Our First Cruise! Cenote, Chichen Itza, and More Adventures

Our First Cruise! Cenote, Chichen Itza, and More Adventures

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All right, we're on the cruise, heading off to Cozumel, then we're going to Progresso. Saya's never been on a cruise before, so we'll see what she thinks. Small piece please.

There's some lemonade. Ice. They're super fast. All right, here's the burger. Oh, still a little hungry after our little lunch.

We're gonna get a burger and do some other stuff. At this point, we were just trying to figure out what to do on the cruise, so we started looking around the candy shops and stuff, and pretty much everything was closed. Oh, it's an arcade. Oh, this wasn't here before. That's pretty cool. Pretty standard arcade.

We just got out of our room. We were just chilling for a bit. We're gonna go to a spa raffle thing now. You can win like a spa treatment thing for tomorrow, so we're gonna see if we can get it. We just came out of the raffle thing, and we were the first winners.

It's kind of crazy, but... It was so funny. I laughed so hard.

Yeah. She won it actually. Not me, but it's hilarious. Yeah, we'll figure it out. See what we can do and so forth. There wasn't much going on at the cruise, and dinner was coming up, so we wanted to get a quick workout in right before dinner.

We just got done our workout. Now we're heading off to a karaoke. Hello. Hi. I'm a foreigners. Hi.

We just got done with dinner. Food was absolutely delicious. Everything was good. The pasta was good.

Yeah. Braised short rib was very good. The appetizers were okay, I'd say. The dessert was good.

I liked the dessert. Yeah. Yeah.

There's like an onboarding show happening at the Ivanhoe Theater after the ship, so we're gonna go check it out. No. Ivanhoe Theater. We just got done the show.

We actually really enjoyed it. It was really interesting. Super different.

Just kind of just talking about things we could do on a ship, but the actual show part was very good. We're gonna go to the hot tub. It's 10.22 right now. Probably gonna end the day like that.

See you tomorrow. See ya! Good morning, day two. We're going to Arts and Crafts then to make our own souvenirs. Oh, that's it. We're just finished with the Arts and Crafts thing. We just finished the show then. Created these Good morning. It's good.

Hello. Hi. Oh, you wanted to change your eyes there? Oh yeah, sorry. I didn't make up for you. Quick pause. I just want to give a quick shout out to V. From day one, she's

nothing but lovely, generous, and kind. She really went above and beyond. I want to watch the circular. Yeah. Yes. Yeah.

I didn't know you saw me. Sorry. Hello, good morning.

Good. I got some ham and egg benedict, sausage, grapefruit, pancakes, and potatoes. Look at this view. Out at sea.

Day two. Beautiful. We finished breakfast. I played a little basketball. Mini golf myself and then we... I played Sudoku. She played Sudoku. We're going to go check out ping pong and basketball. I just saw the other... Ah! We will...

Nice! Good job. All right, last hole. I'm not dang it. All right, three, three. Three for me.

That counts. What? Was that four? So you still beat me. You even went one shot. Yeah.

All right, you ready? Yeah, I'm ready. Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh, dang it. Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Dang it. Oh! After volleyball, we tried to make it to this mobile trivia thing where you could see use your phone and play trivia with everyone else and compete, but we came too late. After that, we went to a comedy show and we didn't really like it. We got out of the comedy show.

What do you think of it? No, no, no, no, no, no. Maybe my humor isn't their level, but I tried. A bunch of old people jokes. We left early, so we're going to try to go to this other thing that's going on.

It's like a production theater. We're going to try to get good seats. Oh, you got a whole camera in there. I'll show you that. That's a real cool thing. Bele is going to take care of the music.

Are you going to use your gym today, huh? Yeah. I saw you. Oh, okay. What the hell? What time are we at the comedy show? We're starting at 7.30. You can go online. Just so you want to change.

I might want to order some guys. You can go and change. Just so you can go and change real quick. I don't want like a boy. We ended up going to this show thing, and Seiya ended up being like this VIP.

So we ran back to our room and got dressed in like 10 minutes. But she's going to be performing on the show. I'm going to record the entire thing. She did an interview with like the director or something like that. We'll see what happens. So we got this reserved seating.

And that's her studio pass thing that she has her neck. Super cool. She's going to be off on the stage right here.

[music] [applause] Good job. Just got done that show. How'd you feel? It was kind of fun. It was fun. Definitely once in a lifetime experience.

We're going to go eat dinner now. Looking for the dining hall. See you there. For advertisers, I got the chowder and the calamari.

They were all right. And I got the prime rib, which was really good. The shrimp was just mid. Then I ended up with dessert, which was the creme brulee and the chocolate melting cake. This time I got the peanut butter, which was really good. We just had dinner with everybody.

And they were saying the adult comedy show is way better than the kids one. So we're going to go swing by, see what it's like. She also got invited to the VIP private exclusive party.

It's going to be with the cast, I think. They also signed all their names for being a VIP. It's pretty damn cool. They showed up in a mailbox at the room. It's on the last day at 6 p.m. It'll be, what, Friday? Hey, good morning, everybody.

It's day three. Excited, pumped. We're in Cozumel. I'll eat with some breakfast and then head off to snorkeling.

Yes! Yes! Thank you. Oh, it's a salmon Benedict. Is that lemon? Thank you, baby. Thank you. Thank you.

What is a value of this? Cucumber and juice. We made it off the cruise ship. Because it's so windy today, all of the water excursions got cancelled. So we're going to go walk around and see what else there is to do out here. That's the Carnival Valor that we were in. There's Cozumel right there.

That's where all the shops are. [Music] You can just tell by how fast the water is, maybe by how windy it is. It's so windy. No wonder the snorkeling got cancelled. Oh, I can see fish down there. I don't know if you can see it, but there's fish down there swimming around.

We've made it to the Porta Maya shops. Just a bunch of shops. Hello, just a bunch of shops. Yeah, I'm trying to get out of this area. That's the Porta Maya sign.

Is that where it is? Or is that actually his emotional support animal? I've never seen that before. [Music] Well, we decided we're going to go do some massages. We're here in downtown Cozumel right now. Just got dropped off. It's pretty cheap.

It's only $10 for the cab. Yeah, they drive a lot of motorcycles here. It's pretty interesting. It's convenient. It's small. It's easy to park and it's cheap.

Yeah, it's also an island, so it's probably cheaper to get the motorcycles here. To ship over here. Yeah. This is what the house is here in Cozumel look like. Say I said, these houses are very colorful. I think Mexico is known for this kind of thing.

That's the MSC crews back there. Yo, that's a freaking monkey. Oh my God. It's eating an orange.

Oh my God. That's so cute. I've never seen a monkey like that before.

That's so crazy. He's wearing a diaper. What the heck? Monkey. I have some weird pets here. It's cute. They just have a diaper, so I mean, you know.

It's very international here. Like in terms of the cruises. I don't know why, but I thought it was only Americans going to be here.

But I hear all kinds of languages here. So I forgot to mention, but we made an appointment for the massage. And we're just going to walk around for a bit. Massage starts in about like 40 minutes, so we're just going to look around different stores and stuff.

That's pretty cool. That's cool. It tells you exactly how far away all these... Half of...

This is Punta Langosta. Look at this hooter here. Hooters. Wait, this is Hispanic Hooters. What the heck? Best tail I ever had. It's a huge lobster.

Look at that. It's so big. What they got? They got Casio Dei.

Lobster tail, full crab, red snapper, mahi mahi. It's pretty good. We got to eat seafood over here. This is literally an island in the Gulf of Mexico.

We need to eat seafood here. Agreed. Okay, we're at this mega-soriata place. I know. I saw this when we were taking the taxi, and I really want to go. I don't know what this is, but I need to know what this is.

Yeah, it looks like a giant Mexican grocery store or something. I'm down. I'm so down. All right, let's see what this mega-soriata is.

The head is in Spain. Wonderful. Just a freaking giant grocery store. I know. Oh my God, I love it already.

It reminds me of like a Walmart. I'm gonna try now. This is a Chinese restaurant here. Oh, these are all in pesos, huh? It's got everything. It's like, it's got appliances.

It's like Walmart. This is like Walmart. It's got electronics. It just went past the pharmacy area.

It's got freaking stove tops, washer and dryer, Mexican washer and dryer. It's all in Spanish. And like macaron flavor, pajin daz ice cream.

Yeah, some like crossover pier, or meh. Oh, they have Patero, frozen yogurt? Yeah, this is interesting. Interesting. They have hamon. I've never seen this in an American grocery store before. Okay, and it's all 30% off.

Yeah, 45 pesos, and there's the moon here. Jesus. Jesus. What is that? Mole.

I think mole is like a sock. Oh, okay, interesting. It smells pretty good. Jello. Oh, you can buy whole trays of food.

Like, it looks like home-cooked food. Yeah. Like, they're laser-called cevritos here. They have Mexican flavor like lemon, queso ruffles.

Mexican chips, chicharrones. Oh, that's lace. Oh. What is that? What the hell? Whoa.

That is interesting. Chili and lemon popcorn. We should come back here and buy some snacks and bring it back. We've got to run back to the abad, but we are going to go see what we can bring back to the ship. I realize, like, they're nutritional labels.

They definitely have labels to show, like, excess calorie, to salt, or saturated fat, and sodium, and stuff. So that's interesting. Like, you just get to see it right up to the top. I think it's because Mexico is, like, one of the most obese countries in the world, so they're trying to make it less obese. Look at this.

Chinese restaurant in Mexico. They're just showing what fried rice and a salad. Very interesting. Yo, that's crazy.

They sell motorcycles here, too. Wow, they have Indonesian food here. They don't even have Indonesian food in America. There must be a lot of Indonesians here. Probably working here.

Yeah. We just finished up with that massage. It felt so good. Yeah. People were so nice.

Yeah, they were really down-earth people. They recommended some places to eat, so we're walking there right now. Yeah, it's like a local market or something. Yeah, we wanted to avoid the tourist spots, so we're going to go straight to wherever the locals eat.

Oh, no, this is a pharmacy, a shoe store. Yeah, this is, like, definitely the local area. I don't know if it's exactly this one, but, like, this energy. See, there's a lot of, like, manufacturing energy stuff like these. They're like spear-fishing stuff. Yeah. There's like spear-fishing here.

Oh, it is like dresses. These are like Mexican dresses. Look, fruits and stuff and vegetables. Oh, dude, I love it. Chicken with the feet and everything. I'm digging this.

Fish. Those are red snappers. Oh, wow. This is very cool. Hey. She's going down.

She recommended. She recommended it. Is it good? I'm going to a better place.

Oh, you've been to a better place? Yeah, I went to a better place for this place now. So, we came here. Okay. We're at this lunch area place.

It has a bunch of options. It's actually in English. Other place was only in Spanish. But the thing is, like, twice the price it comes to, like, in English.

I feel like the minute there's English subtitles, like, it's so much more expensive. Yeah, this place is maybe, like, three times the price of the other place we're going to go to. But the other place, like, the tacos apparently were... Yeah, the tacos are cold, and we saw one of the other ladies that was getting massage, and we were talking to her, and she said the food wasn't that good. It's a lot cheaper, though. It's like...

I think it was, like, 40, 50 pesos for three tacos. Whereas here, it's, like, 150-ish to 200 pesos. But it's in English, and it's hot food, so it's, you know, it's different. And there's, like, also no one there. There's a lot more people actually eating here.

Another thing kind of funny is the restrooms cost money to go in. It's five pesos. Here's my food. I got the whole bread snapper. It's got some rice, a salad, some limes. I also got an horchata.

I've never seen this before, but they give you, like, beans on the side. It's like an appetizer. It just tastes like beans.

It's, like, no seasoning. So the snapper is really, really good. I really like it.

This is Saya's shrimp tacos. This is apparently very popular here. First glance, the tacos look really, really... They're fresh, you can tell. These are, like, homemade.

I'm very different from what I see in America. All right, we just finished eating. I really like my fish, but Saya did not like her tacos. It said it was like there's no seasoning or anything on it, and she had to put a bunch of salsa on it, and it was super spicy, and now she's dying.

But, yeah, we're gonna go shop around. We had the board back on its cruise pretty soon. It's a dog park. It's a random dog park. Look at the seesaws and, like, stepladders.

They're all really newly built. I guess it's 2021, 24-day-for, I think. Interesting. It's a really big dog park. There's, like, a Simpson statue over here.

We're gonna check it out real quick. Oh, there's all kinds of stuff. Oh, there's a bear. Oh, it's all Christmas. We're just swimming outside.

Yeah, all Christmas things. And there's all-- What is this? I can't sit on this chair. Welcome to my crib. What the heck? All kinds of Christmas stuff. What is going on here? I need to wash my hands in a minute. We should use-- We just have one pack of Asian food.

Yes, see. See? Hola. Uno, copa, emperio. Do you want some? What is your number, please? You have three ice cream flavors.

I can pick-- I need to look at them. So, what is that? Oh, passion fruit. Maracuya.

Should I get that one? Yeah. Yeah, maracuya. She said crisp. Crisp, right? Crisp flavor. Okay, okay. Strawberry? This one? Isi maracuya.

Isi. I would say try something that was weird. Coconu. Coconu? Okay.

Coconu. Is this a like, coconu? Oh, that's-- Is this queso con-- Oh, okay. This one? This one. This one. This one? No. No.

Do you call that one? Um, not with that flavor. No, it's like fruity. I don't want chocolate for that. No, no, no. And then, um, uno. Do you want to get a colada yeta? This one.

Yes, sir. See, see. Can you say this one? Um, see. What is that? Ice cream. How is it? I really like it.

You like it? It's banana, right? Yeah. It's banana coated and not just with chocolate. Mm-hmm. Mine's really good, too. I don't know what this flavor is.

It's really good. It's like vanilla with chocolate syrup in it. Yeah. It's really good. I like to have the little wafers in there.

This place is called La Micoacana, but it's not the one I know. Well, let's try and head back to the boat. Bye, Cosmo. Bye, Cosmo. We're getting on a boat. After we got back on the ship, there wasn't much to do but wait for dinner.

Here's the shrimp poke. We got steak, chicken, which was really gross. Terrible. Then there's a carbonara, which is actually really good. Then we ended up with dessert.

Pretty standard stuff. It was okay. Say I got the vegan options, which was so bad.

Just look at this. Look at the temperature of that carbonara. Vegan carbonara.

And then she got the same thing I got, but the vegan version. Oh my God. That was terrible.

All right. Say I got a bunch of vegan garbage. I'm just really sad.

I had such a high expectation. It was terrible. Okay. It wasn't garbage. It's just like... She ate like half of it through the way.

I ate more than half actually. Overall, the regular food wasn't even good. I don't know. Today was just not a good day for the crew.

The events wasn't really there and then food wasn't there. Hopefully tomorrow's a better day. Well, we'll see you tomorrow.

Bye. Day four. Let's go. We're going to get some breakfast. Let me show you guys this. Look what they got at the pool.

A bunch of leech tau animals. It's so funny. There's minions. It's so cute. There's minions. Yeah, we're going to go get some breakfast.

Then we're going to go to the Chichen Itza today and we're going to go swimming in a cenote. I'm excited. Finally, hopefully it doesn't get canceled like yesterday's circling.

Breakfast time. We're going to knock this out. We still haven't docked yet. On the water, it should be out there in about an hour, I'd say. Sunrise right now.

We're currently waiting for the excursion to begin, but here's the ticket for it. We're going through the Chichen Itza sacred cenote ikil and it's going to end off with a Mayan buffet. Good morning. So we're in progressive, following our tour guide.

Was it a two ships over there? Shopping. Kind of like how it wasn't Cozumel. They have a bunch of NFL stuff, which is really funny.

We are here. We're at the park. Here's the cenote and the Mayan buffet.

I'll just mime. Rice, beans, fish. I'll get the cozhenita. No more.

Gracias. We just got off our two hour, 15 minute drive. We ate at the Mayan buffet. The food was whatever. What's so so? I would say so so.

Honestly. They kept recommending the cozhenitas. It's so so.

It's like their. We shall shower before we swim. We ate the cozhenitas.

They kept recommending it. It's like their. Famous. Meat. They cook underground, but it was whatever.

But we're going to go to cenote, take a shower before we go in. Heading to the cenote. Wow. So very nice. deck.

The brand noise. Well, there are lots of things that you can do with your By-roads. With that, how do you always wash your arms? (upbeat music) (laughing) (upbeat music) (laughing) Good job. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) Hi, hi. We are at Shitsanitsa, walking into the entrance.

No, thank you. Almost free, almost free. Almost free. Almost free man. What the hell? No, someone needs some burros, huh? This is some lasses. Shitsanitsa is a city apparently.

It's an ancient city based around, based around water. What's that name? Look at that. See that thing in the jiggy bag. What the heck? It's like a jaguar. Yeah.

It's right there. It's a big pyramid. Always seen this kind of thing in pictures.

Wow, it looks beautiful. But the clouds too, it's good weather. Follow this thing with me. (laughing) One, two, three. (clapping) It's getting faster. (laughing) (chattering) So this is a natural rubber ball.

Yes, this ball is able to bounce. Do you think that? No. It looks like a rock. It does look like a rock.

But look at this. Wow. What? That's very, very hard, okay? So that's why it's a star of the year. You see it? It's very star of the year.

That's so weird. What is this ball? That is so weird. It's not going through. All right, yeah, they just gave us some time to far south. This thing is really amazing, it's so big.

It is really. I like the clapping thing, it's hilarious. I think it's so, I don't know, it's so smart. Yeah, they were saying like historically, basically this whole pyramid is based around a bunch of these cenotes, which we went to earlier, with just some of these underwater caves.

And this pyramid's specifically built on top of a cenote. And there's also a lot of cenotes around this area. And this is like the center of all those cenotes.

And that's why they built this temple for that. And I think the Egyptian Itza directly translates to something like, something with the water gods or something like that. I think it just, I feel like it's really similar to Egyptians, but they all have a similar mindset, which is really interesting to see. Yeah, they're completely independent of the Egyptians, but they have, you know, it's very similar, the pyramids, but these pyramids, they're not like the Egyptians, and like the Egyptians use it to hide treasure, they use it for other reasons. This is more of just like a sacrificial, and thinking the gods of water and that kind of thing.

They were also talking a lot about how these cenotes are used a lot for sacrifice. I think that's like the main point I got. We're done with the Itza, right ahead back on the bus. We made back to the cruise, got a little hungry. It's about 4.30 right now.

Gonna just chill. I think tonight we're going to the comedy club. Since tomorrow's the last day, we're just gonna be at sea, so nothing really going on. I'll keep you updated. We did end up going to the comedy club, and spoiler alert, we didn't like it. But here's the chicken parmesan in the rack of ribs, which we really did enjoy.

I don't really remember what I got for dessert, but it was probably good. Good morning folks. So this is the last day on sea. We're gonna go around today and just eat. If there's any fun events, we might tag along. So any more relaxing, nothing really much going on.

We're starting off with the sea day brunch that we haven't tried yet. Yeah, we haven't, we actually kind of forgot how did I feel like. Yeah, that's the view out there. We're in the back of the ship. It's a really nice view.

We got our food. I got one of the steak and eggs. We actually got the French toast with the peach compote. And then what is this again, the hot skillet? Yeah, the hot skillet. It's really good. What is it?

It's like a pancake, fancy pancake. It's like a fluffy pancake. Look how small that steak is. So funny. This is the seven layer chocolate cake. Has like this sauce it comes with just poured on.

I think it's condensed milk. What is this? Oh, it's coffee creamer. Oh, it's creamer? Yeah, I'll just pour a little bit. I don't wanna do that much. Oh, just like the jerk you threw. No, it's okay.

I'm gonna go to bed. We ended up going to that VIP thing that we got invited to. And it was just whatever. It was just the live performers talking about themselves and talking about how they got onto these shows. We were able to ask questions and stuff.

We got some free champagne, but I wouldn't go again. After that, we went up to Lidl Deck to watch the stick movie before. And man, it was a pretty good movie, but it was freezing cold up there. It might've been like 30 to 40 degrees.

We're going to dinner. Our dinner mates like one last time. I feel that throughout the days, we've gotten really close to our dinner mates. We talk so long to the point where like everyone around us is all gone. We just keep talking.

We really built a connection. For dinner, I got this pasta with the mussel. It was so good.

And here's the coffee roasted duck and the pork chop, which were both excellent. And yeah, it was a great way to end the trip. Well, dinner's over. Dropped off all her bags. Was waiting to get back to New Orleans. We had a great trip.

Definitely realized that we really like cruises. So we'll definitely be back on more cruises. Yeah, I'm going to miss the cruise. Going to miss this trip. Going to miss all the people we met and all the friends we made.

We made friends with lots of different people, different families, and the waiters for dinner. We'll see you later.

2025-02-02 22:04

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