of land across, the West this, is America's, playground, and if, we don't do anything we are going to lose it join, participate. And donate. Hey. Guys welcome back to at your leisure and Corrine smart so when we come to a dealership we only see this so, I'm here at well a recreation, because I learn oh what they do behind the scenes let's, go take a look. Hey. Mike how you doing hi, cran how are you I'm so good so, tell me what are you doing here well, we're just getting ready to go into the collectors on this machine so, it's like a mini car, mechanic. Shop in, it well actually it's, it's. About the same size a lot of the automotive, shops and that's what we kind of patterned, it off of if you look the size the side-by-sides, that we're dealing with now for. Dealing. More with, automo, styling of equipment, here, you go they. Decided, to. Get. Another machine we, really softly, so uncomfortable. I need seats a little. Bit I see. Every care do you have got a car wash, yeah for your machines, oh it's, it's like, terminator. My. Job is I worked here these, machines, don't sit outside so. When you get a brand-new machine. It's. Been sitting inside its, entire life these, machines when they come off the truck we, put them in the wire house when, you get ready they're, built right in our assembly Bay and then. Go back into the warehouse we. Got two stories of parts with. The side by side market it's it's. Growing every day and, so you're. Seeing new parts and new, efficiencies, every, day with that stuff so it grows I realized. To ride the elevator, it's. Not as scary as I thought I can stand up straight now. It's, like an amusement park here I'm, on the elevator and now I get a ride on the fork, we're. Going to. Close. The ports up this little bit. That's. The real sign of work right there the, time your parents told you to practice the piano all the time I practiced, equipment. I quit. The piano when. You're selling a machine that's anywhere from twenty, to thirty thousand, dollars you, want it to, be worth that and not sitting out in the grime the dirt and the filth hey. Rich so do you when I gave me a forklift lesson absolutely.

Let's, Get on it. Mm. Fence posts. 900. Acres, 48. Bales all. Before lunch which. We caught last Saturday, we. Earn our scars, we. Wear our work ethic, we. Work until the works done. The. Km sales event is on now, visit, your local dealer for details. In, a place that is beyond words there. Is nothing to be said. Except. Take. Your tongue in Bryce. Canyon country. And we. Will see you next week on the, county seat. Like. The will that you. Don't use, in, case you get a pop will it's. Kind of like a trunk, it's different, I don't. Know. This. Oil is a car that has five wheels. A. Wheel. Could. Be half a lower five. Wheels. Welcome. Back to at your leisure everybody well after our beautiful, ride on the Fremont trail from language we've, now arrived at our historic destination, this is Robert. Leroy Parker 's house aka, Butch, Cassidy now. Normally, it's closed and you kind of have to peek through the windows to look in but, we have an expert, with us today so we're going to check it out. This. Is obviously, a an. Antique. Drill that's right the wall we, have actual, records. Of when he was here, based. Upon the US census that was taken butch, moved here from Beaver when he was a young, boy spent. Four to five years here and then. Left. On his worldly ways I could. Totally hang here thirteen kids I don't know so. The, bedroom for the kids is upstairs, so. Yeah. The kids bedroom is upstairs the, story is there was two families living in this cabinet, and, one. Of the mothers actually, had a child under the kitchen table with a sheet over it oh, gosh. Honey, instead, of going to the hospital we could just have it right here the. Family lore is that the two-year-old is buried under the hearth so, when, we went to do the restoration process we. Actually took a cabin, completely, down there, was no foundation so, it was rotting from the bottom up and so we. Removed. The hearth the state archaeologists. Were here we basically checked. All the dirt around, and any loose dirt but we did not excavate. The. Scene and we. Put the hearth back in exactly the, right GPS, location, of where it came from he, became a world-class Roper, and local. Ranches were hiring because of his roping and his, ability, to move cattle, well sometimes. Cattle that wasn't his oh my gosh well, it's good to know they actually did do laundry back then this is basically what I do where at home which i think is quite lovely, Rhea. Thinks he's cute she's. A big woman. You. Can come see the inside but is appointment only and its schools and groups basically, but you can reach out to the Paiute, County Courthouse and they'll set you up an appointment you can get yourself in there you. Know some would say why are we celebrating a criminal well the reality of it is whether you like it or not this is what the Wild West looked like and you, know Butch Cassidy is one, of Utah's most famous citizens, whether it be for good or bad and, it's.

Just A fun place to come see everybody. Needs to come out here and see this it's so, cool. All right you should you should be here by yourself I'm not an outlaw oh there, you go it's like that we, need to go off to our trailhead adventure brought, to you by Rocky Mountain atv/mc. Hunt. Faria there's a reward for you know what I'm worth more than two thousand dollars I'm sorry. Irie. Stein at your leisure at Fort, Ticonderoga. New York a historic. Place saw. The very beginnings, of America. The. French built Fort Ticonderoga, in, 1775. During, the French and Indian War with Great Britain I am a tall, blue jays I'm from the Canon yeah Bombardier, and I'm just a regular private private. Bourget commands the demonstration. Squad at Fort Ticonderoga, giving. Modern visitors, a taste of what army life here was like in the 17th, century. Each. Barrel, is clearing each man's face now don't believe Hollywood, each soldier, is taking careful Dame on a specific, target, and they wait quietly and patiently, until. I finally hear the command to. Fort. Ticonderoga, guards, a critical, narrow passage, at the southern end of strategic, Lake Champlain, on the New York Vermont border, the, British captured the fort in 1759. During, the French and Indian War but, lost it to Ethan Allen and the Green Mountain Boys in, 1775. During, the American, Revolution, one, of the oldest, historic, preservation, projects, in America, the privately, owned fort became one of the country's first tourist, attractions, in the early 19th, century, re-enactors. Give the place a real, sense, of authenticity and, make the visit so much more exciting, Fusilier. Hayden Connelly of the British laser regimen, commands, the cannon crew he's, dressed in a real period uniform, so I got a wool, lined and wool vest which is sleeved I have. A wool lined in the wool head beat I, have. A chef Howe and I have a neck stock and. Your sword yeah, this is the FA distilled is the mark of a soldier not, really used in combat, but. It still is a, honorary. Mark. And. All that wool you're keeping warm I guess yes sir it, takes all five crew members to, delicately, aim the cannon the, assistant, gunner Rams the powder charge tightly into the barrel before, the gunner lights the food's an ex-army. Artillerymen, myself, I'm still fascinated by cannons, after.

The Green Mountain Boys captured. Ticonderoga. From the British they moved 60, tons of cannons and other weapons, to Boston, to help George Washington, drive the British from the city the. Daily pageantry, of Ticonderoga, brings. Alive some lesser, emphasized moments, in American history. Annual. Seminars, and workshops here, stressed the importance, of the fort in the Seven Years War and the Revolutionary War, and it, helps teachers learn how to teach living, history techniques, such, as how, to create a period, kitchen, and cook, a hearty, 18th, century casserole, so I'll start, our fire down below and. This chimney, will direct all that heat in one, location on earth. Inside. The reconstructed. Walls the, Ticonderoga. Museum, boasts one of the country's best collection, of 18th, century, artifacts. Muskets. From the French and Indian War ornate. Powder horns, fancy. Swords, and all, kinds, of guns from the American, Revolution, thousands. Of items gathered, during the last century, head, upstairs, and you'll find soldiers, making, uniforms. From the same material, their eighteenth-century counterparts. Probably, used. Then on to the third floor, our reconstructed. Barracks more. Memories. Ticonderoga. Sits, on 2,000, acres of scenic Adirondack. Forest including. Mount defiance which, towers some 750. Feet above the fortress making. It kind of vulnerable, to attack from above, in fact, in, 1777. American. Patriots, captured, two British, cannons, on the hill and shelled, the fort with, little effect, the only time Ticonderoga. Came under artillery fire, soon. After it was abandoned, and eventually. Became the national, historic, reminder, of what it took to create the America, we know today Reese. Teen with, Penny Stein at your leisure at Fort Ticonderoga, New York. Meet. The new leader in off-road utility. The completely. It's. Got the most power the, largest towing capacity, the highest, ground clearance and, the best comfort, and storage. Introducing. The all-new Polaris. Ranger XP 1000. The hardest, working smoothest riding. Ranger. Ever built. There's. A little place on, a, Utah, man. Where ours, raise where. My heart's at, where. The sagebrush, grows. Wild. In hi, the. Stars come out. In the basin with the ute reservation, scheme. Starvation. That. Do sing County. Hey. Korea welcome. Back to at your leisure we are here we heard back in the center of, penguin. You. Want will get a hot pepper flakes on. We're, just here this set this is quilt. Park and it, just celebrates, the story of the. Men, who went over the mountain and used quilts, to get. Over the snow, right yeah. And so. This is just a great beautiful, place and they're, actually get the quilt walk is just coming up right now in June yeah oh if you haven't been you should come to it it's a really big deal here and it's awesome yeah. They just have quilt they have decorations it's just a celebration of penguins, history so, I highly, suggest you come out and enjoy it but we also want to talk about if you want to take this trip for yourself what we did today and leave, from penguin Rick's thanks so much for taking us out it was my pleasure.

Jorgenson's. Couldn't be happier, than to supply, this units, for today's ride. Showcase. Our wonderful. Land that we call our backyard, it's. Been an amazing, day beautiful. People beautiful country. We, love it that sweet what we enjoy yeah you guys are the best, show, us a good time yeah well. If you want to take this trip for yourselves you can access the Fremont Trail directly from Center Street in penguin, there's a staging area right there next to it basically, the Fremont trail sign you, right along that road which is River Road and then you hook up Airport, Road and you're on that for not even a quarter of a mile there's, a sign that points you toward the Fremont and you follow it from there takes you next to Casto Canyon all kinds of destinations, on your way to the Butch Cassidy cabin, so if you wanted to use this as a base camp for a month-long, trip, you would not ride the same trail twice lots, of history and just so much fun oh yeah it's so I can't believe how simple it is and, everyone's so happy to see you. All. You're getting piece on it. Alright, we. Already. Took a bite what, is this alright. Well we've decide, who gets to eat the pizza let's take a look at next week's show, want. To ride a new off-road trail system through some of the least, what lands in the West well you're in luck because next, week Steve and Corinne are heading to Duchene to find out how their plans for a TV adventure are finally, coming to fruition, then follow me Zack Cipriano as I hid Thunder Mountain and discover why this is such a punishing. Mountain bike trail hopefully. I make it to the top next week on anyway, Oh. Stephen, what a fun day we had this was great you. Know we'd like to thank Garfield, County for inviting us out here on the spin a stick County and Jorgensen's, were supplying, in those awesome, machines so we could buzz around and out there at butch Cassidy's, place what you'd like to think Darren, bushman's was showing us around the cabin because he, was so, knowledgeable things, that we have never would have known yeah about his help so yeah, he's. Put a lot of work into that too he has he was instrumental in its being, what, it is today, yep all right well we, got to go remember, get, out there and create your own adventure at your leisure, all. The way over there Circleville, which where yeah. And. We'll be right at, the. Friggin. Comet.

2018-06-23 09:00

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