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What's up homies welcome back to our channel today, is, finally the day that we are filming and sharing penny's, nursery, room tour, for context, penny is two years old so this is long overdue, i hope you guys enjoy, don't forget to subscribe, and like this video before you go. Bye. All right guys let's start over here with the feature, wall the accent, wall my most, favorite, part, of penny's. Room, okay so when we came in here and we're like kind of thinking about exactly what we wanted to do in here, i knew for sure i wanted an action wall, and i wanted her name and really nice font on the wall so, this is what we started with we picked a color and i wanted like. A mauve, color, because i knew for sure i wanted it to be like, white and pink but not really traditional, pink. So we went to i think lowe's, and i found, a mauve color i'll try to find the exact color and link it so we started by. First painting this like. This like coved, out. Wall, in her room i don't know what you call this but, we were like okay this will be perfect for. The. Like accent wall feature wall. So we painted it all solid, and then after we did that i was like okay i definitely don't want the whole room this color it's a lot, so we're just going to keep this wall that color, and instead, we did a stripe. A double stripe. Across, her room. In that same shade. All, the way around. And, it, was. Perfect. I was a little bit nervous because. Our builders, did our wall this like i think it's called a new gray. So it looks almost oatmeally. Gray it's not white. Um, so i was nervous i didn't know how it would tie in and look but it actually looked really good, and if you come up close you you can see that we actually added like gold. I want the camera to focus. We added like gold. Speckles. Into. The, mauve. And then. Jumping back to this wall, i found, a, shop on etsy, i'll link it down below. That can do. Like names, and prints. In any font that you choose. Um, and, basically you just tell them what you want and the size that you want. And you need to do the actual, like full size. That you want of the wall so we measured the wall and that helped me understand the size. So i ordered, her name, from that shop, and i can't remember if it was the same shop or a different shop so i'll link, both if it's a different shop below. I also ordered. These. Feathers. Because as you can see the theme of her room is like. Boho. Um so there's going to be lots of feathers lots of flowers, dream catchers. And so i definitely wanted her name to be enveloped, in, feathers and i found them in gold. I actually have them in white as well, and i was supposed to hang those up in a different part of her room. But because my walls are textured. It took us, three and a half, hours just to do her name. And then i had to go in and do the gold feathers, and then i had to seal it in mod podge to get it to stay so. Needless to say i did not have the motivation, or energy to hang the white ones, but eventually, i will. Okay. Right under her name, is her crib it's actually dropped down at this point because. She is big enough to climb out if we had it lifted, up. Um, and as you can see i did a sheet set that's, feathers. And i actually decided, i really wanted to throw in. Blue. And of course lj liked that idea as well so, you'll see, little kisses of blue throughout the room, her crib, is a grow with me crib so it goes from. An infant, crib, to a toddler. To a toddler crib, to a toddler, bed, so it can convert, with her, we've decided, we're just gonna keep it as a crib because. We don't think we're done having children but, eventually, it can convert if we're ready for it. The pillows, are from ross. The crib, is from. Bed bath and beyond. I'll link that, and then. We also, have her. Monitor. Here i can't remember the name of this monitor but i love it i recommend it all the time, infant optics that's what it's called. And, it basically, turns 360. So, you can get a good view of her in this bed no matter where she ends up although. If i'm being honest she doesn't really sleep in this bed, but when she does or if my nephews are here we have this set up we also have one in our room. Which is where penny sleeps, and. You can use the same. Monitor. For both cameras, and just kind of skip between, each camera depending on, what you want to see and off to the right. Are. Like little, motivational. Quotes, and of course, keeping in theme with the boho. Um so this one says let her sleep for when she wakes she will move mountains, so i definitely wanted. Them to be like encouraging. Phrases. But also like really cute. And kind of dainty, for her size. And so i ordered, these, prints, off of etsy you basically, just buy the designs.

And Then you can print them down, i printed them down literally at home but you could go print them down at walmart if you don't have a printer or you don't want to waste the ink. And then i bought these little frames these little inexpensive. Frames. From walmart, as well i think they were like. Maybe. Three or four dollars a piece they were super inexpensive, but once you put the prints, in there and hang them up. You know they look really nice in my opinion you can't really tell that. I was definitely. Economical. In this purchase. Okay, jumping over here is a little bit of a reading, corner. And i'm obsessed. With this corner of her room. Of course we wanted a rocking, chair. I believe we got this rocking chair off of amazon. So i will link that to our amazon, store, in the littles loft, in in case you're interested. Um and the colors ended up being perfect and it's kind of like a vine, which goes with the theme of course. And they have these in all kinds of different shades i think i even bought. My sister one when she had my nephew. But i can't i think hers is in gray. And then, we hung these little bookshelves. So. A little bit of a hack, i believe i found this on pinterest so i can't take full credit. These are actually, spice, racks that we got from ikea they're like four bucks a pop. And, you can, go in and actually, paint them because they're made of wood so, before we built them, we painted them this is the actual color that's on her wall. And then this is white. We did all of the little, book guards. In gold which i thought was super cute. And then, even over here we switched it up because we ended up having to add these later, she's growing into books so quickly. That we'll probably have to come up with a different setup eventually. Unless we keep hanging these on the wall, um. So when we added more we did, those, in a little bit of a lighter pink i think that might have been by accident i bought the wrong shade. But it ended up working and it's so cute, so we have all her little books in there, we continue, the etsy, art. In frames. Up here. These are a little bit different, of frames though as you can see they're thicker. Okay baby she's asking for strawberries. And then it has her pee in it. And. Of course all her books. Okay i got you give me a second i'm almost done. And then over here. Is, the welcome, baby sign that we actually, had. At her baby shower. Um and everybody, who joined us signed so i thought it'd be, i'm coming give me a, second. Okay when penny says apples she really means strawberries, we've been practicing, how to say strawberries. Um but really, how i make the strawberries, she really loves is super easy, they're basically. Macerated. Strawberries, i think that's what it's called. Um so i go through the box and i get rid of any of the really yucky ones, this box has been in our fridge for a couple days so there were a few i had to just throw out. And then i cleaned them in vinegar and water so i put equal, parts. And make sure all the strawberries, are covered and then i let them sit for a while. After that rinse all that vinegar, off and then i dice them into really. Like small bite-sized, pieces. And. Cut off the stems of course, or whatever those are called. And uh chop them down. After i do that, i, jar them so i have these really cute. Um. Mason jars basically, and. They make for very easy storage, and i can just pull out one serving at a time so. Because, we only had half the box left i only needed two jars and i, split the strawberries, evenly, in, both jars. And penny will literally, finish, an entire jar in one sitting. Because, i mean she loves fruit. Um. I taste one right now to make sure, they're sweet they're not that sweet this time so. I'm a little bit generous with the sugar, and that's another reason why penny loves them so i do about, a full teaspoon, of sugar split between. Both jars, that one on the left got a little bit of extra love and the other one on the right. Then i close them up and i refrigerate, them, and once you let them sit for a while. They start to develop their own syrup, and they're, so yummy.

She Was super excited, when i put him in front of her and she likes to dump, what she eats out in front of her so it's easy access, but because these have syrup in it she basically, made a mess so i had to dish them to her, in, little pieces. At the. Time. Okay take two, back here is the sign. We had every guest, at her baby shower sign. And we decided to go ahead and hang it in her room because. My besties who play in her shower did so well. And, this is actually, perfectly, in name with the room we had. Um, in mind for her, and. Now everybody who sign gets to be a part of her space, so, we hung it up back here, in her little reading. Corner okay jumping over here, to, the window wall, in her room. Uh starting over here we have. More. Signs. I found a dream catcher one which says dream big little one and i was like absolutely. Have to have it, again these are those thicker frames i like these a little bit better than i like those other picture frames. Um. And then i put. Bible verses in here as well, so of course my baby's head's got to be covered with jesus. And, this one says he will cover you with his feathers, and under his wing you will find refuge. Shall always feel safe, with jesus. She is more precious than jewels proverbs 3 15 amen. All right jumping backwards. We have curtains, white curtains hung up i'm facing the sun so the lighting's a little bad i apologize, for that. Um but as you can tell the curtains on the outer. Sides of the window have like these gold. Accents, in them which i was like oh perfect, that ties the gold in her room. In, and then. In the middle we did just a white sheer. And we pretty much always, keep these clothes, but we can open and close the blinds, behind them and it works. It brings in some pretty decent light she's on the side of the house, so. That kind of keeps the sun from making this room a little bit too warm. And then her rod. Is. Gold, as well, and, i'm obsessed. With, her, rod. Closings. It's like cracked, glass, i don't know what you would call that but. It's beautiful. And all of her window treatments, are from, amazon, so. I will find those. On amazon, and link them in our amazon store. And then this was actually an addition, we added. To her room as well because, my bonus baby, my husband's oldest daughter comes and visits us, um throughout the year and we wanted her to have a space where she could, feel like you know she belongs, of course so, we went ahead and added a little bit of a daybed, in here, i got this david, i think we found this daybed, at. Wayfair. I'll link that down below as well. And, it ended up fitting pretty nicely in the room it does take up quite a bit of space so we might reconfigure. A little bit but right now it works. And i actually love the idea of adding this in because, when we do sleep train benny or try to get her to nap in here, we lay here in this bed, and i put the most comfiest.

Mattress. It's like a memory, foam mattress in here, i love it. Pillows. Are from. Ross these are actually from ikea. I don't love them. I don't love the the material, and it wrinkles, which i don't love either but. It goes so i went ahead and kept them in there i'll probably end up switching those out. And then again we wanted to make sure we added some more blue in here so i found, this really comfy and it's huge. I think it's like a queen-size, blanket. And um i just folded and leave it up at the end of her bed, and it has. Little arrows, and with feathers in it so. It was like meant to be, basically. Here, on penny's, closet, door it says. Princess, sleeping. I thought this was so cute, but. We don't keep it on the outside of the door because it makes too much noise when you actually open and close the door, okay over here in the corner we have, a toy box, down here, and then we hung these floating, shelves from ikea, up here on this wall. And, here, we just store like little trinkets. Here in this bucket she's got tons. Of. Hair, bows. And like headbands. And things like that we put in here. And then, in this box. We actually have like, cute little notes, that her family members wrote her on her birthday. And, she's supposed to open them when she's 18, years old, so we're going to continue, that theme. For her milestone, birthdays. And. By the time she turns 18 this box will be full of sweet messages. From. Parents, grandparents. Great-grandparents. Aunties, uncles, cousins. Everyone. That loves her and she'll have that as something she can, remember, them by. And then up here we just store. Her, stuffed, animals, in pictures, of. Me and her, and her daddy, and her big sister. Okay. Moving over here, this has got to be one of my. Most. Maybe second favorite parts of the room since i already said her. Her other wall was my favorite. Starting up here at the top, her winnie her grandmama, i made her these. Dream catchers. And. Sherwini. Is addicted, to sunflowers, so of course she threw sunflowers, in there and it actually went perfectly, with the room, there's purples, and pinks and blues. And so we decided, to hang these dream catchers on her wall they were originally, made for her baby shower, and. They went perfectly, with her room so i was like can i please keep them, and she actually, diy, them herself. Um so i was like absolutely. Like a special project hanging, in her room is amazing. This says penelope's, room on it which.

I Believe, one of my co-workers. Gifted, her. Coming down here at the top of her dresser. We have. This changing, pad that i kind of secured, to the top of the dresser. And i mean it still allows me to, flip the sheets on and off so that i can wash them, but it's secured, so that she can't flip off of it so long as i have her, secured, and i actually, still use this, to change her when we're upstairs. Off to the right of that is. A wipe warmer we don't really use this anymore now but when she was teeny tiny, we definitely, did because little babies don't like cold wipes on their booty. This is leftover. Arrangements. From, the. Dream catchers, and or when he let us keep them, so we just jarred them, and set them here on the desk or the dresser excuse me in her room. Um right here. Pennies. Great. Great, aunt so my great aunt wow, crazy to say that, gifted her this, really. Nice. Jewelry, box. And it's white so it goes perfectly, with her room, so right now we store her little earrings, in here. And, i'm hoping this will grow with her, and kind of go with her into her adulthood, because it's so nice it's like. Pure wood it's heavy and solid. And, it's beautiful. Back here we have a little lamp. Um, i can't remember where i think this is like an ikea lamp honestly, it's. Pink, and white, and. It does just the right amount of light in here at night time. And then, this is like a pink little lava lamp i think i've had this actually for a while and i just threw it in here because when. My bonus baby is here, um she likes a little bit of a nightlight, so that works perfectly. Back here. Is, our nursery, room spray, y'all. I'm obsessed with this spray. It's, baby nursery, odor remover, and allergen, reducer, i think we got this at target i'm going to try to find it. And link it below, it's 100. Natural, it's baby, safe. And, it smells, like a little itty bitty newborn baby. So i'll come in here and i'll spray this. In her room anytime i feel like it needs like some freshening, up, and, ugh, it takes me back to a happy place when she is born. And cuddling, in my arms. Dropping down. We have, her, drawers. And my mom, penny's gigi, actually had this, genius, idea, of creating, these cute little labels. And tying them to ribbon so i take no credit for that idea my, my mom actually came up with it and so, i organized, her stuff and then labeled, it so. In here we'll keep like all her wipes, we'll typically keep diapers in here as well but, she's got an excess of wipes, it seems so, there's not a lot of room for diapers in there right now. Um at one point we were keeping all her. Bibs and burp cloths, in here now that she's. Outgrown, those a little bit too old. I just store. Like. Little breastfeeding. Blankets in here because i can use these anytime we're like traveling, and want something light for her to carry.

These Are car seat covers, so really this is storage, because a lot of that she doesn't use right now but our next baby may. Um, in here she's got, toiletries. And so we store. Like all of her, extra. Toiletries. In here. Stockings. Socks, and hats. Are in here. And, dropping down below we kind of leave this drawer empty, so anytime. Sophia, my bonus daughter comes. She has stuff to store in here but right now. I have. A bunch of stuff. To. Put away so this is stuff that like pennies, outgrown. Like it's six to nine months like stuff she can't fit anymore. So typically what i'll do is i'll put these in. A vacuum, sealed, pack and i'll store them away because. Me and my man, you know we're just starting to have kids so we may have another girl i'm, pretty confident we will. So i'm i'm storing, those, clothes, just in case we need them. Uh down here, are blankets, and sheets. We also keep towels, in here. Sheets to replace, on her, changing, table. Blankets, that we can carry with us when we travel or if we're just hanging around the house. Uh i think this goes like her boppy and stuff she doesn't use anymore but i still just keep them in here. Moving over, i'm actually ashamed, to say that this is for her onesies, and one pieces. And. Clearly. Mama's got a wash, we are running. Super low and if i'm really transparent, she spends more time in our room so. A lot of that stuff stays downstairs in our room instead of up here. But. All her bottoms. That's what these are. Girl. Girls got excess, i think this is. 18 months all the way up to 3t. Um, because she can still fit 18 months and maybe a little lean. Um, and then, we got some clothes. Gifted to us. And, she hasn't grown into them yet so. They all get stored in here okay the final thing i want to show you is penny's, rug, if you watched, our home, office, tour. This rug looks very familiar, it's the same exact rug in a lighter shade of pink, the office it's mauve and this is pink, it's a little smaller, so it fit perfectly. In her room. And then down here on the floor we also have. A pink little trash, can that also matches. It's convenient, because if we change a diaper or something quickly in here, just pop it in there as long as it's not poop. And we make sure to change that out or trash that. Pretty frequently. Thank you guys so much for coming to hang out with us we hope you enjoyed, taking a little peek into our home, and that this nursery room tour inspired, you if you're expecting, a little. Congratulations. You are in for a fun ride. As we mentioned don't forget to give this video a huge thumbs up, hit subscribe, before you go and drop any questions you have for us down below in the comments, see you guys next time here at the holmes. House.

2020-08-28 14:29

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