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welcome to China a country most of us have  heard of but have never thought of visiting   why? in this video we uncover the reality of  what China is really like very very good very   good as first timers we were blown away by the  futuristic wonders of Shanghai we're going to be   stuck in here forever the incredibly welcoming  people give me five the food scenes wonderful   and showing you how this country of 1 billion  might surprise you in so many ways the most   policed place I've ever been this is China we  are in China which is one of my top bucket list   countries to visit steeped in history and  tradition one of the oldest civilizations   on the planet this is one of those places  that I assure you will be mindblowing and   we're going to be in China for a couple  weeks but we're starting here in the mega   city of Shanghai also known as the pearl of  Asia or the Paris of the East and I actually   can't believe that we have stepped foot in one of  the most modern cities in the world we're going to   be starting our China Journey here in Shanghai  then heading to Beijing and another incredible   City that you're just going to have to wait for  um no it's okay thank you so much good quality oh okay uh maybe later where am I from I from South  Africa nan fei is the the no there there are white   people in nan fei as well nice to meet you thank  you what a welcome we are having so far we're   starting on Nanjing road which is this pedestrian  street which is one of the Prime locations here   to visit in Shanghai it's one of the busiest  shopping streets on the planet there are loads of   shops loads of people loads of activities loads of  food but it's not only on the street all of these   buildings are shopping malls so you can go into  everyone and there's between 10 to 15 levels of shopping now both you and me don't know a lot  about China and what it entails and all of the   thousands of history and culture and tradition  that it has maybe most of our information has   come from from mainstream media maybe that might  have diluted some of those thoughts and created   some assumptions so we're going to be experiencing  everything from old to new to the modern side of   the city the Subways the traditional side you  selling the watches yes okay we can have a look   we will have a look yeah maybe later nice to  meet you nice to meet you what is your name   my name is Peter pet nice to meet you I'm  Shev yes bye bye bye later yeah later Wow   first impressions of Shanghai oh careful move  out train there's a train coming through the street wow so cool hello oh look at this lady's got a  dinosaur hello ni hao hello hello   you're so cute so cute Hello give me five  hello she's so sweet give me five give me give me hello hello ni hao hello so cute  so cute I love her smile love byebye bye-bye   I am officially in love with Shanghai can I  please live here forever the first impressions   of this place are already blowing our minds  entirely even though there are thousands of   people it's relatively quiet it's also very  civilized like everybody's just walking on   their way no one's really interrupting each  other it's also very clean like if you just   look at these streets every single tile is perfect  and I think we're going to see that throughout our   time not only here in Shanghai but throughout  China now normally you don't really see us in   uh big puffy jackets but it is freezing here  for us this is like main deep winter but for   everyone else it's the end of winter because  now it's going into spring although people   are all wearing coats as well and they look  so trendy everybody is dressed to perfection   and they're very fashionable here in Shanghai  so we've noticed that most people wear black   coats we stick out like sore thumbs can you tell  we're tourists we had to get the whitest jackets   we could get so as I said every building is a  shopping mall but this entire building that is   a shopping mall is only for kids there's a kids  adidas a kids fila all of your usual Brands but   only for kids amazing and another thing we've  noticed there's a lot of police everywhere so far   in Shanghai so these are all like police vehicles  tons and tons and tons of police surveillance and   you know what's crazy is I thought I would  be more intimidated by that but I actually   don't feel intimidated at all you can see here's a  police vehicle going by probably the most policed   place I've ever been well if you think of it like  this every city has police it doesn't feel any   different to that maybe there is more police but I  haven't noticed or felt anything different I think   people have a perception and it's not as you think  yeah it's not what you think it is in fact it's   the opposite I just feel I feel safe absolutely  Jinx although everywhere you look you'll just see   camera camera camera camera camera it's new it's  it's very new to us to see that you can definitely   feel that the police are here to look after the  people yeah it's definitely for the safety of   the citizens let me give you an example right now  so in front of us this is a crosswalk you can see   the cars are going by and then there's a police  officer his only job is to make sure that people   don't get hit by The Cars everybody stops and then  the police help everybody cross the street which   I think is very good oh we're about to cross the  road now we are in it we are in the action since   we're in probably the most popular spot I do feel  like there's a lot of people here but there's not   as many as I expected to see I mean this is a city  of 28 29 million people you know what I notice is like you know what's so amazing everyone  is friendly smiling at us I don't think   that there's a lot of English which is absolutely  fine because Mandarin is the most spoken language   in the entire world we should actually  improve our Mandarin we should learn a few   words while we're here and I wanted to show  you on this side you've got all the modern   buildings you've got the Raddiison and then  on this side you've got like these colonial   style buildings it's a complete contrast  of old and new in the same place but look   how perfect these buildings are they almost  look Timeless they are not broken they're not   run down I love that they're still trying to  maintain a traditional and cultural look and   yet Shanghai is probably the most modern city in  the entire world they've got 3D screens everywhere okay there are only a few essentials that you  absolutely cannot travel without your passport   your phone charger and a VPN since we've been  traveling for the past 4 years we've had a few   ups and downs but there would be nothing  worse than getting our online information   stolen that's why we'd like to thank Surfshark  for sponsoring this video and always keeping   our sensitive information protected and if you  don't know what a VPN is it stands for virtual   private Network which basically encrypts all of  our information sent between our device and the   internet so no one can hack into your account  but if you're like us and you've scoured the   entire Netflix library and you're just looking  for something new to watch or you're looking for   something to watch that isn't available in your  region you can use a VPN to unlock unlimited   content libraries it's so easy to change your  virtual location and get access to all of your   favorite shows plus Surfshark is the only VPN  to offer one account for unlimited devices if   you use our code ShevandDev you can can get an  exclusive Surfshark deal with an extra 4 months   and there's a 30-day money back guarantee so  there's no risk to try it out just click the   link in the description below I want you take  a picture yes you can take a picture thank you what's your name my name is Sarah, Sarah  nice to meet you thank you so much you are so   beautiful you're so beautiful I think I saw you  in the iPhone but I don't know what's your name   oh my name is Shev so nice and your  friend oh you she's so beautiful very   beautiful both of you byebye byebye  byebye I love them I think I'm lost   for words a little but I've got such an  amazing experience and feedback from the   people here I was a little bit wary of how  to communicate with people here but I've   been pleasantly surprised I mean lots and  lots of people have been speaking English wow there's a giant M&M store holy moly I've  never seen an M&M store before we should go   look inside wow it's huge okay we definitely  have to go in here hi wow oh my goodness so obviously in the m&m store you can buy lots  and lots of different flavours of m&m treats   but there's all kinds of merchandise you can  buy clothes T-shirts they even have M&M shot   glasses unbelievable I feel like a kid you can  get a champagne M&M why not look at all these   things there's even a second level Wow this  is insane Wow this all lights up so they have   a great wall of chocolate obviously the Great  Wall of China is here so very clever fitting   and every different flavour of M&M chocolate  you could dream of and it just goes on and on That was the best part of my Take a photo girl that's the best part of my day again okay  it's official I have to stay here forever   this is like a dream an M&M store that's two  levels and I hugged the blue one you're having   the best time girl the best time you didn't  want to leave I didn't want to leave I have   to drag you out oh no okay let's get back on  the street oh it's freezing out there it's   so crazy because all the stores now that I know  are heated but the moment you step out there oooh as I'm walking around you can just see how  spick and span everything is it's clean it's   absolutely calm peaceful not very noisy if you  ask me about 5 or 10 years ago if I'd ever see   myself in China the answer would probably be no  and that's just mainly because of the fear of the   unknown I must admit that before coming here  I was a little bit nervous I was a little bit   apprehensive but what I am seeing the kindness of  the people the vastness the modernness I've never   ever been in a city this modern I could very  easily live in a city like this so all along   up and down these roads we've seen these trams go  by I was kind of wondering what it was like is it   a tour that you can do or is it just like a oh  it's a city sightseeing you can see the city in   one of these little Trams and they run up and  down all the time I think every 2 or 3 minutes if you're wondering about the cleanliness of the  city they've got these recycling bins everywhere   and as you can see around there's absolutely  no trash in sight they really really maintain   the cleanliness we've just seen the shop I don't  know what they're selling but thousands of people   are going absolutely mad inside they're going  crazy in there they're selling little dumplings   and tanghulu if you don't know what tanghulu  is it's pretty much fresh fruit that they've   caramelized in a sugar so it's like hard and  crunchy but then it's got a juicy fruit on the   inside I think this is like a store in a store  in a store so they've got like flat bread but   with like stuffing inside uh oh one portion ah yes  so we're actually getting these little pan fried   dumplings but like in a mini version so she's got  a giant hot plate and look how they all perfect   made over here and then that's like a flat  bread day with some filling on the inside   and then this is our little portion they like  a pan fried dumplings and then I'm going to put   a little bit of soy sauce on this side just for  a little dipping our first meal in Shanghai and   it happens to be one of my favourite things in  the entire world I think I could eat this every   single day how cool is this packaging you've  actually got a specific compartment for the   sauce well throw out well thought out genius it  looks like it's been crusted on the bottoms I   don't know if you can see that first snack this is  not the first we're going to eat a lot fine okay   fine first snack in Shanghai let's do this it's  already dunked in the sauce and I can just have   these in one bite how cool is that talk about a  pocket rocket of flavour and it's got a generous   filling of pork on the inside I'll take a half a  bite of one so you can see what the inside looks   like and then once you dunk it in the soy sauce  it's more of like a Vinagerette it's got that   very Tangy but powerful flavour I can also taste  a bit of chives in there and then have a perfect   bite wonderful thank you so this little snack was  only 20 so about $3 now that we've had our snack   we actually want to go into the shop because  people are going crazy so we got some teas   we've got different types of nuts that they're  grinding down here here has some dried fruit we   got sweets shop is insane they've got everything  from sweets to biscuits to tea some dried chicken   feet some shrimp dried shrimp I think all kinds of  things I've never seen before has some dried fruit   I'm not even sure what all of these are to be  honest it's like a shop in a shop in a shop in a shop is it tea tea tea oh oh let me try this  mmmh sweet very delicious oh delicious so   obviously the tea here in China is on another  level so we're going to have to get some of   that I mean just look at all the varieties  of teas that you've got here Rose eggplant   Peach pudding pineapple pudding raisins in  the tea what is this it looks like a kind   of leaf I have absolutely no idea please  let us know what this is in the comments   okay we need to get out you need to get out how  do we get out we're going to be stuck in here   forever okay here we go it was kind of chaotic in  there but I loved every second of it I actually   couldn't believe how many things you could buy  in one shop shev is like a celebrity here people   are just taking photos of her I don't know if I'm  supposed to be doing this she's standing next to a   statue that has a child and a pram is he recording  me byebye thank you byebye you're a celebrity girl   it's so funny cuz they're just like no I want to  take a picture of you not with you of you yeah you   stand over there I'm taking a photo I'm going  to take a photo of you and I was like okay why   not why not there are so many familiar Brands  and here's the Apple Store of course which is   massive we're realizing here in China everything  is on a big scale he loves the Apple Store he's   been to some pretty impressive Apple stores around  the world but I have to say wow what's interesting   about this square is we' got Apple over here  that building is Huawei and then here is Samsung   they're like opposite each other everything is  just on a scale of like 500 look at this Dragon   over here I think that's part of the Gucci store  it's just coming out of the building Super 3D byebye bye byebye very good very good normally  everyone takes a photo of Shev but this time   I was involved I think that gives you a true  perception of what it's like being here this is   another example this lady's entire job is to pick  up tiny pieces of trash if she sees it what is   this oh my it's a cleaner a cleaner it's a floor  cleaner that's Madness just off the main street is   this Market but there are these power banks that  you can just rent and I'm not sure how much they   cost that is genius I think you can actually rent  these all over the city and everything has to do   with the scan so you scan everything on an app  called we chat or Alipay you don't need to use   cash this is a delicacy here in China is the  chicken feet and of course you're going to see   these pan fried dumplings everywhere I think that  might be octopus squid and chipsticks and sausages wow that's amazing so we have the modern streets  but then still the handcrafted way of making jewelery I thought she was real she's not real ooh  I see we're coming to the end of Nanjing Street   and we're now heading into seeing the skyscrapers  of Shanghai if you're walking here this just   looks like it's a game it looks like it's from a  sci-fi movie or something we are now crossing the   road from Nanjing Street and now we're going to  have a first look at the Towering skyscrapers of Shanghai we've now made our way up to the  Bund sightseeing platform which is pretty   much this observation deck that spans all  the way along one of the main rivers here   in Shanghai and it overlooks some of the biggest  and main city skyscrapers so you can see behind   me just how many skyscrapers there are and over  the last 30 years China's had rapid modernization   and economic growth and you can see from behind  me just how true that is on the left we've got   the Oriental Pearl television Tower and then we  have the Shanghai Tower which is 632 M High the   third biggest tower in the world and in the one  that kind of looks like a cheese grater is the   world financial center some of the most important  buildings in the world are behind me hello ni hao   it is so beautiful to be here it feels  like we're in a Sci-Fi video game because   it doesn't even look real it looks 3D it looks  Ai and you can see how many people are coming   to this viewing deck just to see it this is  absolutely a dream come true a bucket list   destination that we've been wanting to visit  for years now and I really wish I could show   you my view right now which is this here  you're seeing the modern that's developed   and then on this side you're seeing the older  style buildings and you can see everyone around   me is really enjoying the view of Shanghai  Tower and all the other skyscrapers look at   the contrast of all the older style buildings  on this side and then across the river you've   got look at that boat you've got all of  these impressive buildings that's a good one okay there's now a line of people waiting  to take a photo of Shev we're having the   best time and everybody has been so sweet  to us we feel so welcome here I think our   perspective or our vision of what China was  before we came here is slowly changing we   have been pleasantly surprised by the  interactions the reactions that we've   had here if you've never been here if  anything is holding you back don't let   it don't let any fear of the unknown hold  you back the reactions that we've got hello oh yes picture sure hello he likes you girl I can't  believe how many people have come out   today to see this view thousands and millions  probably of people come every single year and   we said that there are about 29 million  people here in Shanghai to put that into   perspective there are 25 million people  in Australia so there are more people in   this city alone than the whole of Australia  that is mind-blowing and to see these buildings   these skyscrapers in China they build a new  skyscraper every 5 days what we've heard and   learned versus once you arrive here and you  get the feeling you see it for yourself it   will exceed your expectations if China wasn't  already at the top of my list it certainly is   now and this is only our first day in our  first city there's a lot more to come if   you haven't already hit that SUBSCRIBE button to  see some of our new adventures coming soon okay okay okay ooh this looks nice should we eat  here yeah why not hungry now this is a   real local restaurant which I'm so happy about  because there's no English whatsoever so we   just have to scan and then translate to order  something this is scan the code and then you can there we go and pay all on the app 61 yuan  61 wow that was easy everybody just uses this   app called Alipay and WeChat and we just found  this one to be really easy to use use it's pretty   much an app in an app in an app you can use it  as a translator you can book hotels you can book   buses you can book trains you can also use the  app called DD which is like their Uber obviously   there's no Uber here and you're probably wondering  about all the other apps that we normally use like   Instagram YouTube Google Translate Google Maps  we haven't been able to use any of those but   to be honest with you we haven't really needed  them because of that all-in-one app it is kind   of weird to not go on our social medias and stuff  but we do use our VPN at some point could finally   take off this big white jacket because we ordered  some beef noodle soup and I don't want to get any   of that sauce on my new jacket that I just had  to buy look at this hearty bowl of goodness we   have just received this bowl is huge that's a  big potion oh it smells absolutely Divine it   smells better than what I was expecting  just that like chili oil fragrant smell   the aroma let me examine my little dish  here hearty chunks of meat in there we've   got really nice fluffy noodles we've got a bit  of bok choy we got some other Greenery in here   and of course you've got the delicious soup  I got to actually try this soup look at my Ladle hot oh but it warmed me  up instantly not as spicy as I   thought it would be I cannot believe how  dark red the soup is I got to try the   noodles unfortunately I can't slurp I've  really tried picture the bite without the slurp I'm instantly happy the noodles are soft  kind of spaghetti like and let me try one of   these nice lean chunks of meat it was so tender  it instantly broke apart in my mouth a little   Buck Choy dare I say I could eat this every day  this meal is too good it's too good I have to   say this is the ultimate welcome to Shanghai  look at this bowl of goodness I feel so full   and warm from the inside out and now we're going  to a different side of Shanghai so we're going to   take the metro system for the very first time  and the Metro system is so large it's actually   the largest metro system in the entire world  so there are 20 different lines in the Metro   station and if you had to connect them all  together it would be over 800 km let me say   that again 800 km of lines five levels underground  and there are over 500 stations what 500 stations   there are over 500 stations in Shanghai alone  that's unbelievable okay so now we're one floor   down this is the second floor third fourth it  just keeps going and what they've done because   the population is so big they created underground  shopping malls and cities so that's why it's not   so busy on the ground level on the top this  is the ticket station is the ticket station   so there is an English option which I'm very  grateful for and look how many lines there   are and to put it in perspective here's the map  over Shanghai and we are lined to the green one   we're now at people's square and we're going to  Jing an Temple it's 3 yuan per person 3 yuan wow   that's really really good and we're going to  use our trusty Alipay okay so now there's a   QR code now watch how quick it's scans the  QR code instant and paid and then here's   our card instant instant first thing is the  Metro station is very very clean and we have   to go through a security check to get on the  train which I also think is very good we have now this is get this seems a bit intimidating  this is line 10 but we need to go to line 2   here's a sign okay and everything's in English  and in Chinese as well we were at the Bund and   now we're going this way this way everything is  color-coded so it's very easy to figure out and   then you can see on this side are all the shops  so there's probably an underground shopping mall   over there the crazy thing here in Shanghai  is once you go through the gate you don't get   on the train you first have to walk sometimes 1  or 2 km look at this we're not even at the line   we've already gone through the gate I'm not  going to lie it's a little bit intimidating   walking around in these pretty much like  an underground world because so much is   happening underground now where are we going  oh there's McDonald's but you shouldn't visit   McDonald's you should just have local food and  now this is where you can see how many people   are in Shanghai not only at the top but  underground as well but now we're going   down again we're already four levels underground  so we're now 5 levels underground yeah okay we've   made it to the train how cool is this this is  a vending machine that is only touchscreen and   obviously there is no coin system no cash at all  all you have to do is scan your phone here and   then you can pay pay for your drink this is we  chat Alipay, Union pay and you can choose which   one you want have a tea for you in China is way in  the future yeah way in the future here comes the train this is what a typical train  station looks like here in Shanghai   very clean everybody lines up very  orderly the train comes exactly on   time look at this look at this there's a  countdown 3 2 1 and then if you look here   the door was open it literally counts down  to the second and then over here it tells   you all the other stations so there's one  coming in 6 minutes and then in 22 minutes again 3 2 1 that one was early let's go in okay and we're next station People's Square doors were open  on the left wow so as you heard they announced the   train stations in Mandarin and English which is  very helpful there's actually a electric screen   over here which tells you what the next station is  and what the end station is and it's very crowded   on the trains so this is obviously what most of  the people are doing they're not up top walking   around because the Metro is so good you just take  the train everywhere and just in Shanghai alone   there are 10 million trips taken on the Metro  every single day over 3 billion per year next   station West Nanjing Road doors were open on the  left wow our first Subway experience in China is   ticked off it didn't seem as crowded on ground but  obviously underground that's where everybody is   they're all transporting them themselves to their  destinations this is always the fun part when   you get out the train here you just have like no  idea um is that a two exit two exit two there we go so an interesting thing here when you  go through the gate the gate doesn't make   a sound in other cities that we've been to  like even in Taipei or even in Bangkok when   you go through it beeps and obviously when there's  thousands of people it's beeping beep beep beep   so this is completely silent I think  we're on the ground floor I can feel   that we're close to outside because it's  getting cold now that's how we know oh no   we're not we're still underground um giant  mall still underground this way let me just   show you this entire mall is underground we're  still in the train station so how do we get out   still finding the exit we're still underground  yep wait I think we need to go up up here up it can get a little tricky to navigate ah we're  on the ground so we've taken ourselves from the   modern side of the city to the more cultural  traditional side which is Jingan temple one of   the most famous temples here in Shanghai and  look how it's nestled still between all the   skyscrapers amazing and apparently they want to  keep it like this also side note massive Temple   massive mall and look at the Mac display play  oh my word it's like total contrast next to   each other I mean this is golden super futuristic  and then this Temple is 780 years old we are in   Jingan Temple and we had to pay 100 yuan for  both of us so 50 each and all we did was we   scanned the code on Alipay so this Temple is like  a beautiful Courtyard it's absolutely beautiful   in the middle of the concrete jungle there is  just this peaceful Oasis right in the middle of   it everyone's burning incense and praying but  then in the back they're also throwing coins   into this centerpiece here I'm not sure what the  significance of that is but we're going to have   to try it I think you got to try and get it in  that window over there I've never seen this before   we're going to need to try do we have coins yeah  we've got a few coins I want to try my aim and   hand-eye coordination is isn't very good but  let's see go for a kill you got this you got this this is so much fun we're  in a very quiet spiritual place   but I'm it's like a game I was so bad I  can't believe how bad that was luckily   it came flying right towards me so let  me try again well done girl keep going my hands are too cold but you're so  much closer than I was oh you see the excuses where's our coin we lost our coin oh she was so close pretty good I  wonder if anybody's got one in oh so good no   yeah you go okay you got it in well done well done I don't know if  that's good luck or just for fun how beautiful is this Temple but  I want to show you what's inside here   little Adrenaline Rush that we did quite a workout I think there is a certain way in which you have  to enter I think ladies use their right leg and   men use their left leg so the men step in with  their left leg first and the woman step in with   their right leg first that's what I know if I'm  wrong and if I've just done that the wrong way   please let me know and apparently this is the  largest Jade Buddha in the whole of China I think can you take a photo yes of course  what is your name my name is wow nice   to meet you you from Shanghai I'm from  Malaysia from Malaysia oh wow you from this street really shows you Shanghai  incredibly modern brand new name brands   800 year old Temple so now that we're  back on ground level you can see it's   not as crowded because you know how many  millions of people are down below okay it   is officially 20 past 4 and I am Frozen  that sun will set in about an hour maybe   so it's time for the beanie it's beanie time  it's beanie time when we were coming to Shanghai   I expected very loud and crowded cities but it's  relatively quiet I've come to learn that most of   the cars are electric but all of the scooters are  electric as well you can't hear them it's a weird   feeling when you've been in Southeast Asia for 4  years there are so many motorbikes you're used to   it being so loud and there's it's completely  quiet look how many motorbikes are going by   electric scooters we learned that to own a car  here in Shanghai you have to buy a plate car plate   which is 100,000 RMB but if your car is electric  you get one for free and they're unlimited so   that's a really good incentive for people to get  electric cars so watch when all these people go   it's completely silent mindblowing oh and look  here an electric bus so over 85% of the buses   are electric here in Shanghai I just can't believe  how dead silent it is nobody's honking you can't   hear engines nothing and you're on the Main Street  at this train station you can see this electronic   screen tells you the countdown of when the train  will arrive plus it tells you the occupancy of   the entire train so on either sides it's less  than 5% full capacity 6% 10% so it's not so   busy this is how full every cart is on the train  6% 7% That's how busy it is and it comes in 48 seconds look how beautiful this station is yeah yay what's your name my name is nice  to meet you thank you w welcome to Shanghai yes beautiful very very very very good  very good very good we love Shanghai goodbye bye   bye if you had a question of what the police and  security are like here in Shanghai extraordinary   I hope that answers your question so lovely I  can't get over the quiet streets look at all   these bicycles that are lined up you can rent  one of these all you have to do again is just   scan your QR codes and I'm sure it must be really  affordable as well everyone's riding their bike   on the bicycle lane on that side this way to Yu  Garden yeah okay okay sh okay go go okay bye oh   no oh it's we can't go but we have to wait  to oh uh yeah South Africa how old are you   how old are you oh I am uh 28 yeah or 20 you 20  so wow very young nice to meet you byebye by oh   his English is so good shame he really tried I  really appreciate that I really appreciate it   as well I all he wanted to do was just chat and  chat and chat while he was on the job poor guy so   we've now come to our third or fourth district  today I'm not even sure how many but look how   incredibly beautiful it is and as the sun's  coming down everything is starting to light   up I can't believe what this place looks like  a few stops on the Metro we've arrived in like   a completely New World the temperature has  dropped drastically since about an hour ago   so we had to pop in to get a little coffee I'm  so cold but I'm ready to explore this new area   all of these traditional almost ancient looking  style Chinese buildings are lit up and they look   almost like burnt red like a dark oak wood and we  can see here this whole street has been blocked off where are you uh South America South Africa oh  South Africa South Africa yes your English is so   good I need so good I think my English is very  poor I need more practice where the you got oh   now is closed it's closed before 400 p.m. store by  tickets oh okay maybe tomorrow morning thank you   for telling us thank you nice to meet you the  place that we've got to is closed oh dear the   streets are filled with like this traditional  Chinese Style music they've got all sorts of   desserts and crepes and all sorts of sweet treats  behind me it seems like this street is very much   alive it's a walking Street style Market we  are surrounded by little Street stores selling   all sorts of goodies and treats and snacks and  drinks and then on this side we've got the most   incredible traditional style buildings in The Old  City here in Shanghai you can't help but notice   the vibrant red buildings that stand out a lot  that's like such an outstanding trademark of this street I am officially lost for words we've  now come to the Yu Garden square and the   colors the vibrancy around me I feel like I've  completely transported myself to a whole other   world everything is lit up the people have  come out to just do the same thing that we're   doing just see and explore and wander around  if this doesn't make you want to come here I   don't know what will it's official China has  completely exceeded my expectations all these   girls have dressed up and the amount of  work that probably went into doing those   hairs and outfits I'm feeling a bit emotional  because I think to come here is a very special   place and a very special feeling I feel  like my heart is like set on fire this is   the epitome of discovering new things  and being completely blown away by a   place and falling in love with a city so  quickly and I couldn't be more happy to be here oh good byebye this is just Square after Square after Square  we're actually lost right now because we've gone   further and further into the square and it just  keeps getting better it's completely come to life   that I've almost forgot how cold it is because  I'm just enjoying so I don't know if anyone else   has had this experience but we've all had Chinese  food sometime in our lives in our home country but   whenever we had Chinese takeout they always put  little white rabbit sweets in our food or when the   bill came we always had the White Rabbit sweets  here they have been White Rabbit stores everywhere   giant white rabbits let's actually go take a look  inside they have everything from White Rabbit ice   cream all kinds of flavors of White Rabbit candy  even over here they have giant White Rabbit sweets   that are massive they're 30 RMB for One Piece how  much is that $5 yeah $5 one of these can I just   point out this is a mustard flavor what prune drop  that will help you with your bowels corn flavor   matcha flavor osmanthus that's crazy you can even  get all sorts of White Rabbit merchandise this is   the source we've come to the source of where they  come from and it's like white rabbit on steroids   can I just point out that all of these are full  except the durian one the durian one is empty I like your hat oh wow oh mulberry wine this is wine  it's a rice wine in these giant pots it's   very delicious oh just mulberry wine it's 8%  alcohol right 8% oh wow thank you green plum   I think we're going to be we're not going  to be able to walk after you're going to   try all 16 for the smokers good for the  smokers good for your lungs this one is   14% okay I think we need to cut it cuz we're  not going to be able to walk I'm going to be   swaying on the train home you more oh no no no  no no very it's 38% it is so strong please get   right now woo I'm going to be swaying on the  train so we're having all sorts of experiences   we just got roped into an entire wine tasting and  she just kept feeding us glasses and glasses and   glasses of wine I don't even know if I'm going to  make it on the train all right if you enjoyed this   video please give us a like a SUBSCRIBE if you're  from China please leave us a comment we'd love to   hear from you send us some more recommendations  and we'll see you in the next video in China

2024-06-15 20:13

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