Our Europe Motorhome Adventure: The Honest Review!

Our Europe Motorhome Adventure: The Honest Review!

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ihello and welcome back to the channel  welcome back everyone today we're going to do   a review of our recent European trip that did  where we went through France uh Spain Portugal   back through Spain back through France and then a  quick visit to Belgium yeah we did yeah it was a   big trip actually for us yeah we're going to go  through some of the highlights places we stayed   things we liked things we didn't like we'll  go through a little bit of the costings and   then we'll let you know what we will probably do  different next time if there's anything so the   first evening of our trip we went to Canterbury  where we have been a few times it's quite  handy park and ride there isn't it on Dover road yeah yeah  New Dover road I find it really handy to be honest   you've got all your facilities there that's the  main thing um I mean for the whole 24-hour period   you are looking at £8 um but with that you get a  bus ticket that you can have up to six people   and go into Canterbury itself so if you do get  time and visit there then you it's worth popping   into Canterbury um and then we moved on through to  France with the Le Shuttle yes we did so obviously this is   the only way we've really traveled with the Motorhome  going across and it was pretty straightforward now   you do hear the odd Horror Story that it gets  a bit chocker and maybe in the summer months it   does but we've never experienced any issue uh it  was literally board and straight across so that   was easy as anything yeah and we use it there and  back and I'm getting used to being in the tunnel   now um especially with a motorhome because you  can just turn the chairs around and just chill   out have something to eat or whatever a drink or  whatever um while you're going across so it's much   better than a car really um and even we  had a little nap on the way across didn't we this   time we just shut our eyes um and before we knew  it we was at the other side so yeah so it's less   than half hour to get across um the actual train  ride itself uh and there's an adequate space to   get on the train for a long vehicle as well so um  it's rather straightforward then our first stop   in France was at a lovely place we found called  Villars Sur Mer yeah Villars Sur MerI don't know if you pronounce   it that way and our pronunciations might not  be totally correct as we go through this we go   through the whole of this yes I do apologise um  so bare with that but yeah Villars Sur Mer so um   remembering that then that was a coastal stop  it's a little bit further down from on Honfleur yeah   um around that area Le Harve is it around that kind  coastal line around there lovely Place lots to see around   there they even had a dinosaur exhibition kind  of Centre yeah um yeah so you're right on like   this Park area and within there you've got a  lake you can hire out bikes and stuff like that   within that area as Jodie said the dinosaur sort  of exhibition Museum type thing and then you got   the coast which is literally on the doorstep as  well uh a little walk up to the town area really   it's not that far was it a half-hour walk something  like that everything you need is just in walking   distance and if you don't want to walk you've got  the bikes like Lee said or them even them little   um what they call them boogy things riding round  on um but yeah so it was it was quite a good stop   for our first stop and we had lovely weather as  well the only negative to that I think it's one   barrier for entry and exit and people do try and  come in quite early uh and sort of hog the exit yeah so   so what was happening on that site is because  if you come in you got to come in after 12 so   if people were leaving just before 12 um what was  happening is there was a queue to get in for wait   for the 12:00 time to sort of lapse and for them  to them pay and however people they kept reversing   because people kept leaving the Aire trying to  keep their place at the front by staying right   up against the barrier um but then having to  reverse out every time somebody wanted to leave. other than that it  was a beautiful Aire and then we went down to a free  stop over sort of mid France not far from Le Mans   just to the one side um and it was called La Deux Evailles I believe I'm not even going to say that   but yeah yeah um that was a good stop actually it  was that the one with the lake yeah that was the   one with the lake um and the little restaurant  next to it that's right and we still had I mean   when we was traveling that time the weather still  was hit a Miss for rain even though we were lucky   enough to have dry weather that was boggy ground  wasn't it so we did see someone get stuck we was   warned uh if we go in on the grass maybe you know  with our size motor home possibly get stuck so we   decided to stay in the car Park area it was people  that came in after us that couldn't get in the car   Park area cuz there's no space um trying to go  on the grass and one luckily there's a lot of   friendly people around there and they managed to  pull them out with their motorhome didn't they cuz   they got stuck a stop that I would only do for  a night because other than that there's not much   there unless you're just there for a weekend  chill out it's good to you know be out of the   way of the hustle and bustle of life and just  chill out there for the night yeah there was   a few mosquitoes obviously because it's round the  lake um but I've been okay using the Avon Skin So   Soft um and then the next place we went to was we  stayed at a place called La Palmyre um which is near   Les Mathes should I say and that's a camping car  park that was yeah and it quite a big one as well   and a lot of spaces in that car park because  it's quite a popular area you had the famous   Zoo there you got the the beach location there  lovely Beach and the harbour there you know so it   was quite a tourist holiday destination we loved that  place and we had the weather again, didn't we. we   did we did beautiful ever again there and then  we moved on to Spain from there we were going   to go to San Sebastian um but we watched a couple  of videos and heard a few stories um about crime   and people break into Vans and we just didn't feel  that where we wanted to stay there near the centre   so we could be in the centre there was enough  security for us I'm not saying that it happens   to everybody it's just that we were a little bit  nervous about it so we decided not to go there and   we pushed on to a place called camping zumir zumir  Z zumir camping Zumaia um but in Zumaia right yeah   what however you say it you're going to get wrong  anyway so it don't matter well that's the name of   the place um you can put it on here anyway we had  bad weather there didn't we we come from France   with the good weather and then  hit Spain with the bad weather um and the campsite   itself was on tiers it was all right wasn't it it  wasn't too bad it weren't too bad I wouldn't go   on there if the motor home was much bigger than us  and we're 7.82 um because it is a little bit tight   to get onto the pitch if there was Vans opposite  you we were lucky enough that no one was parked   in the opposite pitches so I could use that pitch  to maneuver the vehicle on but yeah I mean it's a   nice stop if you can uh not focus on you've  got to go through the industrial state to get   there and the Steep entrance and exit Steep entrance yeah so entrance is the exit as well so that was quite   steep you didn't ground out luckily no we didn't  ground out on that one yeah but like you said    it's it's like it's a really good place to  view the area it's got a nice view from it but as   soon as you come down out of it that's why it's  on the Steep it's quite high up um you are in   an industrial estate so but once you've walked  through that to the main town and the main   like Coastal area it's not too bad is it we  just had bad weather that's all you know we had a   good look around went out on one of the points  there that takes you out on the coastal bit   walked around there didn't we and that's it really  so we didn't do too much there but um we've done   a lot of traveling by then so we said there the  one night and then from there we headed to another   campsite that we got recommended by us by one of  our viewers if we do get recommendations and it   does suit us then we will try our best to go we  would always take on board any recommendations   definitely we appreciate it cuz it helps us so  we went to a lovely place called Camping Playa   Joyel yeah near Noja yes yeah spelt with Noja a J but um obviously their Js are their Hs so Noja   and that was a beautiful campsite like yeah you  were all sort of cramped on it's mainly like uh   seasonal Caravans and things like that that were  there so the spaces you had were like all sort of   cramped on a bit but you find that in some places  in Europe anyway um and they were between trees   they do let you go off I think there's only two  months of the year they don't let you go off and   search for your own pitch and that's because it's  very busy so that's I think the June July no   so July August time I think so when you're in  Peak summer other than that you can just turn   up they have a no dog policy so unfortunately  I know a lot of our viewers have dogs if you planning   on taking a dog just you can discard that one  completely um if you're not it's a beautiful   it's like paradise there isn't it with the beach  the beach is on the campsite yeah and then so it   has got a lovely Coastline very green um around  there and um yeah with with the beach it's got   its own Beach but you can walk around and it's  got other beaches as you go up around the area   we really appreciate that so thank you very much  um Mick Sparrow for recommending that one yeah and   then we went to a free park up didn't we cuz we  we decided from there because we were a bit hit   and miss with the weather that we were going to  go into Portugal a little earlier than what we'd   previously planned didn't we you had itchy feet  you needed to get going I wanted to go to Portugal  I wanted to go to Portugal I mean it was nice northern  Spain but I don't think I spend my whole holiday   there in Northern Spain I definitely want to get  down south or go somewhere else so we wanted to   head to Portugal anyway as you know that's our  main destination so I decided to cut across uh   and we found well you found um a nice free spot  didn't you yeah you waiting for me to say the name   player rabo R rabo rabo that's how it's written  yeah so this was on search sites actually and it   was literally a reservoir so even though it states  player there is a a man-made Beach should we say   or a beach um that's not natural there um it has  got like a little shed type thing they have as a   bar I don't know what the opening times are that  it weren't open when we there but on the official   motor home stops you could probably get two motor  homes there um but it has got a gray waste drop   uh Elon point and fresh water the water and all  that was working the only thing with the services   is the Elon point weren it was overflowing type  thing and I could see on search sites people did   mention that it weren't that much of an issue  however whatever's happening underneath the   pipes are leaking slightly maybe and you can  see a little bit a mess but the actual area   was spectacular and well worth the stop you could  also Park pretty much anywhere around that parking   spot on the reservoir the thing is there's a kids  um play area there as well or like um I don't if   it's a player group or something but when we went  we couldn't see that there was no but we've seen   it on the reviews so really they shouldn't they  should try and keep that clean shouldn't they   if they've got kids playing around what Authority  run yeah um but like we were looking for the beach   and the bar was shut when we were there we were  looking for the beach and then we could see like   a kind of suy grassy area and then a massive  Palace sand so we reckon that that was due to   go on yes that was maybe their Beach yeah they  they were just setting it up ready the only real   negative for me was the mosquitoes um it was in  near a reservoir you would expect it but we must   have had a tiny bit of light showing somewhere  because they attacked her B gladly with this fan   touchwood they've never well you get the odd one  coming but like the amount of mosquitoes we had   around they didn't actually get I think we carried  a couple around with maybe maybe so in the garage   area maybe but there was hundreds and and yeah  so the seals on this fan so far are pretty good   we could hear them frying with the flame from the  fridge yeah so the fridge was on gas and you could   just hear them as they're getting into the vents  and that flame just burning up so yeah that's that   was their final destination yeah once we closed  up heavy aage there's no lie um they headed off   towards the bar area so we were all right then it  is hundreds of spectacular views there yeah it is   lovely so you know as long as youut the doors at  night you're all right um but yeah it's we would   we would go back again we just know we just know  that you can't see nothing when it's dark anyway   the ambient light there is is minimal so it's  pretty pitch black once the sun goes down and I   was looking never got bitten cuz say that stuff's  so good that I've been spraying on I was fine so   then we headed into Portugal and we decided to  cut in kind of north um and we went sort of Midway   course didn't we so the the only thing with  Portugal before we go into where we stayed   in Portugal um I did look up about their toll  system because I heard it was different so just to   mention the toll system um there is two types um  and because there is different companies that own   the tolls so one of the types is electronic toll  system and you can go on the Portuguese tolls um   website and the official website and you can log  your bank card uh as I did now I believe there is   machine means that you can do it but I didn't want  to take that risk so I logged it online put my   bank card in it stays active for 30 days so every  time we went through very cheap tolls mind um   every time we went through an electronic toll it  wouldn't bother me because it just automatically   within seven days or so it'll take that money out  now it it accumulates for the whole day so it'll   work out the whole day of all the TOs you've used  electronically the other type of toll that has a   barrier so electronic tolls no barriers at all  the ones with barriers don't go straight through   where it's the tag Lane unless you've got a tag  attach to your vehicle so an electronic device   that actually pings and tells them you've paid or  they're going to take the money um which I believe   you can only get that if you're a resident of  Portugal yeah no foreign vehicles you can't even   do it retrospectively you'll end up with a fine  yeah and so go straight to the uh barrier collect   your ticket or pay the toll fee so it's simple  as that go on online register your card for the   electronic tolls don't worry about them no more  if you come up to a barrier grab the ticket or pay   that one we did see though we saw that people  could pull over and do it at a machine there   yeah so I believe all of them but some of them I  believe there's a machine before you can get you   get to the tolls however we have heard stories of  the card not registering in time people arriving   hom to a fine um because the first toll they used  it weren't registered so if you do it a few days   before I think it was 3 days before I registered  um and ready to go and it was all lined up so easy   and then we went to a place called pel yeah which  we just picked from search for sites to be honest   and cuz we' had never been to Portugal before you  have but I've never been home I've never been yeah   or driving around probably not either um so it was  a a camping car park cuz we thought we actually we   did pick it on search for sites but um it did say  that it was camping carpat so went website didn't   we yes yeah cuz we and because we were already  registered with them from the previous one in   France we thought it' be good idea cuz at least  we know we can see the availability yeah and it   was lovely was it it was absolutely Immaculate  really um lovely pictures it had like um what's   the boards called so it's it's like um The Patio  boarding yeah around the edges of the pictures   yeah so I can't remember what you call it now  but you know like you can have it in your garden   it's just slats of of wood but it it was really  marked out well and massive service really clean   we actually thought it was next to a supermarket  though didn't we we did yeah and we went looking   for that supermarket and it even had a picture  of a shopping trolley on it and it ended up   being just like a brick Brack kind of place yeah  one of the Chinese markets they have out there   with everything for sale other than food really  yeah and we needed food so we set off in search   us at a supermarket didn't we which we never  actually found but we found a lovely um little   they call it a city or was it a town it was a city  wasn't it yeah and it was like um I don't know   Lookout Towers SL Castle type thing yeah um really  medieval really medieval wasn't it the whole place   and I think there was a tour cuz when we went up  to look at the towers on the castle you'd go in   the information place and there was a lady selling  the tour so they'd take you around and but we had   a look at some of the places we would imagine they  would take you as we were going around the town   and it's just got stunning history hasn't it yeah  it was a lovely Place beautiful and it's really   high up as well so you know when you was up the  top There You Could See For Miles just over this   you know really green Lush land really it was nice  yeah so we thought that was a really good choice   and we would recommend that definitely wouldn't  where was next coimbra coimbra so we somebody   else recommended this on um Facebook comments on  our page um so thank you very much can't remember   who it was right now but thank you very much for  recommending it so we sort of looking at it anyway   weren't we MH um but we decided to go there and  we wanted to see the city cuz we knew there was   lots of things to see and the closest we could  get not having a a car with us um was this one   camping Place wasn't it I don't know if it was  called camping coimbra was it kinra camping or   camping kinra kinra camping and Bungalows I think  right okay it wasn't the best um it did the job   for the night we stayed there you could probably  do a couple of nights there being close to the   city it was quite adequate it it was adequate  enough it's just we didn't go for electric so   we ended up on the top tier with um the comra uh  campsite there's a bus stop outside as well Tes   you in I think it was about was it two or three  EUR it was two EUR per person um I'm not sure if   it was a return or not um however I I think it  was just there and then two back so that would   have been 8 uh and we ended up paying like two  €2 something for a taxi yeah yeah taxes are cheap   because it was a Sunday and we didn't want to risk  the buses so you got you looked for an option of   there there was an app called bolt and it runs  all around Portugal really um and it's just like   an Uber app and yeah it was really cheap and  they come straight to your GPS location on on   your phone so it made it easier if you don't know  where you are and for that price I thought they   were going to be a little bit Rusty or whatever  but these were nice these were topnotch cars they   were nice we went for mid-range you didn't go  cheap cheap but it still it still very cheap um   so yeah we really enjoyed that and we did use  them in other places didn't we both did in in   Portugal just one last thing on coimbra if you  want to see what we got up to there it's best to   look at the video because there was so much to see  yeah I can't explain it all to you you seen it all   in that so so have a look at our video and also  in our video there's Link in the description to   the main places to see in coin bre if you wanted  to check that out so yes definitely recommend it   though definitely um and then we went to a lovely  place called portal C which oh I love that I love   the campsite I loved the area um very upand coming  area the camp site we went for premium pitches so   we paid a little bit more and but they were hugee  weren't they absolutely massive we probably could   have got three of these on there yeah and the  campsite was so clean and it had everything   you needed again restaurants laundries um you  know uh shops everything everything you needed   on there didn't it but I think the most stunning  part of that cuz there is a lot of building work   going on and sometimes you got to look past that  because as said it's an up and cominging area as   you go down into the little villagey town bit or  whatever that's really nice but the coastline is   stunning and the water quality was amazing yeah it  beautiful the little Coes with the little beaches   and you're up on the top of the cliff there and  you can just see all the rug rugged Coastline   like I say with people you know sunbathing down on  the the little COI Beach as you go along beautiful   yeah I've even taken a picture from one of the  cves and now that's my screen saver on my map   um because it was that good it's better than some  of them that have programmed in um it was so it   was so pretty so beautiful the only downside to  the whole place is make sure you've gone shopping   first if you need food and stuff yeah there is  a a little shop in in the little town bit Yeah   there's one on the site as well one on the site  there is one in the town but it's a little bit   more expensive it doesn't do everything either  it's a bit cramped as well in there isn't it if   there if it's got a few people in but if you need  Essentials it's there it's just expensive yeah   there is stuff but if you want to do a proper shop  then do that before you go to Porto coo I would I   would suggest that's all definitely recommend  Porto coo in Portugal and then we went to our   destination um which is where we're heading to  is the algar and we went to Camping alera yeah a   few of you may know about that cuz there's been  other videos on it and a few people will have   been there already um we wanted to book a week  there so we knew it was sorted for when we got   there um but you can't book camping up before we  sort of learned that about Portugal Portugal is   pretty much turn up to the there may be the odd  site where you can book but if you if there are   them sites they usually have a booking fee as an  extra but usually what we found in Portugal it's   just pretty much turn up we squeezed on first cuz  we we didn't know how big the site was so when we   came in and we just found the first available  space it was really tight and then I went hang   on a minute Le there's there's Lads of space over  there now they were the reason it looked so like   much like the l space they were doing some grass  cutting so they'd cut some of Cardon some of that   off but there was a couple of spaces just before  that wasn't they Lee went to have a look and then   we moved and it was a lovely beautiful stay yeah  stay yeah we met a lovely couple there as well who   C to some lovely dinner didn't they yes they did  from Scotland they were they were amazing um and   that was great actually it was really nice to be  you know invited for something to eat it was just   you know cuz sometimes you when you're traveling  it's just us but sometimes nice to interact with   others and that's what it's about as well uh and  that was a good opportunity to interact with with   another couple we had a couple of drinks that  evening so it was very nice well we booked for   four nights originally then we went and extended  for another night didn't we yeah um and we went   and visit aler itself and we had a bit hit and  miss weather you see so some days were nice   some were a bit windy so we didn't we're trying to  pick the best days and that's why we had to extend   CU we knew that day was going to be a better day  didn't we um so we went down to the beach which is   beautiful and stunning it's a lovely place um it's  you've got your bars where people drink and go and   probably have stagos or whatever then you've got  your quieter areas you've got your big hotels your   outside beach bars you you know it's and and new  restaurants on the beach as well and uh we we ate   out a couple of times found a really nice indian  didn't we and we found nice stay they have music   playing in the Square depending on what bar you're  in I think they take it in turns to have the music   in their bar so you can all hear it it's just  it's a lovely place and I would definitely go   again and definitely recommend alera and we had an  amazing boat ride out I mean we were going to we   looking for dolphins which we didn't find no not  this time we did see all the caves in that and   that was yeah that lovely beautiful it yeah it was  you know again stunning Coastline Portugal really   really nice and the boat did go quite fast as well  which was quite fun albair was brilliant and then   we decided from there we're going to head back  into Spain mhm we actually wanted to go to ceville   didn't we you know we've heard some things about  cille and mind visiting the city and everything   and we found um an air which was right near the  city on the docks and we thought that would be   yeah it was a marina type thing was um but it was  quite late when we start off from the time obvious   she traveling and by the time we got there um it  was quite full and by the time we worked out how   to get through the gate um we did read on the  reviews just got to wait and Shout somebody or   whatever boser yeah yeah well eventually we got  in um but there was one space left and it was all   tight one in it was probably tighter than some  of the airs we've stayed on like that I'm not   saying that might people watching this that have  had an enjoyable stay there that's great but for   us at that time in that situation as time was  pushing on one space left squeezing you on it   wasn't for us um so we decided both of us were a  bit anxious about it and when you feel like that   you just move on um so we decided to plot on and  as we were driving we just thought we were heading   towards malago at some point so we just put malago  in um and as we were driving I was looking for   somewhere and then we found a a supermarket called  family cash that had a um the there at the back of   the car Bas and we've heard there's a few family  cashes type supermarkets that do this so it's not   the only one we thought it might have been the  only one but it ain't no ideal um to basically   get your shopping in um and will the um trolley  straight up to the motor home the service is there   as well and we we attended oh that was uh ASA is  it calleda yeaha the parking bears are actually   uh look enough for cars like one after the other  there's quite a lot but most people were parking   along them long ways because there is no way  even though it's a designated motor home place   there was no way you were going to get the motor  homes in and out the way they had it so people   were parking long ways again and and respectfully  to each other uh it was quite you got quite a few   about 10 yeah about 10 on there do you reckon on  there something like that um and we arrived on a   bank holiday as well didn't we um Spanish bank  holiday so that the supermarket wasn't open the   next day um but the day after that we got a load  of shopping in didn't we yeah um and we headed up   to see the town cuz on the way there as we were  driving there we could see like the castles and   churches and things on on the hill couldn't we I  thought it looks quite nice and yeah yeah it was   a lovely Place yeah beautiful good to visit the  only negative to that place is that it's all quite   uphill if you want to see the main sites with  them being on top of a hill um so if you have   mobility issues um it would be quite hard to to  get up there you can drive up if you've got a car   we did see cars going up to the top of there um  and the fact that you do get people coming in out   quite late at night as well don't you different  Vans and stuff so um but it's free and it's near   a supermarket and it's in a beautiful town so you  can't ask for more that can you really I do and   then from there we decided we were going to head  towards a place near Malaga called ringcon De La   Victoria we' found a nice little campsite air um  was fairly cheap um we thought we'd go for that   didn't we yeah um and we was also contacted around  that time by a couple of viewers that wanted to   meet up with us if we ever were near maliga so  it was perfect wasn't it so we went there um and   it was um a lovely campsite just as a few issues  doesn't it with yeah entrance to that oh yeah so   this was the one um where I mean Jody did mention  to me I didn't read it myself but then someone has   ground out on the entrance to make sure you pick  the right entrance because we Ed the Garmin have   text to it's never let me down now sometimes it's  got to take you down narrow streets because that's   the only entrance in so it was quite narrow  as we're coming in but I'm thinking I trust   in the Garment now what I didn't realize after  assessing the situation after is obviously all the   map systems probably run off Google and they just  take their data from that there is a road if you   come in in the other way that is not recognized on  Google so it would think it's blocked any satnav   going up there will only think that's the way in  and of course it was the way that it was going to   grind out now I did sort of see it I could have  probably reversed now in hindsight but then I   still would have had to navigate back through them  tight roads and then try and find a way in so I   I thought I'd go for it and I did have a feeling  maybe underneath it be the freshwater outlet and   it it did it not the freshwater Outlet scraped  a little bit of the tank but I thought it was   exhaust I you did cuz it's cladded in a a silver  foam cladding it looked a bit like an exhaust but   that was just the pipe so it knocked off the  pipe and it basically knocked off the outlet   um mechanical mechanism it was hanging on pretty  much by the electrical wire and then I limped into   the campsite I was able to get fix no problem it  didn't really phase me too much I would have found   a way to plug the uh tank at the end of the day I  didn't need to empty the fresh tank while we was   out on that trip not at all it would just be a way  of plugging it and filling up the fresh so we can   still use fresh however I was able to use ct1 to  get the bracket stuck back on and have the system   working again perfectly so and on our actual video  for that which is in the playlist which I'll link   into this description the playlist our actual  video for that which was was called real motor   home disaster you'll see on there that we showed  the correct way into that campsite cuz they were   a lovely family run campsite W the C isue and they  can't put signs up they're not allowed to they're   not allowed to do anything like that they could  only put it on their website which they do but   not everyone reads they have contacted Google  as well and U nothing's really um so what they   because that's a bit of Road isn't recognized it  will always take you the wrong way apart from that   if you go in the right way and you leave the right  where it's actually a really good campsite we   recommend it it's got a nice little Coastal area  within it hasn't it just like a 10minute walk away   isn't it MH um and if you want to get into malago  it's about a half an hour bus drive would you yeah   a little bit more reckon 40 minutes 40 minutes bus  ride um into into malago P area in the harbor we   went there and visited some lovely friends now an  and Nigel um and we had a really good time with   them and then we looked around the port area we  didn't see all of Malaga so don't know much about   malago cats here much apart from the port area  was beautiful and some lovely boats out there   and the Bars were lovely and it good atmosphere so  we really enjoyed that um so that stay was really   good and we would recommend that and you could  stay there for a week or longer couldn't you on   that side easily so from there we went back to  a stop that we stayed at last time and we really   loved it and it was a free park up near alakan  airport yes not not too far urbanova urbanova   urbanova is the is the um place we stayed it's  got got a lovely like prominade restaurant lovely   Beach couple of hardstanding Park UPS there the  one nearest to the prominade is where we stayed   great place but we just recommend don't go up  into the corner and the far the far end um there   is a guy and maybe probably a few people maybe a  few but we've seen the same guy twice both times   we've been who likes to empty his toilet cassette  in the bushes of the of the sand just on that   edge up there um so if you've got kids with you or  animals with you do not go to that far end because   we don't know it's covered in flies there anyway  our we packed up there didn't we we and we were   covered in fles it was emptying his waist it dug  a hole in the sand underneath to empty his waist   you're probably going to find this in certain  places so yeah just be aware of stuff like that   does happen um you know it happens everywhere in  the world but if you're staying there we recommend   being closest to the prominade side and it be  a great stop so we didn't stay for two nights   there like we wanted to because of our experience  this time so we moved on and booked got to benador   a day earlier than we booked they let us on to  the campsite so we stayed at the campsite called   camping Arena Blanca yes camping Arena Blanca  something like that um and we stay there before   and it's great sight bit of a squeeze to get on  but it's really friendly nice and comfortable and   out the way um we've been there twice really like  it but I think next time if we go back to benadom   again um we had a couple of Dramas there which  we've put videos on if you want to go and have a   look we're not going to go into it now cuz it will  make this video so long having to explain it and   it's long enough as it is um so please go go back  and watch um our video in the playlist called they   tried to Rob us we will be staying at the Oldtown  area next time won't we yes so we're thinking   we're going to go down that side if we stay around  that area we do recommend the campsite we're on um   but for us we will be moving into a different area  and then from there benadon we decided to head   home didn't we yes we did yes and that came with  its little errors in the navigational side anyway   bless you so we were aing to go back um the other  side of the panes into France and you find a nice   camping car park you we got spaces on it and when  we set off when we got into the main road and it   said like 260 kilomet to Zara Zaragoza and I was  like we're on this road for that long to Zaragoza   means we ain't going in the right direction  but we'd already gone like an hour or so into   our drive weal to happened now is um basically  I I work off coordinates when I set the satinav   abroad I think I was on the northwest coordinates  or the Southwest I can't remember now but anyway I   put one of the coordinates in wrong and it took us  basically towards aragoza rather than the campsite   we wanted to go it was taking us to somewhere in  B Bilbo Bilbo yeah going back there um so you you   obviously got the the coordinates slightly so we  decided to to carry on to pamp palona basically p   yeah we decided to go back there um because we  thought well we're heading home anyway we know   that site we we've messed up here let's just go  there um we didn't know whether we were going to   be staying on the free um Park up that's we stayed  on time or the actual air itself so we just went   and there was spaces on the air they paid a 10 us  a night so we just stayed there didn't we we did   yeah it was an easy stop and it's got electric so  it's it's fine it was a great stop I've been to   pampalon a couple of times used it there back  last time there's a stop over um so this time   we just we went in and found somewhere to eat  and had a look around like a Park area didn't   we with history in it yeah it was um well it was  nice to see a different part of it anyway yeah   um it is famous for the bow ring and that but if  you look past that um it's got Lads of nice it's   really comfortable it's a really comfortable  placees can't get noisy on a weekend CU it's   a city other than that it's it's not too bad and  when I say noisy it's not like Rowdy people it's   you know Sirens traffic noise maybe fireworks  going off motorbikes you know the scooter type   things yeah so that sort of thing but you  know it's still a safe air you know if you   need a stop over it's it's well worth a visit  to to get there and C pampalon is really nice   I think that's one of my favorite cities yeah um  definitely if you want to check out we've got two   videos on Pamplona one on this playlist and one  in our previous one um and we also show the free   car park that's opposite it I mean you can stay  there for 24 hours for free um it's recognized   you number plate when you go in um lets you in and  uh that's the barer in case you didn't it and then   we headed back into France yeah we went to a place  called torg torg if you say it that way then T Tor   yeah in agreement um and it's a camping car park  again and it was near a castle yeah it was pretty   much on the land I suppose of the um the castle  grounds and you had your own private Garden where   you could see the bit of the castle as well I  think you can visit inside the castle which we   didn't we didn't really have time we did have a  look around the area and it was really nice stop   there I thought it was peaceful yeah there was a  restaurant there was at the bars and restaurants   about three or four around the area so you got a  nice Castle the only downside to it I would say is   the train and yeah but they did shut off at night  so it might have been about 11:00 and as some of   the comments say you know from that video is some  people find quite tranquil and nice so you know   it weren't much of a problem for us in the in the  daylight hours but it is there and for some people   that may not work for you had Coats were back on  when we got there weren't they yeah yeah that was   definitely coming back North then we headed off to  a place near ruin called rugal or something like   that rugly maybe something like that um we will  put it in here we've probably pronounced it wrong   but it was a nice little site again like the first  one in Villa Su that we went to in France it was   like a camping car park where you pay as you go in  and bar let you know your ticket and everything um   it was like a campsite it was like a campsite  it was absolutely stunning 1 massive space for   pictures and very quirky buildings around there  as well wasn't it and then you had the walk down   into the woods you had the uh Brook running  alongside it we didn't do much filming there   um because we just wanted a bit of a break really  it was only one night a break yeah um but we did   go into the little town area and there's plenty  in the town's bars but the Aldi is not where it   says it is in that area um it says it's number  five on the street but it's not it's probably   like 105 further up isn't it yeah if you go back  to our last one it is our last European video   isn't it really before we come home um then I do  put a map up just to show people that where it is   cuz it is there just not where it states it is so  we went there and then we headed from there um to   go meet some friends in Belgium which we weren't  expecting it was like we were planning to meet   them if we cross path so they said that we're  in Belgium uh in yeps and we thought well why   not just head over it's just over the border and  it was plenty of time for us to get to Cali the   next day for our train wasn't it so it was only an  hour and 15 minutes from Belgium or that site to C   yeah to Cal so uh um yeah that was very easy just  to to get down there ready for the train yeah and   Steven Catherine took us to the menning gate and  we went and saw the last post that was nice to   see pay respects and things and then yeah it's a  lovely thing to see I've seen it in the past many   years ago but it was good to see it again it still  carries on and then we left there and we went back   for the train stopped again at uh Canter that  night and then from there we headed to the showes   didn't we yeah so the first Festival soon as we  crossed over yeah so that was the end of our time   in Europe yeah but what we'd like to just we' like  to go through the costings now with you but we're   not going to go break them down too far cuz one we  didn't work it out to that actual point um and it   can get a bit boring and this video is long enough  so we just thought we give you a rough idea so all   in all we spent about £3,000 um you drove it's  pretty much a 4,000 mile round trip yeah so if   you think of the fuel for that and then we had we  didn't have eat out much really just when we got   to alera and uh benador they were the two places  that we ate out so there was costumes for that um   the normal food shopping we did would have been  what we' have normally done anyway if we were at   home um so campsites some of the campsites and a  that we stayed on um there was costumes for them   as well in that four hours and tolls were a big  one as well as the fuel um and that was about it   for costings wasn't it I haven't missed anything  out oh the the cost of the tunnel sorry yes yes   and the and the Euro tunnel very I use my Tesco  Club Car vouchers um for that um which is a shame   they only double up the points now but you know  if you are a Tesco Shopper and use their Club card   you can um use the club card voucher points to to  then convert them to get money off your Crossing   on the Euro tunnel uh and well worth doing and are  looking at going again out with soon so stay tuned   for our plans for our next one yes definitely and  it will be this year so you know we're not waiting   around till next year to go back out to Europe and  we are going to be doing it slightly different as   our traveling out to get there um and where well  we'll just have to wait and see on that one but   definitely stay tuned for our next European it's  more it's similar similar but in a different way   yeah so still in the motor home so still in  the motor F yeah we're not taking a tent on   our backs or flying our hotel flying or anything  like that so we're still in the motor home we're   just arriving there in a different way but you'll  find all that out when we do we'll we'll stay   tuned and we'll do a vlog on it it's just a lot  easier because if we explain it all in the a we've   waffled on enough thank you for staying tuned  with us right to the end if you're still with   us now we do appreciate it yes we do definitely um  and well I suppose that's it from us um but yeah   look out for our next Vlogs of our UK travels and  we will see you on the next one so thanks again   for everyone that has subscribed and supports  the channel until then bye see you [Music]

2024-07-19 08:21

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