Our First Time in Seoul, South Korea (travel vlog)

Our First Time in Seoul, South Korea (travel vlog)

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welcome to so one of the most amazing  cities we've ever been to. 1,2,3.. Over the next 5 days we will be exploring  Seoul. Taking you with us for the best eats - savory and sweet! Temples museums and since this is our  first time in Asia in this video we'll be sharing   a lot of our first impressions and exploring the  modern area of Gangam, including K Star Road, Bongeunsa temple, Coex mall, famous for its futuristic Library. oh and there will be a lot of eating in between   we quickly realized Gangam is not for low budget travelers like ourselves but was it at least worth it? [Music] We're about to go into the neighborhood of Gangam  which is basically south from here we're going to   go catch the metro. We arrived yesterday morning  and the little exploring we've done so far I am  

so excited to explore a lot more everything feels  so different yet not because the roads are a lot   wider than I was expecting as you can see this  road behind me if I didn't see the Korean letters   everywhere and the license plates on the cars I  would literally think um somewhere in America and   coming from Europe it just feels very big for such  a small country that was something that we were   not expecting. Now we're on the way to Gangam and  our first step is to get the best bagels in Seoul the line we'll be getting on is number three. I'm not going to lie the Metro system has   been really confusing and never taking us as  long to figure out but that makes sense we   were expecting that. Let's share a little more to  make your transportation a little easier let's  

go get the ticket. so the easiest way to do it is come to these machines right here either to top up your reusable card or to buy a single  use ticket for the time being we're going to   get a single journey ticket and the way you do it  select destination type the name of where you're   going and it calculates the for you I need to check where we're going I don't remember the station what has been a little confusing  we've been using Google Maps um because that   has been doing the best translating however  sometimes it just shows us the the character   so we've been doing some character learning  things but most of the time you'll have the   color and the number which helps a lot we're  doing two tickets not bad 4,200 Won but that's   with a deposit so to get your single Journey  ticket card is 500 Won as a deposit and you will   come back at the end of your trip in this machine  right here and you will get your 500 Won back these   machines only take cash you put your money here  now that we got our change let's go find our train another thing I want to share that is  different than any other Metro System we've   gone to and maybe it's like that Asia in general  is how everyone cues out for the train that has   been something that like in any other country  everyone is is just kind of going in here you   make two lines so we're in one of the lines and  we're first in line so Olivia is right behind   me and the person behind her is third in line and  it's such an organized way cuz now the people are   going to come out from the middle it's such an  efficient concept that yesterday we didn't even   know it was a thing but we just looked at each  other and we realized we queued up. Very impressed   very impressive. another thing I want to say is  how quiet everything is and so our next country  

from here is Japan and we knew that you know when  we're comparing the countries and learning before   the trip that Japan is a lot more quiet so now  we're like we've been whispering everything here   because once you enter the train during rush  hour in so you you can't hear a thing maybe   like a person here in there and for someone  who's very easily over stimulated I feel very   happy about that like even yesterday we were  walking through the back like roads and alleys   but like it's more residential there were so  many people walking and were just like whispering [Music] [and then silence of the train] so many smells everywhere, everywhere we're going  to do so much eating on this trip yesterday we   went to this very popular place has a Michellin star has only four items in the menu and it was   so amazing we're going to go back cuz we weren't  filming yesterday we're just so tired right now   you're probably like why the heck are you getting  Bagels. Well Korea is really really really good in   baked goods yeah I think just food in general  just like the technique and the ritual of it the   reviews we read this is supposed to be one of the  best bagel places all over the world so we want   to go there out of curiosity and see how does it  compare to New York Bagels in America yeah because   in Greece bagels are bread this is the same bagel  place from Korean in New York and they opened one   up here we're stopping every like little while  looking at all the stuff seeing green tea ice   cream is making me so excited for all the green  tea and matcha everything we will be having for   the next 3 weeks we're going to have some really  good matcha today wait to see where I take you   so crazy because you'd expect to be like coming  all the way here to Asia to Korea thinking things   that feel very foreign but they don't I mean like  again how wide the roads are I feel like I could   be walking to Michigan Avenue in Chicago right  now also keep in mind we're in a more modern area   right now so that's going to play a difference  tomorrow we're going to be going and doing a lot   of traditional stuff visiting temples and going to  an old hanok village right in like the center so   I'm sure once you're in that area that's when  it's going to feel like you're in a different country so many nice cars everywhere  you see very few older cars and by   older I mean like 2017 maybe we've been  in Greece too long but is everyone here rich? Doesn't feel new but at the same  time it doesn't it doesn't it does like   I feel like when you're in the big busy  street it doesn't feel new because it's   very familiar you get to these side  streets and it's a different world yeah and as more an introverted person  too I love how there's so many places   where you just kind of get your own space  there's so many like self catering places   like here you come take pictures at a  photo booth and you even have little   like hair straighteners and mirrors to do  your hair you pay it right there we're   definitely going to be doing some photobooth pictures together right our play [Music] I'm very happy this place knows how  to set the vibe before you even go to   the front step of the [Music] door one  locks bagel and two eggs bacon cheese [Music] this view oh I still can't believe  we're in Asia we've talked about it so long   and then we booked this trip pretty  last minute till a month ago we had   no idea we're coming and now we're here eating  bagels almost, in a bamboo garden. ooh the Moment of Truth smells really good oh these are really  big should have um we should have practiced   expanding our stomachs so before we came wow this  looks amazing smells really good too I can't open   my mouth that big this is smaller that's like  little stuff wow the bagel is really good but   what really hits you and that's something that we  read online The cream cheese is amazing they have   really good flavor selections and we wanted to  do the Fig one because that's supposed to be the   best one the bagel is really good too I got the  locks which basically has lettuce, capers scallion  cream cheese, salmon. I got the can egg and cheese  like classic breakfast sandwich I get smell the   bacon it smells really nice this one's not as  big as the other one so there we go very simple   exactly what you would expect but the flavor is  really good and the bagel has a nice like chew   and you can see how it has like these bubbles  it could be sour dough there may be sour dough   oh I think that's what I read yeah look look I  wouldn't call this the best bagel I've ever had   I've definitely had better bagels but I think  what sets this apart is the cream cheese it's   I mean don't get me wrong the bagel is really  good but I've definitely had better ones like   the bacon all it's close to American bacon  but it's like not there's a different flavor   now what I get this bagel again after seeing the  price this is the most expensive Bagel I've ever had both of these bagels together were $20 but we  are in one of the wealthier areas, Gangam. And now we are   going to try a very popular cran street food which  is pretty much fruit on a stick and then they dip   it in like a sugar syrup and it crystallizes and  it's supposed to be really good and this place   actually says ASMR because probably the sound  of the sugar coating like crunching is ASMR   so let's go see what we're going to something  I heard the oranges are supposed to be really   good here and I love oranges and Mandarin so  I thought this was the best option to [Music] try it's exactly how you think it would be the  Mandarin slice with the sugar syrup on top but   the sensations are very interesting how you bite  through it into just really sweet sugar syrup and   then like the burst of like tangy orange and  the combination it's fun I mean it's nothing   crazy but I think it's more about the experience  do it look how bright orange this is this is one   flavorful mandarin another thing to note is that  we're standing by the side so in Korean culture   it's considered rude as an adult to be  walking and eating, although I did see some   they were teenagers so maybe they get off with  it I really want to try the special grapes they   have they have a grape version we'll have to do  that another time interesting the syrup is not very sweet some ASMR for you. These are probably  some of the best mandarins I've had in my   life if you just think of it as just  a mandarin they were so juicy and they   coating is a bit sweet but it's not as sweet  as I thought it would be I'd love to try the   Mandarin by itself because I maybe getting  tricked with the flavors mixed up but this is amazing Oh my God we're melting This is basically kind of like the  Hollywood Walk of Fame but I think for K-pop Stars   however instead of stars they  get Teddy Bears which is even better.

Very cute! We may have run into someone famous As we're walking down K Star Road and not just this road in general but this   road because it has all these expensive shops  they have money to drop into the design even   more and I'm just astounded at building after  building after building just like such cool   designs like honestly all of our travels  I don't think I've seen it anywhere else   in the world like I'm just astounded and like how  clean everything is we love you Korea we love you next up on our exploring here in Gangam is Bongeunsa Temple it's an old Buddhist   temple in the midst of all this modern  architecture so let's go find out more about it. The temple was finished in 794 during the  kingdom of Sila and the reign of King Wonseong In fact the temple was a type of government office  established for the construction and operation of   other temples built by the Royal Family. in 1498  the temple was reconstructed during the reign of   Queen Jeonghyeon and although the temple survived the  Japanese Occupation it did not survive the Korean  War the temple has been restored since and the  temple is home to over 3,000 different scriptures   of 13 different types this is a lot bigger  than we're expecting we thought it'd be just   like one temple with a little bit of yard it's a  park too it has a lot of nature to walk through although Korea technically doesn't have an  official religion according to a 2021 poll   60% of the country identifies as atheists  having no affiliation with any religion   17% identify as Protestant, 16% identify as  Buddhist and 6% of the country identify as   Catholic. I find the environment  here really peaceful and it's just nice so now we're going to flip SP around and  we're going to do something completely opposite   and go to a mall but this mall is pretty  special and uh it's right across the [Music] street and this Pokemon machine right  here is why it's pretty special okay   just kidding but I did have to go  get a pack of Pokemon cards for   myself special about the mole is how  big it is and the library holds inside it's a pretty futuristic one and new because   this whole building is pretty  new and it's just amazing very impressive they do have foreign books  as well the majority of them are Korean   but they also have a lot of English  magazines so if you want a place to   like relax and come study or  just pick a book and come and read place is a lot bigger than  I expected well has anything you   can live here for days I bet there's  people that come to the hotel cuz it's   connected to a couple different hotels  they just don't leave if you're here   for business and you don't have a lot  of time to go places it literally has everything so we're right by the movie theater and  I am just blown away by the screens behind us I   mean the quality I've never seen before it's very  Vivid and like real to life for bake screens like   that they like for advertisement and stuff like  that just it's so clear the colors are so good I'm   sure the camera can really like show you exactly  what we're looking at it's crazy so this movie   theater has a special projector that is like a new  technology laser and we look looked at the prices   for the movie tickets before we knew this and it  was probably around $30 a person most expensive   movie ticket I've ever seen I'm like I cannot  believe it but this is the only movie theater of   this brand which is like one of the biggest brands  here in Korea that has this technology and it   makes me want to go to the movies even more to we  don't have enough time to do that just just blown   away you know the technology it just seems so  Advanced yeah I think I read somewhere that Korea   has some of the most technological innovations  coming out of here I believe it I can see that   it's it's great I mean you have Samsung and a  lot of other companies that we' all heard before   I mean it makes sense when you hear people say  Korean and Japan are truly living in the future   yeah once we found our way out of the mall and saw  the famous Gnam Style statue yes Gnam Style was   inspired by this area it was time to take a taxi  and head over to the next destination that Maria   had been anticipating or once again we were blown  away by Korea there is so much space in the back seats wow this is very artistic wait  till you see wait till you see this   is like the Apple Store of desserts and I  think we're about to have the best coffee   of our life I completely forgot about  this place this is what we're here for [Music] I want this one this is indeed [Music] art  two desserts two coffees $41 this is black   sesame coffee and I'm really excited to  try it um I can't tell what the ice is   problem is I didn't think was going  to milk and I think it does and now it's it's really good I don't drink  milk cuz it usually tastes really   milky I don't taste the milk this is  squeet ink cant with matcha in the middle I don't know how to eat  it but I think the best way is it worth $10 this was actually about  20 the Coran flavors in this are amazing   the matcho cream is really good you know  with matcho you can usually get like a   bit grainy this is perfectly smooth the Coran  is so buttery and crunchy I'm just oh my God   this is really good I have been very excited  to have matcha in the source of where it all   comes from Asia everything's so pretty and  I love how like this little thing they have   how it says new day gives you a place where your  dessert fantasies come alive we make the most   unique desserts inspired by fashion art and your  own sweet dreams and I can definitely see how it's   very fashion inspired I'll see and you're right  how a lot of the time you can get it super grainy   but I think it's because to get the good stuff  like abroad you have to pay a lot more it's really nice I get why youve had that fi look on  your face when you tried it now isn't it   so good yeah it's really weird but it's so good  when you first taste it the Sesame flavor just   like fills your entire mouth and then you kind  of come down and you're like oh this is coffee   too and then you it can really accept all the  flavors together I've never had a coffee like   that it like in some ways it doesn't taste like  coffee but then after a few seconds it does what   is the ice cre it's amazing I don't know that  I think it might be like more coffee like cold   brew it's almost like charcoal I did a fries  calculation for just this one and just this is   $21 so for for size comparison it's not big oh  my God I love a bit of cream this matcha like   froth cream it's amazing when new Korea does  coffee well and desserts this is beyond our expectations this cake ishio Fine sponge cake  inside and honestly looking at this it looks fake the texture and the flavors are really  nice I don't like things that are too sweet   when it comes to dessert and it's quite  balanced with the sweetness for dessert   and the cream is like it's very light  it's very good try the other one if you   come here don't over order because you  cannot pack the dessert so you have to   eat everything here so I'm prepared all right  we're going to dive into this this is our long   I think this place is the perfect example to show  how presentation can really trick your brain like   the croissant when looking at it you wouldn't  think it would taste how it tastes it just tastes   like a really good buttery croissant and also like  the cake it looks fake and then it's just like a   really good pure dessert when you have it in your  mouth and I I really like those things [Music] very happy we have come for some beers and  chicken wings so we came to eat fried chicken   because Fried Chicken is a very popular dish  here in Korea and of course we had to get some   local beers mine is an Amber and Olivia is having  NPA from it Wong Wong which is actually the area   here and instead of saying saying Indian Pale  Ale is I want pale ale in this place everything   smells so good we got honey butter which is  probably my favorite Korean flavor ever cran   garlic a big onion ring yya which is a type  of Korean Tha and then Korean glaz and more   a traditional Anda what are you going to  have first go with the honey butter that   like that combination is just a combination  like I I can't even [Music] so good it's so [Music] good which one is this this is the Gangam  sauce which I think may be a house sauce that they   make and it's Cen glaze lightly spicy all  right I'm going to start with the parmesan   [Music] garlic oh wow it's like a jelly I was  wondering how is a giant onion ring that there's   no onions that are so big duh like they kind  of grind it up Korean slap jelly so onion jelly anyone this is genius if you don't mind the  texture I don't know how Olivia is going to   like the texture with your typical onion ring  you actually like get stringy you end up with   some pieces where doesn't actually have onion  this you're going to have onion in every single   bite and it's filled with onion the sauce is  amazing want to try the Korean [Music] glaze   that's very nice I'm excited to try the honey  butter they have honey butter chips here in   Korea and they're so amazing hav't eaten one  B thing that's genius and the flavor the sauce   too and the onion ring talking about how genius  Koreans are I just got to say about something   earlier today with a Teo when we're taking  off our shoes it's just in general a lot of   things that should be common sense especially  with hygiene I'm a germaphobe so like I'm very   careful about contamination and all that stuff  Koreans get it I haven't been to another Asian   country so I don't know about the rest of Asia  but the hygiene here is unbelievable and I am   so happy about it everything's so clean and just  it's like the Western World certain things don't   click they try to be clean but it doesn't make  sense I can give you an example and go on a   around but I'm so excited to continue eating  I can't wait for tomorrow and the rest of the   goodies we're going to eat I love it here have  I said how much I love it here I love it [Music]

2024-07-12 08:53

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