Offline across the Alps by bike - Part 1

Offline across the Alps by bike - Part 1

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so right now I'm getting my  phone out for the last time for a long time now I've had this thought  at the back of my mind especially when I'm   planning some new adventures. Is it really necessary  that I bring along my phone on this one? am I   really so dependent on this little tool that  I cannot go on any Adventures without it   well there's really no doubt that phones  have totally changed the way how we travel   navigation for example has become so very easy  with phones. With phones we can always check exactly   where we are which route we have to take or where the closest  train station or the closest supermarket is back there I accidentally took a big  time wrong turn into the wrong Valley we don't even have to give up communication with   our friends and our family. We can  just contact them whenever we like  

and with social media we can even always  check what everyone's up to at the moment if we want to find out if it's going to rain  tomorrow we just pull up the weather app, if we   want to find out something about the place  we find ourselves in we ask Google or   if we want to listen to some music we just  open Spotify. so yeah I can only imagine what   travel must have been like before phones but  after all that's what I'm here to figure out wow really grateful to be here   now I'm not entirely new to this whole thing as a  couple years ago in the mountains of New Zealand   I've already done a hike for eight days without a  phone and actually without seeing any other humans   but over there navigation wasn't a problem at all  because I had just had to follow one single Trail now traveling through the densely populated  middle Europe with thousands of roads to   choose from on the bicycle without a phone... that  would be a completely new kind of Challenge and   I really didn't know how well it would  turn out but of course I had to try it morning, I'm out here by the Lago  Maggiore in the southern part of the Alps   um yeah I'm just outside of the city of Locarno  in southern Switzerland it's uh the Italian part   of Switzerland here and the plan is to cycle  back home to Freiburg where I live and study   um to get there I have to get all the way  across the Alps through all of Switzerland   and then a little portion through the  blackforest and then I'll be home and I'm not gonna use my phone for the whole time   I will have my phone with me, what I'm gonna  do is I will switch my phone off right now   and if everything goes well I will switch it on  again when I get to Freiburg and not use it at   all during that time. I think I will only switch  the phone back on again if there's an actual   Health Emergency. I feel like all the problems  that are not related to my physical health I  

should be able to overcome without a phone. there's  some really good cycling paths that you can follow   here in Switzerland so I just have to watch out  for those signs and just in case I wrote down   all the city names that I want to  pass all the cities that I want to   go through so in case I lose the  Cycling path I can just look at my   piece of paper here check out what's the next city  that I have to get to and just ask someone for the way   I got a bunch of books with me of course so  yeah it'll just be me the road the mountains   my books and yeah the real life as you could say  um yeah I'm excited to see how it will affect me so let's get my phone out for the last time phone is off doesn't feel much different right now. enough talk  about the phone let's enjoy the journey. right now   I'm gonna cycle the rest of the Lago Maggiore and head somewhere into those mountains cloudy today but it's very good cycling weather  and I just realized that I will not have a clock   with me and I will not be able to check the  weather so really that's going to be exciting   waking up in the tent and not knowing what  time it is not knowing what the weather is   going to be like. also as you realize you're  watching a video right now on YouTube I guess   so that means I'm carrying  my GoPro in my hand right now   um and the only other electric thing that  I have with me is my headlamp so yeah some poplar plantations here so right here you can see the signs that I'm following and so far I've  been following the 31. and from now on I'm gonna  

follow the number three signs and they're  really everywhere. Its hard to miss the signs To get quickly to Freiburg it's the easiest if I take the the  you know the quick and big routes um so oftentimes I'll be sharing the routes with a  lot of bigger roads and railway lines but that's cool I had a good lunch break  There's an actual Beach here a bunch of stuff to explore around here and by the way this is how I know  how much kilometers I can do in a   day or how much more kilometers it is to  go um I wrote down the kilometer numbers next to the cities that I'm passing through  so. although I have no clue what time it is   um but yeah it feels like it's not  too late and I'm just gonna do about   30 kilometers more like I  said and see where I get to back there I accidentally  took a big time wrong turn   into the wrong Valley because I lost the signs   Then i stopped at a bus station because they always have some little Maps there and on the map I saw that  I was going into the wrong direction I believe that little river  here is also the ticino river which flows into the Lago Maggiore. oh I guess this  is what you call intuition I just saw a little   little Trail going into leading towards the  mountains and thought it looked interesting and   really wanted to check it out  I just felt like there's got   to be something there and check this out so happy I made that decision and stopped my bike this is wild well that was a cool little side Adventure  I feel like there's still some room left   today for some cycling so I will not stay  here for the night but yeah Great Adventure   Houses of Rock Rock built into the rocks    over here we see a big concrete fields of Industry  I don't know what it's for all right so today came to an end I'm  just gonna Camp next to the ticino river gonna find a spot right now somewhere  in the forest there, what an awesome day all right so I just woke up maybe an hour ago had  some breakfast some coffee and yeah it's kind of   cool you know waking up without any clock I  still don't know what time it is you know I   have no appointments or anything so I just wake  up when I wake up I get going when I get going um I feel like I had enough sleep and yeah  so it's probably been like 24 hours without   a phone now and yeah I can't say that it's that  big of a challenge I mean I'm really enjoying   myself here yeah but the the one thing I guess is  the music you know uh yesterday I'm just cycling   for hours and hours and there's always like  a little nagging feeling thought and in the   back of my head where it's like you know "some  music with my headphones my ear would be cool   right now even some podcasts or something maybe" I  love music and I think I gotta learn that you know   every moment has its amazing quality so if there's  music playing in a certain moment then it's   great I can enjoy that absolutely enjoy that music  but if there's no music at another time then also I   gotta learn to just appreciate those moments also  you know especially if it's for a long time like I   I don't want to Crave things. I'm really happy to  be learning to be more sensible to all kinds of   sounds that I don't choose to play in my ears you  know like the birds singing right now, the cars going   on the highway, the river flowing the trains to choochooing  When I go to through cities you know people talking   machines humming all of that stuff's  just sounds you know and I'm really   grateful to be able to hear sounds so  whether it's music or anything else   so that was my morning talk hope you  enjoyed and now I'm gonna hit the road So right now I'm here at the train station in airolo. to get across the Alps um at this time of year in April you basically  have to get through a tunnel through the mountains   and so yeah I'm just going to take the train for  One Stop, the train goes through the mountain through   a tunnel and then I'll continue by bike there  It was also no problem getting a ticket without   a phone you know there's ticket machines yeah so  here I'll show you what I'm having for lunch it's   um these crusty Little Bread pieces with an  olive pasta sauce tastes just like a little   pizza a little olive pizza and cold  and kind of crusty but it tastes great Well I just rode on the train and came out the other side and it's actually  sunny on the other side whereas on the other   one was totally cloudy like not a single  bit of blue sky and now it's downhill also actually this train has also  brought me from the Italian part of Switzerland to the german part of switzerland all the leaves you see in this  Frame of the video are edible so that's a lot of greenery there good stuff and even over there from the  trees there's some Hazel leaves that I   can eat there's a linden tree leaves those are  actually pretty good Maple Leaves over there   a lot of food all around here this is the valley that I came down from up  there from the train station and it continues   towards the North to the flatter parts of  Switzerland and I'm going up into a side   Valley of this big Valley I don't know  if that's the geologically correct term   but yeah and for the record I was expecting  this whole trip to be slightly rainy weather   and haven't had rain so far it's sunny now  and people on the train told me that it's   just going to be cloudy without rain tomorrow  so yeah the world is really kind to me right now That was quite the rough uphill with the bike really  steep. now I've repacked all my stuff that I need  

for tonight into my backpack here. the hike  starts right now wow that looks beautiful there's still a bunch of houses  around. I want to get somewhere up there so as all things do today's adventure has come  to an end. the trail would go across the bridge   right there for some reason the bridge which  is kind of just a ladder they put it over   there so there's no Bridge anymore and there's  still a little bit of snow and over there too   but you can also see how the snow is  melting rapidly it's been really warm today   so of course you could try to walk across the snow  get to the other side and then up there but yeah   like I said it's melting at the moment and it will  probably support me but I'm alone right now and if I fall on that River I'm dead you know  it's just if I fall in that's it so yeah even   if it's just a very slight slight slight slight  chance that I'll fall in uh just not gonna do it   and find somewhere else to camp around  here it's not like I'm in a bad spot   here yeah I'm not sad or anything that  I can't continue it's just how things   are you know. got amazing views right  here so what more could I ask All he rocks facing this side are actually still  warm. Sun must have been so intense today Well not lookin too shabby here eh? couldn't ask for a better  spot , the waterfalls over here Thank you thank you for this place Really be grateful to be here I'm gonna have myself in a nice dinner with a view and after today I'll probably sleep real well I've just been sitting here looking  outside for a while so nice and now   I'm gonna have some oatmeal for breakfast. well I just did some morning exploring

I thought I had to pack a lot of books   and I did but I guess when I'm traveling  with my bike and Hiking all day you know   and I'm totally tired from all the activity  in the evenings I can maybe read a few pages   and then I'm just too tired I mean actually  I'm reading and writing more in the mornings   uh uh because then I'm not that  tired and you know I don't have   a schedule or anything so I just take my  morning slow and now I'll get on my way see what the day has to offer  see how the snow is melting at   the moment and all the grass is still very flat so   it just melted away and you can see here there's  some tunnels for what I think it's from mice   maybe if someone knows better you can correct  me but... look at that cave up there it's huge on there's another cave I've just done a little bit of grocery shopping  and now I'm enjoying this insane biking trail I actually know this area a little bit  I've been hiking here one year ago and trying to find the same camping spot me  and my friend Riley camped at last year yeah just incredible here and here we have got some Linden Leaves I really like those because they don't  taste like much like they're not bitter   so you can really eat a bunch of them  and they almost have some like filling   qualities you know some free snacks out  here some of them are really big leaves yeah thank you trees! now  look at this, I found the spot feel like I've already done so much today and  seen so much and the sun is still so high up   the day just keeps going and going. yeah I  must have had breakfast around seven then  or something. yeah it's nice just sleeping for  as much as the body needs I mean human have lived  for thousands of years without alarm clocks. all right my GoPro is charging in the Sun um I made myself a cup of coffee because  I didn't have one today in the morning real cold. I just had to jump in and it's  also kind of the middle of the trip  

so very good time to you know wash myself a  little bit if you can call it that. I think now I'll   enjoy this evening even more I even bought  myself a beer which still feels really cold  

2022-10-15 21:43

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