Our Ketch Awaitea is put back into the water after a full face lift in 4K @queensland

Our Ketch Awaitea is put back into the water after a full face lift in 4K @queensland

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[Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] welcome we're Karl and Katty and as you know last week we were painting our yacht this week we're fixing some dramas and putting her back in the water back into the anchor well I go we've done some more sandblasting in there after we patched the hole and I gotta clean up the good thing is it's not stinking hot today so that's good but still gotta get in oh [Music] [Music] done now we're gonna paint just a little bit and then we can go and grab the anchor wow actually I've got to put the battery back in for the winch yeah forgot about that then yeah nearly done all right once it's about the 500th job for the day yep it is [Music] coding over the coating to do the coding is that right yep coating over the coating so we can do the next coat yeah I've just had a look at the second class window and that also looks like it's had plenty of leaking so when I can find where Carl is I'm telling that one does need doing yes it's definitely leaked yep when you drive I slipped off every year you'd cry first I reckon probably sorry looks pretty good yeah maybe it's condensation that's caused that [Music] [Applause] I think so yeah Jesus well today was a super busy day in the Boatyard we unmasked the boat first of all first up I have uh cleaned out the Anchor Room and painted the parts I needed to in there which is great I've repainted all the patch UPS on the top which is good I've reinstalled the window I've sealed two windows I've reconnected the gas and of course put up all the awnings and so on that we had to rip down for the spray painting and I think that's a battle ah put all the uh owati signs on her back on names are all back on the Bell sprit did the guy guys for that um put them back on and tighten them up I think that's about all so tomorrow hopefully I will be able to get the anchor well battery for The Windlass back in and connect that back up in the battery box which means we can get the chain back in because we need to get the anchors back on board and the chain in and all the ropes and so on can go back down into there where they normally hang up which will be good and the second thing I like to do tomorrow is to wire up our fuel gauges we've had some problems with the fuel gauges one wasn't working both of them well one was working intermittently and one was working backward s so we've got the right stuff now right gauges that match the senders and I'm going to put them in tomorrow hopefully wire them up and test them to make sure they all work and that'll be tomorrow probably by the time we get the anchor up and all of that that'll take Fair time and anti-fouling goes on tomorrow as well so we'll be helping out with that got to mask it up again for the anti-foulan and then that's really the last thing um that has to be done and then of course we need to over the weekend put the swimming platform back on the tender back on and all of that sort of stuff that we've got over the other side in a big pile it all has to go back on Hawaii and then it'll be Monday and she's going back in the water about midday 9 16 in the Boatyard any foul goes on getting closer primer's all been done that was super quick for the Andy fowl because we sanded it back so far it needed priming and now in an hour's time or so Andy foul paint's looking good for everyone that says I should be getting a boat well I've got one weighs about 33 tonne or something all up so it's heavy enough that's for sure won't be the fastest uh Sailing Boat in the world but it'll be super comfy and nice in the water hopefully not that I know much at all because I'm not a sailor yet maybe next maybe next month or so you might need some sailing we'll get there anyway very dirty stuff everywhere we'll give it a clean up this weekend look at it crap and dust everywhere our old diesel tank fuel gauges they both read backwards one of them was intermittently not working every time you held your tongue wrong it went off and the other one worked fine except it read backwards so I've gotten rid of these they've got big cracks in them through the back anyway I don't know what's happened to them you can't probably see it but there's big cracks through the back on both of them [Music] Anchor's coming up we do have a minor problem the anchor container for the chain is a little bit too small and it will be overflowing shortly so I couldn't wonder why they previous owner had all the anchor chain in the bag well now we know why so we'll have to sort that out later on [Music] it's been another big day in the Boatyard and I'm about worn out anchors are up although one's not properly up the sand anchors stowed away in the anchor Locker and we're doing our last coat of Andy fowl right now there's the anchors but like I said one of them defeats me with the shackle I don't understand [Music] 60 liters of ounce of power fantastic oh she is a bit dusty and dirty but she's looking so much really lovely look at her today you got a job yes replacing the anodes replacing the Zen cannotes and they've got to go on all the spots around the boat so all you have to do yeah is undo this yeah get it all out yeah so we need to get all the paint off the back of the bolt head all of that so it's 100 off just the back of the boat here [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] always the last one that's a problem Anna it's done stick things are progressing the platform's back on and up is up day 18. sanding is our last day we've got some bigger power tools today we've got a belt sander down there I'm not sure whether you can see it we're in for some serious action today no mucking around because we've got to get it done yeah because after today that's it down in the marina you're not allowed to use power tools so yeah we're trying to smash out what we can and that's it yeah then it'll just be quietly by hand in the marina or inside which I've got plenty to do inside anyway so yeah let's go [Music] [Applause] this morning we are gonna be put on the water again yeah okay so at the moment Carl is just getting ready to clean the trainers sea water strainer sea water strainer so he's done one and he's about to do the other one but this one needs a shifter and as you can see everything's been packed down because they're moving the boat and I haven't anchored everything down as yet so it has to be packed down I've also got all my auntie slip up there oh we've got a spear anyway two Spears two spare watts two spare um ports off it for extra things such as water maker all right good bloody screwdriver to get along whoa foreign Expedition [Music] what the heck is that what you're expecting in the oven yeah that's what I was gonna go where's the strainer well that is the strainer there how the hell do you get the strainer out you're thinking I'd have a handle well that's a bit dirty I have to clean that I don't know how but we've got to clean that I don't know how it comes out might need some more tools so that's where the motor gets clogged used to get clumped see how the hell why doesn't it have a handle I've got to take it out that's not gonna come out in a hurry how the hell [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it only becomes worse so we've just pulled into our birth and he's already checking for licks just in case guess what everyone we're on the water not bad first night not back on the water on the water finally after three weeks nearly yeah with the boat so our first night on the water and we'll see how it goes we'll let you know but we're happy we're super excited yeah the sunset we just missed the sunset we're too excited talking to our neighbors and we just forgot about the sunset but anyway and therefore [Music] hope everything's good if we don't sink we'll see you tomorrow thanks for watching and don't forget to subscribe if you want a reminder hit the bell and remember we always love a thumbs up join us next week as we hit the road in the truck and Carl gets a little flushed with some of the jobs any temporary my wife is only temporary okay I reckon I've been living too long that's why you got the boat you weren't expecting it so ah possibly expecting you to live that long yeah we decided to well we actually did a favor and picked up some stuff from Bunnings there's some people here on the hard stands and then we went and had some drinks with them and all things and all we're now finding that we're a bit locked in we went to each padlock and couldn't get out we thought we were going to have to go and stay in our boat but alas we've managed to get out at last we've escaped the prison we have escaped the animal cage so how are you going to do it with the anti-slip that's a challenge that I'm still facing I'm gonna work it out the deal I know that's the deal I'm not allowed to have Trinkets and [ __ ] laying around and less it's anchored down foreign like munched it out chewed it out like a ferret chewed it out like a ferret goes towards me the little ladder has to be toward me again if you're looking for a way to help us get the boat back on the water and keep bringing these videos to you every Thursday Patron is a great way to do that if you can't commit to a monthly payment well we've also got our super things which is a once off payment via YouTube all of this helps us keep producing these videos for you and to those of you who are already patrons thank you very much for your support we truly appreciate it [Music] take me somewhere I don't know and give me your freedom oh let me do pieces yeah

2023-08-14 14:00

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