One Day Trip to Kamakura, Japan

One Day Trip to Kamakura, Japan

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Hey. Guys it's Jane in this video I'm sharing with you 6 temples, and shrines to visit in Kamakura, in just one day I will, also, share with you how to get from one place to another, let's. Get started. From. Kamakura, station, buy a ticket aha say are you surpassed Malaysia card take. The ended online bound to Fujisawa, and get off at the third station hassle. From. Has a station walk. For about three minutes and you, will see surgeon ji temple on your, left. This. Is the first temple, you can visit from Hesse station, if you are going towards koto cleaning temple, this. Is the Genji, temple. There. Is no entrance, fee you. Are free to take photos, it's. A tiny temple, you can visit, for a couple of minutes. Let's. Get in, this. Is a temples, landscape. Let's. Check it out. This. Is a place where people offer, the prayers quietly. Next. Is hasedera, temple, from. Shogun ji temple remain, in the left lane, walk for about three minutes turn. Left at the first stoplight then, you will see hasedera, temple, it, was founded, in the 8th century. This. Temple, has a wooden statue of cannon the 11 hadn't goddess of mercy, it has many heads and hands to seek out and assist people in need it, also has a lovely, garden and a pond, the. Temple is open from, 8 a.m. until, 4:30, p.m.. Buy. A ticket from this machine the. Admission, fee is, 300. Yen, there's. English instructions. For, foreigners. This. Is the main entrance, of the temple, line. Up and show your ticket to the staff at the window. Find. The path leading to the main sanctuary, you have to wash your hands and mouth at the water pavilion called. Choose ouya or Tamiya, take. The ladle with your right hand and take some water wash. Your left hand take, the ladle with your left hand and then wash your right hand wash. Your mouth with the water in your left hand, rinse, the ladle with water and put it back in an upright position. Some. People prefer to just washing, their hands rather than doing both washing, hands and mouth after. Doing this, visitors, can now go to the main temple. One. More to go and it's my turn. In. This area you can light up some candles, a candle. Cost 200. Yen. These. Are the spots where you can put your candles, on. This. Is a Buddha statue let's, take a closer look you. Can, toss money in the money box and then offer a prayer on. The. Temple, grounds, there, hundreds, of small Jesus statues, placed by parents, who lost their child due to miscarriage, stillbirth, or, abortion, here. You can light up some incense sticks on the. Right side over. There. Is. A small, Buddha statue. Surrounded. With water on the. Stone curved ring on the right says mezzo, caca which, means pour water, pour. Water on the Buddha statue for, three times then offer a prayer. Then. It's my turn. Oops. I prayed. Before pouring, some water I'll, do, it right next time. Make. Sure to put the ladle back in, an upright, position. These. Are omikuji boxes. Micucci. Are paper merchants, that can be found at temples and shrines throughout. Japan the, price of omikuji ranges, from 100 to 300, yen. There. Are benches, and tables outside, of the main temple, there. Are many structures, to visit on the temple grounds. People. Are lining up on my right side to. Light up some incense sticks a bundle. Of incense, texts costs 200, yen. This. Is the main sanctuary it has, a small Buddha statue called, bin, Suroor Sangha. Let's. Take a closer look. There's. The statue and. The. Money box. At. Its, peak and. Then. It says there touch. The part of the statue where, you want to be healed and, then, now let's go inside. These. Are rosaries. Which. Are sold from, 3,000. To 5,000. Yen each. These. Are made from, rock. Crystal, rosewood. And sandalwood. This. Is joy chin and Kannan the, goddess of mercy, this, wooden statue is one of the largest sculptures, in Japan it's. 9.8. Meters, in height you. Could offer a prayer in front of it. Our. Next destination is, kataka in temple, from. Hasedera, temple, walked through the three minutes, and you will find kataka in temple the, admission, is 200, the end to the temple grounds, the. Great buddha is known as Kamakura, debitz if it, is the only Buddha statue, in Kamakura, that, is considered, a national treasure, of Japan the. Great Buddha is a representation, of, Amida Buddha, it, is a bronze statue dating. Back as far as, 1252. And was. Originally, gold-plated. The. Statue is now in his open-air. Because the, double sedan building, was destroyed in the tsunami of September, 20th. 1492. Only. Traces of gold remain around its ears, it's. Eleven, point three meters tall and weighs around, 121. Tons. Pay. An additional 20, and to see the interior of the statue it's. Open from 8 a.m. until 420. P.m.. Let's. Go let's buy some tickets.

Please. Be careful, and entering, that a bit see it is because the interior of the statue is dark and the steps are very steep and slippery. Please. Be sure to hold onto the rail it's. Advisable, not to bring many things with you as it gets really crowded inside, you. Can take photos inside. Let's. Go down it's. Really dark down here. This. Is the interior of the statue. This. Part, is his legs and that is the head gas. Going. Inside the sacred monument, makes her visit a memorable, one. Our. Next, temple is aku Fuji, temple this, is my favorite, together. The temple, go back to has a station take the end in line and get. Off at Kamakura, station. From. Kamakura, station, go to Kamakura, iki bus stop and take, a bus from Terminal, five buses. 23. 24. Or 36. Bound, for, doumyouji. And get, off there cross. The street and then walk for two minutes. There. Are English Japanese, and, Korean descriptions. About the temple which is located near the main entrance. The. Temple has a moso, bamboo Gardens. Then. This is the main entrance. Let's. Go. Visitors. Enjoy taking pictures and, admiring the beauty of the place. On. My. Left side there. Is a sitting white Buddha statue. It's. Over there. Let's. Take a closer look. Papa. Fuji temple is a small, temple with a lovely, garden you, will definitely, love the place the moment you entered the gate it's, very, refreshing here. This. Is a temple, spell called karinto. Let's. Offer a prayer first, before entering, the main band the temple, let's. Line up first, and wait for our turn. Toss. Some money in the money box make, a bow and then pray and then make another bow. Then. It's my turn. I'm. So, excited to see the temple. Let's. Go. The. Entrance, fee to the temple is 200, yen if you, want to experience, having some green tea at the serene teahouse you, have to pay 700. Yen it's. Open, from 9:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m.. This. Is the landscape of the temple which is very stunning there. Are trees and a pond in front of the main temple. This. Is the temple surrounded by, breathtaking. Scenery, you would, definitely spend some time exploring. The garden. These. Are Buddha statues. These. Are your caves of Ashikaga clan the. Bamboo garden is extraordinary, and, is thick with over. 2,000. Dark green bamboo stalks. Exploring. The temple, is definitely. Worth your time. Our. Next, temple is so give moto, Dara temple, to, get to the temple head back to the main road from pokhara G temple, cross the street then turn left walk. For about three minutes and you will see the temple on your right. The. Entrance, fee for adults is 200, yen and. 100, yen for children, this. Is the oldest temple in Kamakura. Which has steep, staircases. Leading to. The main temple. It. Was founded, in, 734. When. You go there please make sure you're wearing flat shoes and, get, yourself ready to climb up bring. Some water as well, Oh.

Another. Is there way. The, temple, has an impressive stone, staircase with, moss that leads, towards, the main hall but, it is only for decoration. It's, in front of me that is a stairway. Another. Staircase, was built to get access to the temple. This. Is the staircase, with moss. Mr.. Spell before they enter this gate let's, get in. There's. A pond, over there and. A. Pile of stones with carvings, on it. This. Is how you pray, in front of the altar toss. Some money claps your hand together and pray. Lastly. Make. A bow. Let's. Continue our journey let's, go up again, the. Steps are steep so be sure to hold onto the bamboo rail. Few. More steps and. We'll. Get to the temple. More, and more and more and more steps. Than. Another's. Their way I. Think. This is a small fall car. Let's. Go up. More. And more steps. Are. We there nothing. Oh. Finally, this is the temple. The. Oldest, temple in Kamakura. Finally. We are at the top we can have a nice view of the parts of the town the. Temple, is surrounded with white, flags. Let's. Take a closer look at the oldest temple in Kamakura. Our. Last destination is. To Duke Crocker hachimangu. Shrine from. Sugimoto, Dara head back to Dromio. G bus stop and take, a bus bound for Hachioji, then, get off there the. Temple, or the shrine, I would say it's, one of the historical, sites that represent, Kamakura, it, is the most important, shrine in Kamakura, and is a popular site for weddings, and other events throughout. The year it. Was established by, Minamoto, Yoshi, in 1063. The. Shrine is an example of Edo shrine architecture. It, has multiple, torii, gates. Let's. Go up the stairs and, see if we can have a view of the town. We, are almost there. Few, more steps and, we are already there. Flashback. Finally. We, are here. This. Is where people get a stamp and register, for a shrine piece. You. Can buy shrine, amulets. Here. Shrine. Amulets. Regions, from, 600. To 1000, yen. There. Are many options to choose from. This. Is a Mukherjee box. Naca. Watch so if I didn't, discuss. Enjoy, your trip to Kamakura, see. You on my next trip bye, have. A nice day.

2019-02-12 18:15

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