Olon and Area, Ecuador House Tours. Part 1 - Houses for Sale

Olon and Area, Ecuador House Tours.  Part 1 - Houses for Sale

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[Music] there is a reason the alone area continues to rise in popularity both for expats and ecuadorians alike the long wide clean walkable beaches beach towns for everybody regardless of your interests Lush vegetation with nature everywhere you just can't escape it oh [Music] so here we are today we're going to show you a couple houses for sale and we have my friend Gabby here who's going to do that she's a realtor and she also does Property Management so here's Gabby tell us a little bit about yourself and your business absolutely so I have been living in olon Ecuador for nine years I am originally from New York City and I have been doing real estate for seven I've been doing real estate rentals and Property Management 2016. perfect perfect so you know what you're talking about I do is going to take us to some pretty nice places here yeah so so we got to know uh Gabby when uh she was doing the property management for the house that we eventually bought right and so that's how we hooked up with uh with Gabby and our husband and family and now we're good friends there's another good friend who's our good friend all right stay tuned welcome to Ecuador my friends you too can have this life [Music] you liking this one Chris yeah there's been something some lemon ants [Music] okay guys we're at the red ruby house um and Gabby's gonna take us for a little walk through and show us this lovely house that's for sale and we'll uh tell you the price a little bit later yeah so uh I'm so excited to show you guys the road will be home this is probably one of my favorites red ruby is brand new construction it is only two years old the owners are um expats and they built this to be their forever home so you guys will notice there's tons of really special details um in this property so follow me now where are we Gabby so we're in the Via dos mangas which is Mangler Alto um it's about we're about a 15 minute drive to the beach we're more towards the countryside of mangaratto so we're not in Beach vicinity but you can always just jump in the car and in 15 minutes you're at the beach at stores in town um we'll start with is probably my absolute favorite um so the property is one thousand square meters it's about 10 000 square feet um in size the whole property is completely fenced with a green wall which is pretty typical in Ecuador and I think it's beautiful because you're not looking at like a cement wall or anything like that um so it's green fence and then the owners actually when they built when they bought the property before even building and there's a pool there's a pool that the dog loves the dog does not come with it well maybe no maybe maybe so when they before even building what they did was um just to make sure that the house was earthquake resistant they actually dug down 1.5 meters and they refilled 1 000 square meters of dirt so they put in new dirt um they put they compacted it and they put something that's called cascaho which is kind of like a gravel and then rocks and then compacted that some more so the property is actually flood free so it never gets flooded um and it's uh the house has super sturdy and earthquake resistant they planted the grass they planted these trees they have banana they have plantains they have pineapple over there nice um yeah and they have a little huertos or like a little Garden area and then obviously you got to have your shed which is back there you have the whole pool system actually you know what follow me I see bananas on that banana tree I love this place yeah swimming pool is brand new it's only 10 months old they have a salt water system so it doesn't use chlorine oh nice thanks yeah we can get a better look at the plants I think that's cool yep papaya three three papayas there see if that might be avocado I'm not so good with plants but I think that's an avocado if I'm not mistaken and then look a little baby little baby pineapple so they have the water system towards the back this is their shed which is like their storage room and then they have their whole pump system water heater is over here and then if you want to just take a look at the house from here it's absolutely beautiful the only bad thing about this house is I don't think you'd ever want to leave like I know if you're here you don't want to wanna at least if you need to put up a light light poster over there as well to add some extra illumination all of this at night is completely eliminated even before beautiful what do you think Chris I think this is gorgeous yeah I'm pretty uh pretty happy about this place this is nice and quiet here is very quiet there's probably about maybe five other homes nearby so thing I mean it's almost as if you're living by yourself up here it's country you like beautiful patio nice there's your favorite uh tree Chris yeah oh that's a plumeria that's my favorite as well we planted two at our place that are much smaller than that one I touched that one and it didn't make it but I'll try again one day at my house so they have this little wrapper on porch it's actually even really cool here too like you could feel the difference in temperature beautiful front door security code there they do they actually the house is very secure they have a camera system all around all around the property nice so oh are you coming in okay you're coming I guess it's the kitchen it's an open style which I feel like a lot of Ecuadorian homes here have um maybe that's just a style or maybe it's also because of like the humidity and so they have like the shelves and just very few cabinets however they have a separate pantry so that there is a place to put away the foods and the canned goods and the water bottles it's a really nice kitchen actually all of the appliances are stainless steel and they had a bunch of things um imported okay so brought over in a container so a lot of the appliances are not purchased here but they bought from now are they all included in everything so the house is being sold fully TurnKey so furnished as well furnished um with all the appliances everything you see except for maybe a few personal items but for example all of the furniture the couches uh you name it everything the rug staying and staying as it is the owners are going to be moving to another country and so they're just packing up their suitcases and leaving everything else with the property there's a laundry area right here well let me show you guys oh this door there you go oh yeah so you have a laundry area the washer dryer is actually super top of the line according to the owner they cost him several thousand dollars for the washer and dryer so top of the line and then there is a door that leads out to the covered garage you go there you go outside oh so we have open cell kitchens living room there's even a doggy door yeah we could have bought this place Chris so the house is a two bedroom two bathroom it's just the couple so they have their master bedroom and then they have a guest bedroom master bedroom leads out to the background porch a nice big room nice big room air conditioning air conditioning and then walking oh look at that walk in Chris you could right there yeah there we go beautiful walk-in closet his on one side hers on the other exactly yeah that's exactly how I would have mine as well that's where our grandchildren would sleep when they came to visit if we had this place so big yeah I know huge bathrooms oh nice big bathroom yeah that's great bathroom beautiful uh stone tile in the shower there glass shower yep yeah also uh faucets all the faucets um were also imported so they're not from Ecuador they had them brought over in the container as well so there's like super top of the line details in in this so when was it built again because everything seems like brand new 2021 it was built it was finished um the swimming pool is was built 10 months ago so not even a year ago so it's brand new like it has that feel and it's good it's the perfect time because during a build anyone's build there's always little things that need to be fixed for the first six months after if anyone's you know built a home and and here everything's been fixed exactly exactly okay Chris wants to show me something here look at this beautiful thing like that is some nice detail there that was actually one of the first things I noticed when I came and saw this house and the first thing I asked was where did you get this thing because this is so unique yeah yeah really nice very nice nice big ceramic as well and then a little vanity Corner oh wow great so there is storage in the house nice nice which is a nice big plus hallway closet I love storage places to put things away and then this is the other bedroom so this would be like there like bedroom office it's a little bit smaller but it's so nicely oh nice all the furniture is custom made so if you want to just look at the details the bed the desk over there in the corner the dresser This Barn bathroom door not really sure what it's called the sliding door and there it is another bathroom back here everything again oh wow even the guest bathroom is beautiful and nice owner also had that made that's on top of the toilet they really spent a lot of time deciding how they wanted their house and this also has a nice big closet not as big as the other one but it's big enough to hang some stuff and maybe add in a dresser or two and just put something well I know everybody in Canada they love these doors it's in my stores are super cool great Decor feature I feel like the nice thing about these joints is that it saves a lot of space and then also like aesthetically it gives a little something extra to the home and especially this kind of house which is like a country home I feel like it's the perfect perfect fit yeah how's that teak it looks like Teeth yeah [Music] lovely lovely so yeah the red ruby the red ruby house in fact the first time I came and saw this house I already had my house built obviously no longer when I first came to college I was like I should have done that I was like why did I not think of doing that some nice ideas oh one really beautiful special feature about this home and you wouldn't even notice it was there unless someone pointed it out is if you look up you'll see little vents the space in between the drop ceiling and the roof that little space can obviously get filled with lots of humidity you know the climbing here is super humid so they had created those vents so that all the humidity that may rise up in the home yep gets kind of ventilated outwards which I thought was a super cool feature that obviously like preserves the inside yeah so there's not so much humidity in the walls on the furniture on the clothes so yeah of course this place is absolutely beautiful so Gabby are you going to tell us how much how much how much so this property is going for 189 thousand dollars still and as the price the owners are definitely willing willing to listen to offers but honestly in my opinion and expertise I think that's a fabulous price for what you're getting and I mean you said it's furnished it comes first comes fully furnished everything's here yeah yeah in fact and take your key and come on in yeah and those of you who don't know about the Dos Mangus uh area that's a great starting point for Google search because it's a magical place and I'll leave it at that so that you can go research that yourself mangas yeah yeah all right well again the red ruby house 189 thousand dollars so Gabby is there any opportunity to expand because it is two bedrooms and some people get lots of guests uh and we want a little bit more space absolutely so the as I mentioned before the lot is a thousand square meters in size there is 227 square meters of construction so that leaves you plenty of space like to expand just look in this backyard you could totally build onto that shed or the bottom of the back left there there's a spot a little Casita or something if you wanted to a little Casita or notice that the window looking out there's like a little space there you can even build back there if you wanted to leave the backyard the way it is and not take down any plans you can even build back there there's possibilities I wanted to put in a third bedroom yeah so uh with this house uh they put in their own driveway uh with some more crushed gravel and stuff so that it's not muddy or whatever and look at this beautiful uh gate going into the house security and of course it has its own transformer which is really important if you know anything about Ecuador having your own transformer good as we had that issue and we'll tell you it's could be a an issue so this house is in a small town Rio Chico which is not too far away from Mangler Alto yeah and Gabby's just gonna take us around some of the area here first so tell us about the community the Community First we are at Ocean View Hill Ocean View Hill is located in Rio Chico as Chrissy said that is about two minutes south of Mangler Alto it's about 10 minutes from montanita alone so we're not far right after the town of kadiate which is a famous bread town on the coast Ocean View Hill has 11 homes right now built um there's room for expansion here but when this house A2 we're going to focus on is on the first row in the gated community so it faces the social area which is composed of a swimming pool it's got a barbecue grill area a sitting area and then we're also super close to the front gate where there is 24 7 security um and also the administrator's office Ocean View provides on-site maintenance so it's very nicely well kept nice so yeah we can do a little walk around yeah yeah let's do that yeah cool follow me so the social area is wheelchair accessible perfect plus yes we're gonna jump over this right here got the barbecue grill area oh very nice thing um some of the exites that live in Ocean View get together in this area and uh you know play cards or play poker nice just you know keep back and relax look at the uh did you get that oven there I did yeah very nice so like I said it's much accessible and it's got a nice big swimming pool also places to sit oh the swimming pool has a really cute feature which is um there's like little stools underneath I don't know if you noticed so you can actually sit there and have a drink and like be sitting at your bar and then over on this end as well you have another little table and just some shades to hang out yeah nice outdoor shower and bathroom right here and then if you want to just kind of look back right here you got a view of Ocean View Hill so you have some you have one two three four uh first for homes A2 is one of them and then you have um houses on the second row and then on the top row you have two homes that have ocean views so here we are at the front door and come on in good morning guys for a tour welcome to A2 so we call this house and mosa Villa Rio Chico Villa in Ecuador or in Spanish is like little home so this property is 113 square meters of construction and it sits on a 304 square meter lot too so here you have open style kitchen and living room the owners bought this property not too long ago but it's about five almost six years old in construction but they purchased this a couple years ago so all the furniture is pretty much brand new um they kind of remodeled it to make it their own the families from Ecuador so it's all included it's all included the property is being sold fully turned keys so with everything you see the owners of this house are going to be relocating to another country and so they're not really going to be taking lunch with them so even if you want to just come this way like all of the kitchen items are going to be coming with the home so the bridge fridge microwave everything table Etc so down this way if you guys want to follow me we have three bedrooms and three bathrooms the first bedroom is the master bedroom it has its own bathroom and it also has a door that leads out to the front deck oh that's great so actually from master bedroom you even have like a view of the social area and pool area that we saw master bedroom has AC unit and has a nice big bathroom with some closet space Crossing simple in here yeah yep and then down this way we have the other two bedrooms the owners they added a third bathroom which I'll show you in a second okay so here we have bedroom number two also with the AC unit and it has its own bathroom which was added this was the bathroom that was added by the people who purchased this home and then closet as well so we have three bedrooms three bedrooms three bathrooms third bedroom is back here the bedrooms are all like pretty decent size all the bedrooms you can fit like closet desk or dresser and like at least a queen size bed so they're pretty pretty well size this house is a little bit smaller than the last one that we saw um but nonetheless it's like a pretty good size for family or couple and then this is the third bathroom and also would be considered like the guest bathroom because it's in the hallway and so people can use it they're visiting great yeah okay and you were saying that there's a backyard there's a backyard so let me take you there right now okay so back here we have the backyard it's a private backyard we got washer dryer area right in here yep great the owners put some shelves here just to you know store some things yep and then a nice little Sunny area with some rocks so this area can be kept to dry the clothes or they can add you know whoever buys it can add whatever they want in here be really nice to have a few uh flowers and pots and stuff some plants would be nice a garden or something yeah for sure and then here the gym area and then back here we have the water heater the water tank pump Etc so Gabby are you gonna tell us how much is this uh three bedroom three Bath House in the gated community so the listing price is 125 000 um there is an HOA fee the monthly HOA is 170 a month which covers 24 7 security pool maintenance garbage pickup administrator and on-site maintenance and um let me just ask how far away is the beach so if somebody wanted to walk to the beach how long would the walk it's a short five minute walk um what you do is when you exit the gate of the Gated Community um you make a left on the Ruta de espandelos and then you make a sharp right and then you're just one block from the beach so it's like two blocks from the beach that's pretty close perfect so you get the beach the pool security we're good all in one great should be in real estate Chris I know so uh this house is for sale and we are in mango Roto right now so come on in and check out this house beautiful two bedroom two bathroom home that sits on a almost 1200 square meter uh piece of land overlooking the Pacific Ocean in Mandela uh the home itself is 130 square meters of construction and uh there is a special perk that we will show at the end an additional um construction started in the in the patio area of the house right in front of the swimming pool that has a it's a potential space for an apartment a suite A home and it has a beautiful 360 view of the ocean mountain and town of mangle Alto I want to present to you guys my colleague Deb Anderson she is the listing agent of this home so Deb hello um yes this Gabby said it all this house has everything um we should probably go in and take a look and show you what we come inside okay let's go so guys what's the rule of thumb for those people who really only know square feet and not uh square meters how do you do the conversion it's pretty simple actually it's pretty simple actually it's like a times 10 it's not an exact conversion but for example 1 000 square meters would just be about a 10 000 square feet and a little more and a little just a touch more just just a touch more yeah so this property has an open floor concept so you have the beautiful kitchen which is nice nice and big it's got beautiful Granite granite countertops deep sink plenty of storage space and then over here you have the dining room area um and living room one of the most beautiful things about this home is that Everywhere You Stand there's a view so if you're you know cutting your tomatoes and chopping away in the kitchen you look out and you have a view of the ocean if you're sitting in the living room with your loved ones watching TV you have a stunning view of the ocean and so it's probably one of my favorite Parts about this property so just uh one question here at the appliances included this property is being sold fully TurnKey so everything including everything the owners are relocating uh they will be moving closer to where their family lives and so they're just leaving Ecuador with suitcases and some personal belongings uh pictures of the family members not included but furniture kitchen appliances pots and pans you name it everything is going let's have a big a bad view yes yeah beautiful viewers very cute nice big windows always get a breeze yeah so walk out here and then you have this additional cupboard space here where you can you know sit out and have your cup of coffee or have some breakfast um this this is the entire property so they have it kind of terrorists you have the house over here but then you have all of this grassing area that you know you can potentially do something with there's definitely room for expansion on this property absolutely how old is the house it looks in fantastic shape the house where the pool is actually less than two years old but during the pandemic the owners decided to build a swimming pool because there's nowhere else to go nowhere else to go during that time and so they started building it the house is just over five years old so it's a pretty fairly new construction there is also a special perk about this property and we'll show you guys in just a second um this land it actually has two Deeds we're listing it for sale is one so it's 1200 square meters however that 1200 square meters is actually divided into portions um one is about 800 meters and the other is 300 square meters that 300 square meters we will show you in just a second um that has its own private deed and whoever buys a property can either keep it or if they wanted to sell it in the future they can do so as well okay so follow me so we can show you the rest of the house a beautiful living room yeah yeah the lighting accent lighting is great yeah we have bathroom number one right here this is um also technically the guest bathroom since whoever's visiting has access to people in the hallway and then back here we have a bedroom this is the guest bedroom so it's a bit smaller than the other ones guest bedroom back here and the master bedroom which is obviously a lot bigger and it's got a beautiful view it's got its own bathroom which is also a tad bit larger than the other one it's like a king bed master bedroom with the view and then also we can come out this way to the same front deck that we were just at a few minutes ago the owner I should mention too the owner's a chef that's why the kitchen is so well appointed and he's got a little garden he's got his own garden here so he throws a lot of his own food I see basil I see eggplants um I think he does cucumbers dill and then if you want to just step over here really quick you don't have to walk over the net but basically where the net is and where you see all these trees and kind of this empty space is that additional 300 square meters like I said included in the sale but it has its own deed own title meaning that I mean hey you know whoever buys it if you decide it I don't need this much land and I want to make black a little bit of my money they can sell this off this would have its own entrance which is also kind of overgrown and hard to see but it would have its own entrance kind of they would have to build some stairways up and then they would share just that kind of first portion of the driveway so property value in this area is going up and so five years from now who knows what this this piece of land here can go for I'm just what is uh the fruit on this tree I think it's big it's big yeah hey look at the bananas oh cool I've never so why does he um I don't know is this like a thing that they do here they would be eating them yeah gotcha they do that also I don't know if you guys notice when you drive before I kill when you see all those banana and plantain plantations those are all like covered with bags I think they do it for the same reason awesome let's finish seeing the rest of the property there is the Bottega which right now obviously has the owner's things on it it's got the washer dryer and then it's just kind of like an additional piece of little piece of the property where they can store things or this is where Zeus lives most of the time and then this wall you see here is actually a rock and cement retaining wall because obviously this is a mountain property and so the lot behind this is on a slope and so this protects the property very well built washer dry is included everything great storage area if you want it and then we won't interrupt Zeus's area but if you just kind of go straight down that gate where Zeus is standing leads you back to where we started okay yes the outside interesting yeah yeah awesome I love this house I do too I love this thing so much okay yeah the kitchen's gorgeous isn't it I think this is probably where they spend most of their time they look so silly they love to host and just wanted to add a little bit something special about the owners is um these guys have probably the biggest hearts that I've seen on the coast and they do a lot of like humanitarian relief work and so since the pandemic they've been uh fundraising I believe with their church back in the States um and and do the food pantry and do food kits um every week for local families in need in the area they've been doing that since the pandemic so they haven't stopped um not even local they go they go away once a week this kitchen is full of things and people here like local people here like hacking up the food kits and then they have a friend who has a pickup truck and they go when they bring out the food to the local family so you know what it's important to know that you always got to give back to the community you know even if you're not from here and any little bit helps yeah so I think it's just to be noted that these books are are going to be really missed in Ecuador yeah so Chris would you live in this place I know I would very comfortable it just has very comfortable nice views and I like the fact you can walk right down into mangor Alto and get what you need and come back and sit by the pool yeah this is about a 12 15-minute walk to the beach or if you're a fast bar for like me maybe 10 but it's actually not far at all and you're just a short two minute walk down to the highway where you can catch buses taxis Etc so Deb are you going to do the big reveal for us uh on what this is asking yes oh that Oh I thought you meant beautiful oh two big reveals because we because we've space that we wanted to show you oh okay okay let's do that first thing before we do the bakery meal come this way going up yeah I'm so careful so do this space this construction just started because they had an idea of building like an additional department or Suite either it could be an Airbnb rental or it could be for family members but the big perk is that up here you've got an even nicer view than you did at the house you the 360 degree view I mean back here you have mountains and even if you didn't want to do anything big you could just put a little patio up a little patio up here absolutely or you could do like a master bedroom here and I mean there's got it ready to be pumped all right so I mean it could be a really cute yeah you know a guest Suite yeah for sure yeah and it's big I mean it's really pretty spacious so Deborah are you gonna tell us now this house is 259 000 which is a great and that includes again all the appliances all the furniture everything you see TurnKey perfect that's uh an amazing price to me yeah yeah I agree [Music] foreign [Music]

2023-06-29 12:30

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