[Music] Happy New Year too happy New Year making our way across. all right we're here today in hat yai and this is her kind of like Hometown. she's been here a long time and in this video today though we're just going to be checking out the spots around hat yai. then we're going to see a lot of the food that they have here cause they've got a lot of good food and then we're just going to see some of the nature in the surrounding area. cause it Hat yai is like a really big city but there is a lot of like national parks and just mountains with lots of like woods around here. so and good food and like temples and stuff. yeah this is we've been here once before but this Temple is an impressive one at night it lights up too. it's beautiful but we're going to go inside in just a second and show you it's got
uh you'll just have to see. it's Temple is like on the mountain we have to drive up here but some people just like run in the morning you know. you can just like walk up. yeah it's up the mountain. yeah there was tons of like people in their track outfits like getting up there. [Music] so we have been here once before and I remember the first time I walked in here it's almost a little like disorienting. just the way it looks it cause it almost looks like a mirror. like everything looks super symmetrical and I remember the first time I came here it it was like I wasn't sure how far back in you could go but it just keeps going. it's beautiful but everything's just
very symmetrical so at the first time it almost looks like mirrors on some spots of it. so oh and right here that exit for the person that born on Wednesday night. this exit for the person that's me that's you exit this way. oh really I don't know what night I was born on. no I think yours? I have no idea you look once you can't go up so this is when you get up the stairs. it's cool up here too. it's a
definitely a unique place I don't know of any other place that looks like this in Thailand. it is unique but it's a lot of butterfly here. yeah there's lots of butterflies everywhere if you can see like there's these big ones on the ground like big old moth that is like flying around. yeah and they're flying around everywhere too. oh
look yeah they're all on this blanket as well look that one is blue too yeah I showed that one it's all the butterfly don't step on it oh [ __ ]. yeah look at this one. oh maybe is the they're flying in my face. yeah they must be breeding here or something I don't know yeah there's a lot of them though they're everywhere. and she has to step on like tiny one. yeah just watch her. you're stepping. oh my God they're landing on me and
[ __ ]. okay yeah let's we're disturbing them clearly and right here is like I don't know what it's called in English but but is they have kind of like. what is it? the year? how do you call it like? oh they're like like the month the year like I born in this one is a dragon is my year 2000 people it's the dragon. yeah oh yeah yeah it's like their Chinese New Year thing right? yeah yeah yeah Chinese New Year. than yeah what do you do you ring the
bell if it's your birth if that's yours. I think so I ring mine my dragon. I know I'm the rat. it's the worst one or the mouse or whatever. the mouse the first one and this one is the month that you born. I think m is number seven July yeah we're both July. the dog gangsters everywhere oh they have the food here that's why dog food that's good though people doing camping you can see the view right here too yeah we'll go over there on the way back yeah and people are like you know exercising in the morning bike and walk. so we just drove a bit up from the temple down there it is a bit of a tight Drive um but we made it in the view up here this is probably like one of the best that you can get. I think of hat yai there's that one at the other Mountain we're going to go
to that's pretty good too. I think this one might be like the highest guessing though but I think so. yeah it's it's definitely worth it but yeah the drive up here was just like got super tiny and there's not that much parking up here. we're just kind of like pulled over up here in a random kind of sketchy spot but yeah view is worth it. so right here you can see all the mountain and the and like nature but if you come here in the morning. I think like you can see the fog all the fog yeah like the clouds on the tops and stuff yeah this spot is another this is like the other side so like when we were up there we were looking all over hat yai and then this mountain side is on the way down but it's pointing on the opposite side showing like all the mountains. so you can see some of the
nature and stuff. yeah and the weather up here is like pretty chilly it's not that hot I mean it's hot now but when we were up up there. yeah it was very cool chilly. yeah but it's going to start heating up it's getting later in the day so yeah in the morning it's going to be a good weather. I think it's going to be like it's perfect in the mornings right now. yeah yeah and this is just coming out of the rainy season too so this is like it's weird because we're used to having rain for like the past month and a half so it's good. we stopped at Amazon on the way to the next Temple and we got some things so we've got like a tiramisu here and then a cream cheese banana cake. but then we've also got like a tiramisu macaron too. is that good?
it's that's really good. that's good yeah yeah that one's pretty good I like these better honestly. this one is sweeter. yeah yeah I like that better than this. did you open this one too it's cold it tastes like banana bread. yeah yeah it's good. yeah it's almost a little like salty kind of it's different. that's where we going to go right there and that's where we've been.
you can do it car. no it's getting steep. it's getting steep. it's the first one. it's the first one. what is it? it's a cannon ball tree. cannon ball tree that's what it says. yeah that's what I was just thinking can you eat it. look at the flower.
ooh yeah oh wow the flower is so beautiful. oh man if you were here when they were all like blooming. do you think it's stinky? though this look like it's look like stinky flower. it does look kind of stinky. it has that that look to it but yeah I don't know this is a cool tree though. here at kohong Mountain Viewpoint up at the top of the temple now. mhm but those fruit down there we looked it up and it said yes you can eat it but it's not done because of the unpleasant smell actually. so that's funny we were talking about the flower look smelly. so and look how it look like yeah it looks almost like cottage cheese. it looks gross. yeah but this was actually
the first temple I've ever been to in Thailand when I came here almost like 3 years almost 3 years ago now. so this is my first time coming back though it is a really nice Temple. mhm so and and this spot is like kind of like tourist spot like people from Malaysia. yeah tourist do usually come here too and that is like hat yai park and if you come up to the temple with the big buddha and the view point and the cable car. yeah it has a cable car too I think we're going to
do it she says it's not very long but we'll see. no I never been to the cable car but but like the cable car has been closed for a while and this is open like not long ago. yeah yeah I've never done it either in the whole time I've come here. so and my cousin's said is that it's only cable car in Thailand. I don't know if if it's really I need to look it up. there's definitely one somewhere no way dude there's got to be one somewhere. yeah I look it up. Happy New Year too happy New Year yeah the view is good I don't know and they have the Countdown here too and I see on the Tik Tok it's like packed and you cannot drive up you have to walk up here. and it's packed but it's beautiful I saw it I would never come though just
a lot of people. I would have liked to have seen all the fireworks though it would have been like super beautiful watching all them in the city from up here. yeah but comparing the view to the one we were just at I think here you have like a better view of the city like how it's closer but at that one we were at before it was definitely higher up though. like you were really high up on that other Mountain. mhm I think is like right there. what. oh yeah the other one so that radio tower up there there that's the other one that we were just at. MHm so yeah you're a bit higher up for sure so the view is like a little bit better up there I think but here's like a good view of the city up there is a it's more of like the mountains too. yeah you can see the city a little bit.
the trees kind of block it off. yeah but yeah here you can see the city really up close all right we're in the cable car it was 200 for me and 100 for her. of course. yeah but we'll see I think you can get up somewhere at the top over there. it doesn't look very long at all it's super short but we're going for [Music] it. I dont like it. it's so slow. yeah it's very slow. I want to why is so slow
so slow. she's in a helping position. I don't like it. it's not bad it's okay. it is really high up though. all right we made it to the end I've never been over to this Temple before I don't think you've never been over here either right. yeah I've never I didn't even
know this was up here. I think maybe um what is that called that thing that thing with a noise. so we heard it on the way up but everyone is lighting off firecrackers over here and then this is the view. oh yeah you can see like a spot you couldn't see over there songkhla Lake over there and then that's a big mosque. so the cable car I don't like it. yeah it was really slow like you're moving super slow and its shaky a little. yeah a little shaky I mean it's not it bad but was so short too like the distance at least. I mean it was really high up so I mean it's not expensive. this is the first time we've ever been up to this Temple though. I
didn't even know it existed so it looked like you could drive up here but from below there's a road. so I'm not sure how we haven't heard of this. but yeah it's got a nice little view so after this I think we're about to go to the mall here and get some food so it should be good it's a road. oh it's all Curvy the road is so curvy. yeah it's steep. okay so they take your picture when you get on and I don't know. I mean it's a pretty good little thing it's got a clock on it too. I don't even really care about that but hat
yai is like my favorite City really here. so I figured I might as well get it just because I mean just because yeah I was like why not yeah it was 200 so it was like super cheap so I was like [ __ ] it cursing sorry. um but yeah I was just like screw it let's just get it. yeah cause this is a good one so I like hat yai. walking through the Golden Dragon mouth. I remember they had all the yeah all the Chinese New Year. yeah this one's
a Chinese temple we're at now got a big Buddha over there. so this is just down from kohong from the cable car we just drove down. we passed it on the way up here but we just decided to come here now. been here once before as well this is like the second temple I've ever been to in Thailand. people are putting their money for their birth year. yeah Malaysian
money. an agency. oh my God someone put their agency card there like hey you need a business. what is that. maybe they tour too. and then what is this just an envelope with money. yeah okay so yeah the stairs behind us here you can actually walk down. walk up or we'll walk up or
walk down from the temple up there from the cable cars but it's like thousand stairs. we almost died last time. yeah we did it last time we were here and we just were not trying to do it again cause it's a lot. but yeah if you want to walk and get some exercise guys then this is a good spot though. huh oh that's loud loud. yeah I know I was thinking of the one in uh Bangkok where
we did it and it was like super quiet. mhm yeah that one's loud. so I think the objective here is to ring all the bells like go around in a circle cause we were watching that guy do it. it's got a good view here too at the city. my phone really doesn't do it justice but [Music] did it all a hundred of them. no it's not. no I know I'm just kidding there's a lot though. yeah
and they all when you ring them they have like a slightly different like tone and pitch. inside of the temple pretty cool looking got lots of like Chinese statues here too Chinese music as well. still got Christmas going on. our go to spot in hat yai that we always go sukishi Buffet. we're in sukishi it's like Japanese Buffet. it's definitely not exclusive to hat yai but it's where
we always go when we're here. and we've been in ranod for so long and there's not a lot of variety there so we're about to just smash on sashimi and Tongue right now it's going to be good. on side got the first round of stuff here. just mostly beef but you all cook it right in front of you.
the price here though it's pretty expensive like you can pick the tier that you want to get but we always go for the tongue and the salmon sashim.i so we usually get the gold one which I think all together with drinks it's like 800 something each. so it's definitely an expensive one but the variety is there and you get to eat for like an hour and 45 minutes so I always leave here and I'm ready to explode. yeah you can put it in the like this. yeah
and the dipping sauce here is amazing I love it. I guess it's just Thai dipping sauce but. I think it's Korean. or Korean I don't know whatever it is it's amazing. it's always good. we always come here pretty much every single time we're in hat yai this they have two kind of dipping sauce and this one is like seafood I have to order it. we got like pickled soy Salmon and then over there we've got just the normal sashimi. we got some enoki mushrooms cooking some a little bit of pork and we've got tons of tongue. most
of that is just tongue. all right we're about to get into the best part the salmon. it actually is a really good color too I mean it's like a good looking piece of sushi. where's that soy sauce. There She is Too good and then we got the Pickled one too. this some doesn't need any soy sauce. it's always so good but I mean really for the value and you can order all this over and over and over. until you so if you came here and spent this much so you could essentially just get a big bracket this and you only get charged more if you don't eat all of it. so you just want to make sure you get only what you can eat. all right this is a piece of tongue so I've never
had tongue before I came here. I don't know I expected the tongue to always be super rubbery but really it's actually super soft and it's really my favorite thing to get now when I'm at this place is Tongue. it's perfect it's like no fat it's good it's like super soft. now it's trevor favorite thing. yeah tongue is my favorite now. yeah these are our favorite
things to get here so we're about to smash on all of this. yeah show you more around the Mall. got the marshmallow on the ice cream. oh it's good you know you just know it's good. Mm yeah of course marshmallow and chocolate is always good. all right we're headed out of the mall now so but if we hadn't have eaten so much I definitely would have gone and stopped down here. cause at the bottom of there that little like Market there's tons of good snacks there. there's like lots of good sweets and then even some of the just like
little rolls and stuff they have are good but yeah. I we ate too much at sukishi and there's no way I could eat anything else right now. but after this I think we're about to go head up and look for some nature somewhere around here. I know there's lots of mountains around hat yai so we're going to go see what there is though. can you tell which car is mine. which one. the only one that's parked like this yeah [Music] you will arrive at your [Music] destination. oh my God. all right we're at tongyong
CHang there you go. I was just standing out in front of the car and I got the end of the monkey like falling but it so right before that big guy jumps down on the car the little monkey just fell from the top of the tree it's so high up. like that's not it but that was about how high it was and just goes right down next to me. scared me and then a second one Falls right after it and then like the other one I guess pushed them. I don't know but then he came down all angry right after them and I think he was okay cause he was moving. oh my God he fell from so high up. that was insane. I didn't see it. yeah she didn't even see it it happened right in front
of her. yeah and I was like open the car she's like oh I didn't see oh man that was funny but anyway we're about to go to this waterfall. so we've actually been here once before but we decided to come back we didn't see all of it last time though because we just went to the first one. I think there's like. seven. seven different waterfalls here
yeah so there's a lot. the first and second yeah and that was it so and I think the first one is a little bit hard to go up too I think I read about it. yeah it's definitely not easy I remember the the the third two the seventh is a part one to go up. yeah I think so I mean I believe it. I know each one we went up seemed to get harder like to get to the first one it was easy and then to get to the second one you start getting on like stairs and steep trail and stuff. yeah catching monkeys. yeah they got bananas in there I wonder why they want to catch
monkeys. yeah it's pretty busy right now though. yeah last time we were here was like not it was not busy it was a little busy but not like this it is actually like really busy today tons of people through there. hopefully it'll get less busy as we get up to the top. yeah there's fish everywhere man some of them are pretty big. look that one right there that just swam off it's pretty huge. yeah everyone is just chilling in the water it's honestly not hot up here though like it feels really good right now you can see the first waterfall back there when people are like picnicking and chilling like they brought the food like the whole meal. yeah that's right. yeah see they're they're set up yeah they got everything the table yeah they're chilling yeah here's all the things it's got all the names of them the waterfalls so. oh yeah tone
plue that's what the one we were hanging out at last time was yeah you see the highest one is like one 1 Kil 1 and a half kilometers. yeah that's pretty far. yeah that's definitely a good hike so we're headed up to the trail now like towards the waterfalls but on the sign out front there it said that you could only go through uh 1 to 3 now if you want to go to 4 to 7 then you have to um like call and register and book which Trail you want to go on. we don't know why that is but it wasn't like that before though I'm guessing I'm guessing it's hard you know. yeah I'm guessing it's hard too if that you need a guide. yeah so maybe it got dangerous or something I don't know but yeah so that's something new about here. it's already getting steep too. it's just these big
stairs this is tone PLew this is the second one. this one is really really good already and this time it has way more water than when we were there last time. wow. yeah I love it here now we just took a peek at tone PL because we've been there before so we're going up to 3 but it's getting uh steep to say just a little. so it's definitely getting harder what a great shoe to. yeah the best shoes the Nike Air Forces for climbing. actually this shoe is the shoe that I shoe i wear a lot to like walk around and climbing because I never know when I'm going to go walk on the trail or climbing. so I wear this shoe and
trevors like oh yeah let go climb. yeah we're climbing every time. this guy flip flops. I think we're getting there. all right we're up at the third one now but oh man I was not ready for that. I didn't think it was going to be that hard. we never ready for it. yeah we were not prepared at all
as usual every time we are not prepared every single time. so yeah we're up here though and we're going to go take our shoes off right now and get in. and see the actual waterfalls up over there but it looks huge so far. yeah it's look like on the top of the side of the waterfall. yeah it looks good looks good it's gotten hot though now since we were moving at first it felt really good but now I'm like it's humid just cuz we're moving so much but I'm going to get in a little so now we found a nice spot to sit but yeah sitting in front of the waterfall though the temperature is completely different. it is so perfect now because you got the like Mist coming at you and then you got the wind too it's it's it's beautiful out here. yeah I think this one probably is a little better than tone plue but tone plue is already really really nice too. I mean like so to beat that is pretty impressive like. but I think I mean
up here it's like you can see the views. yeah yeah you can see the views of the trees you [Music] want I me look at that though. that view is good. everyone's just chilling the water is like pretty cool feels good we're trying to get across here like I said we weren't prepared. making our way across. yeah so definitely worth the hike up here I think. yeah the view from over there is
incredible we figured out how to get cross. oh so nice perfect weather up here the water's cold so if we've been more prepared this is like a great spot to swim. but we say that every time we not prepared. yeah we're never we never prepared we just like go drive around. yeah we weren't even supposed to come up to hat yai today. we woke up at 3:45 in the morning and then we were dropping her auntie off and her cousins and then we were just like all right let's go do stuff and so we decided to make a video. so just happened but yeah we're about to head back now. it's going to be hard it's steep long so and I'm thirsty. yeah they said don't get any water
or something up here with some people done yeah people have done it I left my water. yeah yeah but we're about to go. okay we just wanted to add in that uh we found out afterwards but the day before we were at that waterfall someone had fallen off from three and fell and got stuck and died down in between 3 and 2 so if you are going up there uh especially where we were just be very careful because people can fall and have been hurt before and the rocks is like slippery slippery just be careful. yeah definitely be careful and like the water is like pretty strong too. yeah yeah it was pretty strong current so definitely be
careful my d [Music] got it no don't look go look I can do it backwards you can do it for you too you can do it backwards I cannot even do it Forward no baby careful oh we're down at the first waterfall now this one's still really good to swim at we swam in it last time we were here does it feel good that's the salmon salmon ooh look at the Salmon wow oh it's not yeah it's not it's it's carp of some sort I'm guessing he trying to catch a fish impossible impossible yeah yeah they too quick they too quick he yeah we're ending the video off here down at Tong Nang Chang Wildlife Sanctuary but there's a lot more to do here like Trail wise. I I mean going up just to the waterfalls you could see a couple other nature trails and then going on the other side of the river behind us yeah you can kind of see them up there Trail yeah it's another Trail but we got to head back to renov it's about 5:00 so it's going to start getting dark anyway um I think this is definitely worth it the insurance fee was actually 400 for foreigners but the guy just charged me 200 for some reason yeah and he didn't charge me and the and the car he said Happy New Year yeah it was so nice so we got in a lot cheaper actually but it's still I think is worth the 400 cuz you could come here and spend all day like there's three there's multiple different waterfalls so really there's so much to do here definitely a good spot but uh if you like this video hit the like button if you want to see more subscribe and we will see you in the next one yeah so the fish that are here is a masier Barb I don't know I thought they were like a carp but it's a carp family. oh it is in a carp family. oh okay I was about to say they look like carp though there's the monkeys they were fighting I saw a monkey try to murder one today it's insane so we're walking down to the car but there is food and lots of snacks here that you can get I remember we had those eggs. can we get some of those eggs actually. yeah yeah we had those last time they're really good. it's not salted. it's not salted is it it's the egg with a pepper and and and salt but it's not like salted EG y yeah it's just like hardboiled egg but all in one so it's like I don't even know how to describe it it's just so good I love the like and they put some like pepper yeah some pepper and some salt is so good it's perfect m that's a good snack after that hike too mhm got water as well and Coke water and Coke [Music] [Music]
2025-01-24 11:35