Our Community, "Surf's Up"

Our Community,

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These, are the stories, there. Is a foundation. Out there that helps you get back into it of organizations. Making a difference, really. Limits, our ability to do something is people's, imagination. And empowering. Others across, Canada, when I get into that sledge i'm fremont i'm playing hot it's a great organization, and it's, worth supporting in. Our. Community. So. What jammies do you want to do. I make one pair or two two, things okay, and, it might rain what do we need in rain. Tomorrow. Is a special day for the Weston family and at their residence in Victoria, British Columbia last. Preparations, are being made for a road trip - Tofino a rugged. West Coast town five hours north of their home at. Their dining room table nine-year-old sam and five-year-old, Zoey with the help of their mother Megan write, a list of what to pack. Where, is it isn't is until you know it's tough you know yeah okay, oh. So. Sunday. Is the day, one, is rainy okay. What do you need in the rain how do you spell. The, Weston family is one of many this year who will be attending Surf's, Up for autism, or supa an annual. Event held for children with autism and, their families. Sam. Was diagnosed, with autism at, a young age and, this, will be his second time attending, the event, my. Name is Sam Weston. My. Name is Ilyas, you're. Going to. Tofino to go Sufi for. Two days. I'm. Really excited. The. Way. To feel is. Okay. Well we should go put the life, jackets, and stuff in the car now yeah okay, you. Ready to go yeah, as. The family packs their final things into the van their eagerness, to get on the road is evident after all opportunities. Like this are few and far between for the Westons, and it's, as much for the family as it is for Sam. Hey, Sam why don't you get your boots to. Wear, Megan and John parents, of Sam, Zoey I learned, about Surf's. Up for autism, through connects, autism network we, participated. With them quite. Often, and, then they sent. Out an email blast that this was an opportunity for years ago we went we had a great time get. To go again this, is definitely not an opportunity, that we would have. Otherwise, they, have helpers, there to be able to explain, how to. Get on a board in a way that a kid would understand, and that's definitely, not something that I have the skill to do I remember. Them being very prepared. And very, accommodating for. The kids different. Needs like. It was brand-new for Sam, and. They. Allowed, him to dive right into it and. It. Was great to have Zoey alone the. Kids are super, excited they've been talking about this non-stop, and. Every. Opportunity we, get to. Discuss. You know how to prepare the car and pack their bags they, love every minute of it so, how. It works is, we're gonna get old life jacket, on. And, then we're going to pick a surfboard, the. Probably people bet to help you get on the, support, because. Stello will because, it's wooden and I fed it to see if I can finally try it standing, up you can't drive through that much of a daredevil. Because. It really is hard. Up. In to fee no preparations. Are also underway, Dennis. Murphy oh the founder of supe and dozens, of volunteers, have assembled just outside, Chesterman, Beach to get ready for the big day it's. Almost sunset and the air is electric with anticipation. Thanks, everyone for coming out this, year. This, is our eighth annual autism. Surf's Up event. My. Name is Dennis, Murphy I'm the founder, of Surf's. Up for Autism, Society super, society and this, is my son Brayden, and he is the inspiration behind it all he got diagnosed, when he was four and a half with. Autism spectrum. Disorder, and what. Happened was we just wanted to get away for a little bit and he showed some interest in surfing and I had served for a while, so, I thought let's go to tofino, as soon as we got here, no, we, rented. A board of what I think forum, got, out to Long, Beach I pushed him in the way within 30 minutes he popped up on his first wave and rode it in when he jumped off the board he they, said gave us two thumbs up biggest smile that we, hadn't seen in a while and, Braden. How did you feel. I felt. Like it was a lot of fun and, it was like the, most fun thing I've ever done feel like I can do other things because I'm able to do sort of thing and, we thought you know what we want to share the same experience, that we had with other families, and in 2012.

We, Had the first one at, South Chesterman, twelve, kids and their siblings about twenty four kids and fast. Forward eight years later we've got over 100 kids on the beach today. Thanks. For coming out and. Sharing. This experience with all the other kids it's about them and. That's. All it's about right that's having, fun and sharing, it what, you guys love, yeah. That's it so for those of you guys don't know Michelle's. Gonna talk, about a little bit about autism what you guys will look back just a brief of it here's. Michelle when. You're interacting, on the beach. Tomorrow and on Sunday it's not about people standing, on a board and I. Think we've learned that in, seven years, that. First some their experience, will be pushing you as, an instructor out, into the water that's. What's gonna bring them joy, first. Summit is to stand and they'll tell you that with. Their actions, or their words and for some it's, somewhere in the middle, for. Many of the families you'll meet this weekend this is their only activity. They will do all year long having. A child on the autism spectrum can, be very isolating for, them because. There's a lot of fear that their child might have a hard time might. Be asked to leave but, this is something, that we pride, ourselves on wanting to bring to families an opportunity to, just do. Be, a parent be a mom be a dad with no fear that, anyone's going to ask your child to leave that's. Why we strive to help kids do surfing. However, that looks for them. Have, fun. Our. Community, will return after the break. We. Now return to our community. With. Their five hour drive behind, them Sam. And Zoey Weston, have finally arrived at Cox Bay and Tofino. The. Beach is a vast expanse, of sand stretching. Along a swell filled coastline, and there are already surfers. Galore in the water, but. Before salmon Zoe can hop into the ocean the siblings, will need to stop at Long Beach Lodge, to get suited up. I'm. Gonna help you get in the suit, then. You're gonna go surfing right and your sister gonna serve this afternoon as you're surfing in this heat to, this. Afternoon. With. His wetsuit on and his lifejacket, fastened, it's time for Sam to meet his surf team. Where's. Mom or dad. God. High five dad I. Am. Michelle. Okay. Sam are you ready check this out, Ali. And, Sarah your team are you working a run and give them a high five ready. Get, set go. It's. All smiles from the Westons as sam's family stands on the shore and watches, his first joyful, attempts, to get up on a surfboard. He's. On the board. As. Sam tries to make dreams a reality we, caught up with some volunteers, on the beach, Carly. Has been with supe since its humble beginnings and, she explained, how the super team comes together each year to, make the best possible experience, for the kids so. My name is Carly, and this is the eighth year I've been able to make it out for the weekend I am here in Tofino as a water, volunteer, so, I will be supporting the children on the autism spectrum in, the water so, that they're able to communicate.

With Their surf instructor, and. They. Can go through their lesson to the best of their ability surfing. Is such a fun. And exciting, event. But it has a lot of has. A lot of unknowns, for. Somebody who doesn't necessarily know, what's going on it. Can be a lot of fun but. People. With autism. Need. To know sometimes, what the expectations, are and they, might have challenges with communication. Having. Somebody who's well-versed in, those. Communication, challenges, and behavior, challenges, will. Support them so that they're able to get that exciting, surfing experience, starting. On the. Surfing days which are Saturday, and Sunday will. Have two, heats. In the morning with, the children, on, the autism spectrum they'll come in they'll, meet me they'll, meet their surf instructor will pick out a surfboard and, then, we go in the water and then in the afternoon their siblings get a chance which is a super important part of the weekend my. Row another, longtime volunteer. Of supe says, sibling inclusion, is a big key to super success, a lot of families when you're when you have a child with autism a lot of focus is put on that child so, that the. Siblings. Or neurotypical, siblings. Can. Often be excluded, or they're always having to support the child with autism Dennis, he's. Just got this vision and this purpose. To. Share. This experience with with, like so, many families, he's just he's. Having an impact on Latin on lives and like not just, the children who. Are there but there are family members and, you. Know I feel like that's one of those things that's like that it's like a ripple you, know that the people who come the people who he impacts are impacting, other people. Keeping. Families engaged is key down. On the beach Denis walked us through the wide range of activities available yeah. I think with, the beach day what, we've got set up here I think we've got everything that the, kids can, keep themselves occupied. We, have snacks for the family and snacks with the volunteers, you have a chiropractor, we've, got white gazpacho Samoa, there with their little simulation. Motorcycle. With the wind in my face we, encourage, families to stay on the beach and enjoy it back. At reception, more, super participants. Are arriving, eight-year-old. Angus has just received his own wetsuit and now, it's time for him and his parents to head down to the water for his first-ever surf. So. I'm Laura, and I make this his mom my. Name is Mike and I'm, angus is dad angus. Is a little bit nervous of.

Most. Physical, activity, and so, being in a supportive environment like, this will be really good for him, and his confidence so. I think we're. A little bit nervous little transfers. A little bit but yeah we're. We're really confident, and, the. The, people here that they're they're gonna be looking after him maybe he's got three girls with him right now that. Seem. To be really. But they know exactly what he needs he doesn't have a surfboard right now he's just jumping in the water, yeah. It seems, as though they're making him feel really really, comfortable and. Able. To just go at his own pace, finding, the right pace, for each child is exactly, what supa is above and, Dennis Murphy oh says success, takes many forms throughout. The weekend I got to meet the one, child Kyle. -. Hi ASD, and he, he's, deaf right. And he. Epitomized, what today. Was about he. Just wanted to get out there he wanted to serve he was signing it's funny cuz there's a one sign and he's going I'm, cold I want my hot chocolate, but. Then he goes one, more minute Ali took him out and put, him on his back and piggyback, them and popped up and just, fat, that was the epitome of today. This is why we do it not just myself but everyone who's involved in, it this is why they do it as well they. Want that smile on the kid they want they, want the families, to have, that joy as well we, cater it so that big succeeded. Our. Community, will return after the break. We. Now return to our community, the. Surfs. Up for autism, event in Tofino is in full swing and the bay is filled with dozens of first-time, surfers, Sam, Weston, has been in the water for almost an hour. His. Parents are thrilled with his every kneeling, attempt but. Despite many laughs and near successes, he's, yet to stand up on his board. Everyone's. Goal today is different for, Manolo another participant, of Super coming down to the water was a victory in itself we, spoke to his family on the beach, my. Name is Carmen and my, son Manolo, is 8 years old and has autism spectrum disorder, my name is William, and I'm Manolos, brother as, an as a parent this experience, is amazing, because I can come and I know that, my son is going to be well supported I know that I can just step back and watch especially. Because he's technically. Nonverbal, so he doesn't have very many words but they, know how to communicate with him in other ways such.

A Great opportunity surfs. Up like surf. Stuff is a really good place for people who have autism they, know, the, best way to motivate, kids and, to, get them out there to do things yesterday. Manolo, was supposed to surf and it. Wasn't in line with her personal, schedule. So. You know they told me not to worry about it come back tomorrow we'll try again and we did and he got in the water for a little bit so it was great. It's. Nice just to have that people understand, right. It's nice to be able to do something with your brother it is great I would love to do this again. Whether, it's enjoying the waves like Manolo, or lying on a surfboard like Angus there's something, for everyone, here at Cox Bay. But. It's almost time for Sam to retire his surfboard for the day and, he had a very specific goal, to, stand up on his board. There's. Time for just one more ride and Sam, as determined, as ever. He. Starts to paddle and, on his last wave of the day with, a little encouragement from Dennis Murphy himself. Sam. Is. Now. That Sam's had his turn it's time for Zoey to get in the water for the sibling surf session, and. Judging, by the grin on her face it, was well worth the wait. While, Zoey surfs we caught up with Sam surf instructor, Alastair, Reynolds. Allister's. Been back to super year after year and he says the decision to come back he's a no-brainer, if. I can come here and and make someone have a little bit of fun then I know I'm definitely having fun and it's. Been it's. Been an amazing opportunity, for, me and I'm really glad that they always got me back there yeah it, also turns out the participants. And their families, aren't the only ones, who get a bit of nerves, yes. Sam I was a little nervous for him to there we were right down to the end and the. Time was kind of winding down and he got a lot of really fun wage and you know standing up it's not the. Be-all and end-all of surfing you know the main thing is to get out and experience, the ocean and have fun but, obviously everyone kind, of wants to have, you know their kids stand up and the. Last wave with, everything on the line he just from. Out of nowhere had this incredible, wave and stood up and we're all high-five, it, and hug and it's flat. It, was this like a really really, special moment, you know and yeah, it couldn't have been it, couldn't bend it any any better way than that and as if that wasn't enough dennis.

Has One last surprise planned, for the weekend with. All the volunteers, and families gathered around beach tents it's, time for the awards session, thank you everyone for coming out this is our eighth annual, Surf's. Up for autism event sponsored. By Rip Curl I. Want. To thank the volunteers give, them a big round of applause. They. Have one. Really cool. And special announcement. It's. A surprise for the kiddos Tom. And family, have. Graciously. Donated, native shoes custom. Made with soup on the back and. A logo for the kiddos that are here, this weekend so, without further ado Eric's, gonna handle medals and then we'll, get you, Angus. There, you go sir. Sam. And, Zoey. We're. Getting a medal on Zoey. Congratulations. Manolo. And William. I'd, want to get a quick group photo like we do every year so, families. Instructors. All the volunteers. Another. Successful, year of surfs up for autism, is coming to an end and, as the families prepare for the long drive home the, mood on the beach is one of jubilation. Not to mention exhaustion. But. Dennis nor Pio says that's to be expected how. Am I feeling today I'm feeling tired, takes. A lot of energy out of it because you're, taking their energy, you're giving them energy just. Back and forth and I'm just, off adrenaline, right now I'm up, and moving because, just. The kids and all the families just a Stoke of everything happening well, that's what keeping me up and. The. Efforts of the super team haven't, gone unnoticed by, the Weston family as, Megan and John shared their thoughts on the day just. Seeing like how many kids, have been out here just having a blast like, I can't. Imagine how, many of those families would be. Able to run. Something like this on a weekend, right. There's. A lot of work involved, oh. It's great yeah super, proud as. For Angus his, parents, Laura and Mike have never been prouder well. My favorite, part was. Watching Angus, try it even though I could tell that he was nerve. Is that true were you nervous a little, bit nervous but. He tried it anyway and gave it his best effort I was. Really proud of them. Yeah, can we try. Surfing. Like this again do you think yeah I. Think. It'd be probably good honestly. The motivation, I think it is just I think I want to just keep spreading this sharing this, Stoke. It's, important to let them let people know that kids with autism there. Are no barriers right they can do what they wanted, to, put their head to it they'll, do it right my son's proving that to me many. Many the patient's you can, do these things right, they, may have been scared to do it and went out and they heard about it they tried it and now some. Of them are going out doing it on their own right. So and that puts a smile on my face going, out that's, what I want that's what I want, after. Their surfing experience Sam. And Zoey certainly, had smiles of their own. When. Asked about his highlight Sam, had this to say. I. Just. Come by, I'm. Just watching the joy. On their faces on the surfboards, and out, in the water is it's. Amazing, as, a parent to see that. Producer. Director Mike waiver can writers, Adrienne, salad John Roni interviewer. Adrienne Sala director. Of photography Luc, Connor production. Manager Sam Graham production, coordinator, Stefanie Recinos camera. Production assistant, in Z Pullum location. Audio Jess Matheson, editor. John Roni sound. Mix David Parfitt integrated. Described video specialist, Simone Cupid narrator, Jim Van Horn graphics, Andrew Antonello regional. Content specialist, Sylvia Chet coordinating. Producer jennifer, johnson, consulting. Producer colette, Vosburgh, director. Production care and i director. Programming, brian Purdue VP. Programming, and production John, Melville president. And CEO David, Arrington, produced. With the participation, of Canada, media fund copyright. 2020, accessible, media inc.

2020-05-11 23:09

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