Our First Time in Jakarta Indonesia Indonesia is SO FRIENDLY!

Our First Time in Jakarta Indonesia  Indonesia is SO FRIENDLY!

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Faleminderit shumë, terima kasih banjak. Sampai jumpa Unë dhe mustaqet e mia jemi krejt vetëm Irlandia dhe gjermani sa kushton Berapa Harga? Berapa Harga great to be able to freely roam a beautiful and historic City like Jakarta ketchup is not ketchup it's soy sauce selamat datang dan salam welcome to Jakarta Indonesia a massive bustling Metropolis with around 30 million people living in it this is our very first time in Jakarta it's also our very first time in Indonesia and today we're going to be exploring Jakarta for the very first time and bringing you guys along with us so we're ready for some new food some new experiences and to meet some new amazing local people let's check out Jakarta so today is our very very first day of exploring in and around Jakarta and right now we are in the Kota Tua area which is considered the old town of Jakarta so like the original downtown if you will and right now we are in the Chinatown Market space of kota tua and we came here sort of to understand maybe Jakarta and the old town a little bit better before diving into the newer parts and wow this is absolutely amazing very very interesting for a very first day of exploring so much going on everywhere A lot of people a lot of scooters a lot of vegetables for sale and so on it's very very nice to actually walk around here it's very beautiful and definitely a very good step to step towards the culture of Indonesia or of java a little bit more today I want to say a city that has over 30 million people I'll tell you what you are bound to find some really good food some really good people and plenty of culture as well and that's the whole reason why we are traveling and if you guys are new here I'm sure plenty of you guys are going to be new to the channel my name is Luke and this is Naomi hello and we have been traveling the world now for around two years I'm Irish Naomi is German and uh yeah we find joy in doing this we find pleasure in traveling the world meeting amazing people and trying amazing food and just blending in with local life and uh yes that's exactly what we're gonna do we made our way through the area of glodok or Chinatown and we're trying to make our way in and around the market area and we might as well bring you guys and show you around it is pretty it's pretty hectic it is pretty crazy there's a lot going on we're going to make our way into sort of the inner workings of kota tua the Old Town of Jakarta I feel like it's the perfect place to begin this journey I feel like it's very very hectic and busy today because it's Saturday early afternoon so everybody and their Grandma is out on the streets doing their shopping for the weekend getting ready to sort out those family dinners so I think today is going to be crazy Kucing Kucing Hello Kucing one of the little words I know in Indonesian oh look at all the Kucings oh wow! so many Kucings, so many Kucings, yeah it's a little snug here wow it's packed very busy we found ourselves literally inside a tunnel Universe of a market I feel like this market area was not built for us we're a little bit big we're a little bit on the bigger side of life yeah westerners we're all very fat these look very interesting wow not sure what they are I think they're sweet buns, like sweet bean let us know guys hello let us know down in the comments guys exactly what they are so we can give them a try ah they have kway teow oh look at this yeah very interesting food prawn pancake yeah this is uh oh this is like a like a Vada like a like a pancake prawn pancake very cool I think he's making like some sort of a fried cake another Kucing so many cats around here but uh kucing putih white cat this is here showing our expertise Kucing hitam dan putih black and white I know all about the cats it's the only thing I know so far another thing that you're absolutely guaranteed to get if you're in a city with around 30 million people is some pretty crazy traffic we've been trying to cross this road now for a solid 10 minutes or so so let's see if we can get across I'm kind of trying to wait for some locals to cross and just attach ourselves oh now now now oh God okay I was waiting for some locals but I saw I saw a gap in the traffic kështu që na u desh të ecnim, më vjen shumë keq shumë rrezik në këtë mënyrë mos e bëj në këtë mënyrë Biznes i rrezikshëm ky kryqëzim këtu është goxha i çmendur oh Naomi më la prapa le të shohim nëse mund t'ia dalim oh ne ia dolëm wow është si adrenalina po wow hello oh shiko të gjitha këto kapele wow oh ne po ecim pak um në një muze për të parë si një histori. së paku nga pamja e jashtme, shikoni se çfarë ofron kjo zonë pikërisht këtu djema që keni Muzeu Mandiri duket të jetë një fabrikë e vjetër holandeze tani holandezët ne po kolonizojmë Indonezinë për periudhën më të gjatë kohore besoj afërsisht rreth 300 vjet apo më shumë kolonizimi në Indonezi që është shumë interesant dhe jam i sigurt se kam lënë një gjurmë shumë të madhe në ajrin e vendit dua dingin oh hello , sa i ftohtë është ti beraapa ? po berapa harga Nga jeni? Irlanda Irlanda, Jerman Ju Xhakarta? E bukur, është e bukur! Gëzuar që u njohëm! Terima Kasih, faleminderit! Dëshironi të kapni një ujë? was he from Jakarta sorry I didn't hear the conversation the guy in the horse cart yeah he was really nice really young really young really young he looked like he was only around maybe 15 years old he was trying to bring us for a ride in his horse cart I'm very allergic to horses, I'm sorry but oh by the way one bottle of water was um 5 000 Indonesian rupees and that's like I want to say it's around 30 cents 30 Euro cents for a bottle of water that's crazy this area here in Kota tua seems to be a lot of museums like I was saying we have the mandiri museum here which seems to be very large and um due to the influence obviously of the Dutch that were here for such a long time the British were here believe it or not but they were only here for a few years it was like three to five years or something that was like how long they were here so there's not much influence from the British Tidak, terima kasih but uh the the houses here are very reminiscent of the Dutch architecture yeah true, some of it really does look very European a lot of around koto tua you see the uh the European influence around the the old town of Jakarta used to be known as Batavia I believe which is uh really interesting I'm not too sure what Batavia actually means does it mean anything in German Batavia Batavia no no guys we made it to Taman fatahillah this beautiful Square here in kota tua there's plenty of museums around and we just sat and listened to some live music from The Amazing locals here I'm not too sure what of a band they were but it was a collection of amazing local musicians sat and listened to them jammed out for around 40 minutes and this is where you can find the cafe Batavia which is a pretty famous cafe we are so blown away by how friendly kind and heartwarming the people are here this is literally our very first day walking around so many people have stopped us already to say hi to take selfies to even just ask us where we're from so nice very very good feeling about this area and kota tua in general it is pretty touristic area we've seen quite a lot of tourists hello there's plenty of Tourism going on but people are so How cute are the people here? më falni që ju ndërpres, por ata janë kaq të lezetshëm dhe kaq të bukur sa është çmenduri që ne thjesht nuk kemi bërë asgjë tjetër veçse buzëqeshim që kur mbërritëm në Xhakartë dhe unë do t'ju tregoj se cilët djema jeni shumë me fat që jeni nga një vend kaq i jashtëzakonshëm sa kjo Indonezia po na bën vërtet përshtypje deri më tani dhe shikoni se sa e mrekullueshme kjo zonë është shumë e bukur këtu, me biçikleta. është miku ynë në të vërtetë, por ka shumë ndërtesa të pabesueshme për të parë shumë muzeume Muzeu Wayang nuk është shumë i sigurt tani se për çfarë bëhet fjalë, por ju keni shumë gjëra përshëndetje dhe um po, mendoj se do të rrimë këtu për një kohë të gjatë duket se është një atmosferë shumë e mirë dhe mendoj se ne po përpiqemi të gjejmë ushqime lokale për të shkuar mirë. kaq shumë gjëra të ndryshme që duhet t'i shënojmë dhe është vetëm herët, fjalë për fjalë është dita jonë e parë këtu, e pranoj, nuk dua, nuk do të jem në të gati? bukur! po! Shume faleminderit! Terima Kasih banyak! Sampai Jumpa, Sampai Jumpa Po mësoj Po mësoj njerëz të mrekullueshëm po kaq mirë Faleminderit! bye bye, bye yummy Naomi është një personazh i famshëm pse unë, jo ti? Unë jam personi i famshëm që ndihem kaq i lënë përpara tani, oh ju do të përfshiheni, jam i sigurt se kjo është vetëm për shkak se ne kemi takuar kryesisht gra, mendoj se nëse ka burra do të takojmë burra dhe ata do të bëjnë një foto me ty.

sa do të jetë dua puluh a është kjo në rregull? terima kasih, o super e shpejtë dua puluh është njëzet dua puluh a ke kashtën time? yeah perfection yeah yeah yeah it's good really good you want me to open it oh yes please you can do it again this is my favorite part haiya stab that tea wow okay so nice refreshing lemon tea just to break up the heat oh it's beautiful really good this like area inside here is very interesting it's like the collection of different things so like a whole collection of different ice cream vendors there's a CFC here so forget about your KFC they've got CFC some sort of a fried chicken stall we got the es teh which is like iced tea in Indonesia and then a whole bunch of different other ones like Korean food Chinese food etc etc it sort of looks like this here is an area like maybe a building that is hasn't been used in a while and they just filled it up with different food stalls which is really really cool and amazing prices as well if you compare it probably to the more touristy restaurants that are around the corner for two Iced Teas we paid 20 000 uh Indonesian rupiah which is like uh one Euro like 1.29 1.20 1.30 something like that yeah we're still struggling with the conversion rate but we're getting there slowly so uh yep very affordable and super tasty very affordable yeah super tasty very refreshing to break up the day it is a pretty hot day outside but not too bad it's actually manageable we've been walking around now for a solid maybe two hours and uh we're feeling very good I feel like in comparison to we before this before Jakarta we were in Borneo and I feel like in comparison to Borneo temperature wise and humidity wise it's not so bad yeah it's more more on the fresh side here yeah very very true more manageable very true I just saw through the open window this beautiful dress with sort of a I don't know it looks a little bit like a dragon mask or something like this and tie dye but I cannot see a price from here I think we have to go and can we go in let's go and check it out yeah it's so beautiful I need to have it just have a look here at the building It's Like A Very Old Dutch style building here the architecture all around the kota tua area is very very special just have a look here at this building yeah let's go inside and check it out the house is beautiful some really beautiful clothes here 70,000 It's 70 thousand 5 euro I think so, yeah, you have size besar? Unë jam pak i madh dhe thotë Bali në anën e pasme, por dua që të shkruhet Jakarta Mendoni se është madhësia ime? Pasqyrë! Naomi është në një zbavitje pazaresh Mirror, mund të provoni dhe të pasqyroni! me siguri jam konfuz Pasqyrë, pasqyrë, ah po! Mund të provosh Maaf, më vjen shumë keq Maaf. cila mendoni se është më e bukura çfarë ju pëlqen mua më pëlqen e bardha. Putih më fal por thotë si Bali në shpinë po nuk kemi qenë në Bali nuk kam qenë kurrë në Bali por më pëlqen fustani është një fustan shumë i lezetshëm kështu që sapo mora një fustan të bukur isha duke kërkuar për një lloj të tillë si fustane të rrjedhshëm që janë pak më të gjerë sepse është më komode sidomos në lagështi dhe nxehtësia është zgjedhje perfekte që nuk më thotë Bali. 'Mendo se do të bëjmë, nuk jam i sigurt nëse do të

shkojmë në Bali këtë vit këtë herë, ndoshta, por tani për tani është Java dhe Java është e gjitha kështu yeah yeah but I'm gonna walk around with a Bali dress even though I haven't been there but it's okay oh and we paid 70. 70 000 so with that 4 Euro 16 something like that for a dress it's not bad we didn't we didn't try to haggle the price we just were like we'll pay it first day in Jakarta try and support people let's go and explore more there's some beautiful buildings this way hello go and check this place out some more um this whole kota tua area is very beautiful and I can't get over the architecture it's just so so different it doesn't even feel like we're in Southeast Asia it's like it's a perfect blend of everything in one place and the people are just so amazing as well it's very pedestrianised as well which is positively surprising because in a lot of places in Southeast Asia it's actually difficult to find pedestrianised areas and this is just so nice just to walk around and not having to worry about the traffic unless there's a scooter coming by but there's always a scooter so that's okay though there's always some scooters yeah but um that's a very good point a lot of Asia we've traveled around quite a bit of Asia over the last year anyways and we found it's it is difficult to consistently walk around without having to navigate your way through busy streets but here it's not really the case we've been walking and walking and walking for quite some time and it's fantastic great to be able to freely roam a beautiful and historic City like Jakarta have to say Well done to the people of Jakarta it's incredibly clean here it's crazy such a massive sprawling vast City with so many so much going on so many people just have a look at this it's gorgeous it looks like there is a way to access these like thingies what are they called walkways the little walkways on the water sometimes but right now it's blocked off unfortunately it would be so cool to walk over the water how clean is this area yeah it's very nice it's amazing and this house is so so beautiful I keep taking pictures of it because I cannot believe how beautiful the house is God it's gorgeous is that like a hotel or something I don't know it looks very closed from the outside I don't know very beautiful could be maybe a nightclub or something it is uh wow I cannot imagine being inside there it seems to be like totally taken over by that by all of the flowers and the growth it's crazy very very beautiful on the first floor balcony it looks like there there is some seating arrangements so maybe uh maybe a restaurant or a bar or something I don't know but from right now it looks closed from the outside I don't know nasi goreng ayam for 20000 so fried rice with chicken for 20000 nice! dhe ju mund të merrni pak roti, të gjitha Bakso's dhe Mie's si dhe Mie ayam e kështu me radhë dhe ata kanë lëng oh bukur! A duhet të kemi ushqim këtu? po! Pra, ne jemi në Kantin Kota Tua thjesht në këndin e pasmë të sheshit të madh , ku aktualisht po përpiqeni të kuptoni se si funksionon këtu me porosinë, por në shumë Azinë Juglindore ata thjesht ju japin një stilolaps dhe një letër dhe më pas ju thjesht shkruani porosinë tuaj, gjë që e bën shumë shumë të lehtë nëse keni ndonjë vështirësi gjuhësore, unë personalisht mendoj se do të shkoj ose do të bëj atë që dëshironi. gjellë si një mie ayam apo diçka që dëshironi një mie ayam bakso? apo mie ayam polos? pse nuk marrim nje mie ayam bakso? po kështu mie ayam bakso dhe unë do të shkoj me një Nasi Goreng Ayam sepse ndihem si oriz i skuqur tani Nasi Goreng Ayam dhe më pas çfarë do të doje të pije që ata të kenë të gjitha lëngjet po lëng molle lëng pjepri lëng dardhe lëng portokalli të gjitha lëngjet, por ato janë të ëmbël, mendoj se është i ëmbël. mund të jetë i nxehtë çaj me limon akull çaj me limon të ftohtë po unë do të bëj një nga ato le ta bëjmë kështu që mie ayam bakso Nasi Goreng ayam dhe Dua es limon teh totalisht Është shumë interesante, sapo kuptova se salca e sojës në Indonezi quhet kecap kështu që tani duhet të rishqyrtojmë gjithçka që dimë salcë kechiliy dhe nuk është salcë ketchup . dhe ky është mie ayam bakso juaj dhe mendoj se keni edhe një sambal këtu nëse dëshironi, oh kam pak sambal , ka erë shumë të këndshme një sambal i kuq pikant, oh bukur! Terima Kasih, sama sama it's colorful it looks amazing what are these are just like prawn uh crab crab cakes prawn crackers very nice beautiful why are they pink I don't know pink and yellow very interesting you run some of them I'm gonna I'm gonna taste I'm gonna taste mine first and then I'm gonna try some sambal you can give yours a try as well so colorful unexpected unexpectedly colorful oh yes oh it's steaming hot wow it looks so nice it's so hot that it's like oh I'm scared that it's too hot for me yeah oh my God this is amazing not spicy at all though I think I will have to add some of that uh sambal on top maybe some chili sauce yeah give me the chili yeah better now it's nice good amount of spiciness in there this beautiful prawn crackers oh prawn cracker ASMR in the house no very nice and it's also only 20 000 Indonesian rupiah so one Euro 30. yeah I wouldn't say big portion for that money really good and this bakso mie ayam bakso so noodles chicken bakso the bakso I believe is the meatballs here very excited to try this let's do this grab myself cutlery and let's just Dive Right In so I've got a bunch of leafy greens lots and lots of these amazing looking noodles we've got what looks to be some sort of maybe crispy onions maybe some shallots on top and here you have the amazing juicy tender chicken and then you also have the bakso meatballs as well in there this looks incredible very very juicy and very appetizing so I'm gonna just go right in with some of that ayam the noodles give it a try oh my God that's amazing the texture of the noodles a little bit chewy but still cooked to Perfection they're really juicy chicken is crazy flavorful it's sitting in that amazing soup broth the Soto broth it really just adds a different level of flavor and I'm not even sure what sort of a flavor I'm getting off that chicken but it's not spicy very juicy and incredibly packed full of flavor I'll give one of these meatballs here a try too put the whole one in why not oh my God yeah fantastic and this bowl just look at it it's literally packed full of nutrients everything that you could need you've got protein you've got some greens you've got more protein here and then you have some amazing beautiful juicy carbohydrates nobody's mad at carbohydrates this is the perfect dish right here wow okay fantastic first day and first impression of Jakarta we went to Jakarta Kota station and went to try and figure out a bus and it turns out that you have to get basically like a monthly bus card so I think we're gonna have to sort that out pretty soon because I'm sure it's Gonna Save Us a lot of money but we ended up jumping into a grab taxi and had an incredible conversation with a Jakarta local really amazing guy he sort of showed us everything that we needed to know all along the way on that grab journey and it was really something special yeah we got a little bit of a private tour included of Jakarta with the must-see places it was so so beautiful and and also first impressions of Jakarta my God it's a massive City and it's a very beautiful city and we are both so so excited to be exploring around here for the foreseeable future and also seeing the rest of java then um after Jakarta yes we have a massive Adventure ahead of us guys so definitely hit that subscribe button if you haven't already we're going to be spending a very long time exploring around Indonesia as much as we can starting point of all this amazing adventure is right here in Jakarta meeting some amazing people we're going to be spending roughly around a month exploring Jakarta so plenty of content coming your way and both of us now are ready to go to bed it has been a hot day but it has been a very very amazing day too also if you have any tips and tricks around Jakarta or Java in general please let us know on Instagram or in the comments below because we love getting some tips off of locals so that we can get around a little bit easier and maybe see the must-see places and eat the must must eat food and so on fjali e veshtire eshte vone duhet te shkojme ne shtrat po djema ju lutemi na tregoni ne komente cdo gje qe na duhet per cdo gje qe duhet per te bere gjithcka duhet te hame po perpiqemi te bejme sa me shume plane sa te mundemi nuk i planifikojme asnjehere udhetimet tona keshtu qe ne fjale per fjale thjesht paraqitemi ne nje vend shume pak kerkime dhe pastaj thjesht hidhemi ne thellesi dhe perpiqemi te flasim me sa me shume njerez qe duam dhe ndajme me poshte. djema emri im është Luke emri im është Naomi ne jemi dy eksploruesit e çmendur dhe kjo është kujtesa juaj për të vazhduar eksplorimin shihemi djema në aventurën tjetër indoneziane terima kasih bajak për të parë terima kasih

bajak bye bye

2023-07-29 21:49

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