Outdoor Cooking around Dandenong Ranges National Park

Outdoor Cooking around Dandenong Ranges National Park

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Hi everyone Welcome my new video Today I'm travel to Dandenong Ranges National Park area 1000 steps The distant mountain is where we are going My favorite woolworth at the foot of the mountain If you forgot something can in there buy like me I forgot everything except the Trangia So I in there buy water instant foods There is 1000 steps parking There are plenty of parking spaces here, you never have to worry I Last in there is 2019 years Too many people in there when everything was fine But my wife tell me You have to look forward I'm very sorry, I'm a little sad, we keep going Today 1000 steps still too many people in there I'm ready hiking to mount Although the sky is raining When i first arrived here Just know there is name 1000 steps and Kokoda Track Memorial Walk I know about Kokoda Track on the World War II discussion area This is a tough war for Australia But the Australian army won a difficult victory, which is a very great thing. After I came here, I found that there are really many war memorials here. History is right in front of my eyes and I am very touched Like this track name, 1000 steps track is very hard Whether it goes up mount or down mount He is very exhausted The sign on the front says the degree of difficulty Except for the shortest path, everything else is equally difficult So we are choose very hard Since it's hard, why don't you choose the hardest? By the way, because I opened the gopro time-lapse screen, And I don’t have a stabilizer, so the picture is very jittery which may make you uncomfortable. Please understand So sorry This section is the dessert before reaching 1000 steps. It has a gentle slope and beautiful scenery Two beautiful ladies came to me lightly Ok, We are keep going Here I can see many ferns that I learned in biology class (I think they belong to this category) The trees here are very dense The air is very Frer is very Fresh Keep going A formal mountain climbing trip will begin not far ahead Our journey officially begins Let's go These steps are part of 1000 steps, they have been built very well The width of the steps is just right for one foot to step on it firmly It’s not too high, it’s not too low, it’s hard for you to make mistakes here And twisted to the ankle So everyone from very small children to old people can challenge here Including me, a fat man weighing 103 kg LOL Too fit ladies This is a huge piece of wood, I don’t know why it broke in two But it was very shocking. It was here in 2019,

and it is still there, which makes me feel at ease. KEEP GOING Nimbostratus always in the mount So the sun will be gone for a while very beautiful The clip of the mountain climbing video this time made me want to buy a stabilizer It’s better to be a stabilizer like a clip This is rest platform I'm find a lot of but in Melbourne not buy just in china sell I think this is Niche market After all, it is very luxurious to buy a stabilizer that can only be used on Action camera Fortunately, the park manager has set up this resting platform so that I can easily avoid people going down the mountain. This kind old lady called to stop me He showed me his findings A lobster nesting in the dirt She lead my going The two sisters first met at the foot of the mountain We are separated I only have 2 hours left, I'm going to pick up my wife home at 15:00 So I didn't continue to the top of the mountain I want to make my lunch here Just in there The sky has been raining The top of the mountain is getting colder and colder I have to make lunch quickly to add calories to myself Today’s lunch is woolworth instant rice I keep seeing him on the shelf, but I haven’t eaten it. This makes me curious This is woolworth fast, easy pancake I often use this make breakfast and lunch tea The old rules show my favorite Trangia This is my new knife He has the title of "French's Eleventh Finger" This is my new sparkler I see this in another outdoor cooking vide It's very cool so I buy it But it’s the first time I'm not familiar with it I seem to find the feel In the sunshine It’s hard to see the flame when the alcohol burns, so I have to feel the temperature with my hands OK it's working,very good open the box, two bag in there once a rice once a masala Buring wait is process I forgot handle Water boiled but it’s too much, I score a little cooking rice just a little wate It suddenly occurred to me that I can use the lid of boiling water to heat the cooking bag. This is the method of the US military MRE Rice is ok, and add Masala Keep stirring OK Continue to boil water I started eating too Tastes really good Next, make pancake Because one bottle is too much, I just tried to make it with Trangia So I pour out the powder and make it separately

2021-04-21 17:48

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