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hello everybody today is July 29th 2004 as date  of filming today's the very first day that they've   opened up the Haunted Mansion it is the holiday  overlay and they're doing a virtual queue you have   to have virtual queue in order to get in it so I  woke up this morning I was refreshing my phone I   got a virtual queue for 8:15 this morning I'm  going to head straight to the Haunted Mansion   I'm going to film everything I can I'm sure I'm  sure there's going to be some new Easter eggs   hidden in there we'll try to see if we can  discover them and uh let's go have some fun   let's go do the Haunted Mansion holiday overlay  oh it's reopening feels good exciting morning   a lot of people here to ROP trop Park doesn't  officially open for maybe another 10 minutes or   so so we are excited to be here on Main Street  I'm going to beine it straight to the Haunted Mansion it's 7:55 people lining up  are ready to go in talking about the all right they start we're all moving  headed straight to the Haunted Mansion   I'm going through the adventur land entrance  a lot of times it's faster to go through the   frontier land but I'm excited and I like to go  to this entrance I feel like it didn't really   matter since it is virtual crew it's have  to be there when it's my time to be there   at the end of this video I'll tell you how to  do the virtual queue we'll do that at the end   of the video tell you everything you need to know  about how to get a virtual C all right the first   bunch of people are peeling off for Indiana  Jones I'm still my way to hunted Mansion they   actually have changed this entrance so a lot  of people are coming here to go to B two but   they've closed it down it's only for Haunted  Mansion holiday overlay right now so I don't   know how long they'll be doing the um virtual  queue for Haunted Mansion but currently as of   now that's the only way to get a be able to  ride the r is through virtual queue usually   the imagineers who work on it stand right outside  so I'm going to go see if they're standing outside on opening day they stand outside and watch  all the crowds here it is there's all the   imagineers so these are the these are the  imagineers who worked on it they've all   they standing here they're awesome I love  these guys thank you thank you so much you   guys are the best and they've worked on they  sit here and watch this the opening of Haunted   Mansion here we guys here we go guys this is  the brand new queuing area you can see they've   moved the the uh Hurst right over here to  the entrance right used to be right over there it is all decked out for the Haunted Mansion  for the for the holiday area the holiday theme   they don't have the back part of the queuing  open yet I wish it was but it's not you can   see this is going to be the Fastpass Lane now um  uh to get in when they get it opened and going   so here we go we're going in super exciting  I'm going to try to film everything I can they're closing the door it's about to  begin this will be very fun I'm excited   to have you here with me for this this is  it longer now that it seems in a place that   perhaps you seen in your dreams for  the story that you were about to be told of I know you're curious to see what's  inside it's what happens when two holidays collide for our holiday tale to begin there's no  turning back now please come all the way here our holiday tale is a tale  that's quite Charming but during   this season it's sometimes alarming  so relax and reflect feel free to take   pause while we tell you a tale about  de Sandy Claws ladies and gentlemen   to see how Jack has wrecked our Halls  kindly drive your bodies away from the walls was the night before Christmas and well  through the house not a creature was peaceful not   M the stockings all hung me with  care went open that morning was   such a scare the children nestled all SM  in their would have night master and SC walking into the hallway now this decided to play   Sandy clones but when Halloween  creates Christmas you might see a few and now a dark carage will take you away  sit back res in a glad Christmas slave your   slave will accommodate one or two more we hope  you're prepared for what Jack has in store look down and step as you  make your way in guys two   to three all the way forward all the way down me please don't P it will this and keep a  close watch on all children please all good   must sit safe in their seats and  their Sligh All Hands arms or feet please remain seated in your black Christmas  sleigh we will continue your holiday tour momentarily little friend G dark with a slight delate a few seconds are you ready to resume your visit we  will continue our holiday tour in no time at all a nothing here was look up it all looks so present Mak Christmas present bring out the Bell lucky CH to understand the right  pour Wheels upon to spin their rich and   S three lines extending help to those in need two  passion potion that love and romance suceed day of you make like I my career B full of T Jack had slung  on his back was strange and bizarre oh there's the candle man mag look outside I really outd did myself last  time all the happy gretings everyone scary to your got I got a gingerbread thank you Santa Claus for bringing your she   please hurry back we can't wait till next year  and I heard him explain as he drove out of sight this is the new exit but it's  not quite open all the way up yet   this will be the new gift shop right  over here but it's not it's not open yet all right let's check it out I cannot believe it so I'm very excited about this so walk down here just kind of take a  look at this is the Fountain of course but   this will be the new queuing area it's not  quite opened up yet they're not using this   but I'm just coming down here to take a  look at it this is the little graveyard   area of some of the animals stripy in  loving memory of our pet stripy you may   depart you may be departed but your  essence will always linger on little skunk old flybait he croaked August 9th 1869 here lies my snake whose fatal mistake  was frightening the Garder who carried a rake there a fish here lies long-legged  Jeb out Tangled got tangled up in his   web what does this one say in memory my rat  whom I love now he resides in the Realms up above and then there's Fifi our buddy  our friend tell the end the dog Rosie   she was a poor little pig but she bought the farm as you notice there's a cat my  favores a cat and they have a   little gravestone for all the birds  that the cat has caught okay let's go in there's no turning back  now please come all the way in our holiday tale is a tale that's quite Charming  but during this season it's sometimes alarming so   relax and reflect feel free to take pause  while we tell you a tale about dear Sandy   Claws to see how Jack has wrecked the Hol  kindly drag your bodies away from the ball skeleton hands down watch your steps don't B the bar it will float  with EAS and watch on all children all   good always must it sa keeping  their slave hands arms legs or Fe CH soon wor Christmas present ja holiday wasil on the 13 day Christmas my love gave  to 13 ring the power embracing strength never   ends 12 vs of the zodiac that rule future  and transcend 11 candles floting mystery it goes all the way up to 11 that door is open where the Christmas presents  are spinning that's only open during the holiday version hor cheack and slung on they were strange his now what to for you happy holidays everyone quick of all right this seated for black Christmas SL your holiday to is this I can't wait to see what I got the question mark So pop up for you thank you Sandy Claus for  bringing your cheer please   hurry back we can't wait till next  year and I heard him exclaim as he drove um my heart is beating so fast I saw  something there that I never thought I would   see before and uh oh my gosh okay I have to go  review the footage I think I saw something in   there there was an Easter egg in there that I saw  something that I never thought I would ever see um   and so if that's the case I'm going to do a video  on it tomorrow so make sure you hit the like And   subscribe and tomorrow I'll show you what I just  saw but I got to revie the footage to make sure   that I didn't hallucinate what I thought or that  it's actually in there because it is going to be   amazing so make sure you hit like And subscribe  and we'll do that all right so now we got to talk   about virtual queue it's open guys it's good to  have it back it feels like the park isn't complete   without it all right so let's talk about virtual  Q I don't know how long they're going to be having   the virtual queue uh it was not crowded that's  what's interesting to me cuz of this virtual queue   it was not crowded the line to get on was very  easy to get on and it was awesome so the way that   you do virtual queue is you're going to get on the  app the Disneyland app and they do it two times   they do it at 7:00 a.m. and they do it at uh 12:00  noon you're going to get on the app you're going   to go to where it says like my day and you go tip  board once you get the tipboard you're going to   scroll down to where it says Haunted Mansion once  you get down to the Haunted Mansion you're going   to see it says virtual Cube there's a little  button there you're going to select your group   beforehand there's a little button says refresh  so I from what I started doing is at 659 in the   morning and just kept hitting that refresh button  Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam the right went turn 7   it said I got the virtual queue and I hit join  and so that's how you do the tip board I mean   that's how you do the virtual que they'll give  you a boarding group then you you get board the   The Haunted Mansion and then you get to go out uh  you if you don't get it at 7 you can try again at   uh noon so and I've been told that you can only  do it once though so if you board it if you get   the 7:00 boarding crew you're not going to be uh  eligible for the uh noon boarding group you guys I   saw something there I never thought I'd see before  I've got to go home and review all the footage   and but I'm pretty sure I did and if you rewatch  you'll probably see where I kind of freaked out   um but I will do a whole video on that tomorrow  I hope you have enjoyed this hit the like hit the   Subscribe it was amazing to all the the imagineers  of people who worked on the hunted Mansion it's   amazing you guys have done a fantastic job and  youve brought something that we absolutely love   and you just always keep making it better and  better all right guys see like And subscribe   I'll talk to you guys later bye-bye hunon Mansion  is reopened hunted Manion the holiday overlay it's   amazing and I hope you get a chance to see it it's  so cool but guess what guys I did see something I   did review the footage when I was editing it I  did see something there that I thought I would   never see so be sure to watch our next video  that's going to come out tomorrow because my   mind is blowing it's amazing and to our patreons  thank you so much we couldn't do this without you

2024-08-03 11:52

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